- R-260 P~‘LTsT``TExAs April 1, 1947 PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGEWERAL Brigadier General Arthur B. Kniakerbockor The Ad utent Cm&%1 of Texas Cap&t6 .i Station Austin, Texes Deer Sir: Opinion No. v-116 Be! Legelfty of ~dispoaltion of oertaiu National Guard Tait Property.m reooaumidebienr‘efthe .33&d ai ~@.$ougk ~bhe. or OkCti& to, oontelnod on pegee 6 end 7 OS :' ~aboi+``zle:ferrod wld Z&port ,@nd apso~iioellylietod em rsoommezdatlons1 ~,:.i~ "through 7, jnrrlusivoonly indloete that ft.is plemod te- rstwqi+lw ‘pztipqty~ 40 the rogfinsntal,dlvisi@n rtttllery, or r cbwd&‘;‘~ ior distributionto the t@ts Um3.r hia o&man3 , ,l:e:&ve``been,,InSormed by your exesutircleB%z@r, ColOnoJ%Urtin, ~t&etIt Is the lhtimtloti end fr2enin eaoh Irirteno~’ igr .t~ho,~roglmmtel, division artillery or wing tiommenderto return the property to the unit originally owning euoh p~oparby, in inatanoeti where euoh curltor unitn had beoh laoluded in the reorgmized Texas National Guard. In ,ine~osr *hors us&to here not beon ~lnoludedin the ro- orgaaiizedTexm Natfonkl hard, the property provioualy be- longiag to ,eu,oh unite will be dietrlbutsd by the e#pro ato &maimder on ti equitable baaia to the newly or unit or unita whloh hevo been dosignetod aS reoonet or repl.eoingthe old, now non-oxldetent, Texes National Guerd unite. The eighth recommendationregarding unit prop- erty, involves unit property belonging to the 56th Cavalry Brigade Units, which it is proposed will be turned over to Brigadier General Arthur B. Kniokerbooker- Page 2 representative8designated by the Adjutant General, for eele and the iunde therefrom depositedwith the Adjutant General and held ln trust by him for the oomaandl~ ofiloer of’the 56th Cavalry Group, Meohanlsed,whloh haa not yet been orgee bad. Aots of the 48th Leglelature,1943, Oh. 261, page 388, appropriatedthe #urnof $8,000.00for use by the Texas National Guard Armory Board to oover expenses of molrlng the u&t property hero involved to Camp MBbry, Austin, Texas, for storage. Seotlon 3 of sald Aot authorizedthe Adjutant General to assist the National Guard Armory Board fn the work of moving ,theunit propert involved and also provided that it ehould~bo the respmmlb flltg of the Adjutant Wsral to atore raid property %t Camp BQabry. It 1s ala0 lmpcwtant to note that Beotlon 2 0rths ab0vorararrod totit oontuqxlaksthatthe 4ai.6prop- sFty lnvolvod would be rrturaedto the u&&t8 f (Iha !Pm Hatlomal Guard'&t'the time naaldImitswuw r&Ii +~d 9zm1 Fad- eral8o.miol).Wo quote a porbien of lald Eleettim2: ", , . but auoh property 8hU.l be 110 tUrnad Over %n k&e luoand bahof&tei It is our opimioa.,bherofore,that tha Adjrteat Oonoralis authoriud to rotrun the cuit propartyhero ir- owner8 wh*rWar pO88ible, and in ia& valved to it8 Orlginrrl &an088 wharo the original unit owner8 are not lnsludmd tr the roerganlmd Texa8 National Guam& the oe praottiable w to do ia to di8trfbirtethe Unit property Or 8uah XiOfi- ai8tWJt Illlit8to the newly fora& units whloh have been dos- Ignated a8 reoonetltutingor repla6ing the old Ukib8. Brigadier General Arthur E+ Knlokerbooker- Page 3 With referenoe to reoommsndation number eight, regarding the 881b 'of 56th Cavalry Brigade property, we find no authority in the etatutes setting forth&he powers and duties oi th6 Adjutant General, whloh would author186 the Ad- jutant Geneml to de&pate a rspresontetive of the 56eh Qav- airy Brigade for porp686i8 of selling the unit proprrty belong- ing' to c&d org8nitrtlon. It la our opf-nlon that the Adjutant General 18 without power mither to sell or authori laysne to eel1 auoh unit property. _ * /8/ Oharlm3 E. ?DatiO Ghrrle8 a. 4‘at@ CrrP1bt11B AsrlstMt APPROVEDAPR 1, 1947 Price~Dalllel ATTORIVEXGENERAL Ct” TEW
Document Info
Docket Number: V-116
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017