Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1989 )

  •              THE      ATTORNEY        GENERAL
    Honorable Mark W. Stiles             Opinion No. JM-1060
    County Affairs Committee             Re: May an attorney who
    Texas House of Representatives       serves on the board      of
    P. 0. Box 2910                       directors of an appraisal
    Austin, Texas   78769                district contract with a
    participating  taxing unit
    to collect delinquent taxes
    Dear Representative   Stiles:
    You ask whether a private attorney who is a director.of
    an appraisal   district may contract to collect delinquent
    taxes for a taxing unit that participates in the appraisal
    district. We will first consider whether the attorney would
    be disqualified   by statute frcm serving on the appraisal
    district board.
    An appraisal district is established in each county to
    appraise property for ad valorem tax purposes of the taxing
    units in the district, which include the county, cities,
    school districts, and any other political unit that imposes
    ad valorem taxes on property.     Tax Code 5 6.01: seeid.
    F, 1.04(12) (defining "taxing unit"). The five member board
    of directors of the appraisal district is elected by the
    governing bodies of the county, the cities, and the school
    districts in the appraisal district. 
    Id. § 6.03.
    6.03 of the Tax Code, which sets out the eligibility
    requirements   for directors   of the app~raisal    district,
    includes the following restriction:
    An individual . . . is not ineligible because
    of membership   on the governing   body of a
    taxing unit or because the individual is an           r
    elected official. However, an emolovee of a
    taxing unit that narticioates in the district
    is not elisible to serve on the board unless
    the individual    is also a member of the
    governing body or an elected official of
    a taxing unit that      participates  in  the
    district.   (Emphasis added.)
    Honorable Mark W. Stiles - Page 2 (JM-1060)
    Id. 5 6.03(a).
    Section 6.30(c) of the Tax Code authorizes    contracts
    between a taxing unit and an attorney to enforce          the
    collection of delinquent taxes. In our opinion, an attorney
    who contracts    under this provision   is an     independent
    contractor and not an employee of the taxing unit.         An
    independent contractor contracts to do a specific piece of
    work for another, furnishes and controls his assistants, and
    does the work without being subject to the other's orders on
    its details. Halliburton v. Texas Indemnitv Ins. co., 
    213 S.W.2d 677
      (Tex. 19481.   Section 6.30(a) refers to the
    attorney as ‘a "privatei attorney.   See'aenerally   Attorney
    General Opinion JM-14 (1983) (county may not contract with
    county attorney under section 6.30(a) of the Tax Code).'
    Attorney General Opinion V-137 (1947) determined    that
    the predecessor of section 6.30 did not authorize a commis-
    sioners court to hire individuals v                        to
    collect delinquent taxes on a commission basis. The county
    had authority to arrange  for delinquent tax collections   on
    a commission basis only by contract pursuant    to the pre-
    decessor of section   6.30.   &at     2.   An attorney who
    contracts to collect delinquent taxes for a taxing unit    is
    not an employee of that unit and is therefore      not dis-
    qualified from service on the board of directors under the
    quoted provision of section 6.03(a).
    You ask whether the contract creates a conflict       of
    interest .for the director of the appraisal district, because
    the board of directors    establishes  policy for the chief
    appraiser's determinations of taxable values and exemptions
    and the contracting attorney may eventually     derive a fee
    based on those values. We will outline the process of tax
    appraisal and collections    to provide a context    for our
    discussion of your question.
    The Tax Code     contemplates   a three-step    process:
    appraisal,   assessment,  and   collection   of taxes.     See
    Attorney   General Opinion JM-35     (1983).   The   appraisal
    district participates in this process only during the first
    step.    The district board of directors       establishes  an
    appraisal   office and appoints     a chief appraiser      who
    determines   the value of property and decides         whether
    applicants for exemptions   are entitled to them. Tax Code
    s 6.05, chs. 11, 22, 23, 25; see cenerally Attorney    General
    Opinion JM-499 (1986).    The appraisal   district board also
    appoints the board which reviews the appraisal         records
    prepared by the chief appraiser. Tax Code 55 6.41, 25.22,
    41.01.    If the appraisal    review board finds that the
    appraisals do not comply with law, it directs the chief
    p. 5521
    Honorable Mark'w. Stiles - Page 3 (JM-1060)
    appraiser to make the necessary corrections.  
    Id. 55 41.01,
    41.02; see Attorney General Opinion JM-981 (1988).
    When the appraisal  records have been approved by the
    appraisal review board, they constitute the appraisal   roll
    for the district.     
    Id. 5 25.24.
       The chief    appraiser
    certifies the relevant part of the appraisal    role to the
    assessor for each taxing unit participating in the district.
    Id. 5 26.01.
    The governing body adopts a tax rate, and the
    assessor computes the tax owed on each property and sends a
    tax bill to the property owner. 
    Id. 55 26.05,
    26.09, 31.01.
    If the tax is not paid on time, the taxing unit may
    file suit to collect it.   
    Id. s 33.41.
    The governing   body
    of the taxing unit may contract with an attorney to enforce
    the collection of its delinquent taxes for a total compensa-
    tion not to exceed 20 percent of the amount of delinquent
    tax, penalty, and interest collected. Tax Code § 6.30(c).
    Chapter 171 of the Local Government    Code1 deals with
    conflicts of interest of "local public officials," including
    directors  of an appraisal district.       Local Gov't Code
    § 171.001(1). A local public official commits an offense if
    he knowingly participates in a vote or decision on a matter
    involving a business  entity in which he has a substantial
    interest if "the action on the matter    will have a special
    economic effect on the business entity that is distinguish-
    able from the effect on the public."    Acts 1987, 70th Leg.,
    ch. 362, § 4, at 1799    (amending article 988b, section 4,
    V.T.C.S., now codified as section 171.004 of the Local Gov't
    Code.)2 A local public official who has such an interest.in
    1. Former article 98833, V.T.C.S.,   was recodified  as
    chapter 171 of the Local Government Code by the 70th session
    of the Legislature.   Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149.     The
    same session of the legislature adopted amendments to former
    article 988b, V.T.C.S., without reference to the repeal and
    recodification  of that provision.     The amendments    are
    preserved and given effect as part of the code provision.
    Gov't Code 5 311.031(c).
    2. Section 171.003 (a)(l) of the Local Government Code
    bars a local public official from knowing participation in a
    vote or decision "on a matter involving a business    entity"
    in which he has 'Iasubstantial interest if it is reasonably
    forseeable that an action on the matter would confer an
    (Footnote Continued)
    P. 5522
    Honorable Mark W. Stiles - Page 4 (JM-1060)
    a business  entity must file an affidavit describing that
    interest and abstain   from participation in the matter.
    Local Gov't Code 5 171.004.
    The attorney's   law firm is a business entity within
    chapter 171 of the Local Government   Code. 
    Id. 5 171.001.
    Presumably, he has a *'substantial interest"   in his firm.
    Chapter 171 of the Local Government Code will apply to the
    attorney's   participation  in decisions  of the appraisal
    district if action by the board on a matter    "will have a
    special economic effect on the business     entity that is
    distinguishable from the effect on the public."   The issue
    before us is whether the appraisal district board's  actions
    in establishing    appraisal policy will have a      special
    economic effect on the law firm of the attorney who holds
    the delinquent tax collection contract because tax bills are
    based on property values and tax rates and the attorney's
    fee is usually a percent of the amount of delinquent    tax,
    penalty, and interest collected. Tax Code 5 6.30; see also
    Attorney General Opinion JM-857 (1988).
    Our summary .of the tax appraisal      and collections
    process shows that officials     and boards other than the
    appraisal district board make decisions~that affect property
    valuation.   You indicate that the board establishes    policy
    implemented by the chief appraiser    in determining   taxable
    values and exemptions, but the board's policy and the chief
    appraiser's determinations   must also comply with Tax Code
    provisions.   See oenerallv Attorney  General Opinion   JM-499
    (1986). The chief appraiser's decisions are reviewed by the
    appraisal review board, which may order him to make changes.
    Members  of the appraisal review board are appointed by the
    appraisal district board for two year terms of office.     Tax
    Code § 6.41.     Directors of the appraisal      district  and
    employees of the appraisal    office are among the persons
    disqualified from service on the appraisal     review board.
    Id. The county
    appraisal district and the appraisal     review
    (Footnote Continued)
    economic benefit to the business entity." Senate Bill 1131
    of the 70th Legislature    inserted the language    "or real
    property" after "business entity"  in this provision.    Acts
    1987, 70th Leg., ch. 323, § 1, at 1733. House Bill 1948 of
    the 70th Legislature adopted a new standard for the circum-
    stances which barred a local public official with a sub-
    stantial interest in a matter from participating in board
    action. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 362, at 1799.         These
    amendments can be harmonized   by adopting the standard     of
    House Bill 1948, which also applies to real property.     w
    Gov't Code 55 311.025(b), 311.031(c).
    P. 5523
    Honorable Mark W. Stiles - Page 5 (JM-1060)
    board are separate and distinct bodies.        To&e   Sauare
    &.soc. v. Anoelina Countv Aonraisal Dist., 
    709 S.W.2d 776
    778 (Tex. App. - Beaumont  1986, no writ) (notice of appeal
    served on the district board does not constitute notice to
    the review board).   The appraisal district board does not
    control the property values submitted to the taxing units.
    The appraisal board's participation     in the taxing
    process  ends when the      chief appraiser   certifies   the
    appropriate part of the appraisal   roll to each taxing unit
    in the district.   Thus, it has no part in establishing   the
    second main determinant of tax bills -- the tax rate adopted
    by the governing   body of each taxing unit. Moreover,    the
    board's appraisal policies must necessarily     be consistent
    with law, and the board would seem to lack power to increase
    appraised values in order to increase fees for collecting
    delinquent  taxes.    Board actions   in adopting appraisal
    policies should have only a minor and predictable effect on
    the value of tax collections contracts within the district.
    We conclude, as a matter of law, that under the Tax Code
    provisions we have discussed,   the board's actions in esta-
    blishing policies   for property appraisals do not "have a
    special economic effect" on an attorney who has contracted
    under section 6.30 of the Tax Code to collect delinquent
    taxes for a local taxing unit.     Therefore, chapter 171 of
    the Local Government Code does not require the director    to
    recuse himself   from the board's decisions     on appraisal
    Under other circumstances,    however, the attorney's
    interest in a contract for delinquent tax collections   might
    require him to recuse .himself.      For example,    if   the
    appraisal district board of directors     contracts with a
    taxing unit to collect its taxes under section 6.24 of the
    Tax Code, a director who collects delinquent taxes for the
    same taxing unit may have to recuse himself from some board
    actions related to the district's   contract.  See also Tax
    Code 5 6.26   (election to require that appraisal    district
    collect property taxes for all taxing units).
    You ask whether the office of director of an appraisal
    district is incompatible with the duties,    loyalties,  and
    responsibilities of a private attorney collecting delinquent
    taxes for a participating   taxing unit. In Letter Advisory
    No. 87 (1974), this office stated that the common        law
    doctrine of incompatibility does not apply to an independent
    contractor who works   for a public agency pursuant to con-
    tract. Moreover, our discussion of chapter 171 of the Local
    Government Code is relevant to your question about incom-
    patility.   The lack of connection between the functions  of
    the appraisal district board and the taxing unit's collec-
    tion of delinquent taxes would probably also prevent the two
    P. 5524
    Honorable Mark W. Stiles - Page 6 (JM-1060)
    positions from being incompatible.   See oenerallv Attorney.
    General Opinion JM-203      (1984) (discussing common   law
    doctrine of incompatibility).
    The attorney is subject to the Texas Code of Profes-
    sional Responsibility, which includes provisions relevant to
    the conflicting loyalties which might arise in cases like
    the one you present.   Disciplinary Rule 2-103 provides   in
    (A) A lawyer shall not recommend  employ-
    ment, as a private practitioner, of himself,
    his partner, or associate to a non-lawyer who
    has not sought his advice regarding   employ-
    ment of a lawyer, except as follows:   [Excep-
    tions omitted.]
    Supreme Court of Texas, Rules Governing the State Bar       of
    Texas art. X, 5 9 (Code of Professional Responsibility)     DR
    2-103 (1982).   Disciplinary Rule E-101, which relates      to
    action as a public official, provides in part:
    (A) A lawyer     who   holds   public   office
    shall not:
    .   .   .   .
    (3) Accept any thing of value   from
    any person when the lawyer knows or it is
    obvious that the offer is for the purpose
    of influencing his action. as a public
    Id. DR E-101
    Finally, section 39.03 of the Penal Code provides:
    (a) A public servant commits an offense
    if, in reliance on information to which he
    has access in his official capacity and which
    has not been made public, he:
    (1) acquires or aids another     to
    acquire a pecuniary     interest in   any
    property, transaction, or enterprise that
    may be affected by the information.
    Neither the disciplinary rules nor the Penal Code provision
    prohibit the dual service you inquire about, but they are
    directed at curtailing the abuses that might arise under
    those circumstances.
    P. 5525
    Honorable Mark W. Stiles - Page 7 (JM-1060)
    An attorney who has contracted with a
    taxing unit to collect its delinquent    taxes
    is not an lVemployee" under section 6.03(a) of
    the Tax Code and is not ineligible under that
    provision to be a director of the appraisal
    district which includes that taxing unit.
    An   appraisal    district     director's
    contract to collect delinquent   taxes for a
    local taxing unit does not require him to
    recuse himself pursuant to chapter 171 of the
    Local Government Code from participation     in
    board actions establishing    policy to     be
    implemented by the chief appraiser.
    The common law doctrine of incompatibility
    does not bar a director of an appraisal
    district from contracting under section 6.30
    of the Tax Code with a local political
    subdivision to collect its delinouent taxes.
    JIM     MATTOX
    Attorney.General   of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney General
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Special Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Susan L. Garrison
    Assistant Attorney General
    P- 5526

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-1060

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1989

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017