Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1990 )

  •                                December   31,    1990
    Honorable  Mike Driscoll               Opinion    No.   JW-1281
    Harris County Attorney
    1001 Preston, Suite 634                Re:     Whether a commissioners
    Houston,  Texas  77002                 court may    appoint a    licensed
    attorney to advise the sheriff
    or an individual     commissioner
    Dear   Mr.    Driscoll:
    You have       requested   our opinion  as   to  whether         the
    commissioners       court of Harris County is authorized   to
    create a position to be filled by a          licensed
    attorney to be     appointed   or   employed.by     an
    individual   member of the commissioners        court
    or the   sheriff     for the   purpose    of   giving
    legal advice     to the   individual   member,     the
    commissioners    court and/or the sheriff        about
    their respective    official powers and duties.
    You suggest in   the brief submitted    with your request    that
    the creation   by the   Harris County   Commissioners  Court   of
    such attorney positions     constitutes an unlawful   usurpation
    of the powers and duties of the Harris County Attorney.
    Section 151.001 of the       Local Government     Code     provides
    that district,    county,    or precinct    officers    must apply       to
    the commissioners     court for    authority    to appoint     deputies,
    assistants,   or clerks.      In counties like Harris County, with
    a population    over   190,000, such officials        must also      apply
    for authority     to appoint     "any other     kinds of    employees."
    Section 151.002 provides that the commissioners            court     shall
    make such authorizations       by order.    However, where a county
    official   is vested    by the constitution       or the     legislature
    with exclusive    authority    to perform a duty, the        commission-
    ers may not employ, or authorize        the employment     of,    another
    person to perform such duties.         See, e.a.     Cameron County v.
    761 S.W.2d 517
    (Tex. App. - Corpu; Christi 1988,                 no
    writ) (commissioners      court's creation of position        of    secre-
    tary to    court   with    duty   of   transcribing      court    minutes
    improperly   interfered    with the statutory     duty of the       county
    clerk to "record" the court's proceedings).
    P. 6876
    Honorable     Mike      Driscoll    - Page    2     (JM-1281)
    Article V,    section    21,            of     the     Texas     Constitution,
    provides   in pertinent   part:
    The   County    Attorneys     shall    represent     the
    State    in   all   cases    in   the   District     and
    inferior courts in their respective          counties:
    but if    any county     shall    be included     in   a
    district    in which there      shall be a    District
    Attorney,    the respective      duties of    District
    Attorneys    and County Attorneys      shall in    such
    counties be regulated      by the Legislature.
    The office   of county    attorney   for  Harris County    was
    created in 1953, when      the legislature   abolished   the  office
    of Harris County Criminal District Attorney.         Acts 1953, 53d
    Leg., chs. 315,     316, at   784, 786.    The  provisions   of  the
    1953 enactment   detailing   the powers and duties of the Harris
    County Attorney   are now codified     as section 45.201     of  the
    Government  Code, which provides     in relevant part:
    It is the     primary    duty   of   the   county
    attorney  in Harris     County or his     assistants
    to represent    the state,     Harris County,      and
    the officials   of Harris     County in all      civil
    matters pending before       the courts of     Harris
    County and    any   other courts      in which     the
    state, the county,      or the    officials   of   the
    county have matters pending.
    Section 81.023            of  the Local Government   Code, by              con-
    trast, applies only             to certain counties.   It provides:
    (a) The commissioners   court  of a county
    with a population   of more   than 500,000 may
    employ an attorney as special counsel.
    (b)    The    special   counsel      may    be     employed
    to:                                                                         .
    (1)      represent  the      county   in any       suit
    brought      by or against       the county:
    (2) prepare    necessary    documents     and
    otherwise  assist    the  court,    the   county
    engineer,  and   other county    employees     in
    the acquisition   of   rights-of-way    for   the
    county and for state highways:      or
    (3) represent        the  county   in  condem-
    nation proceedings        for the acquisition    of
    P. 6877
    Honorable     Mike   Driscoll   - Page    3   (JW-1281)
    rights-of-way   for   highways    and     other
    purposes   for which  the   county    has   the
    right of eminent domain.
    (c) The county attorney shall select       the
    special counsel.   If the county does not have
    a county attorney,   the district attorney      or
    criminal district attorney    shall select     the
    special counsel.   The selecting   officer shall
    determine the terms   and duration   of   employ-
    ment of the special   counsel, subject to      the
    court's approval.
    Finally, section 41.007 of   the Government               Code,   applicable
    to all county attorneys, provides:
    A district or county attorney,    pn   reouest,
    shall give to a county or precinct    official   of
    his district or   county a written opinion       or
    written advice relating to the official duties
    of that official.    (Emphasis added.)
    In Driscoll v. Harris Countv Comm'rs Court, 688           S.W.Zd
    569 ITex. ADD.      -. Houston    rl4th Dist.1   1984,   writ    ref'd
    n.r.i.), thycourt      considered   the interaction   of the    provi-
    sions of    article 2372p,     V.T.C.S.,   now codified     as   Local
    Government     Code   section   81.023,   with   those   of    article
    .6795b-1, authorizing     certain counties to construct,      operate,
    and maintain inter alia a Hturnpike,       highway,   or any    combi-
    nation of such facilities."        Section 5 of the latter article
    orovided   for   the   creation of    a board to    manaae     such    a
    project and authorized      the board
    to design the      project, to acquire      necessary
    lands or rights-of-way       or other property      for
    the project     by   purchase,     condemnation,     or
    otherwise    . . . and    to   employ    consultants,
    attorneys,     engineers,     financial     advisors,
    agents and other employees        or contractors     in
    connection    with   the    development,     construc-
    tion,    operation      and   management      of    the
    Id. at 575.
     The majority opinion gave the following                  summary
    of the events which gave rise to the litigation:
    [T]he   commissioners     court   designated      the
    members of    the   commissioners   court    as   the
    operating  board of the authority      and   further
    authorized     the    preparation      and      legal
    p. 6878
    Honorable     Mike   Driscoll   - Page    4   (JR-1281)
    documentation      for    the issuance of           fifty
    million dollars       in toll      road revenue        and
    unlimited    tax bonds.      In connection     with    the
    issuance of these        bonds the operating        board
    engaged the law       firm of Vinson       L Elkins     to
    serve as counsel.        On   November    8, 1983,     the
    operating    board entered an order engaging the
    law firm of Fulbright         C Jaworski    as    special
    counsel for      the   Toll Road      Authority.       The
    Harris    County     Attorney      objected     to     the
    employment    of special      counsel, and informed
    the commissioners      court     that his office       was
    capable of doing all         the work in      connection
    with the     acquisition     of   the   rights-of-way,
    and    other   related       matters.      He     further
    informed commissioners        court that the employ-
    ment of private       attorneys    without the      input
    of his office was contrary to law Andy should
    they    persist,     legal    action    would     result.
    They persisted,      and    consequently    the    county
    attorney,    in his      official     capacity,     filed
    this lawsuit against commissioners            court, all
    the members thereof, the county auditor,               the
    county    treasurer,        Vinson    &    Elkins      and
    Fulbright    & Jaworski.
    &    at 577.
    The trial court denied the Harris County Attorney,               the
    plaintiff  in that case, all       relief sought.        On appeal,    the
    court of   appeals,   in a per       curia    opinion,     reversed    and
    remanded the case.     On motion for rehearing,          the per    curiam
    opinion was reissued by the majority,          with two other justic-
    es concurring    in   the    result and     three     dissenting.      The
    majority  and concurring      opinions held       that appointment       of
    attorneys  pursuant     to   article     6795b-1     for   work   on   the
    turnpike project must       be made    in compliance       with the     re-
    quirement  of   article     2372~.     Article     2372~    stated    that
    special counsel must       be named    by the     county attorney       and
    that such employment     must be on terms "deemed proper" by the
    county attorney,    as approved by the commissioners           court.
    Roth statutes speak      to the same    subject,
    namely, the employment       of counsel to     repre-
    sent   the   county    in the    acquisition,       by
    condemnation   or    otherwise,  of   rights-of-way
    for   the    construction     of    county     roads.
    Artidle 2372p, however,      is a specific   statute
    insofar as it     limits the outright      authority
    to hire such     counsel   (in counties having       a
    p. 6879
    Honorable     Mike   Driscoll   - Page   5   (JM-1281)
    population  in   excess    of  500,000)     if   such
    county is represented      by a county     attorney,
    district   attorney     or    criminal      district
    attorney.  . . . We must give effect to          this
    plain wording    of   the   statute    and,    unless
    there is a conflict between the two statutes,
    give effect to both.      The trial court did not
    expressly  find a conflict:    neither     appellant
    nor appellees    contend there      is a   conflict,
    and we find there is no conflict.
    &   at 581.
    In priscoll,     the firms involved were employed to assist
    the turnpike authority       in its   issuance of bonds and to     act
    as *'special counsel"      in the acquisition   of rights-of-way   and
    other matters.      It has been suggested     that a distinction   may
    be made between an attorney's       duty to renrese t a client and
    his duty to     advise a client,     and that only nthe former       is
    prohibited   by    the   terms of   section    81.023 of   the   Local
    Government   Code.     That   view was   rejected by    the court    in
    DriscoU   :
    It is a simple matter to harmonize    the  provi-
    sions of the two acts, at least as they      apply
    to Harris County:   the commissioners   court    is
    authorized to employ   attorneys,   but in   order
    to do so, it must comply with the restrictions
    of Article 2372~ [now section 81.0231.
    &   at 582.
    Accordingly,    the court of appeals specifically        rejected
    the   trial    court's   conclusion     that   emnl vm   t   of    legal
    counsel by the Harris County        Toll Road AutEorzEy     "does    not
    constitute   an usurpation    of the powers and public duties         of
    the office of the County Attorney of Harris County, Texas in
    contravention    of the Constitution     and    laws of the State      of
    Id. The court
    did not     recognize   any   distinction
    between representation      and advice,     and, in our opinion,      no
    reasonable   distinction    can be made.
    We believe that the thrust of article V, section 21, of
    the Texas Constitution,    which requires a county attorney        to
    "represent   the State   in all cases,"    section 45.201 of      the
    Government   Code, which declares   it to be the "primary      duty"
    of the Harris County attorney     "to represent   the State,"     and
    section 41.007    of the   Government   Code, which     requires     a
    county attorney,   on request,    to "give to    a county or     pre-
    cinct official of his district      or county a written      opinion
    P. 6880
    Honorable   Mike   Driscoll   - Page   6   (JM-1281)
    or written advice," taken together,       is to compel the various
    officials  of   Harris   County to    obtain   representation      and
    advice in all legal matters      from the Harris County attorney,
    and him   alone, absent     the exceptions    provided  by    section
    81.023 of the Local Government       Code.   The law in this      area
    was well   developed   long   before   the enactment    of    section
    Prior to the enactment         of section 81.023, it was          held
    that a    commissioners      court    could not     appoint     or   employ
    private attorneys      to perform the regular duties of            district
    and county attorneys.        If the duties of these officers            were
    statutorily    imposed, the commissioners         court was     restricted
    to the   employment      of   attorneys Lo      assist     the   regularly
    constituted    officers of the       county.      errell     . Green
    S.W. 631 (Tex. 1895); w              v. Seaale:, 250 S‘lW. 413 ';Te:f
    1923);     se      alsQ     Attorney      General      Opinions        C-256
    (1964),V-1:77     (1951),    O-7474 (1946).        Section 81.023       does
    not alter prior law       in this regard,       but rather adopts        and
    confirms these principles.
    In Jones v. Velt.Jk@      
    171 S.W. 287
    (Tex. Civ. App. - San
    Antonio   1914,   writ    ref:d),   the   court    of   civil   appeals
    construed   the    county attorneyjs     statutory    duty   to   advise
    county officials     to be   all inclusive.     The court     concluded
    that there could be       no county matter     which would not      fall
    within the     contemplation    or  definition     of such    duty    and
    stated at page 290:
    The   facts   clearly       indicate     a    determined
    purpose upon     the part     of the     commissioners'
    court to evade      and thwart     the provisions       of
    article 5, 5 .21, of      the Constitution       and   the
    statutes of     the   state.      The   very     services
    enumerated   in    the order     as to     advice to    be
    given by    the county      attorney to      the   county
    judge and commissioners'        court as provided      for
    in article    356a     [now   Gov*t    Code     5 41.007,
    imposing a duty to       give an opinion or        advice
    in writing to any county or precinct officer].
    It was as much the dutv of the countv attorney
    to advise the countv iudae and           commissioners'
    GGD&   in   regard    to    properly    preparing      and
    issuing the     road bonds      as in    regard to     any
    other matter in which the county was interest-
    ed, and    it was    his dutv     to advise      them   in
    aaard    to all countv matters.        There could      be
    no   countv   m tters     about    which     advice    was
    reouired    that     was    'not     contemvlated       or
    P. 6881
    Honorable   Mike   Driscoll   - Page    7   (JM-1281)
    overed     bv  his  offgcial  duties   as         county
    gttorne;    . . . .I* (Emphasis added).
    The Harris County Attorney has         both the statutory     duty    and
    authority   to   advise and    represent     Harris County     and    its
    departments    and officials   in all civil legal matters and the
    commissioners    court has    no authority    to   usurp such     powers
    and duties and delegate      same   to another person by       contract
    or otherwise.     See also Cameron Countv, a,              (commission-
    ers court    improperly     interfered   with    the   county    clerk's
    exclusive   statutory   duty   to transcribe     the   minutes of     the
    commissioners    court by creating the position        of Secretary    of
    Cameron County     Commissioners    Court    and appointing      another
    person to    perform    this duty):     Attorney     General   Opinions
    JM-1025   (1989); JM-833    (1987).
    Furthermore,    section    41.007    of   the    Government     Code
    expressly   provides    that the    district and       county    attorney
    will advise     the county    and    its officials,       including    the
    members of    the commissioners       court and     the Harris      County
    Sheriff.    The proviso "on      reguest,"    serves only to      protect
    district and county attorneys        from being considered       derelict
    in their duty to advise       if public officials       fail or     refuse
    to request assistance.       Just as a court has no duty to           pass
    upon a petition until some request or other contingency                has
    occurred,   the commissioners     court may not suspend a portion
    of the duties required by law to be performed            by an    elected
    legal officer     by   simply    refusing to      request    advice    the
    commissioners    court deems necessary.
    In 1973, the Attorney  General considered the               applica-
    tion of  these principles  and in Attorney General                Opinion
    LA-24 (1973), he declared as follows:
    The Constitution,      Article     5,    Section     18
    speaks to the     matter of     county and      district
    attorneys   representing      the interests       of   the
    State,    not   the   County,     in matters       before
    district   and county courts.       In the absence of
    a statute      commanding     it,   or    an   agreement
    between    him   and    the    commissioners         court
    calling for it, a county or district             attorney
    has no obligation      or right     to defend      county
    interests   in court, and the county may           employ
    private counsel to      protect such interests          to
    the exclusion    of such legal officers.
    The Legislature  may,    however,   assign   such
    legal officers    additional     duties   consistent
    with their constitutional      duties.    mere    the
    P. 6882
    Honorable   Mike        Driscoll   - Page    8   (J&1281)
    has    done    so.  the    c-
    court. a     suborute       bodv.    cv
    with the discmae         of such duties; and       unless
    the Legislature      has   specified    otherwise,     any
    private     attorneys     employed    by   the     county
    commissioners     in connection    therewith    may    act
    only    under    the   direction     of   the   officer.
    (Emphasis added.)
    Section 81.023 of the       Local Government   Code,   provides
    the only vehicle      for the employment     of special counsel     by
    the commissioners     court under certain limited      circumstances
    and the    provisions     therein do   not   apply to    the  instant
    It has been    consistently   held   that the    commissioners
    court is not authorized     to interfere with the county        attor-
    ney's general statutory     duty to advise and represent        county
    and precinct    officers.    In Terrell,                 SYBEB,     the
    supreme court    held that     the  Tarrant County     Attorney    was
    entitled to a writ of      mandamus  commanding   a district     judge
    to permit him to appear as county attorney        in a cause     filed
    by the   county through     private counsel     against the     county
    treasurer.    The court stated:
    There   is no dispute as to the right of           Ben
    M. Terre11    to    exercise all     of the    functions
    which, by law, pertain to the office of county
    attorney of Tarrant county [sic]. . . . We do
    not undertake     to say     that the county     commis-
    sioners' court might not,          in the exercise      of
    its authority,      direct the institution      of   such
    suit: indeed, we think that such would             neces-
    sarily arise out        of other    powers granted      to
    the   court,     but    that   authoritv    would      not
    necessarilv    authorize     the commissioners      court
    to diSDlaCS      an   officer whose      dutv   in   such
    matters    is orescribed     bv status.
    .   .   .    .
    The fact that     the suit had     been filed      by
    other counsel employed       by the    county, in      no
    wise relieved the county attorney of his            duty
    to prosecute    this suit, nor did it deprive him
    of his privilege     to discharge   that duty. . . .
    While the    commissioners'    court     might    employ
    counsel to assist the       county attorney     in   the
    performance   of    this  duty,   it     had   not    the
    puthoritv   under the law     to diSDlaCS     him   from
    Honorable    Mike   Driscoll   - Page    9   (Jw-1281)
    er the
    hw   as an    officer    of that    county.     (Emphasis
    XL at    632-33.
    There is no      authority    for the     commissioners    court    of
    Harris County to create and fund positions             with titles      such
    as "general      counsel,"     "legal counsel,n       "staff    attorney,"
    "legal assistant,"        or "legal    advisor' to      be filled     by    a
    licensed attorney      for the    purpose of advising county          offi-
    cials in connection      with their official duties, and doing so
    clearly constitutes       an illegal     usurpation    of the    statutory
    duties    of    the   county    attorney     of   Harris    County.        In
    Driscoll     m,       the court disapproved       the employment     by the
    commissi&ers      court of     outside law firms       to do the     county
    attorney's    job.    Now the members of the commissioners            court
    are hiring attorneys        for their personal        staffs to     perform
    the identical     legal services.        The commissioners      court    has
    no greater right       or authority      to hire     staff attorneys      to
    perform the county        attorneyJs   duties     than it has to        hire
    outside law firms.         Further, in     the absence      of any    valid
    authority    for the    commissioners     court     to do   so, there      is   .
    similarly    no authority     for the county auditor to approve the
    payment of a salary to such an individual.               In addition,    the
    ~county auditor has an affirmative          duty to reject a claim         or
    expenditure     of public     funds for any      such illegal     purpose.
    Local Gov*t Code f 113.065.
    It is well-settled      that   the   constitution     does    not
    confer on    the commissioners     court general     authority     over
    county business,   but gives it only those powers conferred          by
    the constitution   or the statutes or necessarily        implied from
    those expressly   granted.    Tex. Const. art. V, S 18;        Ganales
    V.    ugh.J&, 
    214 S.W.2d 451
         (Tex. 1948);,Anderson     v.   Wood,
    152 S.W.Zd 1084 (Tex.      1941) ; Clark v.    Finley, 
    54 S.W. 343
    (Tex. 1899); penfro v. Shronshire,       
    566 S.W.2d 688
    (Tex. Civ.
    APP. - Eastland    1978, writ ref'd      n.r.e.): Starr Countv       v.
    297 S.W.2d 379
    (Tex.       Civ. App. - San Antonio        1956,
    no writ).    An  officer having     a statutory   duty    may not    be
    displaced   by the exercise of     an implied power by a       commis-
    sioners court.    Terre11 v. Greene, w;          Aldrich v.     Dallas
    167 S.W.2d 560
    (Tex. Civ. App. - Dallas, 1942,            writ
    As a general rule, public duties must be performed       and
    governmental   powers exercised by the   office designated      by
    law: such duties and powers may not be delegated    to    others.
    Lufkin v.    Galveston, 
    56 Tex. 522
      (1882); Woodv    v.   Texas
    Water Comm'n, 
    373 S.W.2d 793
    (Tex. Civ. App. - Austin        1963,
    p. 6884
    Honorable    Mike   Driscoll   - Page     10    (JM-1281)
    writ  ref'd n.r.e.);      Newsom v. w,          
    451 S.W.2d 948
    Civ.  App. - Beaumont      1970, no writ).       It has been    consis-
    tently held that the       commissioners    court cannot deprive       an
    officer of the      powers, rights, and      duties which inhere       in
    his office, nor require him to delegate the same to             another
    person seleoted by       it; nor   can it displace      an officer    by
    authorizing    another person to     perform duties devolved        upon
    him by statute.      Terre11 v. Greene, m;          uich      v. Dal1
    Countv,-;           Marcruart                          117 S.W.ld    4::
    (Tex. Civ. App.      - Galveston    1938, writ     iism'd); see     al Q
    114 S.W.2d 860
        (Tex. 1938);     --DeWi&
    o. v. v'Brazori
    acT'      County    142  S.W.Zd 916 (Tex.      Civ. App.     -
    Galveston    1940, writ    r;frd); Strinaer      v. Franklin    County,
    123 S.W. 1168
    (Tex. Civ. App. 1909, no writ).
    The authority       to choose    the employees      to assist     the
    county attorney      in performing     his duties      is vested in     the
    county attorney and        not in the     commissioners    court or     the
    sheriff.    Gov't     Code S 41.102      -sea.;       Local Gov't      Code
    5 151.001 et. sea,        Further, neither the commissioners          court
    nor the sheriff       may usurp the      county attorney's     duties    by
    attempting    to   assign    them    to persons     under   the    court's
    control    or    the   control    of   any    other   county     official.
    Section 81.023       of the    Local Government      Code provides      the
    only vehicle      for   employment    of   special    counsel,     general
    counsel,   legal counsel,       or legal assistants       to assist     the
    county attorney under certain limited circumstances.                  Since
    the employment     and    appointment    of such    "legal counsel"      by
    Commissioner     Radack, the sheriff and other county            officials
    do not   comport with       such restrictions,       such    appointments
    fail to meet      the statutory     requisites     and are,    therefore,
    you also ask about the lawfulness   of the    commissioners
    court's creation   of a position of     staff counsel     for   the
    sheriff to advise that officer     on the powers and duties      of
    his office.   A  provision  of chapter   158,  subchapter   B,   of
    the Local Government   Code relating to the Sheriff's      Depart-
    ment Civil Service System states:
    (b) The sheriff may  designate            as    exempt
    from the civil service system:
    (1)   the position     of chief   deputy:
    (2)   four positions       of major   deputy:
    (3) one    or  more        Dositions   in        the
    ce of deuartmental        leaal counS&;        and
    p. 6885
    Honorable    Mike   Driscoll   - Page     11   (JW-1281)
    (4) additional   positions       in    the   de-
    partment.   (Emphasis added.)
    Local   Gov*t    Code   5 158.038.
    In our opinion, this provision      must be read in harmony
    with section 81.023, in order       to give effect to both.      The
    sheriff    is    authorized  to   "designate"  positions   in    his
    department    as   that of  "legal counsel,"    but S,A&ovment    of
    individuals    to fill those positions    must be made in   compli-
    ance with section 81.023, b,         by the county attorney    with
    the approval of the commissioners       court.  See also Grooms v.
    Atascosa   County, 
    32 S.W. 188
    (Tex. Civ. App. 1895, no Writ);
    Attorney   General Opinion O-7474.
    You also ask whether the county auditor may approve the
    payment of a salary to    such individuals   appointed   as   legal
    advisors to the sheriff    or commissioners.    Section     113.064
    of the Local Government   Code provides that the auditor       must
    approve each such    claim before payment    by the county,      and
    that the auditor   may require verification     by affidavit      of
    such claims and   may administer   oaths   in connection     there-
    with.   Section 113.065 provides:
    The   county auditor  may  not  audit    or
    approve a claim unless the claim was incurred
    as provided by law.
    Because we concluded      in response to your first question
    that the employment     of   legal advisors to the     commissioners
    court or the sheriff is unlawful         in the absence of    compli-
    ance with section      81.023 of the     Local Government   Code,    it
    follows that     a claim      for salary   by   any  individual    not
    appointed   thereunder     may not   be   approved by   the   auditor
    under section 113.065.       See Attorney General Opinion JM-1099
    The Harris County Commissioners         Court   may
    not approve the      creation of staff      positions
    to be filled by attorneys       to be appointed     or
    employed by individual       commissioners,     or  by
    the sheriff,     for    the  purpose    of   advising
    those   officers     on   legal   matters     without
    complying  with the terms of section 81.023 of
    the Local Government-Code,       which provides
    P. 6886
    Honorable     Mike   Driscoll   - Page       12     (JM-1281)
    that such special counsel    be named,              and  his
    terms   of employment   set,   by  the                county
    Attorney General   of Texas
    First Assistant      Attorney      General
    Executive Assistant       Attorney     General
    Special Assistant  Attorney          General
    Special Assistant       Attorney     General
    Chairman,  Opinion      Committee
    Prepared by Rick Gilpin
    Assistant Attorney General
    P. 6887
    ,, ”