Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1988 )

  •                               April 15, 1988
    Honorable  David Brabham                Opinion   No.   JM-894
    Criminal  District Attorney
    P. 0. Box 3403                          Re:  The constitutionality of
    Longview,  Texas   75606                the Gregg County Special Road
    Law, and related questions
    Dear   Mr.     Brabham:
    You have asked whether the special road law for Gregg
    County is constitutional,   and  if it is, whether  the 1983
    County Road    and  Bridge  Act, article  6702-1,  V.T.C.S.,
    superseded   it.
    The special law was enacted in 1955.       See Acts 1955,
    54th Leg., ch.    339, at 886.     Because it applies     only to
    Gregg County, it     is a "local   law" within the    meaning   of
    the Texas Constitution.     Tex . Const. arc. III,     556; Citv
    of Fort Worth v. Bobbift,    
    36 S.W.2d 470
       (Tex. Comm'n APP.
    1931, opinion    adopted).     See  Attorney   General    Opinion
    J-M-390 (1985).
    Article III, section      56, of    the Texas    Constitution
    inhibits the legisla~ture from passing any local or special
    law regulating    the  affairs of    counties,    authorizing     the
    laying out, opening,      altering,  or    maintaining    of   roads,
    highways,    streets   or   alleys,    or   creating     offices    01:
    prescribing   the powers and duties of officers         in counties,
    except upon    compliance    with   the    notice    provisions     of
    article III, section 57, of the constitution.            There is no
    record found of the     required notice respecting         the Gregg
    County Road Law having ever been published.             If no notice
    was given, the special      law is unconstitutional        unless it
    is saved by article VIII, section 9,         of the constitution.
    Bexar Countv v. Tvnan, 
    97 S.W.2d 467
    (Tex. 1936).1
    1.     Two courts   have    asserted   in dicta that by      the
    passage        of a special   law,   the   legislature   is conclusively
    (Footnot:c Continued)
    Honorable   David   Brabham   - Page   2 (JM-894)
    In 1890,   the constitution         was   amended   to   provide   in
    article VIII,    section 9:
    And the Legislature   may pass local laws    for
    the maintenance    of public  roads and   high-
    ways, without the local notice required      for
    special or local laws.
    The provision  operates as an exception  to the article III,
    section 56 prohibition,   but as a narrow one. Snn. Henderson
    Countv v. All&      40  S.W.Zd 17 (Tex. 1931).    The breadth
    of the exception'   was explained in Hill v. Sterrett,     252
    S.W.Zd 766, 771 (Tex. Civ. App. - Dallas     1952, writ ref'd
    [Vlalidity     of    [such]    legislation      is    in-
    variably   dependent     upon relationship      of   the
    particular     section     to    road     maintenance.
    'The authority     conferred     by section 9,      art.
    8, of the     Constitution,      sunra,    is not     "to
    enact special road lawsIN of all kinds,               for
    all   purposes      indiscriminately,          but      '
    authority   merely     to    pass    local    laws    fZ
    the maintenance       of   the    public    roads    and
    highways.'     Austin     Br    .    . Patton       Tex .
    Corn. App., 
    288 S.W. 18
    :: 18;.          A locai     road
    law, to come within        the protection      of   Art.
    8, sec.    9, must     be, limited to       the    main-
    tenance    of   public       roads    and     highways.
    Jameson v. Smith, Tex. Civ. App., 
    161 S.W.2d 520
    ; Tinner v.      Crow, [78      S.W.Zd 588      (Tex.
    (Footnote Continued)
    presumed   to   have    found    as a jurisdictional        fact    that
    proper notice has       been theretofore      given.    See Moore     v.
    Sdna HOSDital     District,    
    449 S.W.2d 508
    (Tex.      Civ. App. -
    Corpus Christi 1979, writ ref'd n.r.e.); Moller v. Citv of
    57 S.W. 1116
    (Tex. Civ. App.         - Galveston     1900,
    no writ).     But in both cases the issue at         hand was not an
    entire absence of notice, but, rather,           whether the notice
    admittedly    given was sufficient.        In Cravens v. State, 
    122 S.W. 29
    (Tex. Crim. App. 1909), the court said such a con-
    clusion was     proper     "in   the   absence    of  oroof     to   the
    contrary."     Where    the    proof   shows that    no    notice    was
    given, a special or        local law not otherwise       permitted    by
    the constitution       will    be held   unconstitutional.         Bexar
    Countv v. Tvnan, sunra.
    p. 4389
    Honorable   David   Brabham   - Page   3   (JR-894)
    The all   v. Sterrett court was reviewing       section 4 of
    a 1941 Dallas County     Road Law that     corresponds    word-for-
    word to section 3 of     the 1955 Gregg County       law.   Several
    sections of   the Gregg    County law     (hereinafter    set   out)
    find duplicates   in the Dallas   County law.      Among   them   are
    sections  1 and 2, which correspond     to sections    1   and  3  of
    the 1941 Dallas    County law.    The   Hill  v.  Sterrett     court
    did not invalidate   the portion     of the law at     issue there
    -- a provision     empowering    the   commissioners      court    to
    appoint a county     engineer,    which  the    court    considered
    germane to road maintenance.
    The court in till         Sterrett reviewed      general pro-
    positions   of law applica:ie    to the construction     of special
    road laws, but declined      to discuss the legality         of other
    subdivisions   of   the   Dallas   County     law.    It   said    its
    observations   would be dicta, inasmuch as only a portion of
    section 4 of that       act  was there     in   issue.    It   noted,
    however,   that Attorney    General Opinion V-1315        (1951) had
    pronounced   section 3 of that law (corresponding         to section
    2 of the Gregg County law), as well as others, unconstitu-
    tional.    In Attorney General      Opinion V-1315,    it was said
    of the Dallas County special act:
    Section 3 [corresponding     to section 2 in      the
    Gregg County    statute]    requires    the   County
    Judge to appoint standing committees        composed
    of   two  or  more    county    commissioners      for
    supervising  the   various departments       of    the
    county's affairs.     Like section 2      [requiring
    Dallas County    commissioners     to   devote     all
    their time   to county     duties and    to    attend
    court sessions,     and fixing    their    compensa-
    tion], this section embraces matters         outside
    the scope of a road      law and is in violation
    of section 56 of Article III. . . .
    Likewise,   the   corresponding  section    of   the   Gregg
    County law     (section   2)   is not saved    from   unconstitu-
    tionality   by article VIII, section 9.     It embraces matters
    outside the scope      of maintaining  roads.    It attempts     to
    prescribe   the powers and duties of county      officers   and to
    regulate county affairs.
    The provisions  of the   Gregg County law are lengthy,
    but excerpts    from sections   1, 2 and 3 thereof are    re-
    produced  here to supply    an understanding of the passages
    under review:
    F.   43%
    Honorable   David   Brabham    - Page   4   (JM-894)
    Section 1. The       Commissioners      Court     of
    Gregg County, Texas,        shall have full       power
    and authority,     and it    shall be its duty        to
    adopt, at a meeting of said Court, at             which
    the Countv Judae and        at least three (3) of
    the   Countv    Commissioners      of   said    Countv
    shall be nresent and cause to be recorded             in
    the minutes     of   said Court,      and   put    into
    effect such rules,       regulations,     plans,    and
    system    for   the    maintenance,     laying     out,
    opening,      widening,      draining,        grading,
    constructing,      building,     and   repairing      of
    the public     roads    of    said    County      other
    than designated        State     highways      located
    therein   . . .     which    rules,     regulations,
    plans, and system, together with any changes
    thereafter    made    in same,    shall be     binding
    upon, observed,      and    obeyed by     the    County
    Commissioners,         County      Judge,        County
    Engineer,   and all employees      of Gregg County,
    Sec. 2.      Subject     to   the    provisions       of
    this    Act    and    all    laws    relating      to   the    ‘1
    subject matter,         the Countv      Judae of      Greaq
    County shall have the Dower and he is hereby
    reouired    to aoooint committees         of two (21 or
    more COmDOSed        of   Commissioners       who     shall
    have under their         immediate    suoervision       the
    various deDartmentS         of the Countv's        affairs
    under the aeneral direction           of the Court        as
    3 whole.    . . . Said committees           shall     have,
    and are hereby        given, subject        to the     pro-
    visions     of      this    Act,     such    power      and
    authority     as    is specifically       delegated       to
    them by     a    resolution     duly    passed     by   the
    Commissioners       Court bv the affirmative           vote
    of the    Countv      Judae and      two    (21 Commis-
    sioners,      and    it    is made      their     duty    to
    perform     all     acts    so   delegated      to    them:
    provided,     however, that they shall not             have
    authority     or power to make purchases           or bind
    the County       on   any    contract     or    pecuniary
    obligation,      but    in all    such matters        shall
    submit to the Court as a whole their                recom-     ?
    mendations     with reference       thereto,    and    said
    Court shall       pass    upon    all    such     matters,
    subject to the        provisions     of   this Act       and
    other laws       relating      thereto.      The    Countv
    Judah is herebv aiven            authoritv     to   chanae
    F. 4391
    Honorable      David        Brabham        - Page   5 (JM-894)
    the oersonnel                of     such     committees   at   his
    Sec. 3. The Commissioners Court of Gregg
    County may, and  it is hereby empowered   to
    employ a County Engineer.
    .    .   .   .
    Said County Engineer shall supervise              the
    engineering      work    in    connection     with    all
    maintenance,      repair,      drainage,     and     con-
    struction   work on all        county roads in       said
    County    whether     the    same    be   in   relation
    to the present       roads     or any    roads    to   be
    opened, laid out, and constructed:            provided,
    however,   said Engineer       in the performance      of
    these duties      shall     be   under    the    general
    supervision      of   the     'standing      Committee'
    appointed     by    the   County     Judge,    and    all
    repairs, widening,        permanent      construction,
    new construction,        and    bridge    construction
    shall be done       only after the       Commissioners
    P            Court has authorized        same.
    .    .   .   .
    The County Engineer shall perform any and
    all other duties as    may be prescribed     from
    time to time by the CommissionersCourt        and
    he shall at   all times be   under the    super-
    vision and control of said Court.      (Emphasis
    Acts   1955,       54th     Leg.,     ch.    339,   at 886-88.
    Although Attorney General       Opinion V-1315     came to    a
    different   conclusion   regarding   the provisions   of the first
    section of the Dallas County special act          (repeated in the
    first section of     the Gregg     County statute),   we   conclude
    that the first     section of    the Gregg    County law is     also
    unconstitutional    because    it attempts     to   specify    which
    members of    the   commissioners     court   will   constitute     a
    quorum -- thus regulating      county affairs.      It purports    to
    permit the    commissioners    court    to  adopt rules,     regula-
    tions, plans and systems only        at a meeting   "at   which the
    Countv Judae and at least three (3) of         the countv commis-
    sioners of said county shall be oresent."          Cf. Tex. Con&.
    art. V, 518 (commissioners      court).
    F. 43%
    Honorable   David   Brabham   - Page   6   (JR-894)
    Since 1876,    the general    laws of   this    state   have
    specified    that  group   of  persons   which    constitutes     a
    quorum of the commissioners    court, enabling    it   to conduct
    business.    See Acts 1876, 15th    Leg., ch. 55, 512,      at 51,
    52.   Discussing  the subject, the Texas     Supreme Court said
    in Dalton v. Allen, 
    215 S.W. 439
    , 440 (Tex. 1919):
    It thus   appears that,    since a     short   time
    after the adoption     of the Constitution,       it
    has been construed    by the Legislature     as not
    requiring  the county judge to be present and
    presiding  in   order for    the   commissionersJ
    court to transact    its business.
    The Dalton         Allen court      held   that statutes     re-
    quiring merely thz; the county judge preside whe            or esent
    and authorizing    the   transaction    of the    county': busines;
    (except as there otherwise        provided)    by three   members of
    the commissioners     court, were constitutional       and conformed
    "to the true intent and purpose of the 
    Constitution.1' 215 S.W. at 440
    .    Those    statutes    have come     down  to us     as
    articles   2342   and 2343,     V.T.C.S.,   which,    in 1987,    were
    incorporated    into the    Local Government      Code as    sections
    81.001 and 81.006.                                                        ?
    There is no general statute that requires         a different
    quorum for the adoption       of rules, regulations,       plans and
    systems relating to      roads, nor, so     far as we    can deter-
    mine, did such a general       law exist at the time       the Gregg
    County special law was enacted..       By altering the authority
    conferred   upon   county   commissioners    to   transact     county
    business   in the absence     of the county judge,      the special
    law attempts to prescribe      the powers and     duties of county
    officers   and to regulate county affairs; these matters are
    outside the     scope   of article    VIII,   section 9,     of    the
    constitution    and in violation     of article III,. section 56
    thereof.     Commissioners     Court   of   Limestone    Countv     v.
    238 S.W. 894
    (Tex.    Comm'n   App. 1922,     judgm't
    adopted).    See   Altaelt    v. Gutzeit,    
    201 S.W. 400
    We conclude that sections      1 and 2 of the Gregg County
    special road     law   are  unconstitutional      in  the   respects
    discussed,    but if a   complete and workable       law comporting
    with the intent of the legislature         remains after excising
    the   unconstitutional      portions     of     a    statute,     the
    courts will     give   the   remaining   portions     effect.     See
    COmmiSSiOnerS    Court  of Limestone   Countv v. Garrett,     supra.
    Section 8 of the Gregg County special road law. states:
    p. 4393
    Honorable      David   Brabham   - Page     7   (JEs8g4)
    If   any  section,     subdivision,      paragraph,
    sentence,  clause,     or word   of this     Act   be
    held to be    unconstitutional,     the   remaining
    portions  of   same    shall,   nevertheless,      be
    valid, and    it   is declared     that   such    re-
    maining portions      would have    been    included
    in this   Act    though    the   unconstitutional
    portions had been omitted.
    Acts   1955,    54th   Leg.,   ch.   339,   58, at 889.
    We believe    the   unconstitutionality     of   portions    of
    sections   1 and 2 of the Gregg County law        do not require a
    declaration   that the statute is unconstitutional          in toto.
    The legislative    intent is made     clear by section 8      of the
    statute.    &$s Attorney General Opinion JM-390        (1985).   Cf.
    Attorney   General   Opinion    V-1315    (1951).     A valid     law
    remains.2    Therefore,   we   turn to the    other part of     your
    inquiry:    Has the Gregg County law been        superseded   by the
    County Road and Bridge Act of 1983?
    At the time the Gregg County special           law was enacted
    in 1955, the Optional County Road Law of           1947 was applic-
    able to    Gregg County     and to   every other      county in    the
    state.    See Acts    1947, 50th    Leg., ch.     178, at 288.      It
    provided   that the electorate     of the county might adopt its
    provisions   for the county, which thereafter         would be under
    the "county unit" system       of roads under the        direction  of
    the county commissioners      court and a county road engineer
    appointed   by   that   body.   See    Canales    v. Lauahlin,     214
    S.W.Zd 451 (Tex. 1948).        But Gregg County,       together with
    Dallas County and some others, was expressly           "exempted"   by
    former article 6761, V.T.C.S.,        from the provisions      of then
    articles   6743-6760,    V.T.C.S.,     setting    up   a   system   of
    county "road superintendents."         The provisions     of the 1947
    optional   road law    are now    contained    in  subchapter    C  of
    2.   The provision    in section 3 authorizing         the com-
    missioners      court   to   lease    idle   equipment     to   certain
    entities without apparent         limit should      be construed,      in
    our opinion,      with   the   earlier provision       in   section     3
    authorizing      the   provision    at   cost    of    the    necessary
    machinery    and equipment     for purposes    "that    will conserve
    the soil."       So   read, the    authority     is consistent      with
    power conferred       by general    law.     Agric. Code      5201.151.
    a    Rowan v. Pickett, 
    237 S.W.2d 734
    (Tex. Civ. App. - San
    Antonio    1951, no writ).
    F. 4394
    Honorable   David   Brabham     - Page   8     (JM-894)
    article 6702-1, V.T.C.S.      The former provisions       setting up
    the   "road   superintendent"      system     are   now     found   in
    subchapter   B of    the   latter    statute,     and   "exemptions"
    therefrom   are now   contained   in   section 3.107 of       article    --
    Article     6702-1,   section    3.107,    lists   fifty-five
    counties,   including     Gregg County,     as  "exempt from    this
    subchapter,"    i.e., subchapter     8, which    sets up a    system
    of road    commissioners      or   road   superintendents.       The
    concluding    sentence of the section reads:
    However,  the commissioners   courts of    Dallas
    and Collin   counties    may accept    and  adopt
    this subchapter   instead of the special     acts
    for Dallas or Collin county,, if in its judg-
    ment, the provisions    of this subchapter     are
    better suited    to   Dallas or   Collin   county
    than the special laws.
    This section,    and    especially   the  quoted   passage,   is   a
    clear indication    that   the legislature     did not intend     by
    the enactment    of article     6702-l to   repeal or    supersede
    special road laws     such as the     one for Gregg    County, but
    intended them    to   control    unless express    authority     was     ?
    given to adopt the general law instead.
    None   of  the   special   county    acts  were   expressly
    repealed   either by   the 1983    act that originally    enacted
    article 6702-l or by the 1984 legislation       that revised and
    reenacted   it and   ratified  its   repealer provisions.      &
    Acts 1983, 68th    Leg., ch. 288,     at 1431; Acts    1984, 68th
    Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 8, at 44.
    Section   7 of the      Gregg   County    special   law reads:
    The provisions    of this Act are and        shall
    be held and     construed    to   be cumulative      of
    all   General    Laws    of   this    State   on   the
    subject treated of and embraced          in this   Act
    when not in conflict        herewith,   but in    case
    of such conflict,      in whole or in part,       this
    Act shall     control Gregg      County:    provided,
    however, that nothing in         this Act shall      be
    construed   to    impair    or,to   take    from   the
    County the right to       issue bonds, under       the
    provisions    of Section 52 of Article 3 of the
    State Constitution      and   the General Laws       in
    pursuance   thereof.
    p. 43%
    Honorable   David   Brabham    - Page       9     (J&894)
    Acts 1955, 54th Leg., ch. 339, 57, at 889.          To the extent
    that the Great Countv      law is consti.tutional,    it controls
    i-   inconsistent-provisions      that  may   be   found   in  article
    6702-1, V.T.C.S.    (as they respect Gregg County).      See Hill
    County v. Brvant     & Huffman,   
    16 S.W.2d 513
    (Tex.    1929);
    Dallas Countv v.     Plowman, 
    91 S.W. 221
    (Tex. 1906).      Cf.
    Attorney  General Opinion JM-262     (1984).
    We advise that the  valid portions                    of the   1955 Gregg
    County special road   law have not   been                   superseded  by  the
    County Road and Bridge Act of 1983.
    If the notice   required by article     III,
    section 57 of the Texas Constitution      was  not
    given, portions of the 1955 special road       law
    for Gregg County    are unconstitutional.      But
    its remaining  portions   constitute  a complete
    and workable  law that has not been superseded
    by the County Road and Bridge Act of 1983.
    -J I M    MATTOX
    Attorney  General    of Texas
    First Assistant     Attorney    General
    Executive  Assistant     Attorney         General
    Special Assistant  Attorney             General
    Chairman,  Opinion     Committee
    Prepared by Bruce Youngblood
    Assistant Attorney General
    F.    4396