Hon. T. M. Trimble, F+St Assistant State Superintendent of Public Instruction Austin, Texas Opinion No. O-6797 Ae: Requirements under the provisions of Section 1 of Article I of Senate Bill 167, Acts 49th Legislature, with reference to school districts' eligibility for Equalization Aid. Dear Sir: We are in receipt of your letter of recent date requesting the opinion of this department on the above stated matter. Your department has also furnished us a letter ad- dressed to Dr. L. A. Woods from Mr. R. S. Bolter, County Super- intendent of Smith County, Texas, wherein many questions are raised with reference to the subject of your inquiry. We quote from your letter as follows: "The teacher in a one-teacher school has never been considered as an administra- tor. The Rural Aid Bill, under which we are now operating, allows such a teacher $5 per month in addition to her schedule salary for performing such minor administrative duties necessary to the conduct of the school in which she is teaching. The legal administra- tor of such a school is the county superin- tendent. It is necessary for many of the teachers in one and two-teacher schools to drive the school bus as there is no one else available. "Is it possible, under the present Equalization Law, for the board of trustees and the county superintendent to pay the Hon. T. M. Trimble - page 2 head teacher of a common school district for service which she is rendering as a bus driver? As a general provision with reference to the county transportation system, we call your attention to the fOllOWbIg provisions contained in Article V of Senate Bill 167, Acts 49th Legislature: "The County Superintendent and County School Boards of the several counties of this state subiect to the approval of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, are hereby authorized to annually set up the most economical system of transportation poss- ible for the purpose of transporting both grade and high school pupils from their districts,and with- rn the~r"distrftits;-The Y!odnty Shal%:be regarded as the unit a.ird.~ tie warrant mad&'-paPable--tothe County Boai?dd,Transporte~&dn Fund,,‘ok>th$t&al transporta- tion earned within the county not to exceed the total approved cost thereof; . O . "County Boards of Trustees are hereby authorized to employ bus drivers for one year, and the salary of no bus driver may be paid out of the County Board Transportation Fund created herein unless such bus driver is so employed. Provided, further, that only pupils or persons directly connected with the school system shall be transported on school buses while in the process of transporting pupils to and from the school, and any bus driver vio- lating the foregoing provisions shall forfeit his contract and shall be immediately dis- charged by the County Board of Trustees. . . .' Article I of Senate Bill 167, sets forth certain specif$c requirements with which a school district must Comply in order for such district to be eligible for Equalization Aid. We call your attention particularly to the following provi- sions contained in Section 1 of Article I of said Act: "No school district will be eligible for any type of aid, except tuition aid, under the provisions of this Act, which pays any Hon. T. M. Trlmble - page 3 salary above those specified in this Af;,dsfrom any State, local or Federal used to supplement salaries of Vocational Agricultural, Home Eoono- mics and Trade & Industries teachers, and funds from the Federal Lanham Act. "Provided that the salaries of atheletic directors, band directors or lunch room supervisors may be supplemented, from funds derived from sources other than taxes, without making the school ineligi- ble under this section; and provided further that teachers who also serve as bus drivers, but who perform no administrative duties, may be paid an additional salary as bus drivers out of any funds of the district derived from a local maintenance tax in excess of the local maintenance tax of Fifty Cents (50k on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.001 valuation required to be levied by Sec. 2 of Article 1 hereof; provided further, that the additional salary paid for serving as bus driver shall conform to the salary scale paid other bus drivers of the district, and an itemized list of all such supplements shall be furnished the State Department of Edu- cation and the Legislative Accountant with the general budget of the district." Under the foregoing provisions, when a district pays any salary above those specified in the Act from any state, local or ~Federal funds whatsoever, such district will not be eligible for any kind of aid (except high school tuition aid) except:~ (1) Where salaries of Vocational, Agriculture, Home Economics, and Trade In- dustries teachers are supplemented from Federal funds, and (2) Where salaries are supplemented from funds derived from the Federal Lanham Act; (3) Where salaries of athletic directors, .- . Hon. T. M. Tritnble- page 4 band directors, or lunch room supervisors are supplemented from funds derived from sources other than taxes; i4) where teachers who perform no admin- istrative duties are paid an additional salary as bus drivers out of the funds of the distri'ct derived from a local maintenance tax In excess of the local maintenance tax of the required Fifty Cents (50k) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation. Under the above quoted provisions, we note that a dis- trict Is not rendered ineligible for Equalization Aid by reason of paying salaries above those specified in the Act when a teacher who performs no administrative duties is paid an addi- tional salary for services as a bus driver out of the designated local funds. Itiis further provided that the additional salary which is authorized to be paid to a teacher out of the specified local funds of the district, must conform to the salary simi- larly paid other bus drivers of the district. In this con- nection, we note that Article V of Senate Bill
167, supra, makes general provisions for setting up a County Transportation System and for the payment of the bus drivers out of the County Board Transportation Fund. We note, however, that where a school teacher who performs no administrative duties is a bus driver, Article I of the Act authorizes the payment of the additional salary of said teacher for services as a bus driver out of "funds of the District derived from local maintenance taxes in excess of the Fifty Cents (5Of!) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation." We call your attention to the following language con- tained in 39 Tex.Jur. "Statutes", Sec. 101, p. 191: "Where one section of an act prescribes a general rule which, without qualification, would embrace an entire class of subjects, and another section prescribes a different rule for individual subjects of the same class, the latter will be construed as an exception to the general rule." It is stated in 39 Tex.Jur. "Statutes" Section 114, p. 213: "When a statute makes a general provision ap- parently to all cases and a special provision for a particular case or class, the former yields and the latter prevails insofar as the particular case or class is concerned," .-. Hon. T. M. Trimble - page 5 Moreover, it is stated in 39 Tex.Jur. "Statutes" Section 100, pp.l8g-lgo: "A provision limiting a thing to be done in a particular form or manner implies that it shall not be done'otherwise . .~. when a right or power is granted and the method of its exercise is prescribed, the prescribed method excludes all others." In view of the foregoing, it is apparent that the pro- visions of Article I, with reference to the method of payment of the additional salary of a teacher who performs no adminis- trative duties and serves as a bus driver, constitutes an ex- ception to the general provisions of Article V, with reference to the general method of payment of bus drivers, and therefore prevails as the authorized method of payment of a teacher for services as a bus driver. In view of the foreg~oing,you are ad- vised that a teacher in a district otherwise eligible for Equalization Aid, who serves as,a bus driver, cannot be paid an additional salary for such services from the County Board Transportation Fund, for the payment of such teacher for such services is governed by that portion of Article I which provides for such payment "out of any funds of the District derived from a local maintenance tax in excess of the local maintenance tax of Fifty Cents (50k) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valua- tion." In order to answer your question as to whether a common school district's eligibility for rural aid is affected by paying the head teacher thereof an additional salary for driving a school bus, it is necessary to determine what is meant by the performance of "administrative duties" within the contemplation of this Act. In construing a statutory word or phrase, it is proper to take into consideration the meanin of the same or similar language used elsewhere in the Act 739 Tex. Jur. "Statutes“, Sec. 108, p.,201). With further refer- ence to this matter, it is stated in 39 Tex. Jur. "Statutes" sec. 104, p. 196-197: "In every case the particular meaning depends upon, and must be determined by, the context and subject matter and the evident intention of the Legislature." We call your attention to the following provisions con- tained in Section 1 of Article I of the Act: Hon. T. M. Trimble - page 6 "No school district will be eligible for any type of aid, except tuition aid, under the provisions of this Act, which pays eny salary above those specified In this Act from any state, local or Federal funds whatsoever . . ~provided . . . that teachers who also serve as hus drivers, but who perform no administrative duties, may be paid an additional salary as bus d~riversout of any funds of the district derived from a local maln- tenance tax in excess of the local maintenance tax Fifty Cents (5Ob) on the One Hundred Dollars 3 100.00) valuation required to be levied by Sec- tion 2 of Article I hereof; provided further, that the additional salary paid for serving as bus driver shall conform to the salary scale paid other bus drivers of the district, and an itemized list of all such supplements shall be furnished the State Department of Education and the Legislative Accountant with the general budget of the dis- trict." (Underscoring ours .) Also, we call your attention to the following language contained in Section 2 of Article III of the above mentioned act: "Salary Schedule and Length of Term. The base nay for class room teachers in unaccredited schools shall be One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars (135.00) per month for eight (8) months. The base pay for class room teachers in accredited schools shall be One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars ($135.00) permonth for nine (9) months. The base pay for Home Economics teachers shall be One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars($135.00) per month for ten (10) months. The base pay for Vo- cational Agriculture teachers, and Trades and In- dustries teachers shall be One Hundred Seventeen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($117.50) per month for twelve months (12). Three Dollars ($3.00) per month shall be added for each year of colle e credit over one year not to exceed Fifty Dollars 7$15.00). One Dollar and Fifty Cepts ($1.50) per month shall be added for each year of teaching experience; pro- vided such amount added for ex erience shall not exceed Fifteen Dollars ($15.00P per month. Hon. T. M. Trimble - page 7 "Administrative Salaries. Additional allowances for teachers serving as principals In unaccredited schools shall~be Five Dollars ($5.00) per month per teacher but in no Instance -to exceed Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month. "Allowances for high school principals in ac- credited schools shall be Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per month in schools with nine (9) to eleven (11) teachers; twelve 12)twelve to nineteen (19) teachers Thirty Dollars $30.00); twenty (20) to twenty-nine 129) teachers Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) per month; thirty (3Oj or more teachers, Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month. Sala- ries for high school principals In accredited schools shall be paid for ten (10 months. Superintendents in schools having five (5 teachers shall receive an additional allowance of Forty-five'Dollars ($45.00) per month; six (6) to seven (7) teachers, Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per month; eight (8) to eleven (11) teachers, Fifty-five Dollars ($55.00) per month; twelve (12) to nineteen teachers Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per month; twenty (201 to twent -nine (29) teachers, Ninety-five Dollars ($95.003 per month; thirty (30) or more teachers, One Hundred-five Dollars ($105.00) per month. Salaries of superintendents shall be paid for twelve (12) months. No school with less than nine (9) teachers can have both principal and superintendent. Principals of accredited elementary schools in a dis- trict which does not include a high school shall re- ceive an additional allowance of 81x Dollars ($6.00) per month per teacher,,not to exceed Fifty-four Dqllars ($54.00) per month." (Underscoring ours) In the above salary schedule we note that the first para- graph sets the base pay for class room teachers while the second paragraph of said section under the heading of 'Administrative Salaries" authorizes additional allowances for teachers serving as principals in unaccredited schools and for principals and super- intendents in accredited schools. It is manifest that the law contemplates that any teacher who would be entitled and au- thorized to receive "additional allowance" authorized under the classification, "Administrative Salaries", should be regarded as a teacher performing administrative duties. When the language contained in Section 1 of Article I with reference to a teacher "who performs no administrative duties" Is considered in context with the term "Administrative Salaries" contained in Section 2 of Article III of the Act, authorizing an additional allowance in the compensation of such teachers, it is manifest that within the contemplation of this Act the language relative to teachers Hon. T. M. Trimble - page 8 "who perform no administrative duties" referred to teachers other than those who were receiving 'Administrative Salaries" under the provisions of Section 2 of Article III. In view of the foregoing, it is our opinion that when a district pays a teacher, who receives "additional allowance" as an "administrative salary" (and within the contemplation of the Act performs administrative duties), an additional salary for services as a bus driver, the payment of such additional salary would not be in compliance with the terms of the exception that authorizes a district to pay additional salary to a teacher "who performs 1112administrative duties" without lmpalring such dis- trict's eligibility for Equalization Aid. In connection with the construction of exceptions or 'jprovisos",we call your attention to the follow$ng language con- tained in 39 Tex. Jur. "Statutes", Sec.101, p. 191: "The fact that an Act contains one or more exceptions discloses an intention on the part of the Legislature that there should be no other exceptions and that the Act should apply in all cases not excepted. . . In construing a statute it is not ordinarily permissible to imply an ex- ception . . . or to enlarge an exception so as to include cases not within Its terms." In view of the above and foregoing, it is our opinion that under the provisions of Section 1 of Article I of the Equalization Act, a District that pays a teacher, who receives an "additional allowance" as an "Administrative Salary" (within the contemplation of the Act for the performance of adminis- trative duties), an additional salary for driving a school bus would constitute the payment of an additional salary not au- thorized by the terms of any exception or proviso in the Act and, therefore, such payment would render the district ineli- gible for any type of Equalization Aid except tuition aid. You are therefore advised that a common school district that pays an additional salary for services as a bus driver to a. head teacher or principal who Is entitled to or receives any "additional allowance" In any amount, as an administrative salary as provided in Section 2 of Article III, would be in- eligible to receive any type of aid, except tuition aid. As pointed out, however, In a previous portion of this opinion, a school district may pay additional salary to a teacher, -- .. - Hon. T. M. Trimble - Page 9 who performs no administrative duties, for services as a bus driver out of funds of the district derived fr,omlocal main- tenance tax in excess of the required Fifty Cents (506) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation without affecting said district's eligibility for Equalization Aid, but in no event may a teacher be paid an additional salary for services as a bus driver from the County Board Transportation Fund. We have endeavored herein to construe the statutory provisions involved in accordance with the recognized princi- ples of statutory construction. We regret that the provisions so construed will not satisfactorily and adequately cover many contingencies and emergencies that may arise in connection with the administration of the law. Consequently, such conditions constitute problems for legislative consideration. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BY J. A. Ellis J. A. Ellis APPROVED May 16,1946 Assistant Carlos,Ashley First Assistant Attorney General JAE:djm:bt
Document Info
Docket Number: O-6797
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017