Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1988 )

  •                            December     23, 1988
    Honorable  Ernestine   Glossbrenner          Opinion   No. JR-998
    Elections  Committee                         Re: Effect of a straight
    Texas House of Representatives               party vote under certain
    P. 0. Box 2910                               circumstances   (RQ-1610)
    Austin, Texas     78769
    Dear   Representative   Glossbrenner:
    You ask two questions     about the counting     of ballots  on
    which a voter      indicates    a   straight-party     vote   for two
    political   parties.    You provide examples,     which we summarize
    as follows:
    Example   (1) A voter marks a straight-party     vote   for
    Party A and     a straight-party  vote for Party  B.   No   other
    marks appear    on the   ballot. In the  race for a particular
    office Party    A has a nominee on the ballot but Party B    does
    In this example you ask whether Party A's candidate            for
    the particular office is entitled to have a vote tallied            for
    him since there is no opponent  in Party B.
    Example  (2) A    voter marks a    straight-party    vote   for
    Party A and a straight-party    vote for Party B.       Both parties
    have a nominee on the     ballot for a particular     office.     The
    voter also places an individual     mark next to the name of the
    nominee for Party A indicating     a vote for that candidate      for
    the particular   office.
    In this example you ask how         the ballot    is to be tallied
    for the particular  office.
    The provisions  governing   ballot instructions   and ballot
    counting   are found   in the Election    Code.   Section    52.070
    prescribes  the instructions    that are to appear on     a ballot
    on which candidates'    names appear.     Pertinent   portions    of
    that section provide:
    p. 5114
    Honorable     Ernestine     Glossbrenner       - Page    2    (J'M-998)
    (a)    A square     for voting shall         be   printed
    to the     left of      each candidate's          name on     a
    (b)  Immediately    below 'OFFICIAL     BALLOT,'
    the following    instruction    shall be    printed:
    \Vote for    ,-he c      at-   of vour   choice     in
    each race    bv nlacina     an "X1' in the      ouare
    heside   the   candidate's     name.'      (Em:hasis
    Additional   ballot  instructions    are  prescribed     by
    section 52.071 of    the code   for use  on a ballot on    which
    political   party columns are to appear.   That section states:
    (a) On a ballot on     which a party   column
    appears, a  square    larger    than  the   square
    prescribed  by   Section    52.070(a)   shall    be
    printed to the left of each political     party's
    (b) The following            instruction      shall    be
    added to the instruction              required by      Section,
    52.070(b):        *'you    mav cast      a    straiaht-narty
    yote (that is. cast             a  vote   for  all    nominees
    gf one oartv) bv nlacina an "X9' in the sauare
    beside the name of the D rtv of vour                   choice.
    u    vou cast a straiaht-nirtv             vote for all the
    nominees       of one    nartv and also         cast a vote
    for      an    oononent      of    one   of    that    oartv's
    nominees.       vour vote for the oononent will              be
    oounted as         well as      vour    vote   for    all   the
    gther nominees          of the      nartv for      which       e
    StraiCfht-Da&V          Vote      was   cast. '      (Empha%s
    "Straight-party   vote" is defined by section 1.005(20)      of the
    Election   Code as "a vote by   a single  mark,  punch,  or   other
    action by the voter    for all the   nominees of one     political
    party and for no other candidates."      The method of    tallying
    straight-party   votes is  provided   in section   65.007 of    the
    Election Code:
    (b) Except as provided by Subsection       (c),
    each straight-party     vote shall   be    tallied
    for the   party   receiving  the vote instead of
    being tallied for    the individual     candidates
    of the party . . . .
    P. 5115
    Honorable     Ernestine   Glossbrenner     - Page    3   (m-998)
    (c) If a ballot        indicates    a  straiaht-
    pa*v   vote ana a vote for an ovnonent of         one
    gr more    of   that nartv*s     nominees.   a vote
    be   counted for     the onnonent    and   for
    mch   of the nartv's other nominees whether or
    t   anv   of    those   nominees    h e   ret ived
    L             votes.    (Emphasis add:.)        e
    The paramount   statutory          rule   on   ballot   counting   is
    prescribed  by section 65.009:
    (a) .*                                             - t
    conformltv                                               e
    (b) Marking the ballot by marking through
    the names   of candidates   for whom . . . the
    voter does not    desire to vote  does not in-
    validate  the ballot.
    (c) A    ote on an office or measure   shall
    be countedVif  the  voter's intent is   clearly
    The Election   Code   proscribes    the  counting of a vote in        a
    particular   office   when    a voter   marks   a ballot    for   more
    candidates   for the     office than the     number to be    elected.
    This prohibition    does not affect the combined straight-party
    plus individual-candidate       voting   provided   for  in   section
    65.007(c)  quoted above.      &.g Elec. Code 5 65.011.
    The two   examples you      present raise    questions    of   the
    voter's intent.     By    marking two    straight-party    votes,    the
    voter has   marked     the ballot     in  a manner    that   does    not
    strictly   conform     to    law;  the   Election    Code   makes     no
    reference  to straight-party      votes for two political      parties.
    We have found no Texas cases           addressing  the question    of
    ballots marked for two   political           parties.   Other   jurisdic-
    tions have confronted  this   issue          and different    conclusions
    1.  The   Election    Code describes    several   types            of
    ballots which are not to be counted.       m   5 65.010.   None          of
    these instances   is   relevant to   the questions    at issue           in
    this opinion.
    p. 5116
    Honorable    Ernestine   Glossbrenner    - Page    4   (JM-998)
    were   reached.     The   Illinois    Supreme    Court   in Winn      V.
    82 N.E. 215
    (1907) held      that two    straight-party
    markings    _ . . _ the .voter's intent to vote for candidates
    -. ._ reflected                                           ._     _
    of both political    parties.      Tne court reasoned,      therefore,
    that the unopposed    candidates    in each party were entitled       to
    have votes counted      in their    races.   A   state statute      that
    provided   a result    identical   to the   ruling in m,         EAJ223,
    was confirmed    by the New York Supreme Court in U         Re Holmes,
    61 N.Y.S. 775
    A contrary  result   was    reached by    the    South    Dakota
    Supreme Court in -on       v. Polk,      
    73 N.W. 77
    (1897) and       in
    Mood'/ v. l&&    
    82 N.W. 410
    (1900).      The McMahon and      Moodv
    courts held th6 entire ballot     a nullity when both       political
    party columns were   marked; See      al     HcNallv        Board    of
    Canvassers             0     I 25  N.W.%613      (1947):'
    This split   of   authority    on this   issue  confirms     an
    earlier determination    of this    office that reasonable     minds
    may differ on the voter's     intent in indicating   a preference
    for two political   parties.
    your   examples are   among the situations    listed in   the
    secretary     of   state's  published  guidelines    on   counting
    ballots.-    &88 paner Ballot Handbook-for   Election Judaes    and
    -     .
    The office      of the    secretary     of state    has   published
    guidelines    to   assist election       judges    in the   counting     of
    ballots for approximately        twenty years.      The first secretary
    of state to      publish the guidelines        submitted   them to     this
    office for approval        in 1968.     In Attorney    General     Opinion
    M-284 (1968) this        office was    asked about     the validity      of
    certain rules for counting          election ballots promulgated         by
    then secretary       of   state   Roy Barrera.       Those    rules   were
    prompted   by    a 1967    amendment   that    changed the     manner    of
    marking a ballot        from the "scratch"      method to the      "check"
    method that is described        in section 52.070(b)      quoted above.
    In promulgating      the original     ball,ot counting   rules    in
    1968,    the    secretary    of   state   relied     on   the  authority
    provided   to the     secretary   of   state in     article 1.03,    sub-
    division   1,    of   the Election     Code    (now repealed    and   re-
    codified     in   section    31.003)     "to    obtain    and   maintain
    uniformity    in the application,      operation,    and interpretation
    of the election      laws."
    The two examples about which you            inquire were among   the
    situations  described  by the secretary            of state in 1968    and
    P. 5117
    Honorable     Ernestine   Glossbrenner      - Page   5   (JM-998)
    considered   in   the  earlier opinion.       In    Attorney    General
    Opinion W-284 this office found that the authority            vested in
    the secretary    of state by     article 1.03 to issue       directives     .
    on the counting of     ballots was limited       by article 6.06       of
    the Election    Code (now    repealed and recodified      in   relevant
    part as section 65.009(c))       to those situations     in which     the
    voteras  intent     is  "clearly    ascertainable.H       The    opinion
    we   cannot sanction directives    promulgated   by
    the Secretary     of  State . . . unless      as   a
    matter of law, based upon the fact       situation
    presented,   reasonable  minds could not    differ
    in the application    of   a chosen rule to    that
    specific   fact situation.
    Attorney     General   Opinion   M-284    at 7.
    Regarding   your first example    (a straight-party   mark   in
    two party columns      with no  other marks on     the ballot)    the
    secretary   of   state's   rule in   1968   as well    as  the   1988
    guideline   indicate that no vote is counted for any candidate
    in either    party.     The 'rule makes    no   exception   for   the
    offices for which one party has no nominee.
    Similarly,   a suggested    method of   counting the    ballot
    you describe   in your     second example  (a straight-party    mark
    in two party columns with some individual        candidates  marked)
    appeared   in  the 1968     rules  and is   found in    the  current
    guidelines.    Roth suggest ignoring the straight-party        marks
    and counting    individual   marks in some circumstances.
    After careful    consideration     of  the   original    ballot
    counting   rules,   then    Attorney   General    Crawford     Martin
    concluded  that the secretary     of state was only authorized       to
    promulgate   rules   that    illustrated    statutorily     expressed
    counting provisions.     Regarding    the rules that     illustrated
    ballots not marked in conformity       with the law, this       office
    concluded  that it could not as a matter of law say that           the
    "rules contained   ILL questions   of fact about which reasonable
    minds could not differ."      Accordingly,   the attorney     general
    refused to sanction those rules.
    We agree with the earlier opinion of this office that
    it is the responsibility  of the election judge,   initially,
    and the trier of fact in an election contest, ultimately,   to
    p. 5118
    Honorable   Ernestine    Glossbrenner    - Page   6   (JM-998)
    examine the ballots to determine        the intent of the    voter.2
    The secretary   of   state's   interpretive  responsibility     under
    section 31.003 of the Election        Code does not authorize     the
    secretary   of state to    prescribe   rules for counting    'ballots
    that are marked in     such a manner as     to allow for    multiple
    interpretations    of voter intent.
    We have    found    only    one   reported     judicial     decision
    discussing   the secretary     of   state#s ballot counting         guide-
    lines.    In Dodd v Wvatt        
    656 S.W.2d 564
    (Tex. App. - Corpus
    Christi 1983, writ dism'd),         the court rejected a guideline
    that permitted     the    counting     of a ballot       where    a voter
    marked a straight-party       vote and then voted individually           for
    an opponent   of that party's nominee for a particular             office.
    Wvatt preceded     the    1984    amendment     reflected     in   section
    65.007(c)   of the Election       Code that now expressly         provides
    for this method of marking a ballot.            The reasoning     in Wvatt
    mirrored   the rationale      in Attorney      General Opinion       M-284.
    If the statute provides       specific    instruction    in the counting
    of a ballot,    it is to be followed.        In all other       instances,
    the determination      of   voter     intent must     be    left   to    the
    determination    of the election judge.         Neither the      secretary
    of state nor     any other authority        is authorized     to   declare
    the manner     in which      an ambiguous      or   imperfectly      marked    --.
    ballot is to be counted.
    Neither the secretary    of state nor    any other  officer
    attempting   to issue an anticipatory   counting  rule is in   the
    position   of an election judge.   The judge will be confronted
    not only with the actual markings     on the ballot but may also
    2.   Election     Code       Section      221.002       establishes
    jurisdiction     of    election      contests     in     the     following
    tribunals:     (1) the senate and house of representatives,               in
    joint session, have exclusive        jurisdiction     in a contest of a
    general    election     for     governor,       lieutenant      governor,
    comptroller      of    public       accounts,       state      treasurer,
    commissioner     of   the   general     land    office,    or     attorney
    general:   (2) the    senate    has exclusive       jurisdiction      of   a
    contest for state senator;        (3) the house of       representatives
    has   exclusive     jurisdiction       of     a contest       for     state
    representative:      (4) the    state     board   of    canvassers       has
    exclusive   jurisdiction     of    a contest of       the    election     of
    presidential     electors:    and     (5) the    district     court      has
    original   jurisdiction    and the court of appeals has appellate
    jurisdiction    of contests    for other offices.
    P. 5119
    Honorable     Ernestine    Glossbrenner      - Page   7   (JM-998)
    consider circumstances  such as            the text of the    instructions
    printed on the ballot  (or the             absence thereof),   the   ballot
    format and layout, the   method            of voting  used in the     elec-
    tion, and other factors about              which a rule-maker   cannot    be
    cognizant during the rule-making             process.
    Until the legis.lature directs by statutory      mandate    how
    ballots marked in the manner described       in your two    examples
    are to be counted,     it is our opinion that an election       judge
    or the trier of fact in an election contest has the duty            to
    determine   whether the voter's     intent is ascertainable.        If
    so, the ballot must be counted in a way that gives effect to
    the voter#s    intent.   If not,   the portion of the ballot       for
    which the voter's      intent cannot be    ascertained  may not     be
    The secretary  of state has no authority   to
    issue rules governing  the counting of ballots
    that are not marked in strict conformity    with
    An election judge or the trier of fact     in
    an election contest has the duty to determine
    whether the voter's intent is clearly     ascer-
    tainable   and, if so, to count the ballot in a
    manner   that   gives  effect  to  the   voter's
    :IM      MATTOX
    Attorney General        of Texas
    ,First Assistant     Attorney     General
    Executive  Assistant        Attorney     General
    Special Assistant  Attorney            General
    Chairman,  Opinion        Committee
    Prepared by Karen C. Gladney
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 5120

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-998

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1988

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017