Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1986 )

  •            THE     ATTCDIRXEY        GENERAL
    October 20, 1986
    Honorable Terra1 R. Smith           Opinion No. JM-565
    Criminal Jurisprudence CommL.ttee   Re: Status of the city of Lago
    Texas House of Representatives      Vista and the Travis County Muni-
    P. 0. Box 2910                      cipal Utility District No. 1 under
    Austin, Texas   78769               article 1182c-1, V.T.C.S.
    Dear Representative Smith:
    You request an opinion construing sections 2 and 6 of article
    1182c-1. V.T.C.S. This statute applies to cities and towns which have
    annexed or may annex territ,orywithin water districts. V.T.C.S. art.
    1182c-1, Il. It sets out the city's powers and duties toward water
    districts it has annexed in whole or in part.
    You inquire about the application of article 1182c-1. V.T.C.S.,
    to the city of Lago Vista and Travis County Municipal Utility District
    No. 1. The Municipal Ur:L!Hty District [hereinafter the MUD] was
    created in 1972 with an arena of approximately nine square miles. In
    1984 Lago Vista was inco:rporated as a general law village under
    chapter 11 of Title 28, 'I.,T.C.S. As originally incorporated, the
    village of Lago Vista was almost entirely within the MUD, encompassing
    two square miles of it. In April of 1985, the village of Lago Vista
    merged and consolidated w:Lth three other communities, so that the
    incorporated area of Lago Vista now includes approximately eight
    square miles of the MUD. The remaining square mile of the MlJD is
    located entirely within Lzlg;oVista's extraterritorial jurisdiction.
    In September 1985, Lago Vista became a general law city operating
    under chapters 1 through 10 of Title 28, V.T.C.S. -  See V.T.C.S. art.
    The city of Lago V!.sta now has annexation authority under
    articles 970a. 974, and '374g. V.T.C.S., and wishes to annex the
    remaining one square mile portion of the MUD which is not included
    within its boundaries. The city proposes to annex the remaining
    portion of the MUD without automatically assuming all of its debts and
    taking over all of its asset:s. You ask whether it may do so.
    Article 1182c-1, V.T.C.:3.,applies to all incorporated cities and
    towns "which have heretofore annexed, or hereafter may annex, all or
    any part of the territor), within one (1) or more . . . municipal
    p. 2509
    Honorable Terra1 R. Smith - Page 2   ~(JM-565)
    utility districts. . . ." V.T.C.S. art. 1182c-1, 91. If all the
    territory within the district is annexed, the city is required to take
    over the properties and assets of the district, assume     all of its
    debts, liabilities and obli$;ations, and perform all of its functions.
    V.T.C.S. art. 1182c-1, 92. After the annexation, the district is to
    be abolished in accordance with the procedure outlined in section 2 of
    article 1182c-1. V.T.C.S.
    Section 6 of article 1182c-1, V.T.C.S.. provides as follows:
    Sec. 6. When c.nycity or town is newly incor-
    porated over all or any part of the territory
    within a water control and improvement district, a
    fresh water supply district or municipal utility
    district, the gove,rningbody may adopt an ordi-
    nance making the Frovisions of this Act applicable
    to such city or t,Dwn and, upon the adoption of
    such an ordinance by a vote of not less than
    two-thirds (2/3) of the entire membership of such
    governing body, the provisions of this Act shall
    thereafter be appXcable to such city or town and
    to such districts situated in whole or in part
    Section 6 thus makes tt.eprovisions of article 1182c-1. V.T.C.S..
    optional for "any city or town . . . newly incorporated over all or
    any part of the territory within a . . . municipal utility district."
    This section is in effect an exception to section 1 of article
    1182c-1, V.T.C.S., which stz:tesas follows:
    Section 1. Th:.sAct shall apply to all incor-
    porated cities~~d     towns, including Home Rule
    Cities, and those;,perating under general laws or
    special charters -(hereinafter called 'city' or
    'cities')   which-have     heretofore annexed, or
    hereafter' may ar;ex, all or any part of the
    territory within orie (1) or more water control and
    improvement dist&ts,      fresh water supply dis-
    tricts or municcpal utility districts, which
    districts were organized for the primary purpose
    of providing such municipal functions & -the
    supply of fresh water for domestic or commercial
    uses, the furnishtng of sanitary sewer service or
    drainage services, any or all. Such cities shall
    succeed to the powers. duties, assets, and obliga-
    tions of such district or districts in the manner
    and to the extent hereinafter provided. (Emphasis
    p. 2510
    Honorable Terra1 R. Smith - Page 3 (JM-565)
    When a statute includes a general provision that apparently
    applies to all cases and a special provision which applies to a
    particular case, the special provision prevails over the general
    provision and governs the cases within its terms. Dolan v. Walker, 
    49 S.W.2d 695
    (Tex. 1932); s+r     v. Collins, 
    25 S.W.2d 804
    (Tex. 1930).
    See also Gov't. Code, §31l.K!6.
    Lago Vista was incorporated in 1984 over territory included in
    the Travis County MUD No. 1. At that time, Lago Vista became a "city
    or town . . . newly incorpozated over . . . any part of the territory"
    of a municipal utility district within section 6 of article 1182c-1,
    You state that the city of Lago Vista has never adopted an
    ordinance which would make the provisions of article 1182c-1,
    V.T.C.S., applicable to it and to the Travis County MUD No. 1. The
    city is therefore not subject to the provisions of article 1182c-1,
    V.T.C.S. See Ford v. Town of Co ell 
    407 S.W.2d 304
    . 305 (Tex. Civ.
    APP. - Da-as     1966, writ-d'
    ref d n.r.e.) (town incorporated over
    existing water district adopted ordinance "to authorize the Town to
    take over the Water Distric.:"). It may annex the remaining portion of
    the MUD without taking over its properties and assets, assuming its
    debts, liabilities and obligations, or performing its functions as
    required by section 2 of a:rticle 1182c-1, V.T.C.S., for cities which
    are subject to this statott:.,Nor is the Travis County MUD No. 1 to
    be abolished pursuant to s,ection 2 of article 1182c-1, V.T.C.S.,
    following annexation by the city of Lago Vista. A city may overlap in
    territory with a special purpose municipal entity invested with
    limited powers, even though some of their purposes are the same. city
    of Pell; v. Harris Count], Water Control and Improvement District
    No. 7. 
    198 S.W.2d 450
    (Tex.71946) (city may annex territory located in
    a water control and imprsrlement district). See Attorney General
    Opinion JM-400 (1985) (city which incorporateswithin an existing
    rural fire prevention district remains part of the district).
    The city of La3o Vista was "newly incorporated"
    over part of the territory within the Travis
    County Municipal Utility District No. 1. Lag0
    Vista has not adopted an ordinance pursuant to
    section 6 of arti5Le 1182c-1, V.T.C.S.. making the
    provisions of that statute applicable to it. If
    the city of Lago Vista annexes all of the remain-
    ing territory of the Travis County MUD No. 1, the
    city will not be subject to the requirements in
    article 1182c-1, V.T.C.S., that it take over the
    properties and ilssets of the MUD, assume its
    debts, liabilities and obligations, or perform its
    p. 2511
    Honorable Terra1 R. Smith - Page 4     (JM-565)
    functions. The MUI)will not be abolished pursuant
    to article 1182c-l:,V.T.C.S.. but will continue to
    exist as an entit:rlegally distinct from the city.
    Veryltruly yoursA A   , ,
    -JIM      MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney Ge!u?ral
    Executive Assistant Attorne:;General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Susan L. Garrissm
    Assistant Attorney General
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Document Info

Docket Number: JM-565

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1986

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017