R-670 205 OF'PICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AUSTIN. TEUS August 13, 1947 Hon. Tom A. Craven opinion No. V-337 County Audltor McLennan County Re: Constltutlonalltyof Waco, Texas 11.B. 547, 50th Legls- lature. Dear Sir: Your letter to this Departmentreads in part as follows: "I shall thank you to advise me wheth- er or not, in your opinion, House Bill #547, 50th Legislature,entitled '&inAct amending McLennan County Road Law, Acts 1929, Forty- first legislature,First Called Session, page 70, chaptell34', 1s valid. 'In the event you should Indicate that the House Bill #547 referred to Is invalid, I shrillthank you then to advise me whether or not, in your opinion, the McLennan CountY`` Road Law, Acts 1929, Forty-firstLegislature, First Called Session, page 70, chapter 34, is, valid." Before you??first question can be ariswered,it becomes necesirarythat we'examine the driglnal Act -own as th6 McLennan County Road Law, Acts 1929; Forty-first Legisl&ture,First Called Sessl.on,.p. 70, oh. 34,'tid ascertainwhether said Act in its original form is oon- stltutlonal. If said Act is constitutional,then we be- lieve that H. B. 547, 50th Legislature,entitled an Act amending the McLennan County Road Law, Acts 1929, First Called Session, p. 70, oh. 34, would be valid; otherwise not. Crow v. Tinner, 47 S.W. (28) 391, affirmed
124 Tex. 368, 78 S.W. (26) 588. The original McLennan County Road Law, sup]?&, is very long, and we shall refrain from setting the same out In its entirety,but shall quote only those parts which we deem pertinent. Hon. Tom A. Craven - Page 2 (V-337) 2$36 Sections 1 and 2 provide as follows: "Section 1. The county commi.ssl.onersl court of McLennan County, Texas, shall at a regular session, or calledmeeting thereof, within ninety days, after the passage and taking effect of this Act, employ a county road superintendentfor McLenusn County. Said superintendentshall have charge of all public highway construction,and maintenance, together with the building of bridges, and culverts, in McLennan County, Texas. "Sec. 2. Said Road Superintendentshall be a graduate civil engineer,experiencedand skilled In highway constructionand shall re- ceive as salary for his servicesa sum of not less than Twenty-fivehundred ($2 500.00) Dol- lars, nor more than Six Thousand {$6,000.00) Dollars per annum, payable monthly out of the General Fund of:'McLennanCounty upon warrants drawn by the County Judge, or Chairman of the Commlssloners',~Courtof said County." Sections 3, 4 and 5 of said Act provide for the Road Superintendent'sbond and also set out his duties. The Act is composed of twenty-sevensections and provides, among other things, for the appointmentof,a consulting engineer, for the use of the county convicts in the con- struction of the bounty roads, for eminent domain proceed- ings, for the.employmentof two road keepers In each Com- missioner'sprecinct, and states that when bonds have been issued snd sold that the proceeds shall be used in con- structingroads and culverts and sets out the method of procedure which is to be followed;but nowhere does It provide for an election,for the levy and collectionof taxes for the purpose of malntatinlngand constructingpub- lic roads.or highways. It further provides that each oounty commissionershall be the road commlsslonerIn his respective precinct; shall issue a bond for $l,OOO.OO in addition to the regular bond, and that each county com- missioner of McLennan County shall receive as compensation forhis services as such road commissioner,in addition to the salary now allowed him under the general law 88 county commlssloner,the sum of $1800.00 per annum to be paid out of the general fund of McLennan County. Article III, Sec. 56, of the Constitutionpro- vides, among other things, that the,'Leglslature shall not, Eon. Tom A. Craven - Page 3 (v-337) 2-97 except as otherwise provided in this Constitution,pass , any local or special law authorizing: Regulating the affairs of counties, cities, towns, wards or school districts; AMhorlzlng the laying out, opening, altering or maintaining of roads, highways, streets or alleys; Creating offices, or prescribingthe powers and duties of officers,in counties, cities, towns, election or school districts; and that in all other cases where a general law can be made applicable, "no local or special law shall be en- I acted" except "the preservationof the game and fish of this State In certain localities." The pertinent portion of Article VIII,,Sec.9, ; : of the Constitutionreads as follows: ". . . and the Legislaturemay also authorize an additional annual ad valorem tax to be levied and collectedfor the fur- ther maintenanceof the publlc'roads;pro- vlded, that a majotiityof the qualifiedpro-: perty tax paying voters of the county voting at an election to be held for that purpose shall vote such tax, not to exceed fifteen i (15) cents on the one hundred dollars valu-`` ‘i atlon of the property subjedt to~taxatlonin iiutih'cotity. The effect of the last statementof Section 9 of Article VIII of the Constitution,above quoted, super- cedes the above'quotatlonfrom Article III, Section
56, supra, Insofar as It pertains to roads and highways. The autho?ity conferredby Section 9, Article VIII, of the I Constitution,supra, l¬ to enact special road laws I of all kinds for all purposes indiscriminately,but is authority merely to pass local laws for the maintenance of the public roads and highways. .Itwill be noted that in substancethe subject matter of the McLennan County Road Law Is otherwisedealt Hon. Tom A. Craven - Page 4 (V-337) ax3 with by general law. Articles 6737 to 6739, V.C.S., Inclusive, provide for the appointmentof.road commissioners by the CommlfisionerslCourt, for the bond for such road commlsslonersand the duties to be performed. Articles 6743-50, V.C.S., provide general- ly for the appointmentby the Commissioners’Court of a ‘road superintendent,for his oath and bond, his compensatlori,powers and duties. The duties.of the suserintendentprovided for In Article 6746 are eub- stantlallythe same as those set out in the McLennan County Road Law. Article 6762, V.C.S., speclflsallyprbvides that in all countieshaK!ng aS many as 40,000 lnhabi- tants that the members of the C&nnlssloners’Court shall be ex officio road commissionersof their re- spectiveprecincts and that the Commissioners1Court 1 shall have charge of the teams, tools and machinery belonging to the county and placed ln their hands by j 1; said Court,. They shall superintendthe laying.out of new roads, maklng or.changing of‘the roads, and build- ing of bridges under.ruIesadopted by the.Court;and with the further provision thateach Comu@ssioner shall first execute a bond of $l,OOO.OO. Article 793, C.C.P., provides for the cornpen satlon or credit to be dllowed a prisoner for thislabo? Article 794, C.C.P., provides for the use by the Commissioners’Cdurt of.the county convlOts’ to per, f oTm work on thenpublic roads df the county and..for guards over such cotivictti,and-all the.neoessary,pow- ers are.vestedin the Commisslbners’Court to prevent ; I the escape of the convlats. / Was the original Act to create a more Gffi- clent road system for McLennan County when there are no provisionsin the Bill fdr the,levy and collection of additionaltaxes for the constructianand mainten- ance of county roads? We think not. The Act simply m&kes provisionsfor certain things that are already provided for under,the general laws of this State such as the appointmentof road commissioners,road super- intendents,working of county convicts,together with the increase of the county commissioners’salaries Hon. Tom A. Craven - Page 5 (w-337) for performingthe regu&ar duties incumbentupon them and without imposing any added duties or burdens upon said county commissioners. This being true, it is our opition that the law in question merely undertakesto regulate county business contrary to the Constitution, Article III, Section 56, and is not a local road law for the maintenanceof public roads and highways. The conclusionsreached here seem to be in harmony with what Chief Justice Phillips said in Altgelt v. Guteelt,
109 Tex. 123,
201 S.W. 400, and quoted b Chief Justice Alexander in Crow v. Tinner, 47 S.W. (269 391, at 393: "Ro doubt the Legislature,in the pas- sage of local road laws, may, withinproper bounds, provide compensationfor extra ser- vices to be performed by those officials . . . where uncontrolledby general laws and requiredby such~locallaws and directly con- netted with the maintenance of the public roads." (Affirmed124.Tex. 368, 78 S.W.(2d) 588) The contents of the Act before the CourtIn the Altgelt case were almost identicalwith those in:the instant case, and were knownas the Bexsr County Road,Law. The Act.ls set out In 187 S~.W.22O.(Oplnionof the San Antonio Court of Civil Appeals which was reversed,by~ the above decision) In the case,,ofKitchens v. Roberts, 24 S.W&(2d) 464, writ refused, the constitutionalityof the Wood County Road Law was in question, said Act providing that each county commlsslonerof Wood County should be ex of- ficio Road Supervisorof hls~respectiveprecinct, setting out his duties as such, and providing for ah Increase of the county commlsslonerlssalary for such servicesrender- ed. The Court, ln constrningthe language used in the Altgelt case, had this to say: "Evidently,~we think, what the Chief JUS- tice meant was that the Legislaturemight by a special or looal.law impose duties with re- ference to publlc'roads,notimposed.bythe general law on a county commissioner,and in such special or local law provlde~forcompen- sation to the oommlssionerfor the extra>ser- vices required of,him. But the Legislature did not undertake to do that in the instant case, but undertook Instead to do the thing the court determined in the Altgelt-Gutseit 210 Hon. Tom A. Craven - Page 6 b-337) Case it could not do -- that is ‘to legls- late upon the subject of their [county oom- iiisslonera~)generel oompensatlonor to alter the general’lawsgoverning It.‘” The case of Jameson v. smith, 161 S.W. (26) 520, writ re- fused, is to the same effect. As stated by the Courts ln all of the above cases, there is no doubt that local road laws may be passed providing for compensationfor extra services rendered by officialswhere uncontrolledby general laws, lf such is directly connectedwith or Incidentalto the maintenanceof the public roads. Here, such la not the case. It appears that the Act attempts to do indirectly somethingwhich cannot be done directly,and is In contraventionof Article III, Section
56, supra. fin fatt, everythingfor which this Act provides la also set out In Ohs general laws as here- fnbefore set out. It is not one which, on ita face, aan be successfullysaid is “to create a more efficientroad system for McLennan County” in the sense’asprovided un&er the Constitution’.We think it clear that the Leg- islature passe&this law without any lhtentlonof con- stitutingthe same as.8 local or special’roadlaw for the maintenanceof’publlcroads and highways #.thln the mean- Ing of the provision of the Constltutloti, ArtIsle VIII,, Section
9, supra. If it were the desiFe, purpose-.and in- ,tentlonof the Legislatureto pass such a law, it could have easily’manifested the’same by incorporatingtherein f.&ctsor.elementssufficientto make It fall within that term as’providedby the ‘Constitution.In Its,failure to %o provide,we atieimpelled to hold thatthe’ originalAct as passed in 1929, by the-FortgbflrstLegislature,known as the McLennan County Road Law, la unconstitutional. R. B. Ho. 547, Acts of the,50th Legislature, R. S.,,1947, provides: “Sectlon~1. That the McLennan county Road Law, Acts, 1929, Fort*-firstLegisla- ture, First Called Session, page 70, Chapter 34, be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new Section following Section 22, tb be designated lSq?.tlon228,’ and to read as follows: Hon. Tom A. Craven - Page 7 23.1 (v-3371 “‘Section22a. The_ Comaissloners . ._ . -. court of McLennan County Is nereoy auwrlaea to allow each Commlsslonera sum not to exceed Fifty Dollars ($50) per month for traveling expenses and depreciationon his automobile while traveling on official business in the County of McLennsn In connectionwith the maintenanceand supervisionof the public roads and highways in said County.’ “Sec. 2. The fact that in the County affectedby this Act there is a great need that the County pay the expenses of the County Commlasionersas provided for In this Act on account of large bond issues voted and sold for road and bridge purposes, thus greatly Increasingthe necessity of such County Commissionerstraveling from place to place, creates an emergency and an imperativepublic necessity demanding that the ConstitutionalRule requiring bills to be read on three several days In each House be suspended,and said Rule is hereby sus- pended, and this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage, and it is so enacted.” In view of the answer in the first question, it naturallyfollovs that H. B. No. 547 of the 50th Leg- islature, is also unconstitutionalfor the reason that it EticfOUQti tQ amand WA ULUlQllfitit- &dL, Which_ISE?? not.legally be done. If, on the other hand, Ii.B. 547, suptia,is c6ntildered separatelyfrom the origlnalActs of 192
9, supra, it is stlll~unconstitutlonal and comes within the purview of Opinion No. O-4162 of this Depart- ment, a copy of which we are herewith enclosing. We wish to ca.11to your attention that this Department~wascontact@dby one of your representatives with reference to drafting a bill which would Increase the allowanceto the commissionersfor expenseswhile traveling outside the county on official business. One of the assistantsof this Depsztment advised that such a bill should be drawn amending Section la, H. B. 84, 49th Legislature,R.S., 1945, which would be a general law and, therefore,would be constitutional. Eowever, we were not asked to pass upon the constitutionalityof H. B. No.
547, supra, and, as is the policy of this of- fice, when said bill was drawn we appended thereto the 212 Hon. Tom A. Creven - Page 8 (V-337) following: "It Is understood that preparationof this proposed draft is no indicationwhat- ever that its substance,policy or constitu- tionalityis approved or ptssed on by the Attorney General's office. SUMMARY The McLennan County Road Law, Acts 1929, Forty-firstLegislature,First Called Session, pa,ge70, chapter 34, is uncorsti- tutional,being in violation of Sec. 56, Art. III, of the Constitution. Altgelt v. Gutzeit,
109 Tex. 123, 201 3-W. 400. Ii.B. No. 547 of the 50th Legislature. amending the above Act, is also unconstitu- tional since It attempts to amend an invalid Act. Very truly yours ~ BA:djm Assistant Enclcsure ATTORNEY GENERAL
Document Info
Docket Number: V-337
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017