Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1945 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS Al-r‘aRNE” GCNLr(AL __ _- --- .‘. mar sirI o&lbA tSo. O-6782 g notary toa8 lm Cartiiloato or rkimi8hLng lion. 3. c. ;;earra, psGr 2 lapr'Iaoizbentin the Couty Tall for not nor+ than two(2) or a b y b o thluo hfl~a y f a er ecd bPpriatxueent. *;eo 2. . Ii w orfiorr of any 09uty or 0r My SualoipalltT auu knold454 un or knowiAgQ an-&it to ba wed for ;Irirata profit to Uaao~t thr f ebor or nnlor 3r any praoa wham Labor or lorvic8 Ia paid iOr br ruoh OOlUltJ, Lu ah411 b. pu1ah.A b flu0 0r 50t am ta5 050 zacwad 3ollarr (;l,ooo I or br iPDriSOlS.At ln tha county Jrll for not aura than two (2) ywn or by both suoh fin0 and ia pri 805laaat. 900. 3. If MY poraon rppoiotod or o.aiployod by a4 ofrioor er a4 oouatp 02 br ua c~rrppi~ab``rr court or any oounty, or by any officer or any potma 8DDOiQtOd ‘X 0 by04 by Uy a``iOi&di~, Or ~QJ ~uaon o~agod 75 prrsorubw any buaio88 or an3 oourty or by any nrmlolprllty bowvor eqloyod, ah&U knowLngly uao or krimingl~ pus&t to be und tar private &Writ to hbBMlr My DrPpfiy, 8uppue8, apulpa65t, or other t.kiq ot ra~ua bolon~in~ to lwh oounty or to aueh mnielpallty, ho aJu1.lbe punkhod by a rl.w of not more t&n ma Thouund Dollar@ (.l,OOO) or by impriaomant lo tha county Jail for not wro thrA two (2) yeera or by both 8Uoh fin0 MA iupriaolmMt . %oo. 4. IS my perman appolntod M uployrd by lny orfioer of any oouaty or bp uy otrhr of MY alal;3riitf or a4 p er solny n a gin o dur o r dng a ny builnea8 0r 00~1ty or OS My 0``10 f g8llty bOwfbr*r l3ployoA *T k Ao wl5g ua lyoa r ic o wiAg ly to porlalt b ewed iu private profit to h lumlf tn8la b oOt r aorglLa@ of y puaoa wbow labor or aervi&-+s. ~14 Ior br lwh oounty or by auah auuioipality, ho aLUll - 8b8dbr a rJs(, or 58t POPItmn cm 3maend g de us (&lOOO) or by laprlranunt ia the County Jail for 50; arm tAm two (2) yoara OX by both mob fin. and hpriaonnoot. qn other WUAS, wop11 tha offlola O? 6aputima k lfabl.a to the ltr prwldod br K. &I. Ho. 80, whrnlwh oru0i.a Y or Arputlos 04Uoot lwh roer an6 ntaLr thaw perumeUy, rhue auah 0rrsoial or Aeputlra lm p a d a a l fu ttu kair r0r thoLrlabor 8~4 H* rioor br tbr .@uY?’ 808 iioube Bill lie. 80, roforred to by you, auikaait a gOna1 0rfbrw for any 0rfi0a Of this stat0 or or any aounty to know- ingly use or gormlt to k wa, for Drlvp profit to tAmoAr, a4 PNR-tY, l uppllro, lpuipiwnt or other taZiLt; OS relw . . . bolcm&ing to euoh stat-o uao of knew- bgly parwit to bo umd the labor or oorrioo oi a41 abor or aerv’io8 IO paid for b yluoh oeu5ty. Suoh bill Ukow1m aake(I lt a pm01 offonw SW a ~raoa SD fiated o rl&0Dpbaby a5 0rri0rr or ~8Ay 8i3ua~ or 3 y trb o&aloaora* Court of any crourrty or by a nf p mr wl n ng wgbe d porrornlog any bulineaa or any Oounty )oroubW prmi9 to b0 w wwr tt,wp p lk a , to lw& oeuntr wad tlm labor or nr& of any puson rhoso labor or SerrLoo ia piA for by luoh oounty. dih oa,a a a ll to y o ur lttmtlan th ar0uo+iogp mr ir wi or Artialo 72lbb, Voroon’a Annotated CitU statuka, whirh ;a applieablo to oountlra herinq e popuhtton 01 loss ttvn ~0,000 lnhmbltdnta looordLRg to tQe lest F8Arral Conrust Vho Aaa0aaor ad Oollootor 0r Taxor, wrirf or Lihorfif85A Anae$aor MA Wlleotor or Taxor lra horoby ruthorlud and lavwor8A to adralniatrr all ocltha 5OM8nry rOr ?A8 diSOh*rp Or th@ AUtfba Oi tblr napeotivo0rfi00r andto 864ainiater all oetho mquirra for thb tranaaotloa Or tb buainoaa 0r t&ir reapbotit* orfiooa. . . .m In oorumathm rith the abovr quoted atrtuto, H point out that in Oplnian &o. b5577, lddr o o a to o dyou, this Aopartmoot h e ld It&et lflidatita roqulred u&Or U&8 aQ8oial prorlalonr of LOOtiOA 33 or th0 cortiri08t0 or Titlr Aot nubt b0 taken by a ao tarlr publio. m opinion furthr poLnt*b out that tnr Irt ka~awr4eUoeter or aaputlee of i;rayaon CounQ, lotlng oU4 in trwir ofr1rLa.A rpolttia urn no$ authorhod to take the lfridrtit ~0~pirea br sbotioa j3 of th0 cwiri00t0 Tit10 or Aot, ru tha maaaa that ttm p0rtioSr prOrlaioo* OS kie0tlOn 3) tik0 th,a lrridatit ropuitrd ttberaitr an rxoeption te fbr gelural gtiaa s~vOrnia(; lrti&atitr of tha typr OW*~A by th* lbOV0 ~UOt8d @ t& Do Ot utbb ?ti, = h h h1 . lv ``ti00 buving a pepul6tlen of leas thaiam,QQO 809 ..a.. L\. Y. -uuvec, ;*::!a 5 r"b~lfLcctt.i;rr. 91 .st3r ~4fiial48, wd xm luid affidavit 18 0r th ~Lumctbr W:&Gwild af:icar it eut:IorIz60 to te%6 and ccrtit$ t.0 Gxkr r.ke above ;uJtb& jmvialocs 3r 4tIcl6 .72&a, ouch ofitaar ou~ulrl trxa sue ccrFclf;' t5 s6;te it hir ~offIcLal~ cra;ocity ts t&f 4esa6aor-ooll4ctor or CuyGty, au&cl :.3tir, tlio cc;.r.citj' clr Ibtary irb::c. .i180, yr* ;r.blvt 3ut t3Lt it 8r.y IL6 t=.dLiL t;r; OJ~CCW~ bg eaid Wm~sYOr-00116C~1: or Lit t; it ;'.a '*.:err ,,r;rC~riL:: 3 ccrviso tbht 10 *OrfIcI61~ IL ctitdzc;, ruch ste iust 'be acco~ui.teC Yor aa a r80 Jr ufrloe. (i.u6ceo ,%iitjr ‘I. ;urrZC,:ta, 1)s hr. 297, 102 a. ,s. (2a) biQ) $.ith rrfcrbr.cb to 0ouuti~o znving e populattofi or 1088 tan 500,000, xl al-e Ul6510 t0 ibid cry ststutory 3OVi8IOr aut~rfz~; fh0 tax aescroe0r-aolleator, or hi8 Ceputs, ta obnr~e any ret r0r tsiciag o;ka ctrtirg~ to 8ffidovfto of tn6 ohareotur ution ha 10 IlUtkJTh66 fo LO;;, UCb6t t!U at096 3UOtU6 &WvieiOlU Of irtlcir 72&a. It 18 mmro4y moognlaod that ualf6ro a toe is ~xwocri~tib by atatute for "otf~nia~" 00rY1048, coao xey SO cher& a-iofifar. it la thorofom our opinioa that in e county i:c*h+: c ~ojmlatior. of Lest t!Sn 5OO,WO, t!u3 tUx ePee880r- collsator, or LIP dsguty, IO not authorized to cimrg a~ ret far taz.iiLg’ani: ar;rtLfylq -4 affidavit8 Ioci~cot ta t2s re(;lr- trctloii 0r ator vetiolss, =aeii 0~0:~ tffld6vite are or ftie c%arecter w..ior. 8aIl 0rfIcI61 IO autSori;uC :O fm6 utder t30 8bJW juotaa pirtion or A:tIola 73&s. 811

Document Info

Docket Number: O-6782

Judges: Grover Sellers

Filed Date: 7/2/1945

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017