Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1993 )

  •                             QBfficeof tije JZlttornepQBeneral
    &date of PCexae
    GENERAL                               March29,1993       I
    Mr. David J. Freeman                            OpinionNo. DM-211
    Texas Bating Commission                         Re: Authority of the Texas Racing
    P.O. Box 12080                                  Commission pursuant to sections 6.09 and
    Austin, Texas 7871I-2080                        10.05 of the Texas Racing Act, article 179e,
    V.T.C.S., to receive and regulate the use of
    breakage generated by pari-mutuel wagering
    on greyhounds (RQ-230)
    Dear Mr. Free-man:
    The Texas Racing Act (the “act”) authorizes the Texas Racing Commission (the
    %mnmision”) to regulate pari-mutuelwagering in the state of Texas. See, e.g., V.T.C.S.
    art. 179e, 0 3.02. Your questions concern the authority of the cmnmissionunder sections
    6.09(d) and 10.05 of the act to rcseive and regulate the UK of breakage generated by pari-
    mutuelwageringongreyhoundmcesinTexas. “Br&age”mcans:
    Id 8 1.03(20).’
    Section 6.09(c) provides that 50 percent of the breakage gawrated by pari-mutuel
    6.09(d) of the act aUocatcsthe remaing 50 percent. Section 6.09(d) provides:
    state greyhound breedhg registty. Ofthat portion of the breakage
    Mtbcpaidtothewiooiagkttw,bot-tothcEomminiosthc                    a?mptmkofFobkAEEounts,
    ~VdOOSOthSi#didO&Orcntiticrin-                 with tie XL See V.T.C.S. art. 179~.05 6.08(b) - (i).
    6.09(c)-(d), 9.04. 10.05; 16 TAX. 0 301.1 (defining ‘mirmr pod” as a pool with t!sufficient net
    (l3mmgh       Flh. co. 1978).
    Tb d.50 V.T.C.S. an 179~.0 3.09(a) @vision       for depositin statetmsmy by ammisior~ of
    p.   1112
    Mr.DavidJ.Freeman -Page2              ml-2    11)
    simu&arl pri-mutueI   pool is to be pid    to tk     -won     for lhe
    use by the state grqhomd            breed registty,    subject IO mks
    pramdgaied by the cmmhian.          [Emphasismd footnote added.]
    Tacpp Grcyhmd Awxiation (the “TGA”). the only breed r&try for greyhounds in
    Texas. We-            youalsotoask~partofthatbreakageistobe~for``
    racesmd~partissubj~torulesado~bythecommission.                 Weconcludethatallof
    to the TGA. We also conclude that one-hsJfof the breakage allocated by section 6.09(d),
    asideforst&esracesaswellasitsuseofthe         remaining 25 percent is subject to rules
    In 1991. the legislature &led the langursc of section 6.09(d) italicized hove.
    Acts 1991.72d Leg.. ch. 386.5 30,8t 1456. Spe&caUy, the wadded            the it&&cd
    languageduringthethirdrwdingofHouseBii2263        onMay 18.1991. S.J. ofTen, 72d
    Leg.. at 1717-18 (May 18. 1991) (5oor aawhent       16). Earlier that day, the senate
    added sections 10.04 ud 10.05 to the act during the second read@ of the bii. 
    Id. at 1703
    (500r Mlmdmmt 3). Those sections provide:
    section 10.04. The state greyhod breed regiey shd nuke
    gmyhombintbisstate.      Rulcsadoptedbythemgistryaresubjeotto
    wmmission approval.
    section 10.05. The 05cially d&hated state .grqkmd breed
    regiay ‘for accrehd         Tcxasked gwyhmds is the Tsar
    GteyhoundAawcktion. Tbest8tebrc®istqshUadoptndato
    provide for the use of brehgc ruxived by it under Section 6.09(d)
    OfthiSAct. Anasso&ionskdlpaytbe~duethebrced
    registry to the appropriate state greyhound registry at least every 30
    p.   1113
    h4r.DavidJ.F recmm-Page3                (DM-2 11)
    V.T.C.S. ut. 179e, 00 10.04- .05; Acts 1991, 72d Leg.. ch. 386, 548, at 1460.4 The
    referenw to “aswciui0n” in the last sentenw in section 10.05 is not to the TGA, but to
    theiadividualorentitylicenssdtoconductnca,ita``tracl.               V.T.C.S.ut. 179e,
    3 1.03(2) (defhing “usociatim” as person licawd to conduct race meet@ with pari-
    mutuel -8=w.
    You note in your reqtte~ letter that section 6.09(d) as amcntly worded is subject
    to diGring inteqmtatioas.     You expLin that the commission intuprets the section as
    ofthe bredage allocatedby section 6.09(d), with one-half ofthat amount or 25 percent to
    acwrdanw with wmmission rules.’ You further explain, however, that the section wuld
    be read to set aside for stakes races or subject to commissionrqulation only one-half of
    the5Opementofthebrcakage,or25penmt,witb                12 1/2percmtsetasidefixusein
    ndea. Underthtxtintcrpremion,tbcTGAwould~the                  mnainiq 25 percent f&e of
    eithastatutoryorrqulatorycontrol.        Youstate,however,thatthisint~raationwuld
    ~1~,69LhLeg,zdC.S..&19,~1,~61.               Tbisi8n@mgcmas&kddur&tkUdrdrmdingd
    SamkBUlSiatk+nrtc.        SJ.dTa,6~Icg.IdC.S.w166(~26,1986)(~PncaQlvnt
    4).N&hertheaaultcddmtcduriagthirdndingallicr~            ofsech6.O9(d),mrothcrcspcusaf
    tkle&laiwhinaydSantcBiu15duifytbemmlill8dtk``.                             srr,e.g..Same
    C.S.S.B. 15, at 6 (AqaU 28. 19S6) (irmmcdy rrdcrriDgto rctioa 6.09(d) uul (e) in the Samtc
    commiarc 8obWitulc rc@aced by mztioo 6.09(d) duriq third madi@.     We u&m&         that the
    -          didnmcd to tk TtiA SlS2.275.OI me-iuuoftk s361.55Oiu bmkagc tbal Ihe alrmdsh
    p.   1114
    Mr. David J. Frecmw - Page 4           (DM-211)
    promotion of the gqhnmd       brecdhg indusby in Texas. &e 
    id. 5 1.02
    (stat@ act’s
    We note also several other ambiguities in section 6.09(d). First, the phrase
    “subject to rules promulgated by the commission”could be wnst~ed to apply to both
    perwntages mentioned in the second sentence; or to apply to only the latter of the two
    puwdaga       Sewnd,tbere@awntthat25perwntbcpaidtothewmmissionappcars
    TGA,thestategrqhmdbreedreghy            Furkmo~, the requiremwt in section 6.09(d)
    section10.05thatthegreyhmdassohtionspaytotheTGA               brehgedueitatleast
    evwy 30 days.
    ztscedn the intent ofthe kgishturc and that ambiguous statutes should be interpreted to
    grmmatiwl reading of the statute. See Green v. i&x@,773 S.W.2xl 816, 818 (Tex.
    App.-San Antonio 1989, no writ); 67 TEX JUIL3d Sturutes 85 91, 113 (and authorities
    cited therein). Acwrdingly, we turn to the legislative history of the phrase “is to be paid
    to the commission for the use by the state greyhound registry, subject to rules
    House Bill 2263 on adoption of floor amemhnt 16. S.J. of Tcx.. 72d Leg.. at 1717-18
    (May 18,199l). Adoption of floor amwdmwt 16 resulted in termhtion of Senator John
    Leedom’s5liier      on the floor against passage of House Bii 2263. During the filii,
    thesenatorr&red      armaoustimesto~w6.O~)ofthebin,aprovisiwrlloutinga
    8UthOliZCthCW    ~ontolrdoptrulesreguLtiagtbeborsebretdngistrieS’uSe0fthat
    breakage. See Debate on H.B. 2263 on the Floor of the Senate, 72d Leg. (uay 18, 1991)
    p.   1115
    Mr.DavidJ.Freunan -Page5              (DM-2 11)
    (tape available 5xnn Swude Staff Sesviw3).7 Floor amwdmwt 16. w-sponsored by
    Swwtor Lcedom added to saxion 6.08(i) the proviso that the bre&ge allocated by
    ~mmission.“* ThishnguageisaentiAythesameasthtuIdedbyflooranwhmnt                       16
    toseuion6.09(d). hatorChetBrooks,anotherc&sponsoroftheamaha&inkct
    cxphinedtotkhouae~5oor-                             16auurcdthatthcsamebre&age
    bitations appliedto horseracing and dog aiog. See Debate on H.B. 2263 on the Floor
    of the !knate, 72d Leg. (May 18.1991) (tape available from Senate StaE Services).
    pawntage ret aside 5x stakes races. Furthnore, we conclude that the legislature
    intended by the addition of the phrase “is to be paid to the wmmission for the use by the
    atate gmyhomd breed regktry, subjecl to rules promulgated by the commission”8lso to
    5nt swtence of section 6.09(d) that 50 percent of the breakage “is to be paid to the
    thewmmission,itwillbeultimatcJypaidtotheregistry.9      Thiswnstructioncanalsobe
    hamonbd with the statement in se&m 10.05that the TGA “shalladopt rules to provide
    p.   1116
    Mr. David J. Fm-Page6                 (DM-2 11)
    for the use of breakage rewived by it under Section 6.09(d) of this Act.” While this
    statrmentbyitstennsdoesnotprovidefor         wmmisaion review and adoption of the TGA’s
    rules, we conclude that the provision in section 10.04 that “[r]ules adopted by the m&try
    [the TGA] arc subject to commissionapproval”appties to the TGA’s rules on breakage as
    well as to its rules establishingquali5cationsfor gryhwnds. The section 10.04 provision
    is not expressly limited to the TGA’s rules establishing quaiikations for Texas-bred
    10.05. SJ. of Tex.. 72d Leg.. at 1703 (May 18, 1991). In addition, we found no
    indication ia the kgisMve history of the floor amwdment adding section 10.04 and 10.05
    prior wmmission approval. More importantly,as we explainlater in this opinion, no other
    conclusionwould render the tioa       10.05 statemwt wnstkutional.~O
    We are not able, however, to harmonhe our wnstnztion of section 6.09(d) with
    the requirwnwt in section 10.05that the greyhound asocktions pay to the TGA breakage
    due it at least every 30 days. As mentioned above, the senate amended section 6.09(d)
    during the third reading on May 18. 1991. while s&ons 10.04 and 10.05 were added
    dtningthewwndreadingearliathRtday.         This&ctalongwiththelegislativehistoryof
    5oor amendmwtt 16 lead us to wncbde that the wntlicting payment requkement in
    section 10.05 is iwlktive.
    We turn now to the relevant wnwitu5otud principles.*l State regdatory statutes
    prohii the legkkure firornddegating legi&ive powers Yo the unwntrolkd dkretion
    of a private individual or entity.” See Attorney General opinion JIM-509(1986) at 3.
    purpom however, will not violate these wnstitutional provisions. Compare Minlan v.
    Ci@ of Fart WorthPhning Can&n, 
    786 S.W.2d 563
    (Tex App.-Fort Worth 1990. no
    kgidatk power ldthout controls on exercise of power) wifh Llt&ng v. Auramatic Gas
    193 S.W.2d 517
    (Tar. 1946) (holding valid statute that inwm          by refuwcc
    p.   1117
    Mr.DavidJ.F reeman-Page7               @M-211)
    wy39.”       Thwwhiiethckgislatureorstateagenciesmayrequesttbeticeaad
    manbars of the public.1’ our wnchlsion that seuions 10.04 and 10.05, whal mad
    this gmed principle, and thuq we need wt iiad that section 10.05 vioiates article I&
    swtion 1 or article III, seotion 1 of the Texas Constitution.
    touloptfinrlnrl~fortheTG~s~ofrllbrerloeeit             rE!c&esunderthusectionrrealso
    wnaiwwtwithgweraldueproceMpfinciples. AdoptionofregulatoryshbJtessochasthe
    welfkre of the public. ~IIiams v. State, 
    176 S.W.2d 177
    , 182 (Tex. Grim. App. 1943);
    T-State       T&rsAshv.S&te.          711 S.W2d421,425 (Tex. App.-Austin 1986, writ
    ref’dn.r.e.). Although a state’spoke power is broad, it may not exceed the state’s duty to
    protect the welfhre of its citizws “as consistentlyas may be with private property rights.”
    Brawn v. Humbk Oil&Refining Co., 83 S.W.2d 935,943 (Tat. 1935). Due process of
    malulerthw ensures the acwmplishmwt of those public purposes. Id.; hte Stur Gus Co.
    v. Kelly, 
    165 S.W.2d 446
    .449 (Rx. 1942) (the state’spoke power may not be acercised
    ~easitmultshabu&tothepublic).               InTrrpPhmaucehcalA&nv.&wley,a
    fees imposed by the statute on phmacisu.    
    146 S.W.2d 206
    (Tex. Cii. App.-Austin
    1936, writ dism’djudgm’t cur.). The wutt wnchded thuthefketmnsferplwisionwas
    animnlidaracire OfthCStU&pOliCCpOWWbCOWWCthCprivltellWWiUiWWlWWithK
    p.   1118
    Mr. David J. Freeman -Page8         (DM-211)
    Section 6.09(d) oftbe Texas Racing Act, V.T.C.S. article 179e.
    tostakesraces.    TheTcxasRacingComissionis~by
    Howcvq in awordancc with seuions 10.04 and 10.05 of the act,.the
    brerloee,a teccivawderthe~butthoseNlesare8ubjectto
    DAN      MORALES
    Attorney General of Texas
    p.   1119
    Mr. David J. Framm -Page9          (DM-211)
    Deputy AttomeyGenadforLitigation
    state solicitor
    Chair, opinion Commbc
    p.   1120

Document Info

Docket Number: DM-211

Judges: Dan Morales

Filed Date: 7/2/1993

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017