Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1947 )

  •                        January 24, 1947
    Honorable R. 9. Wyche          opinion   No.   v-03
    County Auditor
    Gregg Connty                   Re:   Under, the given iao$s
    Longview, Texas                      should the additional
    amount or taxes that
    were lert 0ri by the
    Tax Assessor-Collector's
    Orrice in error be paid
    and charged 0rr as a
    legal tax debt by the
    Dear Sir:
    Your request for the opinion or this        Depart-
    ment based upon the hollowing raotual situation         has
    been received.
    nSabine CommonSchool District    No. 4 duly
    wade a proper tax levy ior one dollar,   thirty-
    seven teats  ($1.37). 'The request ior this levy
    was duly presented to ~the Commissioners' Court
    and duly levied by the Court.
    "Someone in the Tax Assessor-Collector's
    office    made an error and computed the levy at
    one dollar,     twenty-six cents ($1.26).    The rolls
    repared on one dollar,  twenty-six    cents
    (i?&y      and the Commissioners' Court approved the
    rolls.    They were taken to the Comptroller's      de-
    partment and acoepted.      Some of the large tax
    payers reel that this is a legal obligation        and
    are Wi11iIQ     to pay it.
    "I am requested t0 have your Opinion as t0
    whether or not the eleven cents (#.ll)     additional
    may be paid and the tax payers have the right to
    charge it off as a legal tex debt.     Please let
    me have your opiniQn as soon as possible."
    Xr. S. 0. Loving, the President of Sabine Com-
    mon School District Wo. 4, has communicated with this De-
    partment giving the following additional  information oon-
    Honorable   B. Sp Wyche - Page 2
    cerning the tax levy of One Dollar & 37/100 Dollars
    $1&37) referred to above,      He advises that the Com-
    missioners1 .~Court levied One Dollar & 26/100 Dollars
    ($162S) for maintenaace purposes for the eowmon school
    district   and Eleven Ceata (lid) for interest     and sink-
    ing f’und on bonda theretofore    duly and legally   issued
    by the district,,  which two items aggregate the sum of
    It is assmsd   that ‘the levy at the oontpon
    schoel tax above referred to yr*s made in accordance
    with the provisions  of Artlola   2795, R. C. S. of Taxas,
    lp2S, which is in part as follows:
    “The commissioners court, at the time of
    lQVliw$   taxes for county p~rpos~es, shall aho
    levy upon all taxable property within any common
    sahool distriot    tha rate of tax so voted if a
    specific   rate has been voted; oth,erwiae sa,id
    court shall levy suoh a rate within the limit
    so voted as has been determined by the boar4
    of trustees or said diatriot     and the oounty
    superinteadsnt    and certiiied  to said aoart by
    the oounty auperintenaent 0 If such tax has been
    voted rite? the levy of county taxes,      it shall
    be levied at any meeting of said oourt prior to
    the delivery    of the assessment rolls by the as-
    sessoro    The tax assessor shall assess said tax
    as other taxes are assessed and make an abstract
    showing the wnount of special      taxes assessed
    against each school district     in his oduntg and
    furnish the same to the cout$ty superintendent
    on or before the rirat day af September of the
    ywar for which suoh taxes are assessed,        The.
    taxes 18Vied upon the real property in said dis-
    tricts   shall be a lien thereon and the same shall
    be sold for unpaid taxes in the manner and at the
    time of sales for State ana county taxes*”
    It is also assumed that the tax levy of $1.37
    ,   was made at the time the Commissioners' Court levied the
    county ad valorem taxes in accordance with Artiole      7048,
    Revised Civil Statutes    of Texas, 1925,  in the manner pro-
    vided therein*
    The Revised dir11 Statutes of Texas make no
    provision  for the aounty't?OmBis'siOnem'   courts or the
    oounty alerks   of the several   oounties of Texas to trans-
    wit the information    aoncerning ,the amounts of the tax
    Honorable    R. S. Wyche - Page 3
    levied under the provisions .of~,both.oP the foregoi,ng
    articles to the Tax Assessor-Collector   or Tax Asistissor’
    and/or Tax Collector  of the several counties.
    However, it is the understanding of this de-
    partment that it is the custom in many oounties for the
    Commissioners~ Court to transmit,   or cause to be trens-
    mitted by the..county clerk, a copy of the various tax
    levies es reflected   in the minutes of the Commissioners~
    Court to the Cffioe of the ‘Tax Assessor who shall then
    we such information as the basis for making up the tax
    I& the instant case it is evident that the Tax
    Assessor-Colleotor    erroneously    omitted the Eleven Cents
    (ll#)  regularly~ and legally   levied by the Commissioners~
    Court for securing the bond,~,.issue when making up the tax
    rolls,  and that the Commissioners~ ‘Court had no knowledge
    or such’omission   whea it epproved the rolls;    but such
    ‘errer did not as a matter of ract or law affect the le-
    gality of the original    tax levy itself.
    It is e well-settled    rule of law in Texas that
    an order or ordinance levying a, tax 1,s a aondition      prec-
    easnt te liability   thereibr,   and in order. to collect   the
    tax there must be reasonable certainty     that a lawful tax
    has been levied.   Western Union Telegraph, 62 Texas, 630,
    635.  Therefore , sinae the levying of the tax was a le-
    gal one, such tax may be collected     in favor of the Sab-
    ine CommonSchool District      No. 4.
    Your query as to whether or not the taxpayers
    paling    the  Eleven Cents (ll#)   tax have the right to
    eharae it up as a legal tax debt cannot be answered by
    this-department      since the answer thereto affects    nei-
    ther the State of Texas nor the offioials       ef Gregg Coun--~
    ty or the CommonSohool District        under the provisions
    sf Article     4399,  Revised Civil Statutes  of Texas.
    SUXXARY:   A tax levy duly and legally   made by
    a Commissioners1 Court to? a oomon school distriot
    is a legal tax obligation , although part or the tax
    levy was erroneously   ctitted from the tax, rolls by
    Eonolable   R. S. Wyyohe- Page 4
    the County Tax Assessor-Collector.
    Yours very truly
    C. K. Richards
    JAN. 24, 1947
    CKR/JCP :jrb
    Approved Opinion Committee
    By BIB, chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: V-03

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1947

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017