_,.. i”‘;.., $& ,; ., - : \ 0*..:...;..:/ \ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS ATTOINLYGLNCRAL Eqaorrblr Purt Ouian Oowty Attoruy El ?a80 uowty El raao, mur us h4ro roo8i*r ooaorrrlrrg the r nSt!lO o fd lr r r r eiy 80id 0loar oporat - lag ug4.r the pro71 rired Oivllmat- utrr of TIx88, tar valoror tusr. t to tmtloa for the proolrloar of m lrrooldloa do- -11, lm tbr eitr tad, ruder itr 0 ths tu &88#88or ld la the iollorimg f ita offlo* fur8ltura b) vduo ot all Ohs to rhloh rwh ~80. ) ths trltu of It8 a8- of an uou8t roprosemt- ooountr payable ~4 sush lrosl~tioaj ( 8) book ral 0r the ah4r.l orrtruadi8g and tbs .8#3iLd v,clueo? tb fur ~itweld :f.xtue,s aad roe1 rat&to hold by rwh la 80- ola4lon ud ratiorod br it far tU8tlOL (aphwir oury) You propovad ths follorl~ quortlo~rr Ionorablr Rrwrt Quinn, pagr 2 ‘A. AN the #tOSk#, or 8@vlUS ld in- VOStmat -0 mOOmt8 &S th@y U@ Oatid, tamblot %. on llha b4818 should tha bat;=-- that 18, hov should the ralw of t ia bo dotomlaodT* rhioh for th8 PUPpOW O? th18 OpiaiQlr We VOUpSd tOg8th.P. Under the o lalom of thl8 dopartmoot lo, O-3834, &pprored Augud 18 15 41, a oop~ of vhlsh la &aohed hero- to, it 18 hold thr& the r~rl~r l04 lnw8tuat 8hW0 M-, oountr &re taxable for 8tato @ad aou8tJ bd rtiorem t-8 ia the hands of the OVPOC, rhloh o p inio n laalefa Jour QUOS- tion QW. glwo under the porlrly of Artlole 856, Re- via.6 01~11 8tatUt;Se;: ToxaaC 19 5, kid 8hU.S Shdl be domed JWSOti W D tho rtiu8tiOn of 8ueh -08 vould be govrraod b tbuL&~irlonr of ahrpter 6 Tltlo 122, Ret1r.d Clrll ktrr of %x88, 1925, &ad ;u,tloulu- ly Artlolo 7174, rhloh lr la p a r t l8 follorrr “Per aon property of every da#or lpt loa &all be rAlued at its true ud full +blue 18 DCOU.g rour third quortloa 18 am fO11OV8, ‘0. Uhat part ot the resortos, if any, Of the ASSOOi~tiOa i.8 t-b10 8gain8t t& AS- SOCi~tiO~ &I 8Wht In aOnRcrotl0~with thl8 QUeS- t ion, :t bk.3~88it~t.8 COUStFUetl= Of th. UbW lng of (0) or Art. 881r-55, madly %a value Of it8 aSrOt th.POia ia UOOSS Of . .. (2) tb book ttiuS Of the rhrO# OUt Stltdlly. I0 Thlr bera fully lnmN%I by aa 0 ln- quertlcur has :06”~ao;t$;sd:g”““, fo. O-5526, lpprorod Juao 7 1941, lr lttaohod horoto, rhloh bflaor tie Boaa- lng ot the tom “book v8luo' 8ad dl#tl~8h.# betroaa ths ‘book value’ aad “vlthdrrval value,” vhlrh latter 18 de- Slwd by &tiCt 881a-47, aStired Civil (it&tub8 Of T@-8, 1925. - Ionorablr Pnort Oulna, pago 3 The taxer rhauld b o l88e8ud in rooordaaoo rlth the foraula hid born la Artlolo
88l.e53, supra, and if ths #~rpl~S~# rhloh you rOZ@r 80 1~ your letter 90 Sat up on th8 book8 Of t&S b#SOOi~tiOa a8 t of tha book mluo of the -08, ruoh 8UF~1U8.8 l 8USt r l utomBtiO~lly doduoted umber 8ubwotloa (2) of 8ub8rotloa (8) of the utlolo whloh raqulr.8 tho,dmduotloa OS thr ‘book ~81~. of the rhrr.8 y-~--s, t& St~tUt. boiag phia Wd UiMSbigUOUS iP it8 . Very truly youm ATTORRRf 6RRRUL OF TIXA8 ----I liSSi#tMt CIRrdb
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6804
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017