Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mnorrblr E8oo :!altrr Di8tXiOt AttOn8y 104th Judlolal DirtrIot. Ibileno, mrar per Sirs opinion HO. O-6745 Rot Thether an operator of any kind of wrohoarr, pub110 or Your Opin10~ request or r8oent 88 r0u0r8: Issued by a pub110 rarehou8smn.~ 'Nothing In thlr oonatrued to rpply to prlvete rarehoueer or to the lrrsw of reoeIpt8 by their owner8 or mneger8 under lxIrtIng lams, or to prohlblt pub116 marobou8emn from 188ulng 8uoh reoelptn 88 are nou Ir8ued by prlrete rerehouse!vm under lxl8ting lar8. Suob private warehouse reaeipt8 iroued by publio wrrebousenmn rhrll never Be writton on I form or bled indiasting that It 18 lamed from a publio werehound, but rhell, on the oontrary, be8r on its faoe, la large charao tore, the worda, 'not l pub- 1Io werehou88 reoeIpt".* FionOr8bltiES00 !','81ter - pece 2 'In the OFSO o? Klmbmll ldllltn~Ooq~prny ~8. oretine,170 SW (Zd) rt page 191, ths SUpl’OIUti Court, throw3 Ohlr? Jurtios JOmOB P. AleUndor, hrld In port 88 r0ii0wt “‘It iti rpprrent, we think, that it W88 the in- tation O? thtiLS&i81@tlU8 to marsly prohibit tb I88urnoW o? 8 pub110 Worehouse reoelpt unless end until the proTI8ion8 o? the rtetuto hrre been oomplled with, rnd that the StatUb was not intendad to pro- hibit the oporrtlon OS 8 prlrrte Warehouse ruoh es ~88 operated by Booths MI11 end ElrTotor Oompony, Ino. The oontroot, theroforr, Was not Toid.) “The sU88tiOll 1 OIIl intOreSted in haTill& 8Mwertid by your department iti With reierenoe to .the question a? whether on operetor o? my kind of W8rahouse, pub- 110 or prlrate, TIolate8 my orlminel low o? this State I? ha negleotr to glre the bond reierred to in Article 5609 O? the ?eTiSOd CiVil StatUteS.* In answer to your luestion we 8re hrrewith enolosing l d8liTerad oopy of Opinnion??o. O-1645, by the Attorney Oenerlll O? TWXati on November t9, 1959, uhloh holds, Inter 0110, (IS iol- 1OW83 ** * +?Ie odrlrr thrt the rtrtutory low pro- ~14sr no penalty llthWr In the form o? 8 ?Ine or iarprlronmentfor irlluro to rile the bon4 oelled Sor ln Artloler 5661 and 5569, rupro, on the part of my portion,firm, or oorporrtlon, engaged In thtibUtiin~88 O? 8 p~b~I``Warehou8eman and Of Storing property for hire. A 08rOrul serroh o? the r tr tuterln8otsd slnoe the 4ste o? raid next-abOTa rmntlonod opinion ho8 OonTinoed US that the hereinabo+e quoted haldine op. the qwtition of rlolo- tiOn8 of the orlmIna1 low by pub110 warehou8enwn who fell to . - B~ortible -00 violtar - pa@ S file 8814 bonds iti 8180 OorWOt lt this tiW, whether in rerpeot to 8 pub110 o r l prI+rti rerehouoemsn. yours very truly -a Robert L. Lattlmo~i Jr-, 1 Aa8I8tont COMMn-rLK

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6743

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017