Son. A. C. Winborn Crimiml District Attorney semis county Houston3 Texas opinion wo, V-365 He: Wecessity’ k’oi advice . from the County Health Ofricer or other phy- * sioian as to aa autop- sy ,in~.inquest cta5mb Dear Sir: We m&r to your letter or August 11, 1947, tst.uhloh you, a&k: I : lqfs the Zustice of the ?eace, In all Laquebt oases, required to call in the County Health Officer:. or other physician, and ask hls opinion and advice as to the nedessity of an autopsy?” Articles 968 971 of the Code of Criminal to Procedure3 as amndrd in louse IL111 Ho. 217, by the 50th Legislature, and .articles 972 to 972 of said code per- tain to h0lai5g inquests, Article 968 makes it the duty of the Justice of the &ace to held an inquest when a persoa dies in pri6cin’or in jail, 15 killed or ?ron any oau8a die8 an unnatunt‘~dsath except under sentence or law; or in the abwnW of a witness or in oases in which the wolrcumstanoesn of death of unknown, Seotions 6 and 7 of that article were added by said irouse Dill Wo, 217, and authorize aa inquest when a person dies without having been attended by a du- ly licensed and practicing physician aMthe local health officer does not know the cause of death, and also when a person dies, who has been attended by a physician who does not know the cause of such death, Such inquests are to be hela at the request of the local health offioer or of an institution in which such person may die, for use or vital statistics records, Such officer or institution is not authorized to. require an autopsy. L . Eon. A. C. Vinborn - Page 2 (y-365) Article 910, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1925, reads: *Upon an inquest held to ascertain the cause of death, the Justice shall, if he deems it necessary, call in the county health officer, ors if there be none* or if it be impracticable to secure his ser- vices, then some regular physician, to make an autopsy in order to determine wheth- er the death was occasioned by violame;” and if so, its nature and character. The county in which mch inquest and autopsy is held shall pay to the physician making such autop- 8y a fee of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, the excess over ten dollars to be determined by the comissionersq court after asce,rtaiaing the aaount ‘arib nature of the work performed in making such autopsy,* Seid Article 9?0, .as amended reads: if there -be none or if it be impraaticable to securo his aervioess then some duly li- oensed and praotfcing physician who is tmiaed in pathology, to make an autopsy in order e determine the cause of Ueath, and whether death was from natural causes or resultedfrcm violence, and the nature and character. of ei- ther of them. The oounty in which such in- quest and autopsy is helh shall pay to the physician mating such autopsy a fee of not more than One Hundred Dollars (#loo) 3 the a- mount to be determined by the aoakis5ionerss court after ascertainLog the amount and na- ture of the work performed in making such autopsy. * (Emphasis adds&) Eon. A. 0, Yinborn - Page 3 (V-365) Article 972, Code of Criminal Procedure, reads: me justice shall act in such cases upon information given him by any credible person or upon facts Wthin his own knonl- edge DR In Pierson vs Galveston Countyi 131 3, W, (2d) 27, it is held that a coroner must determine wheth- er Articles 962-989) Code of Criminal Procedure, con- template the holding of an inquest in a partiaalar 0888, and, generally, that the decision as to whether an in- quest shall be held, rests in sounC discretion of the coroner; and that the purpose is to furnish a foundation for criminal prosecution. In Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. vs. Lane,
132 Tex. 280, 121 S. :I. (26) 986, the Supreme Court held that Article 970 oontemplates that a justloe, in raach- ing a oonclusion that an autopsy is necessary, shall bb governed by Article 912, providing that the justice shall act upon information given him by any credible person or upon facts within his own knowledge1 Xe are of the opinion shat Article 970 of the Code of Criminal Procedure as amended in Houst Bill No. 217, passed by the 50th kglsiature: requires Jus- tices of the Peace to procure the opinion and advioe of the County Health Officer or other physioSan, to be con- sidered by him in reaching his decision as to the neces- sity of an autopsy to determine the cause of death, but his decision in that regard is *T4tZn .v; his own discretion, . A Justice of the Peace is required to call in the County Health Officer OF other physician in all cases of inquest to ascer- tain the cause of death: but his finai. . ” Hon. A. C, iTinborn - Page 4 (V-365) decision in the case is within his own discretion. Art. 970, C.,C,Pd Yours very truly, ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXA3 WTW:et:wb
Document Info
Docket Number: V-365
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017