Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY \ GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN Eonorablo S, T . Orehan County Attorney Camsron Count Brownrrillr, 4 *xa8 opinioa lb, o-Wlb Ret Whothr Ws hrl tmi~ a r ett Dear Sir; d whioh is quoted bmlowr sldaats of tkis lottar, 1 ho County r0r rs&atra- he brand was on the loft side, tb the brculd, der- that DO 8poiri0 portion gnat.4 upon w&ioh to plaor than Qha lert aid**, thr County A* end adrisod hilpthat he ehould ~polfir portlon of tbr animl upon mark or brand should bs plaoed. w Two day8 latbr, ‘B’ filch an a~pllontlon with the County Clerk tar rmgbtration or a brand and oarmark8, the brand bein an ‘0’ to be plaoed on 516 Honorable F, T. Graham t Pu 'the left hip bone', "The iolloviing day th, county Clsrk reoalrsd,,,’ a reply ima hi8 letter to .*A#, in whioh rrply,:’ ‘A’ d8rigaatod ‘th8 lert hip' of the animal a8 the partion OS the laipralupon whioh to plago the brand. ‘*Elm UOUnty Clark reoordad tb brrad bt ‘A’, snd has so far withheld irsr rr&tratloa ths lpplioation of tBc for registrationor hir brand, and he haa raicrred t&s nmttmr to PO for adtioo as to whether Q? not ha rhould rroord 'B*8' brand. "I hare beiorr D, Opinion No, O-1114 written by the Oifioo or the Attorn8y Oonoral and qi- prorod under data ot No~smbsr tit, 1939, during th0 takiura 0f orrio 0r Oenld 0. ykon. *I bar8 read the various ltatutes relative to rrglstratfon of brands on livs8toak, and while It is alear iron thr 8tatuts8 and thr dsai8lonr oonstruing the otatuts8 that the County Clark rhall not rroord and register two identiaal brands, and while it is al8o olear that the 8am8 markings or oharaotora oonetituting brands, my b8 aotually separate brands whsn or if located on difr8r8nt parts 0r 8n anipral,I hav8 not boon able to rind a deotslon whioh definitely would srttlo the ques- tion prosentsd to the County Olark,. I am 0r the opinion that en ‘0’ to bo ~18088 upon 'the left hip' ot the animal i8 the rams brand a8 8n '0' to bs plaerd on 'the loft hip bon.‘; la othsr word8, It appears to mm that the left hip and the left hip bcme, ior branding purposes, should and probably would k by the Court8 oonatrued to be th0 8a~e papt 0r M 8atd. *B*, huwerqr, in- siet8 that among oattlr brooders and rai88rs that ror branding purposes, the left hip bone i8 aa sntirely reparata and di#tinot portion of the ~imdl mmthe i8rt hip. i. ^’ , 517 Honorable y. T, Graham - Page 3 “Both 'A* and *B* appear to have been using ' the brands that tlmy We now 888ki~ to rog#ter ror a number 0r years, and riaoe *B* is 803a- rletsnt that the left hip bone Is l sep a r a k e and diotinot portioa oi the animal for branding pi%'- pO808 iromtho 18rt hip, aad rinoe I hsvi Rot k8n able to looate my deoi8ionr or OJh&3~8 rr0a your dspartmnt that 688m to l#wer thir queatlon, 1 wo uld lppmoiate yooUradrios in the auttor.* The pertinent and oontmlliag MrtB' or the oiril 8tatUtBB relative t0 yOUZ inqUi?y Rr* 8.t OUt bOlOW1 *Arti la90. Wary person who has rattle, .. . . Shall hav8 an ear mark and a bran& differ- ing ‘rrom the oar aark u&d brand oi hi8 nei~bors, whlah oar mark and brand shall b8 rsoordod by the ocunty olark Of t& OoUnty wha8 8UOh UltlPa18 BhflL~b8~r." (AOtB 18h& p.:l66) *Arti 6899 . . . . , Any person may rroord Such brand aad ot nmrk 48 kM rPa;r dosin tQ WO provided no oti! Q parson has rsoord8d swh brand and/or mark , .. .* (AOtB 1943, 4th Lag., p. 471, Ch.~ 315) fn addition to above, Artidle the 14d3b or the Penal Code 0r Toxar plaoos a rho upon 8 County Olrrk who reaords a brand when the person having same rooordod iail# to de- signate the part of tJD animal upon whioh the 8ame is to bs plaood. The fOrmU Opinion Uf thi8 Wpartmat NO. O-1114, tiJahlo& you rarer, holds that it ir pMSibl8 ror two ~8~8OIl8to hats the S~JW ii&We 88 l brand, but only if th8y plae8 the brand at a di#tinOtly dirrerent pl4oe on the anlmal*s body. .84 ue uot oonoune6 h&e wlth the p4iiB~.iB&O8iy 0r l 00~.but rathu with e bw do~ignob to provide l prao- rioaL and ordsrlf wan8 0r ldeatiriaation Of #tOOk r0r oattleaes. It is our bellaf that tb County Clerk to 18&d- ly juatlfledin wLthho1Uag rma r*str8tCics aad r4ruhg to m&later a bran6 rhioh, mdor the oim&si8tarro~r rtotrd, i8 ?Bf&UO~t+d t0 b i&O*& iS l UfIh proltiortty to thr poBiti2Xl of anothu lden0ioa P r#~i#t8~8d brew3 that it h OuniWin& and d$ilmts Wm very ~uiyos4 of Lb law. Siam tha aueWr Or p0OsibiO OO~iMtijnB 6t 87d018, 18ttB~B and f-ZOO rhiooh may b4 adopt& u l Wn4ad uy virtutily farxhutibl*, It wsuld a9 u that IW &rO*i9 will b4 worked b# t&a C1Uri'B aot A8bualag tknt tlm Qlak has 1egalLr rp:eroo 8 .. ~?F;~WWL~;~;O;-%&E p44d On 'the 18rt hip*, jUStiriS 18 miMiit t@ rO$iBtBr that idontioal Orad tar "thr l8rt hi9 bma.‘.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6913

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017