Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                                                                     R-157
    TTORNEY            GENERAL
    April   8, 1947
    Honorable E. D. Camiade             Opinion No. V-133
    Executive Secretary
    Texas State Parks Board            Re:     Whether the undivided
    Austin, Texas                              one-half interest   of
    Bexar County in and to
    0                              the Mission San Jose
    may be transferred,
    and the authority of
    the Texas State Parks
    Board to acaept such
    interest  as a park
    Bear Mr. Camiade:
    Your request for an opinion      of this   Depart-
    ment is     substantially  as follows:
    1. *Is the County of Bexar, Texas,
    autherizd     to transfer all of' its right,
    title  and inte~rest to the 'Plaza of Mis-
    sien Sin Jose',    and 60 feet along the
    nerti~ slae of said yiaaion Plaza (Pyron
    Rod),   ta(;ether with the walls adjoining
    the Plaza?"
    2.   *Is the Texas State Parks Board
    authorized     to acoept such transfer of ln-
    Pursuant to an agreed judgplent entered in
    tke 48th JmU.cial Distr&ct Court of~Bexal County, Texas,
    on the 8th day of November; 1937, in Cause I?o. B-85355,
    'stylM A, .J:Drossoerts     vsa San Antonfo Conservation So-
    ciety,  et al, an unai.vfaea one-half interest   in and to
    the *Plaza of Mission San Jose" vested in A. J.Drosaaertd,
    Roman Catholic Archbiship of San Antonio, and the County
    of Bexar, Texas, subject,     however, to certain designated.
    “covenants running with the land”.     Pyron Road was de&i-
    cated to road and highway purposes and title     vested in
    Bexar County, Texas.
    Subsequently,,in  oontortity with an agreement
    between the County of Bexar,and the Texas State Papks
    -.   .
    Hon. E. D. Camiade - Page 2         (V-133)
    Board, the Texas State Parks Board) Alvin J a Wirtz, Act-
    ing Seoretary of the Interior,       and the Archbishop OS
    San Antonio, on the 8th day of May, 1941, exeoutea an
    agreement designating     the Mission San Jose as a nation-
    al historic   site.    The Archbishop agreed to hold andpre-
    serve in perpetuity     the historic   Mission San Jose ohurch
    building and appurtenanoess and the Texas State Parks
    Board agreed to hold and preserve in perpetuity        all his-
    toric buildings,    struotures   ana  appurtenancea*
    Article   6068 of Vernon’s    Civil   Statutes   pro-
    vides   as follows:
    “The said Board shall solicit    dona-
    tions to the State of tracts of lad,
    large or small, to be used by the State
    for the purpose of public parks and/er
    recreational    areaa, and said Board is
    hereby authorized to accept in behalf er
    the State the title     to any such traot or
    tracts of land D or, where the site pro-
    posed is not deemed suitable     for a State
    Park by the State Parks Boaras to reject
    or refuse title    so that it ahall not vest
    in the State, or .if title    to a site has
    beoome vested in the State for ?ark pur-
    poses and the site is deemed unsuitable
    for a State Park by the State Parks Board,
    whether the United States of America has
    undertaken the &evelopment 6P any site in
    which title    to 8-e   is now veete& in the
    State for park purposes8      the Board is here-
    by authorized and empowered to transfer
    title   to another State Department or insti-
    tution wishing the land, or where the land
    has been denate& by a city or ceunty or
    other donor* to traaef’er title     to auoh
    city or oounty er other donor where they
    wish the site returned to them, or where
    the United Utatrrr of America ha8 untiertak-
    en the derelepmeat of any site in which
    title   to snme is new vested in the State
    ror park purpoaen to transfer title      to
    the Unite& States of America, or where
    the deed to the atate Parks Board contains
    a reverslo& clause providing that title
    shall revert to the donor when not used
    for park purpoae8, to declare that the perk
    is unsuitable for State Park purposes ana
    Hon. E, D, Camfade - Page 3      (v-133)
    that title  has reverted to the grant-
    ors; provided that in all instances
    where the Board acts under the auth-
    ority of this statute,   it must do so
    by a two-thirds  (2/3) vote of the
    members of the Board, and. providing
    that the Chairman of the Board shall
    sign all instruments authorized un-
    der this Act."
    Inasmuch as the Mission San Jose has beans
    designated as a national historic     site,  it is believed
    that the County of Bexar would be authorized to trans-
    fer its undivided one-half interest      in and to said ais-
    sion to the Texas State Parks Board to be~maintaimed as
    a site pursuant to the agreement, subject,      however, to
    the liaitations    and covenants imposed.
    In accordance with the usual
    rules of contract law, it is well
    settled   that joint tenants and ten-
    ants in common can deal with strang-
    ers just as freely as owners of prop-
    erty held individually,     The several
    co-owners aoting together can bind
    themselves and the common property
    by their contracts,    and each of them
    oan bind himself and his individual
    W&est      therein.   (14 Am, Jur., po
    One tenant in common cannot dedicate any
    part of the land without the assent of its ao-tenant:
    (Cheaowth Bras, vs* Magnolia Petroleum Company, et al,
    129 S. W. (26) 4461. The agreement reveals an expres-
    sion 011 the part of all parties    that the Mission be
    designated as aa historical   site,
    Therefore,  in answer to your first   question,
    it is the opinion of this Department that Bexar County
    may transier   its undivided one-half interest    in and to
    the Plaza of Mis8lon Sah Jose, together with the wlls
    adjoining   the Plaza, to the Texas State Parks Boar&, to
    be maintained as an historical    site; inasmuch as title
    vested in such county by an agreed judgment, followed
    by an agreement OS dedication.
    Since Pyron Road has been dedicated      for road'
    and highway purposes, title vested in the State      OS Texas.
    Hon. E. D. Camiade - Page 4        (V-133)
    Counties being
    -     legal subdivisions  of the State, county
    roads are State property,     and the title is held for
    the benefit    of the State.   (21 Tex. Jur, 625) There-
    fore,  it is the opinion of this Department that, so
    long as Pyron Road is used for the purposes for which
    dedicated,    the title will remain in the State,
    Your second quo&ion requires a construction
    of the above quoted statute.         An examination of the orig-
    inal Act of the Legislature        (Acts 1939, 49th Leg., R,S.,
    S. B., 298) reveals that the caption of such Act relates
    to “land titles    and interests”.      The word Winterestsn in
    such caption would seem to negative the fact that a fee
    simple title    was intended to be conveyed in all cases.
    It would appear from the reading of the original          Act that
    the Legislature    intended that the Parks Board may receive
    whatenr interest     a aonor of’ land had at the time of such
    tranrier  tc’the   Boara.   If such be true, the Parks Board
    would be authorized to do those things nsdrrrrry to ac-
    complish the purpoms intended by the Le islature.            If a
    statute  I8 eusceptible    of construetim,     sft di0ula  be so
    construed a8 to a*oamplish itrs purposes,         (Lowenetein,
    et al, vs. watts, et al, 137 3. w. 26 2)
    The State Parks Board is not an independent
    oorperation     or Institution     operated fcr financial    gain,
    but an agency of the State charged with the responsibil-
    ity of acquiring and maintaining a system of publicparks
    far the bansiit of the people generally,           for the benevo-
    lent purpose of promoting health, happiness and general
    welfare of citizene.         (3tata ve Brannmn, et ux. 111 S.W.
    (2d1.347,)    A8 suoh agency, it Is bsl,ieVed that Article
    4068, sups,      rhould be liberally      oonstrued to accomplierh
    the purpase intended by the Legislature,            Moreover, the
    upress     authority   given to the Board to accept or refuse
    title   indicates    an intention    of the Legielature   to com-
    Jt to the Board the discretion          of accepting or rejecting
    any traat of land or title         whatsoever offered,~   If, after
    aebeptamaes such tract of land Is not auitable,~the            Board
    is luthcrlzo& to reconvey         the dame to the donor,
    Therefore,  in answer to your second question,
    it is the epinion of this Department that the FwkrBoanl
    would be authorized to aocept the undivided one-hal? in-
    terest now vested in the County of Bexar, Texas, in and
    te the Plaza ef Mission San Jose,
    Hon. E. Il. Camiade - Page 5   ('iT-133)
    subject to the limitations   imposed
    by agreement, Bexar County nay transfer
    and the Texas State Parks Board may ac-
    cept in behalf of the State, title    to an
    undivided one-half interest    in and to a
    tract of lana referred   to as the "Plaza
    of Mission San Jose".
    Yours very   truly
    Burnell Weldrep
    BW:djm:wb                      Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-133

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017