Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  • .    *
    Honorable Jim D. Bowmer          Opinion No. V-09
    County Attorney
    Bell County                      In Re:   Exemption rrom taxa-
    Belton, Texas                             tlon of certain
    property owned by the
    Episcopal Church at
    Belton, Texas, used
    as a dormitory ror
    Episcopal  girls at-
    tending LYaryHardin
    Baylor College.
    Dear Sir:
    You present for   the opinion of this department
    the question contained in    your letter  of December 20,19l+6,
    which is copied below for    a statement of the facts    upon
    which our opinion will be    based.   Your letter follows:
    "The tax assessor-collector of this county
    has asked me to obtain your opinion on the fol-
    lowing tax problem which has arisen.
    "The Episcopalian    Church Diocese for Texas
    owned and maintained a house In Belton, Texas,
    from about 1929 to about 1940, as a dormitory
    for Episcopalian     girls attending Uary Hardin
    Baylor College,     a Baptist college.     It is pre-
    sumed they paid their room and board in the
    same manner as if they had been residing         at
    the normal college-owned      dormitory.     The dorm-
    itory itself   was not an official     part of the
    school,    The school itself,    Its dormitories,
    etc.,   are tax exempt.     The Episoopalian    Church
    has not rendered this house for taxation,         and
    has recently    sold it.    The problem now arises
    as to its exemption from taxes during the
    years it was so used.
    We would great.ly     appreciate   your opinion
    as to the propriety  of    exempting this property
    from State and County     taxes when It was used
    for the sbove purposes,     both prior to and after
    the 1931 amendments to     Article   7150."
    ,   ,
    Honorable   Jim D. Bowmer - page 2
    .’         (1) It appears from the admitted facts that
    the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Texas, armed and main-
    tained a house in Belton, Texas, from 1929 to about
    1940, as a dormitory for Episcopal girls attending Mary
    Hardin Baylor College,  a Baptist College;
    (2) The girls paid room and board in the
    same manner as if they had been residing at the.,dormi-
    tories owned and maintained by the College;
    (3) The dormitory   was in no way an official
    part   of the College; and
    (4) The Episcopal Church did not render this
    dormitory for taxation during the time it was so owned
    and maintained.
    The question presented is the status of this
    property for ad valorem taxes for the period of time it
    was thus owned and maintained by the Episcopal Church;
    that is, whether taxable or exempt.
    Certain types of property are exempt from tax-
    ation by the express terms of the Constitutions,   - _ and this-
    the Legislature       has no power to tax.   Lower Colorado Rl-
    ver Authority .v. Chemical Bank & Trust Co.        (Supreme
    Court) 190 S. W. (2d) 48.        Other kinds of property,   and
    the property here in question is of that character,         may
    be exempt from taxation by the Legislature        only by the
    authority      conferred upon it under the Constitution    OS
    this State.       Thi’s power is derived from Section 2 of Ar-’
    title    VIII o$ the Constitution,     which reads in part as
    roll&y:.    ‘7
    R. . . the legislature   may, by general
    laws, exempt from taxation    . . . all build-
    ings used exclusively    and owned by persons or
    1assoclat   ons 0
    and the necessary furniture    of all schools
    and property used ,exclusively    and reasonably
    necessary in conducting any association       en-
    gaged in promoting the religious,      education-
    al and physical    development of boys, girls,
    young men or young women operating under a
    State or National organization     of like oharao-
    ter;.   . .”
    Honorable   Jim I?. Boumer, pn,;e :!
    Pursuant to the authority  thus conferred
    upon the Legislature   by Sec. 2 of Article  VIII of
    the Constltutlon   OS quoted above, the Legislature
    enprted Art. 
    71501 Rawle C
    . S., in language in part as
    “All public colleges,    public academies,
    and all endovmen: funds of lnst!tutions           of
    learning and religion     not used with a vlev~
    to profit,   snd vhen the same are invested
    In bonds or mortgages, and all such e---e bulld-
    lngs used exclusively     am%iii%-by      p em
    --- ons
    or assyciatlons   of persons for school pur-
    poses ; .-
    If the dormitory here in question is exempt
    from ad valorem taxes, it must be by virtue of the
    terms of Art. 7150 quoted above,          The exemptlon from
    taxation of.dornltcries       ovned and maintained by the
    College proper Is not questioned.          But does the same
    rule apply to the dormitory here In question ovned
    by the Episcopal Church, a religious         organization,
    that has no official      connection with the College? We
    have no dlfficuity     in classifying     the Episcopal
    Church as an “association       of persons,“. but our dlf-
    rimtg    arises    in determlnlng whether or not the
    dormltory 1s used “ex’cluslvely       for school purposes,”
    and whether or not under the terms of Art. 7150,
    such building nust be used and maintained by the
    College as contra distlngulshed        from ,owned and maln-
    talned by a separate religious        or6anlzatlon   which
    has no official     connection with the College.        A
    careful search of the opinions of this department
    and decisions    of our appellate     courts fail t,o reveal
    that this identical     question has been passed upon by
    this departKent cr the courts of this State.            We
    think It may be correctly       said that the young ladles
    occupying this Episcopal Church dormitory constitute
    as much a part of the student ~body of the College          as
    do the young ladies occupying the dormitories           ovned
    and maintained by the College.         If one is used for
    school purposes, we see no plausible         reason why the
    other might not likewise be so considered.
    Honorable   Jim D. Bowmer, page 4
    Courts of other jurisdictions     have had occa-
    sion to consider what constitutes     "school purposes"
    under certain tax exemption statutes      similar to the
    one we have in Art. 7150, and we take occasion here
    to note some of these decisions.      In the case of In
    Re: Syracuse.Universitg,    212 N. Y. S. 253, (Supreme
    Court, Appellate  Division,  State of New York) the
    Court made a comprehensive stateyent as to the mean-
    ing of the term 'school purposes      in the following
    "Dormitories,     dining halls,    hospitals,
    training schools for nurses and stores for
    supplies,     and athletic    fields   used by the
    students for athletic        games and exercises,
    and not as sources of institutional            Income,
    are essential      parts of universities       and
    colleges:     for education contemplates,        not
    only the mental and moral, but the physical
    training and welfare,        and the proper main-
    tenance of those In attendance upon the
    institution.       People ex rel. Board of Trus-~
    tees of Mt. Pleasant Academy v. Mez er et
    98 A.D. 237
    , go N.Y.S. 48 8 , af-
    181 N.Y. 511
    73 N.E. 1130
    ; State
    v. Carleton College,        154 Mlnn. 280, 191
    N.W; 400; People ex rel. Adelphl College
    v. Wells et al.,       97 Ap     Div. 312, 8g
    N.Y.S. 957, affirmed 1t;'0 N.Y. 534, 
    72 N.E. 1147
    .     It does not appear that any profit
    Is derived by the university          from amounts
    paid by students for residencas,           food, or
    hospital     care.
    "So, too, the university   farm, used for
    demonstration and instruction    purposes,   is
    an appropriate   part of the university    equlp-
    ment, and comes within the same general
    category   hereinbefore  mentioned.
    "The occupation by the chancellor    of
    the official   residence  furnished him by the
    university   is clearly  an educational pur-‘
    pose, and makes that property exempt from
    taxation under the statute.      In re Mary
    Immaculate School of Eagle Park, 
    188 Ohio App. Div
    . 5, 
    175 N.Y.S. 701
    , and cases cited."
    Honorable   Jim D. Bowmer, page 5
    In the case of State v. Fisk University, 
    10 S.W. 284
    ,   (Supreme Court of Tennessee) the Court said:
    “. To
    .  give
    I.. the language. of the constitu-
    ’ tlon -tne strict_ . construction
    -__    contended- for
    by tne complainants would lead to excluding
    every portion of the property not actually
    used in education.       It would Include only
    school buildings,      desks, books, etc.,     Andy ‘.
    would exclude ornamental promenade grounds,
    play-grounds,      and gymnasium buildings,     and
    infirmary or hospital      buildings   for the
    pupils.      The agreed case falls    to show that
    any of this property is used for profit,           or
    ~for purposes not embraced within the duties
    of the defendant, as an institution         of
    “There are many adjudged cases from
    different    states,    and much in the textbooks,
    which are not easily to be reconciled,grow-
    lng out of exemptions somevhat similar to
    those under consideration       here.    It Is not
    our aim at this time to discuss these cases,
    nor to define nor limit what uses may or
    may not be within the exemptions referred
    to.    We only decide that the intention        of
    the legislature      must govern in ascertaln-
    in& the extent of such exemptions, and that
    In arriving     at such Intention     the same
    strictness     of construction   will not be in-
    dulged where the exemption is to rellglous,
    scientific,     literary,   and educational    ln-
    stitutlons    that will be applied in con-
    sidering    exemptions to corporations      created
    and operating for private gain or profit....”
    A more recent case by the Supreme Court of
    Tennessee than the one first   noted is the case of City
    of Memphis v. Alpha Beta Welfare Association,      126 S.W.
    (2d) 323,  in which we  find a statement  of facts   and a
    pronouncement of the law which we deem-helpful      in con-
    sideration  of the problem here considered,   as follows:
    “The Alpha Beta Chapter of the Phi Chi
    Medical Fraternity    in the Medical School of
    the University   of Tennessee, at Memphis, is
    unincorporated.    Its membership is made up
    of the alumni of the Phi Chi Fraternity    re-
    Eonorable   Jim D. Bowmer, page 6
    siding in the City of Memphis, who are in
    good standing, and the active members of
    the chapter are the undergraduates of the
    Medical School.
    "The specific  purpose of the Phi Chl
    Medical Fraternity    Is to promote the wel-
    fare of medical students morally and sci-
    entifically.     For admission to the active
    chapter, a student must be desirable     from
    a scholastic    and moral standpoint.   No one
    % eligible   for membership In the active
    chapter except matrlculants     in the Unlver-
    slty of Tennessee Medical Department.
    "Prior to the organization    of the As-,
    soclatlon,    in 1950, the student members of
    the Alpha Beta Chapter of the Phi Chi Fra-
    ternity were living     in boarding houses,
    scattered    around over the city,   the Univer-
    sity being without dormitories.       As the re-'
    sult of the appeal of the then undergradu-
    ate members of the Fraternity,     a number of
    the leading doctors of Memphis interested
    themselves In organizing      the Welfare Asso-
    clationln     order that sui'table property
    might .be acquired and the student members
    of the Fraternity    housed under one roof.
    This was considered very essential       to the
    welfare of these members and to the success-
    ful carrying out of the purposes of the
    "It appears that'about     fifty   students
    live In the house In question and each one
    pays $57.50~ per month, which covers board,
    lodging,   and Fraternity   dues.      They main-
    tain a mess, with which the Association
    has nothing to do.      Supervision     Is exer-
    cised by the Assoclaticn     over the physical
    condition   of the premise's and over the con-
    duct of the student residents.          A high
    standard of moral and ethical         conduct is
    "It is shown that the alumni of the
    Phi Chi Chapter have furnished the students
    with a considerable  number or‘books, the
    majority  of which are mcdLca1 Ln their
    Honorable   Jim D. Bower,    page 7
    scope; but others are upon subjects  of
    general information and interest.   Addl-
    tlonal books are being added to this ll-
    brary from time to time.
    “No teaching staff is maintained by
    the Association    or by the Fraternity.   No
    classes of any kind are conducted on the
    premises.    However, other things of a
    cultural and educational     nature are relied
    on as entitllng~the    Association  to tax
    exemption.    . . .n
    “In the instant case, both the trial
    judge and the Court of Appeals have de-
    termined that the property in question is
    used exclusively   for educational purposes
    bnd tiith this finding we feel constrained
    to concur.. .I’
    In the case of Ward Seminary for .Young Ladies.
    v. Mayor, et al.,  of Nashville,    
    167 S.W. 113
    , (Supreme
    Court of Tennessee) the following     general statement vas
    made as to what constitutes    “school purposes”:
    “The result of the whole case Is that
    ve hold the property of the complainant
    which is in reality      used in educational
    irork, such as the school buildings,      dormi-
    tories,    exercise   grounds and the usumd
    appropriate     equipment of this character of
    institution,      to be exempt from taxation..   .‘I
    In’tbe recent case of Harris v. City of Fort
    Worth; 180 S.W.   (2d) 131,.Justlce Sharp of the Supreme
    Cdurt, in approving what Mr. Justice Robertson said in
    the early case of Cassiano v. Ursullne Academy, 
    64 Tex. 673
    , said:
    “It has been the policy   of the state
    since 1849 to encourage educational    egter-
    prises by exempting them from any share of
    the burdens of    overnvent.   Pasch. Dig.,
    arts. 5147, 514 8 , 7485, 7688. ., . .
    “The education of the masses      is now
    recognized   as a function of state      govern-
    ment.    Those  who, from charitable     considera-
    tions,   to forward sectarian   views,     or for
    prtvate profit,    have organized or     conducted
    Honorable    Jim D. Bowtnsr, page 8
    schools,    have aszinked t'na ntek il? the
    performance of a duty it owes to its
    citizens    which cannot be too thoroughly
    performed, and vhich the state has never .
    assumed that it had either the means or
    the machinery of doing sufficiently      well
    wlthout private assistance.      The Ursuline
    Academy is performing its part in this
    branch of the public service,     and it
    should rather be encouraged by aids, than'
    impaired In Its usefulness     by a tax upon
    Its pitiful    revenues."
    We do not. think that Justice Sharp meant to
    abrogate the rule of stric,t construction     against tax
    exemptions which has always prevailed     In this State,
    but merely intended the above statement to evidence
    the liberality   of the Legislature   In extending the
    exemptions authorized    in Art. 7150.
    We think Texas will ccmpare favorably with
    any state in the Union in the number, efficiency,              and
    value of educational         institutions     owned and malntalned'~
    by religious      organizations.        Such schools and colleges
    have been fostered        and built up, and it has been the
    policy     of our State to encourage them. It is a matter
    of common kn.owledge that there has been established              and
    maintained for the laudable purpose of better protect-
    ing and conserving        the religious,     moral, and physical
    well being of young men and young women attending varl-
    ous educational       Institutions      In this State, dormitories,
    which have always been considered            exempt from taxation.
    The Catholic Church owns and maintains at the University
    of Texas NewmanHall, a Catholic dormitory for girls of
    that faith attending the University             of Texas; the Scot-
    tish Rite, a Masonlc organization,             owns and maintains
    at the University       of Texas a dormitory for girls,        al-
    though not exclusively         for girls    of Masonic family af-
    filiation,     but primarily      for that purpose; and the
    Methodist Church ovns and maintains Carothers Dormitory
    at the University       of Texas and at the Texas College for
    Women at Denton, Texas, a dormitory fcr young ladies of
    the Methodist Church, and as far as we know there has
    not been any attempt by the taxing aufhoritles              to la-    .
    pose ad valorem taxes upon these various dormitories,
    although they have no official            connection with the re-
    spective     university    or college.      These dormitories   have
    been thus owned and maintained for many years, and we
    must assume at all times with the knowledge and approval
    .   I.   ,
    Honorable   Jim D. Bowmer, $age 9
    of the Legislature  a.s to their tax exempt status.
    To now hold such dormitories    subject   to ad valorem
    taxes would in our view depart from what we believe
    to be the well established    and saluta?y policy    of
    this State.   We, tF.erefore,  put aside e.s lmmaterlal
    the fact that this dormitory is owned by the Epls-
    copal Church, which has no official     connection with
    Nary Hardln Baylor College.
    It vi11 be observed that~ the language of
    Art. 71!iO; R. C. S., uses only the term “buildings”
    as comprehended within the exemption, but this need
    not give us concern because the courts have settled
    this question in the early case of Cassiano v. Ur-
    sullne Academy,.supra,  from which ws qrote as fol-
    lovs :
    “The word bulldin     is a term as
    broad as the wor7nK&.         House hRs been
    construed to mean both the structure     and
    the land on vhlch it stands.      Gerke v.
    Purcell,  25 Ohio St., 227; Mullen v..
    Commlrs.t 85 Pa.St.,    288; Trln;ty  Church
    v. Boston, 118 Mass,, 164, and cases
    cited in it.”
    Therefore,  the ground upon which the build-
    ing is located and the building are both exempt under
    the Constitution   and s’tatutes of this State, but only
    so much grotid as is necessary for the intended and
    reasonable use of the building may be exempt.
    In determining whether or not this dorml-
    tory, ovned, maintained R.nd operated by the Episcopal
    Church, Is used exclusively      for school ]:urposes wlth-
    in the limits of the Constitution       and ststutes   of
    this State, we are constrained       to follow what we con-
    ceive to be the most modern and reasonable construc-
    tion placed upon the term “school purposas” by our
    courts, and prefer the construction        that whatever
    fosters   the moral, splrltual,     and physical well being
    of the students is as much a “school purpose” as the
    actual academic instruction      vhlch the students re-
    celve.    We assume, as we think your opln:on request
    does, that this dormltciry is not owned, onerated and
    maintained by the Episcopal Church for profit,         but
    exclusively   for school p-drposes consistent      vith the
    aim? we h?,ve expressed above as to what constitutes
    such a purpose.     We therefore    hold that this dorml-
    .   ,
    Honorable   Jim D. Bowmer,, page10
    tory Is exempt from ad valorem taxes during the time It
    was owned, maintained and operated by the Episcopal
    A dormitory owned, maintained and operated
    'by the Episcopal Church, for use by the.~glrls of
    Episcopal families    attending Mary Hardin Baylor
    College at Belton, Texas, is exempt from ad
    valorem taxes, and'thls     notwithstanding   it has
    no other ofzicial    connection with the College,
    and comes vithin the purvjev of the ConstitutJon,
    Section 2 af Article     VIII, and the statutes,
    Article   7150, R. C. S., of this State as a bulld-
    ing used exclusively     for school purposes.
    Very truly   yours
    By O.~S.

Document Info

Docket Number: V-09

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017