- EATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable CarPos C: Ashley ChailTn&n. ssate Board of Cor?_ra9 Whether or no% the Superfctendenlt of an eleemosynary -institution, or the Board of Co.atrol, MS the au- thorlt,y to place for adopt;ion a child lawfully committed to such fns%f%u%fon wi%h the consent of the commlttfng Judge asd witkaout the consent of" one or both parents of such child; etnd Whether or no% the Superfntendemt of a mental institution, or the Board of Control, Is authorized to offer for adoption et child born to a patlent in one of the menLa.1 institntfons, wfthout the consent of the chfldss saae pa- r0nt, if a9ag, or guardian, Dear 31~: We beg to acknowledge receipt, of your reqaes5 for an opfnfon upon the above entftled subject mat',ter,hs foPPows: '?J!he State Board of Control fs 'charged with the supervision of the eleemosymry fnstf%utlons of Tex- 89 - among them the State Orp!~?nns~Home (Article 3208 - 3Z!l2 R.C3,]* Deaf', Dumb, and Blind Asylum for Colored Youths (Artfele 3221, 3221~1~ R. C, S.), and the Waco State Home (Artfcle 3255 - 3259, R,CiS,). Many of the children in these three instftutfons are prospects for adoption, The chfldren born to patieo%s fn our mental hospitals are also prospects for adoption, zoow have the opportu~f$y to place a c;hfPd for adop- D We, therefore, respecc%ulQr request, your opinion to %he fo1'Powfng questions: Hon. Carlos Ashley, page2 (V-42) “1, Does the Superintendentof any eleemoay- nary lastitutfon,or the Board of Control, have authority ^.. - to place for adoptioa a clrlldlawfully CIommlttedto BUOb 1~titUtlOQ 'crlth ttie cormen% of the commftting.Judgeand wit&u& the oonssnt of one or both par0ata of swti ~c:?:iid'? "2, Is the Superintendsazof a mental in- stitution, or the Board of Control, suthor~xed to offer for adoption, a child borzato tipatient in one of our meatal~fnstitutl.ons,without the ,'*coaseotof the childfs sane parent, if any, or guardian?n We shall anawer your 1nquZrie.s in the order in which you have propounded them. 1. Artiale 46-a, Section 6, of the Statute of Adoption is~as follows~ vBxoeptas otherwiseapeoified in this Sec- tion, no adoption shall be permitted except with the wrfttea consent of the living parents OS the child. In the case of a child fourteen years of age or over, the aonsent of slpshchild also shall be reauired and must be given ia writing in the consent shall not be re- wrents whose uarental rights have been terminatedby order of the Juvenile Court or other Court of Comuetent Jurisdiotion;provided, however, that in such oases adoption shall be permitted only on oonsent of the Superlntetdeatof the Home or School, or of the itbiividualto whom the care, cus- tody or guardianshipof slvphchild has been trane- ferred by a Juvenile Court or other Court of Compe- tent Jurisdiction. In case of a child not born in lawful waedlwk the consent of the father shall not be neee8sary," As you state la your letter, the State Board of Control is charged by law with the supervisionof the el- eemosynary institutionsof the State, suoh as State Or- phaa's Home, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum for Colored Youths, the Waco State Home, and others, The Board like- wise IS cphargedwith the supervislooof our mental hos- pitals. Matthews, et ux, va. Whittle, 149 S, W, (26) 601, the opinion written by Jus.ticeSutton of the Court of Civil Appeals for the Eighth Supreme Judicial District, reeognfzesthe validity of the exceptions to requfre- msnts for consent of the parerite, contained in Artfcle c Han, CarPos 6, Ashley, Page 3 {V-42) 46-a of the Adoption statute, in & eaS8 where the facts brought the Sftuatfon within the first exception, that Is, voluntary abandonment by the parent, The Justi further saga: "In other jurisdietfons, wh8re %he parental r¶.ght has been termfnated, corisen% of the parents to adopt the child fs not n8cessary, and we cfte here the eases cfted la appe~Past?s brief: * Q *" ;d2zw; number 0% eases from oth8r jnrlsdlctionu 0 m opinion no, o-5811, ehfls Deprtmewt answer- lrngan Inquiry from the Superfn%endew% of the Waco State Home, to which a child had been committed, "un%fl furtheler orders of the Court," held 'CL-z&t in 4uch s cBa8, the COD- sent of the paren%s of such child YBB not' ne9-sesSargto eonsumrmste oz"authorfee the adop%1om of such ahXPd, We mnswe~ gow ffrst ques%fow as foPlows: Where a ehfld has been duly committed as & de- pendent or n8gleeted ehfld to a state institution by a Court of competent jurfSdietLow, such ch1.Yd nosy be le- gally adopted upon t&e consernt of the Superfate~dent of the fnstitutfon, wfth the approval of ,th8~ommitking Court,, without the consent of the p%reo%S, %he right of the parents %o control the adoption 'P&~'k~ugbaea termi- nate& by Such pr~':~eedings~ There ia MO ~?eces~si%yfor the Board of Gcantrol to approve OP eonseat. Han, Carlos C0 Ashley, page 4 (V-42) SUMMARY '. 1, Where a child haa been cdtiitted a8 8. neglected or dependent~ehfldby a Court of corn- pet@& jurfedictfonto the custody of an appro- priate State inetftution,such child may be law- fully adopted upon the consent of the Superfnten- dent of euch imtit*9tfonand of the committing Court, without the consent of the p~renta, which right of eoneent has been terminatedby the order of eommitmene. 20, A child born to a wiman'*who ~-ASbeen law- fully eomm4tted to B State mental institutionmsy be lawfully adopted under the general st&tmtes of adoption; neither the Supsrintendeaat of sxh iast:= tution, nor the Board of Control fs concerned a8 such wP%h dluchadoption, Yours V8Pg truly 'ATI'ORNXY GFNERAL.OF TEXAS .’ . . OS/Jlk? ejrbztb Approved Opfnfon Cornmfttee ByBWB, Chafrm?`` ., . : . . ‘_ ,.. .
Document Info
Docket Number: V-42
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1947
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017