Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  • PRICE   DANIEL’            :~          fmust 8, .igW
    -InmY    GENERAL
    Hon. !i?oiiA..Graven
    :' 0~ini.0.g    ~0~.V-332
    County Audit.or
    McLennan County    I I&:_ donstitutiona~ityof
    Waoo,vTexas                    H. B. ~6831,!jOthLeg+-
    lature, relative to
    .+al.srIes of assistant
    district attor?eys.
    Dear Sir:
    :X0& request f0G.A op.&ii, from~this of-
    fice on the abo.ve:.subject
    mattepiIs as fo1low.s:
    ‘. %he W.strict~Judgesi@i Con.m+saIon-
    ers Court..ofMcLennax,Couuty.hav&approved,
    appointments,sndset salpies of asaWx4nt
    distribt attornegs.&naccordancewIt.hthe
    provisions of ,Eou``~BIll#683 of the.~sO$h
    Legisliiture. I shall t@ank you to advise
    n!e.asto.the.coqstitntI~nalIty,~ofthis law',
    "~.I&&:,&r&d.b~         me to the:%&-,
    trict Attomxe$ of this county Concixq...
    this question brought-the reply that.he. _...
    would.prob&bly.beilIsq~llf~& to.pad on .-
    the :@e.&Ioq by.r@dn"of the f&t ythatit...
    Involves his office and he,asked that.,I..ad-
    d3iessny Inquiry directly to'you."
    .,_.’ .-Hi B;.683; Acts~OP .the50$h.'Legislature,~
    364, Veruou.'s‘TexasSession Law $!ervIce,reads Ih part
    a3 follows; ..:... ..::                     .
    .:             -.:
    .~.       '~.~Sect.~&
    1.' 'rJlat.from.,tid
    after t&6      .'
    : pa&age of this Act, In a Judicial Dititirict~.I ``-.
    comp~sed.,ofone,or more cow+tIes and:Iti`` .'..
    which the population In auy one of saI&
    oounties.,as determ@ed @y..theladpreced-
    ,btg Federal Census,-18not le.ss$he+ seventy
    thousaW (7O,OOO)..and not more than two~,hun-
    dred and twenty thousand (220,000)inhabl-
    tax&s, and In.wh$ch,county~there exe two (2)
    or more District Courts the District Attdrney
    .,orthe Criminal District Attorney, with the
    oonsent of the Combined majority of the Dis-
    trict Judges and CommissionersCourt of such
    172   Hon. Tom A. Craven - Page 2   (V-332)
    county, Is hereby authorizedto appoint
    at their dIscr&Ion, not more than six (6)
    Investigatorsor assistantswho shall re-
    ceive a salary of not more than Three Thous-
    and, Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($3,750)
    per annum, nor'letisthan Three Thousand Dal-
    lars ($3,000)per anuum, the amount of such
    salary to'be fixed by the District Attorney
    or Criminal District Attorney end approved by
    a majority of the District Judges; such In-
    vestigatorsor assistants,&s well as the
    DIstrI&t Attorney or Criminal District Attor-
    ney shall be allowed a reasonable amount for
    expenses not to exceed SIX Hundred Dollars
    MOO),   each, per ennum. . . .
    "Sec. 2. Said District Attorney and
    CrImIualDistrict Attorney shall also be au-
    thorized to appoint a stenographer.. .
    "Sec. 3. The salary of such InvestIga-
    tore OF assistantsand stenographer,and the
    expenses provided for In this Act shall be
    paid monthly by the CommissionersCourt of
    such'oountg.outof the General Fund of t@e
    oounty:or,.a$ the discretl6n of the Catis-
    sion&w Court, out of the Jury Fuud of.saId
    county; said Investigatorsor assistants may
    be.requIredto give bond and shall halieau-
    thopilty-tiderthe airection'ofthe,DIst&$ct,~
    Attorhey iX?'CrGiInal'DIst~Ict Attorn@ to
    make'arrests and execute process ‘In drIn&nal
    cagersand -inoabes growing out of the eti-
    forcement of all laws."
    Generally,the bill meets the constitutional
    reqnirementsof being limited to .onesubject which Is
    expressed In Its title, and of being sufficientlycer-
    ~talnand definite In Its terms. !Be bill, howeveri-1s.
    what is commonly referred to as a "bracket bill." 'We-'
    assume, therefore, that your specific @estIon Is wheth-
    er this bill violates Artlola III; Section 56, of the
    Texas Constitutionwhich reads In.part as follows:
    "The Legislatureshall not, except as
    otherwise.provIdedIn this Constitutioti,pass
    any local or special law, . . .
    affairs of coun$ies.....%
    Hon. Tom A. Craven - Page 3    (v-332)   " :f   '~.``~' ..',f~'``J
    ,"Creatingoffices, or ~pres'cribing
    the "
    power2 and duties of officers, in ooiuities
    . . .
    Ii.B. 683, Acts of the 50th Legislature, is
    .,'..~,applioableto the following judicial districts:
    .I:':19th,28th,,30th, 34th, 41st, 53rd, 5&th, 56th, 5kFF'
    60th, 74th, 78th, 89th, 92nd, 93rd, 94th, 98th,'103&~
    107th, 117th and 126th. It affects the following coun-
    ties: Cameron, being within the 103rd and 107th judi-
    cial districts: El Paso, being withinthe 34thj 41st
    and 65th judicial districts; Galveston, beingwithin
    the 'lOth'snd:56thjudicial districts; HIdalgo/being
    within the 92nd and 93rd judicial districts; Jefferson,
    being within the 58th and~60th judicial distriots; Mc-
    Lennan, being within then19th, 54th and 74th judicial
    districts; Nueces, beingwithinthe     28th,.,
    94th and 117th
    judicial districts; Travis, beingwIthin the 53rd, 98th
    and 126th judicial districts; Wichita, being within the
    3Oth, 78th and 89th judicial districts. See Article
    199, v,.,c.s.
    It is apparent that .H. B. 683; Acts of~the 50th
    Legislature, falls ,wIthin the classification of ,a local,
    or special law and would be Invalid if it is governed by
    the quoted provisions of Article III, SectIon.56; of the
    Constitution. See Fort ~Worth v. BobbItt;l21.Tex. 14,
    36 S.W. (26) 470, 41 S.W. (2d) 228;'Bexar Cou.nty,v.Tynan,
    1g8;Tex. '223,97 S.W. (26)                     ,P&so County,
    136 Tex.~'370,~#150 S.W. (26                    Wood, 
    137 Tex. 201
    , 152 S.W. (26) ,lO
    However; it is our opinion that H. B. 683 Is not
    governed by Article III, Section 56, ,Texas Constitution,
    b&by   Article V, .Section 1, which reads as follows:
    "The judicial power of this State shall be
    vested in one Supreme,Court;in Courts of Civil
    Appeals, in a Court .of Criminal Appeals, in~Dis-
    trict Courts, in County Courts~,in Commissioners
    Courts,,.in CouHs~,of~Justices of the'Peace+.and
    in such other courts as may be provided by:law.
    "The Criminal District Court of Galveston
    and Harris Counties shall continue with the dis-
    trict jurisdiction and organization now existing
    by law until otherwise provided by 'law.
    "The,Legislature may establish 'suchother
    co~urtsaspit may deem necessary and prescribe
    the jurisdiction~and organization thereof, and
    Hon. Tom A. Craven - Page 4   ~(V-332)
    may .COnfOrmthe jurisdiction,ofthe District
    and other Inferior courts thereto."
    Haa'is County v. Croaker, 
    224 S.W. 792
    , affirmed
    112 Tex. 450
    248 S.W. 652
    , upheld a statute, special In
    character,which fixed the salary of the district attorney
    of the orimInal district court of Harris County. We quote
    from said ease the following:
    "The major Insistence of.plaintlffIn
    errorIs that the act of 1911, In so far as
    it fixed the compensationof the district at-
    torney at a different amount than that allowed
    by general laws to distriot attorneys of other
    counties of the same class as Harris County,
    Is a special and local law, regulating to that
    extent the affairs of Harris County, and there-
    fore void, because violative of section 56,
    art. 3, of the Constitutionof the state. . . .
    "It Is unnecessary to Inquire as to wheth-
    er or not the act creating the criminal district
    court of Harris County Is a local or special.
    law. The creation of this.courtrests upon the
    express and direct constitutlonalprovisi?on
    heretofore  quoted; that Is, that portionpf sec-
    tion 1 of article 5 which declares that the
    criminaldistrict court of ffalves,ton and Herr18
    coindies shall oontinue with the,district, juria-
    ~diotlon,and organicatlonexisting by law, uutil
    otherwiseprovided by law.
    "The criminal district court of Calveston
    and Harris counties then existed with a defined
    district and the jurisdictionset forth by stat-
    ute, and the orgsnizatlonconsisted of the dis-
    trict judge, the district attorney, and the dis-
    trict clerk. This constitutionalprovision ex-
    pressly continued the existenoe of that court
    and that organisation,until It was changed by
    law, and by language, which admits of no other
    Interpretation,authorized the Legislature to
    change the~di;trIct,the jurisdiction,and the
    we quote the following from Garvey v. Matthews,
    79 s.w. (28) 335, error refused:
    !'me act creating the court having been ex-
    pressly authorizedby the ConStitUtiOml Pro-
    visions last referred to, It Is uMecesserY to
    Eon. Tom A. Craven        - .P+ge 5 in;(V-332),,~:   :,   :.. ..,~.’
    consider whether~,theit;:act,was.looal..or
    special in character.within.the'oontem-
    plation of article 3; SS.56 and 57,'df..
    the Constitution. '~Ha??Pis
    Crooker, 112 Texi 450, 2:48,
    'S.W.652. "
    "The powerrof~thel&slat&        to.fix
    the -salary'of:thejudge,.&this county.:i::
    cqurt at law'.is~an incident.toj'thepower:i:,.
    .to.create.the-,c+t,, 'andrestsupon the
    ..Therewas 1~1,:
    ample ~posrer
    to 'fixthe 'SSlary ~'inl
    Instance; as ias done bysection ll‘cif'the
    Act .of 1927..:By .thesame -token..thereis
    the.power to amend :that s,ectiod,:'as.,was;.
    done by section 1 ofthe Act of 1933 '(Ver-"
    ._   non's~.Anp.
    ,paTPlScoul+v.      drooker, suprEL.v _.,             ".~
    .     _         _.
    Jones v. Anderson;'   '(Ci+.App.')189 $.W. (id)
    :-.   :error~re~s``,``~phe~d'.th~;special~la~      .sbolishing
    ,th+office of county attorneysof.,&s@r $+uty for .like
    :.;,.     ::,!:: .. .,       :,:.+.:.: -, :.:.,..:.~..
    _:.,I ; : :                             '.c ,..:
    4gt;.,~grsj;a~nre..'e``~ted.  H.,B 1&j';,ij&h
    pro&ided'-for"ainni&l salaMes;“~payable’moh&~          of'offi-
    cial:courtreporters of..ea.ch,~strictpo~t,.civil*or
    :cri@nal,, and of each
    .~be fixiid&nd .apportibnedlsmqng..the.       sffected counties;..by
    the respective,j@ges.,of those..courts,        but exempt.ed.from
    the proqisio.ns.of,the~Act    Qe%ar and Tg?rant.:   counties.
    The.-Court: of:.CivilAppeals in the case.oP Tom Green Coun-
    ty:v..Proffltt.,..193;S.W. (2d).,8$5;     had .before~.it
    question of whether..the.  provi,si~ons.   of:H..B.'555,;.
    Leg;,~Violated~AMicle III,Section 56~,.:of        the,.Texasicon-
    stitution.&We quote from~said case the follo,wing:~.,..
    "It may beconceded that under-the~hold-
    \.~ -ings in these cases I& B. '555falls within the
    .pla.ssifica,tipn,bf~a,local Or special.lav,.and,
    -wouldbe .inva.lia .ifgit.is.governed by~the _:.  .,.~.
    : : .quoted,  provisions of Const. 'Art.III,,,    Sec.;56 '.
    ... :. . ..          j.~
    "Whether'ti.  B: 555.is properlyciassified
    .:as:8 'locai. or special l&W is~ not;. imp+t-+t’,   :a
    since  it. 3.8 not -governedby.Const.    Art..III,';"
    Sec. 56, but bg,Art. V,:Se.c.,l,~',:......     .., _:'
    eon. Tom A. Craven - ~Page6   (V-332)
    %hi``p~ovision has been construed as
    authorisinglocal or special laws affecting
    the functioningof the different courts
    throughoutthe state: . . .
    "In so far as H. B. 555 relates to dis-
    trict court reporters it deals with state
    employees. In so far as it relates to re-
    porters of county courts at law it provides
    as an incident for the functioningof courts
    which the Legislaturecreates under express
    authority of Art. V, Sec. 1. . . .
    "We hold H. B. 555 valid as against the
    urged ground of invalidity, . . .'                       .-,
    In view of the foregoing, it is our opinion
    that E.'B. 683 is not governed by Article III, Section        ,,~
    56 of our State Constitution..                                ..1
    Section 3 of H. B. 683 provides that the sala-      ,'~
    ry of the investigatorsor assistants and stenographer
    covered by the Act shall be paid out of ~theGeneral Fund      :I,
    of the county or, '"at the discretion of the Commission-      ,:
    'BPSCourt, out of.the Jury Fund of said county."
    Article VIII, Sections9, of our State Consti-
    tution; authorizesthe levy of a tsx "not exceeding fif-
    teeny(15) cents to pay jurors;"-  In construingArticle
    VIII;~Section9, ,theoourts have uniformly held that the
    provisionsof this Section of the Constitution nwere de-
    signed, not &rely to limit the tax rate for certain
    therein designatedpurposes,but to require that any and
    allmoney raised by taxation for any such purpose shall
    be applied, faithfully,to that particular purpose, as
    needed therefor, and not to any other purpose or use
    whatsoever." 'Carrollv. ~Williams,202 S.W, 504, 506.
    See also Ault v. Hill County, 
    102 Tex. 335
    , 116 S.X. 359..
    The Jury Fund of the county is a constitutional
    fund composed of tax money levied for 'thesole purpose
    of paying jurors. The Legislature is therefore prohiblt-
    ed by Article VIII, Section 9, from authorizing such tax
    levy to be used for any other purpose than "to pay jurors."
    Therefore, it is our opinion that the portion of Section
    3 of H. B. 683, Acts of the 50th Legislature, authorieing
    the Commissioners'Court to pay the salaries of the in-
    vestigatorsor assistantsand stenographerout of the Jury
    Fund is unconstitutionaland void.
    Hon. Tom A. Craven ~7.
    Page 7 (V-332)                 ;1d’/
    The Act containsno "separability"or "sav-
    ing" 01aUs8. .Hoveverin the case,oftOhristo her v:
    City of'El.Paso,(Civ..App.)~98!S;U.(26).39{ it was
    held that the unconstitutionalprovision of &ticle
    1269h, V.C.:S.,dealing with nuuiicipklairports, which
    exempted cities from liability for injuries to per-
    sons caused by negligence of.theiroperating agents,
    did not render the entire Act.void.,'Wequote the
    following from said~case:
    "We do not'concur in the.contention
    t        that the invalidity of .the exemption pro-
    vision, inthe absence'of a saving clause,
    renders the entire actunconstitutional.
    While it is true that the provision is in-
    cidental to the main purpose of the act,
    .yet It is capable.ofbeing separated from
    the act without materially affecting that
    main purpose."                  :.
    Since the ,unconstittitional
    provision in H. B.
    capable of being separated from the tactwithout
    materially affecting the main purp,ose,it Is our opinion
    that the remainder of H1 .B. 683'is.constitutionaland
    'H. B. 683 (Acts .sOth,Leg.,1947).pro-
    vldl~ for compensation.of.,assistant dis-
    ~ .t.rictattorneys and.stenographersto,the
    district attorneyk? y;",'n :&unties, is
    .constitutional.            c. 1, Constitu-
    tion of Texas. The bct'ls notgoverned by
    Art. III, Sec. 56,~:prohibiting .theen&t-
    ment of special or local laws. Although
    .the provision of H. B. 683 authorizing the
    Commissioners'Court to.ptiythe salaries
    out of the Jtiy Fund iiolates~'ArticleVIII,
    Section 9, of the Texas Constitution,the
    remainder of the-'&t pro@Llmg .forpayment
    out.of the General Fund is valid.
    very truly SOUPS
    JR:djm                     '.ATTORREY GERERAL OF TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: V-332

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017