R-358 TEE ATTOXCNEY GIENERAL OF TEXAS May 15, 1947 Hon. Aug. Celaya , Chairman Liquor Regulation Committee House of Representativea Auatin, Texao Opinion No. V-199 Re: Authority of law enforce- ment officers appointed by certain Commiooionercl . Courts under Article 1581-b, V.C.S. Dear Sir: your statementand request for an opinion ia as fol$ows: n1. May officera appointed by Commisrion- ers' Courts to aid in the enforcement of all penal lawo of this state1 as provided for in Article 15glb of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, enforce the liquor laws of Texas in their respective countieo and make such ar- reoto and perform other acto in connect.ion therewith in the same manner as other duly conotituted peace officero of such counties provided oaid Commisoionero Courta have desig- nated their dutieo to include the enforcement of all penal laws of this State? f?z-yL, Does Article 484 of the Penal Code of the State of TexaB, which exempts earn of- ficerc in the actual discharge of theEr offi- cial duties from the penal provisions of Arti- cle 483, P, C. apply to officers appointed by Commissionera,kourts under the provisions of Article 1581b, R. C. S. asouming that said officers have been appoked and commisofoned by such Commisoionero Courts in the manner ex- pressly provided by oaid Article 15$lb?" Article 158lb of Vernon'o Civil Statutes reads in part as followo: Hon. Aug. Calaya - Page 2, V-199 '?Section1. In all counties in this state having five thousand (5,000) or more cattle, sheep and goats renderedfor taxation, such counties may employ certain additional law enforcement officers as hereinafter provided, %ece 2, To aid in the enforcement of all penal laws of this state, and ferreting out and detecting any violations thereof, the Commisaionera Court of counties having five thousand (5,000) or more cattle, sheep and goat6 rendered for taxation may, if they deem it necessary, and are hereby authorized to, employ in addition to the officers now provided for by law as many other competent and discreet oer6ons a6 in the judgment of said court is~necesaary, and shall fix the compensation; provided, however, no such person, or oersons, 6hall be paid in excess of Five ($5*00) Dollars per day while in actual service. Such court shafl designate the duties to be performed by all euch per- 6ons and shall require them to make monthly reports in writing to said court as to the manner in which they have performed such duties." Article 483 of VernonPs Penal Code, dealing with the unlawful carrying of arms, provides as followo: Whoever shall carry on or about hi6 Paddle, or in his saddle bags any ``%?' dirk dagger sling-shot, sword cane, &pear & knuckfes made of any metal or any hard subotance, bowie knife, or any other knife manufactured or sold for the purpose6 of offense or defense,;,shallbe punished b fine not leso than @l$)oOOO, nor more tL n $500.00 or by confinement in jail for not lee6 than one month nor more than one year** The exception6 to the provisions of the above, statute are found in Article 484 of Vernon"s Penal Code, which reads: The preceding ,Article shall not aplrly-to a person in actual service as a militianan, nor to any peace officer in the actual discharge 3f .’ lion. Aug. Celaya - Page 3, V-199 . . his official duty, nor to the carrying of arms on one’s own premise8, or place of business, nor to persons traveling, nor to any deputy consta- ble, or special policeman who receives a. co_mpen- sation of forty dollars or more per month for his oerviceo as such officer, and who la appoint- ed in confonrity with the statutea authoriaing ouch appointnent ; *nor to the Game, Fish and Gy- ster Commissioner, nor to any deputy, when in the actual discharge of his duties as such nor to any game’uarden or local deputy Game fiish and Oyster Commire{oner when in the a’&& die- charge of his dutier in the county of his reel- dence, nor shall it apply to any game warden or deput Game, Fish and Oyrter Commisrioner who . actua f ly receives from the State fees or cornpen-, eation for his oerviceo.n Fea~ce officers are defined by Article 36 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as follows: “The following are ‘peace officeret: the rheriff, and his deputies, constable, the mar- lhal ‘or policemen of an incorporated town or city, the officers, non-commissioned officero and privates of the state ranger force, and any private person specially appointed to ‘exe- cute criminal process.” Specialpolicemen mentioned in Article @!I+, lupra , are providedfor only in Article 995 of Vernon’s Civil Statutes and are not distingui~ehed ~by an.y others statute. Article 995 provides: Whenever the mayor deema It m&sea&, in order to enforce the laws of the city, or ’ ,i to avert danger, or to protect life or property, in case of riot or,any outbreak or calamity or public disturbance or when he has rea8on to fear any serious violation of law or order, or any outbreak or any other danger to said city or .~ the inhabitants thereof he shall~ mumson into service a8 a special poiiceforce all or as many of the citiaeno as in his ju&ment may .,.. be necessary. Such oummone.may be by procla- mation or other order addressed to the citi- aeno‘generally, or those of any ward of the city or oubdivision thereof, or may be by per- sonai notification.~ Such special police force lion.Aug. Celaya - Page l+,V-199 while in service, shall be subject to the or- ders of the mayor, shall perform such duties as he may require, and ohall have the same power while on duty as the regular police force of said city.n Article
15&b, supra, authorizes the Commiso- ionersl Court in certain counties to employ certain ad- ditional officers, whose duties are set out in Section 2 thereof, to aid in the enforcement of all penal lawo of this State and ferret out and detect any violatione thereof. There is no provision in this Article desig- nating these officers as “peace officers", no;h& ",",",'" any authority granted them to make arrests. not designated as ueace officers by Article 36, Code of Criminal Procedure, nor are they special policemen un- der Article 995 of Vernon's Civil Statutes. They are merely given the power to aid in the enforcement of the laws and ferret out and detect violations thereof, or to put it into other Woi-dS,they are to make investiga- ;pTa;d help peace officers apprehend violators of . Article 1581b, passed by the 48th Legislature, which appears in Chapter 262, page 389 of the General and Special Laws of Texas, provides: *Sec. 4. The fact that the stock raisers of this State do not have adequate protection, and the particular fact that under the present meat shortage stock raisers of the State are subject to many new rings of rustlers and thieves, createo an emergency and an imperative public nec- essity that the Consitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days in each House be suspended, and said Rule is hereby sus- pended, and this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted." Clearly this law was passed as a special meae- ure for the protection of.:stockraisers and apprehending rustlers and thieves who were stealing stock, and not intended~to authorize the Commlssionerst Courts: T'" of the respective stock-raising counties to createe new peace officer group to take the place of the hereinbe- fore defined peace officers. Hon. Aug. Celaya - Page 5, V-199 In the :opinion of .thia department, person8 ap- pointed by the Commiasioner`` Court a8 provided for in Article 1581b, V. C.,S., are not authorized to enforce the liquor law8 of Texar in their respective countieo, and make such arreots and perform other acts in connec- tion therewith, a,sthey are only investigator8 to aid the duly constituted peace officers in the enforcement of the law. Your Question No. 1 is therefore answered in the negative. Since the~peroons described in Article 15&b, v.,c. s., are not peace officer8 ae defined by Article 36 Code of Criminal Procedure, or constituted as oeace ofiicers by any other statute they are not in the’ex- clusion of Article 484 of the'Pena1 Code which allow8 peace officers to carry arm8. Your second question is therefore also anowered in the negative. SUMMARY Persons appointed by the Commi8sionerol COUrtS of certain stock-raising counties un- der Article 158lb, 'Vernon'~Civil Statute8, are not authorized to enforce the liquor laws of Texas in their respective counties and make arrest in connection therewith as they are only investigators to aid the duly constituted peace officerc in the enforcement of the law, Such persons are not peace officers as defined by Article 36 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and,are:not exempt from the penal ~ rovisions of Article 483, of the Penal Code, ty Article 484 of the Penal Code, which ex- em ts peace officers from such provision8 and alPaws them to carry am8 in the discharge of their official dutieai Yours very truly ATTOWY GRNERAL OF TEXAS ATTORN&X GUURAL Robert A. Hall As8irtaAt RAH:jac:jr i
Document Info
Docket Number: V-199
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017