Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • 541 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 11 GROVER SELLERS ATIORNI” GcNm*L ..I’ Yew lothr reciter ‘Artlcio 4442B, Actr of turn, kaovn 88 ‘Cwv~loacan a~ r0llw8a s1 .n lr lld r&o -1s the tern, vha w8uld MI& lnrefrr as th Article 4442B ad lm Venan’r Annet8t.d Pervl Cede l 8 Article 7OlB, ukor it unlnvful to erwblish, lpanto lr rlntrln a 542 ,:;i Hoaonble Osorgs Y. Cu, pago 2 P ornvslssc.nt hro. La Texas vithout firnt having lbklnsd fru the State Dspartmsnt of Aibllo liealtha llaenso for such piarp.80, (SW. 1.) s.ct1.n 2 .r the Act d.f'in... c.nval.8o.nt &Is. so 4 plso. or .~t..bllahmentvh.r. thr.. .F mars penol~,‘.r .ld sg. l8rl8t~ncs reoiplents s~1 heu8.d for hire or preflt, and except8 hotels, h.~pikls, Inns or tourlJt camps. Ssatlsa 3 18 the pra.lty pr.vlr1.n .t th. Act. t5eotl.n4 pr.vld.8,f.r tb. lIc.nr- bg *S such h.ms by the Stats Depmtmoat .f Publia Bulth wad pr.rld.8 for s llaenslng fee lf )l,OO to be chsrged md colleated by the dqmrtmsnt 2.r saah llaease se issued br it, rnd prsrlder furthor that the i..s c.1l.ct.d “shall b. dop0sit.d in th. Skt. Tn.suq t. th. olrdlt et th. O.a.ral Fuad," Seatlen 5 lf th. Act 18 &I r6ihf8: sS.o. 5. !cb.9t.t. Do p sr tment lr Publi. E..lth shll uke . prspsr lnvostlgati@a asnosmlng sash rp- pllcrtlon-ior llaoar. horeund.r, md rtmll deny . llc.nse to an7 lppllornt vh.n luah lave8tlgstl.n se varrbnts. 8aid D.p.rtm.nt Is furthsr sutharisod snd npwersd to roroke my license lrsusd hereunder at sny tfao, sitar lassmnsble n.tla. 8136hwring, up.n satlriaotor~ prod lf the .rIst.nc* .I uassalt.~ snd/.r unvholesae oondltlons in rueh eonval.seont hue so licenacrd.’ S.at1.n 6 of th. Aut ir ss tollowr~ “sec. 6. Such c.av.l.roont hailer ails11b. .p.n rt 011 resronrrbl.t1a.r t. Lnnrpwtlon br the 9t.t. Department of Publla Health, and each ham. sbsll be ln- 8p.at.d br raid Ik~rtmant st lu8t UK. lvsr~ thrso (3) months. Said Lhpsrtment oh.11 wk. snd ill. vlth th. Gsvsmor .f this Stat. during th. month .f January of each yew an mnnusl npert ooncemlng tho condition Of JWh h0m.J.” You tlrnt desire t. lcnov ‘Hw ID the ten ‘p.ns1.n’ to b. 8 plied in detcrmlnlng vho vould snd vhe vruld net come vlth- in ii8 Bsbnlng, in~JfJr Js thle Act 18 aoncsraedTm A pensian h.. been d.fla.d .s Psld to sn 1ndiv;ldu.lby,a grvommeat. U8. .f th. tam p.nJlon lmportr re8p.C imp1108 s dutr uid sn l bllg.tlon upon thr State to #p.clllcall~ 543 Humrsbl. Ossrg. U. Cox, p.g. 3 csr. for suah olsssss of oltltsnr~, (Cnlghtea v. Pops Csuatz, 1x11.) 50 I. X. (26) 984. It IS sur splalm thst th ponsisns aa used in the Aot 8e.m a regular gsvonn:n tultr psld to sn ladiridusl as dlstlaguMmd frsm sa .s made bg sa ladiridtul, such So a nl8tfvs to msthsr'nlativs. In rour ssosnd qusstlsn, )‘SUdssln to 16rw “In just vht pssitisn Is this (With) bspsrtmnt plwsd~ la orrryiag rut thts grovls1.a slaa. funds var. not m8.d.svsllsble and sui- rlslsnt pwssaasl lseklag vlthia the Depsrtmsat?" The vritor of this lplnlsn h.8 ahoaked lp repairtlsas to the Stste De rtmnt of Publl. 371, at peg. 860, Acts of the P9th’ (1945) L.glslatur. able to find say spproprlstlsn 8p.olfi~ll~ provldlag funds for iaqmotlua of 'usnvslsscsnt hems*. IIovsvsr, there IS as qusstlsn but tlut the Legislatws lunt fo r pur dspsrtment to safsrcs Article 4442B.uxd vo bellsve the svsr-.ll sppreprlatloas to pur d.prrk.nt .r. rsant to b. used la psrt ?.P it8 .nf.ror.nt. Host Ststs deprtmeats hsvs duties for vhlch the Leglslrtur. doss not make spsaifle rpprepristfons in svory lastrac.,sad this ap- tsars its be just such sa lastsacs. You vi11 nsto ?ru s reading of the appropriation bill that there IJ no 8 for la8poction of rsllroad ears and privis8 dam aurssries (Artlcls 4442A), nor for duties prsv1d.d SOP ln the Ssnltary thslsss, vs promu&@ thers dutlea am being carried out by the Bosrd .t Xsalth or by 8~0.~6 duly authorized br the Board. Yo direct Tour attentlen to the rlntsnanco and rlscel- laarous opprsprlatlen fsatuP.8 of the appreprlstion rot (page 863) vh.Pe 1t.m 97 sppreprl&.s $47,000.00 snnuall~ I.? 'trrvsllng @xpsasss, sntln depsrt8snt.’ A~JS item 100 appropriator annuslly for 'prlntlng and binding’ the sum of $5,000.00& and item 102 approprlattesannually tbs 8um of $7,500.00 for SftfC. SU``1i.S mad squlpleat, tol.ph.M, t?lOgP.ph, fPOight, -Pkg., 6XpP.88, bu nnt and cuitlagsncis8. A rsadlag of tbs apprsprlatlsn act Vi11 diSClO8O it.88 Of DiMflaP UhaloatSP. Insofar as syP problem prtalnfm to l&ok of 8ufflclsnt on to APti rssnael is ceacomo il vs call your sttsntIf 4420 al- I@ wing lns~otlens by %a, per8.n duly rutbsrlssd”b~ the St.ts Bupd of Health and S180 to Ssotloa 2, Subdlvl8i.n 14 Of the sp- pP.prlat1.n bill r.adLng a8 fO11OVSt 544 ‘. . H.n.rrbl. Oesrg. Y. Csx, p.g. 4 I Us sala- tar vh1.h la lpproprhtlsa is u&i lL;u~ shall b. #id to anr D.N.. ml1688 such psnw actually dlsaha&gss lsslgnsd duties:; It would seu thw, in ri.v of the i.nq.ily, that the Dw4* t should au6 sueh fu&s as b?s lvc)ilabls and rueh psr- ~umol s mar b. lv.llabl., 8s .bws p.intM out, to snfsrae Art;.16 4442X! lassfrr .s prretl.abls. Bsrmd this the kpnrt- wnt Is pot mqulnd to go sines tbo law EWW? mqulns aa la- p.sslblllt~; it .nlr nqulr.. the .X.P.lJ. .i dw``ear. in dis- ohrrglng official duties to th. sxt.nt si the pwsumsl, fads and mm&a8supplied. reuPe vary truly ATTORNBYalUtIUL W TX&U BY - Rvld Yutch Assistsat Y6edP.v sdvards Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6919

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017