Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1986 )

  •                         Nowmber   5, 1986
    Honorable Bob Bush                   Opinion No. JM-573
    Committee on Judiciary               Re: Whether a municipal housing
    Texas House of Representat:Lves      authority may participate in the
    P. 0. Box 2910                       Consolidated Supply Program of the
    Austin, Texas   78769                Department of Housing and Urban
    Development without complying with
    competitive bidding statutes
    Dear Representative Bush:
    You inquire whether t.hecompetitive bidding requirements of the
    Department of Housing and 1JrbanDevelopment [HUD] for its Consolidated
    Supply Program [CSP] meet: the bidding requirements of state law,
    thereby allowing municipal housing authorities to participate in the
    Consolidated Supply Program in lieu of seeking competitive bids. We
    conclude that participation in the CSP would not constitute compliance
    with the requirements of competitive bidding specified in Texas
    The basic concept c,f the CSP is that HUD enters into an
    open-ended contract with suppliers of common use items under which
    housing authorities are entitled to make purchases. The housing
    authorities deal directly with the suppliers listed in a CSP contract.
    All purchase orders, bil:.ing. and payments are handled by direct
    contact between the hous::ng authorities and the suppliers without
    further HUD involvement. Copies of CSP catalogs listing current
    contracts and ordering in:iormationare published by HUD and distri-
    buted to housing authoritiw. - See HUD Handbook 7460.8.
    A contract between HUI)and a supplier normally is for a period of
    one year. It is awarded on the basis of competitive bids submitted by
    suppliers to HUD in response to formal invitations for bids published
    by HUD "in appropriate mei:La." The notice published in appropriate
    media announces that HUD will commence negotiating for the purchase
    agreements  for the current year and that offers from suppliers will he
    received covering specified supply items until a closing date. The
    supplier certifies that tvr supply item is being made available to
    housing authorities through a purchase agreement at discounted prices
    that are lower than those at which the housing authorities could
    purchase comparable quawities of those items from the supplier
    through other purchasing ch,annels. Consolidated supply contracts are
    awarded to responsible bidders whose bids are at or below the average
    p. 2553
    Eonorable Bob Bush - Page 2   (JM-573)
    price for the supply item. If less than three bids are received, the
    average or below method of award is not used and the award is made to
    responsible bidders whose! prices are reasonable. A consolidated
    supply contract does not obligate HUD or any housing authority to
    purchase any number or anount of the supply items covered by the
    contract. If there are two or more consolidated supply contracts
    covering items supplied uder the same specification and the contracts
    provide for a price differential, a housing authority shall place in
    its files a justification if it purchases from a supplier other than
    the one offering the lowest price. - See 24 C.F.R. PS965.601-965.605
    This office prev1ousl.y concluded that housing authorities, as
    divisions of cities, are subject to the competitive sealed bidding-
    requirements of article 2368a. V.T.C.S. Attorney General Opinion
    MW-132 (1980).    In addj.t:ion,article 2368a.3, V.T.C.S., which
    specifies competitive bidding procedure for public works contracts,
    expressly applies to housin:Sauthorities. It is our opinion that the
    bidding procedure used by HUD for consolidated supply contracts would
    not constitute compliance with the requirements of the state bidding
    statutes for contracts thai:are subject to those statutory procedures.
    The competitive sealed bidding procedure provided in article
    2368a for cities "shall be used for the award of all contracts subject
    to its provisions." with a different procedure provided for high
    technology procurements. V.T.C.S. art. 2368a 52(b). Article 2368a.
    section 2(b) provides, in part. that
    [wlhenever the competitive sealed bidding pro-
    cedure applies to a proposed contract, notice of
    the time and plac#ewhen and where such a contract
    shall be let shaL:Lbe published in such city once
    a weak for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the
    time set for 1elXing such contract, the date of
    the first publicittionto be at least fourteen (14)
    days prior to the date set for letting said
    contract; and sr.id contract shall be let to the
    lowest responsib:Lebidder. . . . If there is no
    newspaper published in such city, then the notice
    of letting such contract shall be given by causing
    notice thereof to be posted at the city hall for
    14 days prior to the time of letting such
    Article 2368a.3, V.T.C.S., provides that a housing authority,
    among other governmental entities, is required to award a contract for
    the construction, repair, or renovation of a structure, road, highway,
    or other improvement or addition to real property, on the basis of
    competitive bids. the advertisement of which must be published locally
    and within specified dates. It also provides for mailing notices for
    bids to requesting organiz;~tionsnot later than the date on which the
    first newspaper advertisemczt is published and mandates the opening of
    p. 2554
    Honorable Bob Bush - Page 3    (JM-573)
    bids at a public meeting cr at the office of the governmental entity.
    See V.T.C.S. art. 2368a.:3:,111-4. Unless all bids are rejected,
    Gtracts   shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder,
    but a contract may not be awarded to a bidder who
    is not the lowest bidder unless prior to the award
    each lower bidder is given notice of the proposed
    award and is giv~$nan opportunity to appear before
    the governing bcdy of the governmental entity or
    the designated representative of the governing
    body and present evidence concerning the bidder's
    Id. 15. -
         Article 2367a, secticn 1, V.T.C.S., provides that where bidding
    is required and two or more responsible bidders submit the lowest and
    best bids for the proposed city or district contract and the bids are
    identical, one bidder shall be selected by the casting of lots.
    Compliance with statutory procedure for competitive bidding is
    mandatory. See Limestone l:ountyv. Knox, 
    234 S.W. 131
    . 134 (Tex. Civ.
    APP. - Dallas921,    no w&:).   In Niles v. Harris County Fresh Water
    Supply District No. lA, 3:6 S.W.2d 637 (Tex. Civ. App. - Waco), writ
    339 S.W.2d 562
    where a statute required the contract
    question to be let to the "lowest responsible bidder" after publica-
    tion of notice, the court stated that "the prime purpose of such a
    provision is to stimulate competition and compliance with it is
    mandatory. The term 'lowest responsible bidder' involves compliance
    with statutory requiremen:rr relating to competitive bidding." The
    Texas Supreme Court has s,:atedthat noncompliance with the mandatory
    statutory procedures for competitive bidding cannot be excused on the
    ground that no one is actually hurt by the violation. --    See Texas
    Highway Commission v. Texas Association of Steel Importers, Inc., 
    372 S.W.2d 525
    , 529 (Tex. 1963). Earlier, another court in Headlee v.
    208 S.W. 213
    . 217-18 (Tex. Civ. App. - Dallas 1918, writ
    dism'd) stated that
    [the competitive bidding] act requires the publi-
    cation of notice of the intention to award the
    contract, either, in a newspaper or by posting
    notices at the courthouse door. . . . It follows
    then that the commissioners' court having adjudged
    that it would rc:ceivebids on February 14th. and
    having failed to make publication of that fact,
    there was in the legal sense no publication at
    all, and, there being no publication at all, the
    fact that bidde,rs did attend and no injury
    resulted is of no consequence, since by the act
    every contract let  without publication is void.
    Otherwise, the purpose of the Legislature could in
    every similar case be defeated by showing that no
    p. 2555
    Honorable Bob Bush - Page 4   (JM-573)
    injury resulted.    The lawmaking authority has
    decreed that the publication shall be made in any
    event, and while it may appear in this case that
    what was intended has been accomplished, we feel
    that the fact xi11 not warrant us in sweeping
    aside the vital r,equirementof the law.
    The legislature expressly has exempted certain contracts from the
    requirements of competitirr bidding. Article 2368a, section 2(a)
    provides that, except in the case of exempted procurements, no city
    with a population of 5O.OOC or more shall make a contract requiring an
    expenditure or payment exceeding $10,000 without submitting the
    proposed contract to competitive sealed bidding. In the case of a
    city with a population of less than 50,000, a contract for $5,000 or
    less is not subject to cmnpetitive sealed bidding. The statutory
    exempted procurements include:
    (1) procurements made in case of public
    calamity. where it becomes necessary to act at
    once to appropriate money to relieve the necessity
    of the citizens or to preserve the property of the
    (2) .procurements necessary to preserve or
    protect the put'lic health or safety of the
    citizens of the city;
    (3) procurements made necessary by unforeseen
    damage to public property, machinery, or equip-
    ment ;
    (4) procurements for personal or professional
    (5) procurements for work done and paid for by
    the day, as such ,irork
    (6) the purchase of land or right-of-way; and
    (7) procurements where the functional require-
    ments of the city can be satisfied by only one
    V.T.C.S. art. 2368a. 91. ALno, section 122.014 of the Human Resources
    Code exempts the procurement of products or services of blind or other
    severely disabled persons from competitive bidding procedures. -   See
    Attorney General Opinions .Jl4-444
    (1986); JM-385 (1985).
    Accordingly, funds for 'purposessuch as the protection of public
    health may be expended witbout competitive bids, and the requirement
    of publication of notice of the letting of a contract is dispensed
    with when such an exception exists. -See Browning-Ferris, Inc. v. City
    p. 2556
    Eonorable Bob Bush - Page 5   (JM-573)
    of Leon Valley, 
    590 S.W.2d 729
    , 734 (Tex. Civ. App. - San Antonio
    1979, writ reffd n.r.e.). Obviously, as expressly provided by article
    2368a. the statutory procedures for competitive bidding do not apply
    to cities with a populatior.of 50,000 or more for contracts of $10,000
    or less or to cities with a population of less than 50,000 for
    contracts of $5,000 or less.
    The only exceptions to the competitive bidding requirements are
    those contained in the statutes themselves. See Attorney General
    Opinions JM-186 (1984); PICI-,535,MW-439 (1982). We are aware of no
    special exception from the state's bidding requirements that are
    applicable to municipal housing authorities for contracts to purchase
    common use items and equ!.pment. The Housing Authority Law itself
    contains no special bidd1r.g procedures for housing authorities that
    differ from the general law provisions for competitive bidding and no
    exceptions or exemptions from competitive bidding for housing
    authorities. See V.T.C.S. art. 1269k. While this office does not
    construe the chzer   powers of a city in the opinion process, we point
    out that article 2368a, section 2(e), V.T.C.S., provides that provi-
    sions in reference to notlce, advertisements of notice, requirements
    as to the taking of sealed bids based on specifications for public
    improvements or purchases, and the manner of letting of contracts, as
    contained in the charter of a city, if in conflict with the provisions
    of article 2368a. shall be followed in such city notwithstanding any
    other provision of article 2368a. Also, article 2368a.3, section 7(a)
    provides that to the extent a municipal home-rule charter conflicts
    with that act, the charter prevails.
    As to contrz.cts that are subject to the
    competitive bidi.ing requirements specified in
    Texas statutes for contracts entered into by
    cities, the comIletltive bidding of the federal
    Department of Housing and Urban Develcpment for
    its Consolidated Supply Program would not con-
    stitute compliance with or a substitute for the
    state's bidding r,equiremantsand would not permit
    municipal housin:g authorities to participate in
    the Consolidated Supply Program without seeking
    competitive bids.
    Very truly you
    L-l /ili%h
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney Gen,eral
    p. 2557
    Honorable Bob Bush - Page 6 (X4-573)
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Nancy Sutton
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 2558