Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                                                                         R-717
    OFFICE          OF
    PRICEDANIEL                                     .~
    September 17, 1947
    Bon. George R~.Shepperd
    Comptrolle* of Public Accounts         ^
    Austin, Texas         Opinion Ho. V-378
    Re:   Authority of Comptroller of
    Public Accounts to pay sal-
    aries     from   certain   items     in
    the "Maintenance and Miscel-
    laneous" appropriations 'made
    to the Cigarette and Occupa-
    tion Tax Division
    Dear Sir:
    Ui quote the following from your letter of Au-
    gust 6,        1947,
    peqkesting an opinion on the matter set
    out above:
    "The Fiftieth Legislature, in the
    General Appropriation Bill, appropriated
    to the Comptroller, under the heading of
    ... Maintenance and Miscellaneous, the follow-
    ing items:
    "101. Postage, Box Rent,
    Telephone, Telegraph, Freight,
    Supplies, Stationery, Printing,
    Equipment, Rents, Bond Pr&uiume,
    Court Costs, Contingent and Trav-
    "102. Enforcement of Vending
    ~Machine Tax Law, including Travels
    'Expenses, to be:psid from Vending
    Machine Tax Enforcement Fund hereby
    "103. Enforcement   of Stete
    Occupation Tax including travel
    expense, to b,epaid from funds de-
    rI.vedunder the provisions of AP-
    '/     tlcle 7047, R.C.S., hereby appro-
    priated ......... ...... 5,ooo.oo
    Hon. George Ii.Sheppard - Page 2   (Ho. v-378)
    "104. Enforcement of State
    Admission Tax Law, Including Travel
    Expenses, to te paid from admission
    tax funds derived under the provi-
    sions of Article 7047 A-19, R.C.S.,
    hereby appropriated...... 5,OOO.OO
    "Total Maintenance and Mlscellaneoua
    ........ .............. $72,500.00
    "Under the Items listed for encorcement of
    the different laws, this department has hereto-
    fore used such miscellaneous for the payment of
    "But, under sub-division f. of Section
    4;:: An&he Riders of the General Approprla-
    , I find this language:
    "'Contingent Expenses. Hone
    of the funds hereinabove appropriat-
    ed for 'contingent expenses' or
    'Maintenance and eiscellaneous~ shall
    be used for the payment of any salaries
    unless specifically authorized to be
    paid in the itemization under oontin-
    gent, maintenance and miscellaneous
    items hereinabove set out and desig-
    nated thereIn as ~aalaries~k 'extra
    help,' or 'seasonal labor.'
    kou then request our opinion as to whether, in
    view of this rider, salaries may be paid from Items 101,
    102, 103, and 104 quoted above.
    There can be no question that the Leglsleture by
    the rider above quoted intended to prohibit the payment of
    additional salaries of any kind from funds appropriated
    for "oontingent expenses" or for "maintenance and miscel-
    laneous" except in those Instances in which the particular
    item of appropriation permits such use. We were at first
    of the opinion that a specific designation as "salaries",
    "extra help," or "seasonal labor' was an essential requi-
    site to the use of such funds for these purposes; but an
    examination of the entire General Appropriation Bill has
    led us to the conoluslon that these words cannot serve as
    the sole oriterion of legislative intent for the reason
    that numerous specific appropriations have been made for
    such purpoaes in items under the heading “Maintenance and
    Hon. George H. Sheppard - Page 3 (No. v-378)
    miscellaneous" without being "designated therein as
    ~salaries~, 'extra help', oP lseasonal labor'." The fol-
    lowing are examples of clearly authorized expenditures
    which do not use the ~specific designations enumerated in
    the rider:
    Maintenance and Miscellaneous
    “17.     . . . labor and employees for the
    mansion . . .I’(Emphasis added
    -out       this opinion)
    Maintenance and Mlsoellaneous
    “43.     Accumulating eVid8nC8 (Including
    purchases, services, and expenses
    . . .) . . .
    Maintenance and Miscellaneous
    "20.      .    .    .       Seasonal Salaries . o .'
    Maintenance and PIFsoellan8ous
    “52.      . . . and to employ men other
    than regular employees when neoes-
    aary . . .
    n84.      .    .    .        .   .   .labor . . .”
    '132.      .    .    .       seasonal help . . .I'
    Maintenance and Miscellaneous
    “46.      . .       . messenger          servioe     . . .”
    In each of these cases there Fs a conflict between
    the plain wording of the 8p8CifiC itemization on the one
    hand and the provisions of the general rider on the other
    Ron. George H. Sheppard - Page 4 (Ho. v-378)
    hand. It is a fundamental rule of construction that in
    Such cases of conflict between a specific provision and
    a general one, the provision which is specific and def-
    inite shall control. Moreover any suggestion that the
    above quoted items are invalid because not stated in one
    of the exact designations of the rider would lead to a
    result clearly at variance with the usual presumptions
    against unreason and absurdity which guide in construing
    legislative enactments. Endllch on Interpretation of
    Statutes, gE 264, 265 and authorities cited therein.
    Mr. Sutherland in g 5505 of his work on Statutory Con-
    struction points out that the purposes and objects of a
    statute should be d8terminatLve of whether a strict or
    liberal construction is proper. Under this theory a
    statute "is liberally construed when the letter of the
    statute IS extended to Include matters withinthe spirit
    or purpose of the statute . . .. A good example of this
    sort of liberal and strict construction is the ancient doa-
    trine of‘the equity of the statute to the effeot that cases
    within the reason, though not within the letter of a statute
    shall be embraced by Its provisions; . . ."
    We are therefore of the opinion that the rider
    here involved should not be construed to require that the
    exact quoted designations reappear in the particular item,
    provided the particular item itself clearly shows that it
    is intended that the funds appropriated thereto may be
    used for the payment of necessary salaries.
    In choosing examples of Items, heretofore set out,
    which depart from the exact designations used in the rider
    we have Selected thO88 which so closely approximate "salar-
    ies," "seasonal labor", and "extra help" that there could
    be no difference of opinion as to the l8gl.slativeintent.
    The Items involved in your request present a more difficult
    problem. We shall now consider each item separately.
    Item 101 lists "POStag8, Box Rent, Telephone,
    'Telegraph, Freight, Supplies, Stationery, Printing, Equip-
    ment, Rents, Bond Premiums, Court Costs, Contingent and
    Traveling Expense". Eot one of the listed items, with the
    possible exception of "Contingent", embraces the idea of
    ‘~alaPi88”,   "extra help," or "seasonal labor". To allow the
    expenditure of any part of the $50,000 appropriated for these
    purpo;;sfwould violate the reason as well as the letter of
    Sec.       . Past oplnions om       Department havemoved   a
    more liberal construction of the "uses" to which 'miscellaneous"
    appropriations might be put; but in those cases there was no
    such ge.neralrider as is found in the present bill. You are
    therefore advised that no 'part of,item 101 may be used for
    the payment of salaries.
    Hon. George II. Sheppard - page ,5 (No. V-378)
    Item 102 appr,opriates$12,500 for "Euf%rcement
    of Vending Machine Tax Law, including Travel !%kpenses,to
    be paid from the Vending 5fachineTax Enforceti'ent
    Fund .r".
    The ,varlous provisIons of th 1     1 ti   t    tax on tioin
    operated machines are found ?n ``t``lk $470(:3); 7047a-2-
    70478-18. Article 7047a-9 provides, In part as follows:
    "The Comptroller of Public Accounts of
    this State Is hereby authorized, ordered and
    directed to collect, and issue lioenses or
    permits for the payment of the tax levied
    herein and to employ all the agencies of the
    law available to him for the enforcement of
    the provla,lonsof this Act. 0 . D Provided
    further, that Ten Thousand Dollars-O)
    of the funds derived under the provisions of
    this Act shall be set aside annually I
    special Tund subJect to the use of thenCzmp-
    troller and so much of said fund as may be
    necessary shall be expended for the printiug
    of applloatlons, licenses and permits and -
    for the administratlon and enforcement of the
    provisions of this Act and so much of the pro-
    ceeds of said fund shall be and the same Is
    hereby appropriated for said purposes, same,to
    be paid as needed; any unexpended portion of
    said fund so specified shall at the end of the
    biennium be uaid in mover orowortion to the
    funds to which the tax levied herein is apport-
    ioned. Provided, however, that any salaries so
    here authorized to be paid shall not exceed in
    any nartd.cuIarthe amount specified in the gen-
    eral-appropriation bill passed at the Forty-
    fourth Legislature, Regular Session, for ~the same
    or similar services."
    Undoubtedly the above statute contemplates that
    Salaries ,are to be paid out of the fund therein created.
    This artic,lecontaius the fir&appropriation and provides
    a limitation as to the amount of the salary to be paid to
    those engaged in enforcing the lew, The Fiftieth Legisla-
    ture has seen fit to appropriate the fund so allocated for
    the purpose of "Enforcement of Vending Machine Tax Law
    . . .". Webster's Rev International Dictionary, 2nd Ed.,
    gives as one of the Uieanf;ngSof "8nfoPC8uent" the "act
    , or pce;s    of enforcing . Clearly a "process of enforc-
    ing con emplates an enforcing agency, I.e. a person or
    P8PSon8 . Xe are therefore of the opinion that an lnter-
    pretation of this provision as alloving the payment of
    Hon. George II. Sheppard - Page 6   (No. v-378)
    salaries is the only interpretation which could be "within
    the reason of the statute".
    What we have heretofore said in regard to item
    102 relates to the use of the funds appropriated thereto.
    We must now considerthe amount of the appropriation lest
    we leave the lmplioatlon v       full expenditure of thls~
    item is authorized. The allocation for the "Vending Ma-
    chine Tax Enforaement Fund" as created by Article 7047a-9,
    previously quoted,~is in the amount of $10,000 "to be set
    aside annual1 in a special fund.. . ." Moreover, it Is
    providd       at the *end of each biennium the unexpended
    portion of said fund shall b8 paid in proper proportion
    "to the funds to which the tax levied herein is apportioned."
    ;;,~;'yre can b8 no surplus.carri.edover at the end of a
    The amount appropriated to item 102 for the com-
    ing biennium is $12,500 for each year. It is well settled
    that an appropriation bill ceneither    repeal nor mod
    general law. See Attorney General's Opinions Ros. O-
    O-4788; O-3935; and authorities cited therein. Therefor:,
    the Legislature could not Increase by $2,500 the alloca-
    tion made by Artiole 7047a-9. However, the Legislature
    might validly have appropriated $10,000 for each year by
    appropriating for each year "all the funds in the 'Vending
    Machine Tax Enforcement Fund '7 The reasoning of the'court
    in Atkins v. State Highway Department, 
    201 S.W. 226
    ,   sup-
    ports this conclusion. We are of the opinion that this is,
    in effect, what the Legislature has appropriated, and that
    the appropriation is therefore valid to the extent of
    $10,000 for each year of the biennium.
    Item 103 is likewise appropriated for "enforce-
    ment" purposes. The particular laws which are to be en-
    forced being generally stated as "State Occupation Tax."
    Various occupations are made subject to tax by Article 7047,
    R.C.S. We think that the definition of "enforcement' pre-
    vlously given in this opinion is the proper deflnltion to
    apply heP8, 1.8. "the process of enforcing", which naturally
    entails enforcing agencies or persons. Therefore, you may
    pay necessary salaries for such persons from Item 103.
    The appropriation under item 104 is made for "en-
    forcement of the State AdmissIon Tax Law. includlntzTravel
    Expenses," and is to be paid "from admission tax funds de-
    rived under the provlsiona of Artlcle?fUY7 A-19, R .C .S .
    . . .   Section o of Article 7047 a-19 read8 as follows:
    "All the revenues derived under and by
    virtue of this Section shall be credited by
    Hon. George H. Sheppard - Page 7 (No. v-378)
    the Treasurer, one-fourth to the Available
    School Fund, and three-fourths to the Texas
    $I; kg; Assistance Fund. Acts 1936, 44th Leg.,
    p. 2040, ch. 495, Art. 3, 8 6; Acts
    1937, 45ih Leg., p. 311, ch. 161, B 1."
    By virtue of this section of Article 7047a-19 all
    of the funds derived under the provisions of Article 70478-19
    have been allocated and disposed of as therein provided. As
    stated above, an appropriation bill cannot repeal or modify
    a general law. This attempted approprlatlon being completely
    Ineffectual, there are no funds under item 104 to be used by
    YOUP Department fOP any purpose.
    When specific itemizations in the General
    Appropriation Bill, S.B. 391, Ch. 400, Acts
    50th Legislature, clearly authorize use of funds
    for purposes requiring payment of salaries, such
    specific Itemization and authority shall control
    over conflicting provisions of a general rider.
    (Sec. 2 (14)f). The Comptroller may not use any
    of the funds appropriated under Item 101 for the
    payment of salaries as such use is not withln the
    q eanlng of the itemizations therein. ,The Comp-
    troller may use for the payment of salaries only
    such funds as are validly appropriated by Item
    102. Funds appropriated by item 103 are available
    for such use. Ro funds are available for any
    purpose under item 104 since the funds from which
    such item is to be paid have been fully allocated
    to other purposes by general law.
    Yours very truly
    . cs@-         Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-378

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017