Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  • Ron. Clayton Bray        opinionHo. v-301
    County Attorney
    Sutton Couuty            Rex Reconsiderationof
    Sonora, Texss                opinions o-178 and
    o-7011,,relative to
    use of cowthouae
    space by abstract
    firms in light of
    decisions and the
    Dear Sir:
    Your request for au opinion of this office
    i.8aubatantlallyes pollovs:
    “your opinion 0-178~and ,o-7011,la-
    valving the use of offices in the Court-
    house, vas called to the attention of the
    4o~sal~n~s'      Cowt of this county and
    they decided, In vi&f of Tarpant County
    v. Rettlkln Title Co., 1% 9. U. 2nd 269,
    vhlch vas dsted later thau your opinions,
    that, although they could not collect
    rent therefor, they could allocate to the
    County Clerk the office apace formerly
    uaed and rented to the only abstract com-
    pany in the ooUuty for copying space by
    all abstract companies. As a result,'the
    abstract oon@any still uses the same of-
    fice exclueivelg,keeps It locked when
    not Ia actual use, and maintains an of-
    fice directory sign in the rotunda of
    the courthouse advertisingtheir ~looation
    &nd the sales of Insurance,but nov pays
    no rent. Buch abstraot company maintains
    no other office and conducts all business
    the?+e,both abstract and Insurance, and
    maintains a private telephone. Al.1of
    thle I believe is contrapy to the Rattl-
    kin case and, too, our County Clerk has
    sufficient office space to permit the
    ,                                    s   *
    Hon. Cla$ton Brag - Page 2, V-301
    copylz$ of records in the regular office
    a . 0
    In Opinion 1yo.o-178, rendered cm February
    25, 1939, this department statedt
    “It is a matteD of common lulovledge~
    that a courthouseia designed for public
    use and no one shouLU be allowed, Or pep-
    mitted, to occupy it exoepC the pub110 of-
    flclals named In the statutev”
    opinion No. v-7oll, of this 6epaPtdmnt dated
    Ja~uaxy 25, 1946, in support’of Opinion No. O-174, stat-
    “We know of.90 aataarity i& the Con-
    mlsaloners'  Court to expend cmn8y ZuuQa
    for office equipmentend supplies to be
    used ftr purposes 0tWr than County pur-
    “Vhe~ court fialceuw,dieisrl’
    of the fact t&t vi& tie mouth and accum-
    ulation of the public p@$@ord~the &bs&&ot
    companies are a netseasmy IguiZUMnt of
    modern busine&m l&f% szrd,
    &e thPuns8lVeS a-
    genttiof the public WhU’waaabe srird,copp
    the Peoords as &@&a   of the fIHJLtvidt~11
    membera of the publlo.Wl;ePreceiv%ng
    orders far the prepardW.onof’w~&bstPact.
    “‘The Court fuWheP takes .guiWisl no-
    tice that it h&a qevep been %he 6ustO&ain
    any county in thititltetie POP the’Qounta to
    exact ~‘POPLthe abst?wa$ oolapsnies``Wdi%
    reasonable 1.186of the public reowda either
    rent OP fees in the gu%sb of PeKll~ POP the
    right  to have aocess to lpndto *peat 81~8
    copy the sam6, aa was well known to the
    plaintiffat the time the .defen&antand
    the other sbstmct coHIpani~i3  went into
    business and made plant lnveatmnts.’
    . ,.
    Bon. Clayton Bray - Page:31 V-301
    The court, in passing upon the Rattikin cas4,
    aupra, stated that inasmuch as the question presented
    ,vIa naw to our jurisprudencethey would adopt the law of
    8 foreign at+te amounceU In a Tenneaa4e case, Shelby
    County v. &mphia Abstract Co., 203 9. W. 339, as the
    l&w in Texaas:an& vhich is in part a8 follovs:
    "We is11 to find any statutorypower
    grauted to the quarterly county court or to
    the couuty commlaaioneraof Shelby County to
    lease any part cifthe:apaae in the offices
    dealgnatbd for the uae of county Officials,
    and ve think it la eleax.?@tit80 au&i author-
    ity data.    The pow4r,-if e*a$ent, on exer-
    cise vould,ulve the leaaee.tha =iRht to con-
    :                  tml the apace leased to himpr 1% to the
    ekcluaion of other me&era of the.``io, and
    the leases cotid be mulV-III
    the serious &nbarraaament``fothem whose
    ,.     .~.     ..A
    to use the reglatryrooma ,+ndequip-
    *ntcaq0tbe     denied.
    ~1.,,,         ..~.
    ‘,.                              .'lpthe ~abaen~e'oi.~r``tl;tosyauthorlty
    no part of the rmiwi~ln``t@&nt,~useas a
    :          registry of deeds and a% @rt``of``a,courthouae
    I)~Jbe leased to be~ua&~fo~..~.~eriodof
    months or yeas8 for p*dvate~-putl?~ea``.``~t~
    bulldings and the& equlgau4I3t~.are~ppb3.iC
    perty held by the county, but in tzust for
    the public use. 7 B+C.L. p. 948;'gtate v.
    xiaxt,144 zIpa.107, 43 H~.E.--i++,
    33 L.R.A, 118,
    and note; 'i34c.3tur~v.             130 Qa.
    488, 61 S.H. 23."
    A county h.$ano power to le&ae,itrrproperty to
    private persons ln t+ abaenc4 of a oonatitut+nal y?r
    it8tut.o~ pewvlaleti``
    kpreaaly Q1"iaplladly authoril;lpg
    E&in.Clayton Way             - Page 4, V-301
    it t0 a0 60. The Bounty Wldlngs are public prcsperty
    hela by the county, but in trust for the public use,
    and a board of commlssloneFshas no power, unless ex-
    p*esaly delegated to it, to allow such property to be
    used for any but 8 public purpoge. (14 Am. Jup. p. 208)
    The law does not contemplatethe use of the
    o@uuty aourthousafor office space for private purposes.
    fn your request yau state that the abe%ract company
    mattntalnano other office but cotadwta     its abatraot   and
    ~Znsuraneebueineas in an offlae furnished in the county
    caurthouce bf Sutton Cotuity. It is oaly incumbent upon
    the county to $u??nlshsufficdentspace for record copy-
    %..    (Art. 1945, V.C.3,) ;ttis assumed that the offloe
    a? ~CountyOlerk of Sutton County has sufffia.eat    offlge
    space to permit the copying of receMs in the aw ,afar
    office, and that the .samedoes not interferewiterthe
    business of said office. This being true, it ta the
    opinion of Chla Department that tbie w~ulcXmeet the Pe-
    "   qUrremen0    eb the law. In the case ol Park%nt County V.
    !B%tlaCo., supra
    , there Was no cl&n as to the
    excludve use of the space allotted nor was there any
    ala&m that the appellee demanded mope privileges than
    any ot&@ oltlsen; whereas, in your case, the space al-
    lotted ia ezclsaive. To warpant the Commlsalone~at
    htlS.‘t in 8Uthol’iZing the U84 Qf the @dffiC6 ia qU46tim
    far Q@IIJI``space, it must be qhoWnth#it it i# Z&68%-
    easy  fop  ti4  efflce of County CZerltte expixxxd $0 oa;M,
    fer the voWme of basinasa.      But to hme auffits%ent
    spmg vitill;Ln  the ofXIes of the County Clerk to 04x5 fQI:
    She r%asands OS those           desldng to         inspa&       aab   cop    ra-
    cads bnd at the sa&e t+as @ant irXolvalvar  u&e 0f tha
    MX%a% aga;~evlthln the Cmrtbeuae to a;n&atNmt u%@-
    pamy wrMkd sot ?m Wtrc~anmtad. In vlev OP the Z&w dLn-
    n@amped iq the Taiwnt ti%bxtafidr
    case, azxd,%W $Pats s,ub-
    dt Ir the op&tion of this I)egarQwW4t Wt   *a
    4rolualve usbeof MX?.ae space In @a6 SU8t~ OCWi8y
    catr74tfiU$8e    tiy   eip a~!&%?iW6t   OO!@pSZy    Wit&d   ZW,t b6       &%%tb&
    &a Gtbliwia#$aners’     Goupt      ma   all08     @MI%-
    $i$onaloffioes to the CWnty %,~k,
    1’    if needed,
    fernfmmishlq spasaoe to %he genepal p@iLLa tza,
    %mapect and w    r4~oz?d8,but Solely
    not gr&M
    epac~ein f&* cdunty ooukthovseto an abstrW3t
    company for an offioe itswblah to con&et its
    Bon, Clayton Bray - Page 5, V-301
    business'to the exclusion of all others.
    Yours very truly
    ,i   :
    .   .

Document Info

Docket Number: V-301

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017