. . MO4 March 6, 1947 Honorable David J, MOPP~S Opinion No. V-71 County Attorney Brown County Res Authority of the Brownwood, Texas Comaissioners’Court to pay a constable (on a salary basis) mileage expense for the use of his auto- mobilr. Dear Sir: Your letter requesting an opinion from this Department is in part a@ followa: “I have this question at present asked m8 by the Commissioners’Court: Uh8re a~ constablehas been put on a balarf basis, has the Collmissloners’Court ~autherity to pay such constablemileage fctrthe use of his automobile? “Apparentlythere 18 nothIng directly on this in the,dtatutea. Prior to’being placed on a salary, the oonstable could aol- lect fees for mileage in serving paparp~,bulb after being put on salary he must turnssuah fees of service over to the salary fund. Art. 39120, sec. 2, provides~foroaying salary to precinct officera; Sec. 17 pra- vides for the fixing of their salary; and Art. 3899, Sec. B, provides for the payment to the Sheriff’of 4# per mile for the use of his automobilewhen he owns the automo- bile. Can we infer fzpomthis that the Corn-- missioners’ Court would have autho&itg to make the same payment to the constablewhen he uses his car? “You will readily understand that a constable on a salary basis would have muoh more incentive to be active in the eervloe of papers and serving warrants if’he could be reimbursed f’orhis expenses.” Hon. David J. Mom111 - Pagb 2, Van Subdivision (b), Article 3899, V.A.C.S.; provfUss in part the following: "The OoraissioaorsCourt of the oounty of the eheriff'sresidencery, upon the writton and sworn application of raoh officrr, stating the nrcerrity themfor, allow oae or more aut@mebil~r to be used by the sherUT in thr Qie- cwrgs of orrioial bu8i~e8e, wuch, is purchassd by the county 8h&ll br be t in the ~8.m~ prescribedby law far"thu. pwchaae ol eupplfer and paid fop out ef the Qsneral Pun6 of the county ad they ah8ll be rrportel aad paid in the 8ane naaor ,a?horoia pr4vUod fop other a- penser. , En ooartruiagthr absvo qwtr& pro*18loa,WI Departmwtf held the fO~%OW%ngti ,OuS-On k. e4-t “By virtue of Suction B, Artlols 3899, Vernoa'8 hnaetated Civil Statutor, the DhOFiif b WI 4eputLos Ime UFO On 4 8a1-r h818 YES- Who @WSi 88d '1180 adxue@blle or WAterobilOl 35 tho biloLllr(e of offioLb1 ba8inerr are allow04 feud aoats for 8aOh rile traveled tn the &i8Qhar@3 Of Hop. David S. Morris - Page 3, V-71 officialbusiness. Suoh &umahall cove@ all ex9ensee of the maintenance,degreai- ation, and operation of such automobile ep automobiles. Suoh mileage shall be reported and paid In the aam% mater prescribedfor other allowable expenses under the provisions of the act. This act does not provide four cents for each mile traveled by a constable in tli%d;scbarge of his sfriclal businsss. We quote the following from HansaomBvs. Harris County (Clv. A99.)
243 S.W. 1002, errm refused: 'It v&a also shown by the undisputed evidence that the expenses so incurred by appellant in the hire of automobileswere reasonable mnd nsc~sauy. . . "Ye think tMt appellant was not entitled, under aW.cle 3897 above mentioned, to deduct fro8 ths excess fees of his office 8ue to the count;Jexpvneea Incurred by him in the pur- chase ef gasoline and lubricatingoils, and in making repairs upon his automobiles,though used by hi8 6xclualvel~in the discharge of his duties as aherifr of Harris county. The point was ex~rsssly~so ruled by the Galverton Court of Civil Appeals in Harris County v. et al., 203 8.W. 445, in a very clear Iialmaond and full opinion by Chief Justice Pleasants. " l . . 'Nor do ve think t4t article 3897 authw- IE@V a &;eriff to hizw aFtCsr@bilesovned by other peneons for the use of the sheriff in the conve~ancoof 9risoner8, etg., and to charge the county vitb suoh gxfpenw. FOP, if the coun- ty is not oh&geab, 8 vith the price of gasoline, upkeep, etu,, of tke sheriff'sovn automobile used In the Ulaaharge of his offioial duties, We manot me any ~tmma 102 holdLng that the sheriff might hire an automobilebelonging to another and chwgr the oeunty with the cost of such hire. If Hon. David J . Morris - Page 4, V-71 a proper constructionof article 3897 requires a holding that a nrheriffmay hire automobilesbelonging to other per- sons for the purpos~eof discharginghis official duties in conveying prisoners and election supplies, etc., to and from different par~tsof his county, and make the cost of such hire chargeabl~eagainst the county, then, ,ofcourse, no sheriff would be so foolish as to use his own automobile in the discharge of such offi- cial duties, and keep the same up, etc., at his own ex.ppense.It seems to us that it would be nonsensical to say that a sheriff Is not authorized by article 3897 to charge the county with oil and gasollne used in his own automobile, or the upkeep thereof,,whenused in the diqcharge of his official duties in his county, and at the same time so construe the article as to permit a sheriff to hire another's auto- mobile in the discharge of such duties and charge the county therewith." We quote the following from Harris County vs. Hammond, et al, (Civ. App.) 203 3. W. 445: "It goes without saying that defendant was not entitled to credit for the expense of operating the automobile,sfor his private benefit or plee,sure.We are further of opln- ion that, even when he used the automobiles in performinp the duties of his office, the expense of their operation sho,uldnot be PO- garded as 'expe,nse necessarily incurred in the conduct,of the office." It will be noted from the foregoing cases that under the statute &s it then existed, the sheriff w&8 not entitled to expen~sesfor the operation of an automobile nor for the hire of an automobile. Although Subdiv:ision (b) of Article 3899, V.A.C.S., how authorizes the payment to the sheriff of four (44) cents per mile for each mile traveled:in the discharge of official business, we are of the opinion that the principle of statutory construction set out in the above mentioned ca.sesis applicable to the instant case, and a constableis not entitleU to expenses for the operation of an automobileunless there is some provision in the statutes 80 providing. Bon. David J. Morris - Page 5, V-71 We fail to tlnd any statute authorizinga oonstable cotupeasat~on a salary bseis to receive mileage for the use of his autoaobile. In the absence of such authority,he camwt oollect such tileage from the county. Therefore, it is our opinion that the Cor- m18aionerai Court of Brown County does not have author- ity to allow a constablevho is compensatedon a salary baais mileage for the u20 of his automobile in the dice- charge OS oSflcis2,(hltier. The Cornmis8ioners~Court,of a county, the constablesof rthlehare coapensatedon a malrry basis, has no authority to pay such conatablsalailsagefor the use of their autvaobllr~In the discharge of their official d\5ties, Yours very truly ATTORREY OHYERAL OF TRXU es& JRfdjW Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: V-71
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017