Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 2004 )

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    ATTORNEYGENERALOP                      TEXAS
    GREG       ABBOTT
    November 4,2004
    The Honorable Stephen E. Ogden                        Opinion No. GA-0269
    Chair, Senate Finance Committee
    Texas State Senate                                    Re: Whether home-rule city charter provisions
    Post Office Box 12068                                 governing the frequency of elections apply to
    Austin, Texas 78711                                   elections implementing a tax freeze under article
    VI@ 5 l-b(h) ofthe TexasConstitution (RQO242-GA)
    Dear Senator Ogden:
    You ask whether home-rule city charter provisions goveming the frequency of elections
    apply to elections implementing a tax freeze under article VIII, section l-b(h) of the Texas
    Constitution.’ See TEX. CONST.art. VIII, 5 l-b(h).
    Article WI, section 1-b(h) (the “amendment”), adopted in 2003, authorizes “a county, a city
    or town, or a junior college district,” to limit increases of the total amount of ad valorem taxes
    imposed on the homesteads ofpersons with disabilities or persons sixty-five years of age or older.
    Id. Such action
    is commonly referred to as a tax freeze. The enumerated entities may adopt a tax
    I?eeze either by official action of its governing body or by an election called by the governing body
    upon receipt ofaproper voter-petition. Id.; seegenerally Tex. Att’y Gen. Op. No. GA-0222 (2004)?
    The City of Georgetown (the “City”) is incorporated as a home-rule municipality.
    GEORGETOWN,?EX.,      CODEOFORDINANCES,HOMERULE             CHARTER,art. I, $3 l.Ol-.02 (2004): See
    Request Letter, sapra note 1 (attachment). Its charter recites that the “people of the City reserve the
    power of direct legislation by initiative, and in the exercise of such power may propose any
    ordinance        not in conflict with this Charter, the State Constitution, or the State laws.”
    ‘LetterfromHonorableStephenE.Ogden,Chair,SenateFinanceCommittee,TexasStateSenate,to Honorable
    Greg Abbott, Texas Attorney General (May 17, 2004) (on tile with opinion Committee,also available at
    2InAttomeyGeneralOpinionGA-O222,thisofficeaddressedotherissuesconcemingarticleVIII,     sectionl-b(h)
    of the TexasConstitution,concludingthat (1) the provisionauthorizesa gowning body of a home-rulemunicipality
    to call an electionto adopta tax freezewithouta voter’spetition;(2)onceadoptedby a home-rulemunicipality,the tax
    freezemaynot berepealedby an electioncalledpursuantto a petitionof the city’svoters;and (3)implementationof the
    constitutionalprovisiondoesnot permituseof a yearprior to implementationas the basetax year. Tex.Att’yGen.op.
    No. GA-0222(2004)at 5.
    3Available at   http://www.georgetow.org/citygovemment/.
    The Honorable Stephen E. Ogden - Page 2              (GA-0269)
    GEORGETOWN,     TEX., CODEOFORDINANCES,         HOMERULECHARTER,art. IV, $4.01(2004). Under
    the charter, when the city council receives a petition for an ordinance signed by the requisite number
    of voters and certified by the city secretary, the council must either (1) pass the voter-initiated
    ordinance without amendment within thirty days after receipt, or (2) submit the “initiated ordinance
    without amendments to a vote of the qualified voters of the City at a regular or special election to
    be held on the next uniform election date in order to comply with State election laws.” 
    Id. art. IV,
    § 4.05. Article IV, section 4.05 of the charter states that special elections to consider voter-initiated
    ordinances “shall not be held more frequently than once each six (6) months.” 
    Id. Additionally, the
    section provides that “no ordinance on the same subject as an initiated ordinance which has been
    defeated . . . may be initiated by the voters within two (2) years from the date of such election.”
    Id. You wish
    to know whether article IV, section 4.05 of the City’s charter, which limits the
    frequency of elections on voter-initiated ordinances, applies to elections pursuant to voter petitions
    under article VIII, section 1-b(h) of the Texas Constitution. Request Letter, supra note 1, at 1. For
    example, if the City holds an election on a voter petition to adopt the tax freeze, but the measure is
    defeated, you ask whether the City must refuse to call an election on subsequent voter petitions for
    a tax freeze for two years. 
    Id. You also
    ask if the city charter provision that special elections on
    voter-initiated ordinances may not be held more frequently than once every six months applies to
    voter petitions for the adoption of the tax freeze under the amendment. 
    Id. Subsequent to
    your request, the City held an election on whether to adopt the tax tieeze and,
    according to unofficial election results, the proposal passed.4 The tax limitation adopted under the
    amendment cannot be repealed by the goveming body or by another petitibn election. See TEX.
    CONST.art. VIII, 5 l-b(h); Tex. Att’y Gen. Op. No. GA-0222 (2004) at 3. Consequently, it appears
    that the City will not have occasicm to consider new voter petitions for a tax freeze, and for the City
    the issue is largely moot. Nevertheless, we will address your questions, bearing in mind that there
    may be other home-rule municipalities with similar ordinances.
    The Texas Constitution authorizes a home-rule city to be governed generally by ordinances
    adopted pursuant to its municipal charter. TEX.CONST.art. XI, 3 5; Wilson v. Andrews, 
    10 S.W.3d 663
    , 666 (Tex. 1999). A home-rule city’s charter may expressly or implicitly limit the voters’
    initiative power. See Quick v. City ofAustin, 7 S.W.3d 109,124 (Tex. 1998). See also Tex. Att’y
    Gen. Op. No. GA-0222 (2004) at 3 (citing Glass v. Smith, 
    244 S.W.2d 645
    , 648 (Tex. 1951)).
    Moreover, a home-rule city’s charter is presumed to be valid, and courts will not interfere unless
    such a provision “is unreasonable or arbitrary, amounting to a clear abuse of municipal discretion.”
    In resanchez, 81 S.W.3d 794,796 (Tex. 2002) (concerning election application deadline established
    by municipal ordinance).
    Under the Texas Constitution, “no charter or any ordinance passed under said charter shall
    contain any provision inconsistent with the Constitution of the State, or of the general laws enacted
    ‘See GEORGETOWN,     TEX.,ELECTIONS OVERVIEW,   af hnp://www.georgetown.org/citygovemment/electio~/
    (reportingthe unofficialvote as 4,747(76.7%)for, and 1,442(23.3%)against)(lastvisitedSept.24, 2004);see also
    JenniferBarrios,Tax Cap, Liquor Changes Approved; Packed Polls in Sun City Seen as Crucial to Results, AUSTIN
    AMERICAN-STATESMAN,     Sept.12,2004,at Al.
    The Honorable Stephen E. Ogden - Page 3                 (GA-0269)
    by the Legislature of this State.” TEX. CONST.art. XI, $ 5. A home-rule city charter provision “is
    unenforceable to the extent it conflicts with [a] state statute.” See 
    Sanchez, 81 S.W.3d at 796
    However, “courts will not hold a state law and a city charter provision repugnant to each other if they
    can reach a reasonable construction leaving both in effect.“s 
    Id. Consequently, we
    pertinent provisions of the constitution and the statutes for potential soumes of conflict with the
    City’s charter.
    Article VIII, section l-b(h) provides that upon receipt of a proper voter petition, the
    governing body of a municipality shall order an election concerning adoption ofthe tax freeze. TEX.
    CONST.art. VIII, $ l-b(h).6 The provision does not address the timing of such elections, and is also
    silent about calling an election on a tax freeze proposition that has previously been submitted for an
    election and defeated. 
    Id. Section 11.261
    of the Tax Code provides generally for implementing a
    5Compnre Tex. Att’y Gen. op. No. GA-0025(2003)(detemining that stahmry runoffrequirementsand a
    municipalinstant-runoffprovisionirreconcilablyconflict),with Op. Tex. Sec’y StateNo. JH-I (1991)at 2 (home-rule
    city may require,by charteror ordinancepursuantto charter,that write-incandidatesfile a declarationof write-in
    candidacy,because“[h]omerule citiesare givenbroadauthorityunderarticleXI, section5, of the TexasConstitution
    to adopta charterand enactordinancespursuantto that charter. The only limitationunderthe constitutionis that the
    charteror ordinancesbe consistentwiththe constitutionor the generallawsof the state.“).
    6ArticleVIII, sectionl-b(h) provides:
    The governingbodyof a county,a city or town,or ajuniorcollegedistrictby officialaction
    may providethat if a personwho is disabledor is sixty-five(65) years of age or older receivesa
    residencehomesteadexemptionprescribedm authorizedby this section, the total amountof ad
    valoremtaxesimposedon thathomesteadby thecounty,thecityOItom, or thejunior collegedistrict
    maynot be increasedwhileit remainsthe residencehomesteadof thatpersonor thatperson’sspouse
    whois disabledor sixty-five(65)yearsof ageor olderandreceivesa residencehomesteadexemption
    on the homestead. As an alternative,cmreceiptof a petitionsignedby five percent(5%) of the
    registeredvotersof the county,the city or town,or thejunior collegedistrict,the governingbody of
    the county,the cityortom, or thejunior collegedistrictshallcallanelectionto determineby majority
    vote whetherto establisha tax limitationprovidedby this subsection.If a county,a city or town,or
    a junior collegedistrictestablishesa tax limitationprovidedby this subsectionand a disabledperscm
    or a personsixty-five(65)yearsof age01olderdiesin a yearin whichthe personreceiveda residence
    homesteadexemption,the totalamountof ad valoremtaxesimposedon the homesteadby the county,
    the city or town, or the junior collegedistrictmaynot be increasedwhile it remainsthe residence
    homesteadof thatperson’ssurvivingspcmseif the spouseis fifty-five(55)yearsof age or olderat the
    time of the person’sdeath,subjectto any exceptionsprovidedby generallaw. The legislature,by
    generallaw,mayprovidefor thetransferof all 01a proportionateamountof a tax limitationprovided
    by this subsectionfor a personwho qualitiesfor the limitationand establishesa differentresidence
    homesteadwithinthe samecounty,within the samecity or town,or withinthe samejunior college
    district. A county,a cityor town,or ajunior collegedistrictthatestablishesa tax limitationunderthis
    subsectionmustcomplywitha lawprovidingfor the transferof the limitation,evenif the legislature
    enacts the law subsequentto the county’s,the city’s or town’s,or the junior college district’s
    establishmentof thelimitation.Taxesotherwiselimitedbya county,a cityor town,or a juniorcollege
    districtunderthis subsectionmaybe increasedto the extentthe valueof the homesteadis increased
    by improvementsotherthanrepairsandotherthanimprovements         madeto complywithgovernmental
    requirementsand except as may be consistentwith the transfer of a tax limitationunder a law
    authorizedby this subsection.The governingbody of a county,a city or town,or a junior college
    districtmaynot repealor rescinda tax limitationestablishedunderthis subsection.
    TEX.CONST.art. VIII, 5 l-b(h).
    The Honorable Stephen E. Ogden - Page 4             (GA-0269)
    tax limitation that has been adopted under the amendment. TEX.TAXCODEANN. 4 11.261 (Vernon
    Supp. 2004-05). It is likewise silent about the timing for calling an election. Compare with 
    id. $5 6.26(e)
    (Vernon 2003) (providing for an election on whether to consolidate tax assessing and
    collecting functions within certain period following a voter petition); 26.08(b) (providing for a
    rollback election on tax rates within certain period following a voter petition); 26.085(d) (providing
    for an election on dedication of funds to a college district within a certain period following a voter
    Concerning the timing of elections, the Election Code specifies four dates in the year as
    uniform election dates for general and special elections. TEX.ELEC.CODEANN. 5 41 .OOl(Vernon
    Supp. 2004-05). Section 41.0041(a) provides that when a “law outside this code other than the
    constitution prohibits another election from being held on the same or a similar measure for a
    specified number of years after an election on a measure,” the election must be held on the
    corresponding uniform election date even if it “falls a number of days short of the requisite period.”
    Id. 8 4
    1.0041(a) (Vernon 2003). That section anticipates the existence of limitations such as the City
    charter’s two-year limitation on voter initiative elections, although the statute may shorten the
    required period. 
    Id. Under particular
    circumstances, other provisions in the Election Code may limit
    application of a particular city charter’s election provisions to the extent of any conflict. See, e.g.,
    id. 9 3.005
    (Vernon Supp. 2004-05) (providing that elections ordered bypolitical subdivisions “shall
    be ordered not later than the 62nd day before election day”). But concerning the frequency of voter
    initiative elections, the Election Code is silent.
    In sum, we have located no state law that would expressly conflict with charter provisions
    such as the City’s that limit special elections to once in six months, or limit calling an election on
    a measure for two years after a similar measure has been defeated. The legislature has not preempted
    the subject matter, because, “if the Legislature chooses to preempt a subject matter usually
    encompassed by the broad powers of a home-rule city, it must do so with umnistakable clarity.”
    Dallas Merchant’s & Concessionaire’s Ass% v. City ofDallas, 852 S.W.2d 489,491 (Tex. 1993).
    Provisions limiting special elections on initiated ordinances to once every six months, and
    prohibiting elections on defeated measures for two years, aimed at mitigating voter fatigue and the
    expense of calling additional elections, would likely be determined to be reasonable. We beheve a
    court would likely conclude that charter provisions similar to the City’s are not unreasonable or
    arbitraty, and applicable to petitions to adopt the tax limitation under the amendment.
    The Honorable Stephen E. Ogden - Page 5            (GA-0269)
    Home-rule municipality charter provisions limiting special
    elections on voter-initiated ordinances to once every six months and
    prohibiting an election on an initiated ordinance for two years after an
    ordinance on the same subject has been defeated may apply to an
    election called pursuant to a voter petition under article VIII, section
    l-b(h) of the Texas Constitution.
    First Assistant Attorney General
    Deputy Attorney General for Legal Counsel
    Chair, Opinion Committee
    William A. Hill
    Assistant Attorney General, Opinion Committee

Document Info

Docket Number: GA-0269

Judges: Greg Abbott

Filed Date: 7/2/2004

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017