Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                                                                                                           .
    The Attorney           General             of Texas
    JIM MATTOX                                        my    31,   1985
    Attorney General
    Eonorable William I?, Robby                     Opinion No.   J'M-323
    supremeCourtBUlldhlQ           Lieutenant Goverao,r of Texas
    P. 0. Box 12549
    Austin. TX. 79711. 2548
    P. 0. Box 12068, C,q?itol Station               Re: Whether interest    on non-
    5121475-2591                   Austin, Texaa    781’11                         constitutional   funds in state
    Telex 9101574.1367                                                             highvay fund may be appropriated
    Telecopier 5t 21475-0255       Honorable Gib Lewis. Speaker                    for general revenue purposes
    Texas Rouee of Repr'esentatives
    714 Jackson. Suite 700         P. 0. Box 2910
    Dallas. TX. 75202-4505         Austin, Texas   787 69
    Bonorable Grant JOnaB,  Chairman
    Senate Finance Committee
    4824 AIberIa Ave., Suite 180
    El Paso, TX. 789052793
    Texas State Senate
    915l533.3494                   P. 0. Box 12068, Cepitol Station
    Austin, Texas   78711
    1001 Texas. Suite 700          Eonorable Jim Rudd, Chairman
    Houston. TX. 77002.311 ,l
    Rouse Appropriaticns    Committee
    Texas Rouse of Representatives
    P. 0. Box 2910
    006 Broadway. Suite 312        Auetin, Texas     7t769
    Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite B             You ask whether interest   on non-constitutional  funds in the state
    McAllen. TX. 79501-1595       highway fund may be appropriated    for general revenue purposes by rider
    51215S2-4547                  to the General Applwopriations Act.
    200 Main Plaza. Suite 400           Article VIII,      section    7-a.   of the Texas Constitution     dedicates   to
    San Antonio. TX. 782052797     highway purposes
    all net revenues   remaining after      peymsnt of 811
    An Equal Opportunity/
    refunds allowed by law and expenses of collection
    Attirmrtive Action Employer                derived :Erom motor vehicle   registration    fees,  and
    all taxlra, except gross production      and ad valorem
    taxes,   on motor fuels     and lubricants      used to
    propel wtor vehicles   over public roadways. . . .
    The interest      on the motor vehicle    registration    fees and fuel taxes
    dedicated    to highcap purposes by article      VIII, section  7-a. must also
    be used for highuay purposes.        A diversion    of that interest  to other
    ournoses vould vialate
    article VIII. section     7 of the Texas Constitu-
    tion.    Lavson' V. baker. 
    220 S.W. 260
    (Tex. Civ. App. - Austin 1920.
    vrit ref'd);    see ,?m.T.C.S.
    ---                 art. 2543d.
    p.   1477
    Bonorable William P. Robby
    Ronorable Gib Lawis                                                                       .
    gonorable Grant JOneB
    Ronorable Jim Rudd
    Page 2   (JM-323)
    Article   VIII,   section    7-a.  of the TeXBB Constitution   does ‘not
    actually establish     a state highway fund , or refer to the fund by name.
    T’he fund was created by statutes which predate the adoption of article
    VIII,   section   7-a.   in 194(i., See Tex. A.J.Res.   49. 49th Leg.,     1945
    Tex. Gen. Laws 1049.         Art:Lcle6694,   V.T.C.S., which derives    from a
    1917 statute,    provides that
    [a]11 funds coming into the hands of the Com-
    mission    derived   :Erom the registration     fees  or
    other sources prcvided for in this subdivision,       es
    collected,     shall   be deposited   with    the State
    Treasurer to the credit of a special        fund desig-
    nated as ‘The Sta,te Highway Fund’. . . .
    Acts 1917, 35th Leg., ch. ‘l!)O, 423, at 424.        Sections 153.503 through
    153.505 of the Texas Tax Code allocate         motor fuel taxes to the state
    highvay    fund.    These provtsions     are the current       codification   of
    statutes    enacted in 1941.   Acts 1941. 47th Leg., ch. 184. art. XVII,
    525 at 330.      The approval of article    VIII, section    7-a. in 1946 gave
    constitutional     status  to d.edications    of funds already       required by
    There are statutory    tledications   of monies to the state highway
    fund vhich    do not have constitutional          status.   Article    6673a,
    V.T.C.S.,  requires   funds ilerived from the sale of excess land to be
    placed in the state highwy fund.          Federal aid money and county aid
    money is deposited     in the !state treasury to the credit     of the state
    highway fund.    V.T.C.S. erl:. 6674e.    Article 6674f. V.T.C.S..   provides
    for certain transfers    of general revenue to the state highway fund.
    The state highway fund therefore           is not a constitutional         fund in
    its entirety.       It consists     of funds dedicated        to highvay purposes by
    the constitution      as veil 81) funds statutorily         required to be placed in
    the highway fund.        It thus can be described         as a collection      of consti-
    tutional    and non-constitc,tional          funds.      Only the constitutionally
    dedicated    registration     fees and motor vehicle          fuel taxes are subject
    to    the rule      that    Interest     must be spent          for    constitutionally
    authorized purposes.         See ‘I.T.C.S.    art. 2543d; Lawson v. 
    Baker, supra
    The interest     on statefunds        dedicated    by statute     to highway purposes
    may be legally       severed and placed in the general revenue fund.                    See
    Gulf Insurance Co. v. Jamek, 
    185 S.W.2d 966
    (Tex. 1945) (article                     VIII.
    section   7, of Texas Conetitution         applies only to special funds created
    by the constitution,       not by statutes);       Attorney    General Opinion w-338
    (1981);  see also Bra206 Rbrer Conservation               & RBClBBiBtiOn District       V.
    HcCrav. 91 S.W.2dmji.                  1936) (article       VIII,   sectlon    7, of the
    Texas Constitution       does no,t apply to general revenue funds).
    Article    2543d.   V.T.C.S.,  severs the interest    from the principal
    of non-constitutional      funds placed in state depositories.
    p.   1478
    Rooorable William P. Bobby
    Honorable Gib Leuie                                                                .
    lionorable Grant Jones
    Ronorable Jim Rudd
    Page 3 (JM-323)
    Section  1.    hterest       received   on account    of
    time depositB of ‘mneye in funds and accounte in
    the charge of the State TreeSUrer           shall be allo-
    cated    es fOllW6:      To each constitutional        fund
    there shall be credited         the pro rata portion      of
    the interest    rece,lved due to such fund.        The re-
    mainder of the iwerest         received,   with the excep-
    tion of that powion required by other statutes            to
    be credited   on a pro rsta basis to protested           tax
    payments, shall be credited         to the General Revenue
    Fund. The intewst        received shall be allocated      on
    a monthly beBiB.
    Interest   on constitutional     funds must be credited      to the constitu-
    tional fund and interest      on trust funds must be credited      to the trust
    fund.    See Attorney     Genewl   Opinions J&306     (1984);    MW-82 (1979);
    E-1040 (1977);   M-468 (196’):).     Attorney General Opinion M-468 (1969)
    held that certain      federal. grant funds vere trust        funds,    end that
    interest   on them could not be transferred         to general      revenue but
    remained part of the trust fund.
    Article     2543d, V.T.C.S.,    placed   In the general      revenue fund
    interest    on certain     monies in the state highway fund, &,             those
    which are neither truBt funds nor constitutionelly         dedicated revenues.
    The legislature     may appropriate by rider interest    vhich article     2543d.
    V.T.C.S.,    placed in the general revenue fund, so long as the rider is
    not inconsistent      with general lav.    The validity of’ a particular    rider
    depends on its        only appr’opriatlng    funds or limiting       an item    of
    appropriation.       Sea Tex. Ctmst. ert. III. s35; JeBBeU ABBOCietBB, Inc.
    v. Bullock,     531=.2d      593 (Tex. 1975); Moore v. Sheppard, 
    192 S.W.2d 559
    (Tex. 1946).
    Interest  earned on non-constitutional funds in
    the state   highuay fund may be appropriated   for
    general revenue purposes.
    Very truly    yours,
    JIM        UATTOX
    Attorney    General of Texas
    First Assistant    Attortiey   General
    p. 1479
    Aonorsble William P. Robby
    Honorable Gib Levis
    Ronorable Grant Jones
    Honorable Jim Rudd
    Page 4    (a-323)
    EXeCUtiVe    ABBiBtaUt     Attorrwy     &Ueral
    Special Assistant        Attorney     General
    Chairman, Opinion        Cownittelr
    Prepared by Susan L. Gerrilwn
    Assistant Attorney General
    Rick Gilpia.       Chairman
    Colin Carl
    SuBan   GerriBon
    Tony Guillory
    Jim Hoellinger
    Jennifer Riggs
    Nancy Sutton
    Bruce Youngblood
    p. 1480

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-323

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017