Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1984 )

  •                                 The Attorney             General         of Texas
    JIM MAllOX                                        December 13, 1984
    Attorney General
    Supremr Court BulldIn          Honorable Tim Curry                         Opinion No. JM-249
    P. 0. Box 12548                Criminal District Attorney
    Austin. TX. 7S711.254s         Tarrant County Courthouse                   Re:  Whether a commissioners   court
    512/4752501                    Fort Worth, Texas   76102                   or a board of district   judges may
    Telex 9101874.13(17
    limit   the services   of a county
    Telecopier 512147502SS
    domestic    relations    office
    persons having a particular     income
    714 Jackson. Sulle 700
    Dflhf. TX. 75202-450(1         Dear Hr. Curry:
    You ask us the, following       two questions:
    4S24 A,be,ta Ave.. Sulb 180
    El Paso, TX. 799052793                         1. Dc~es the Tarrant County Commissioners Court
    91YS3534S4                                 or the board of district     judges of Tarrant County
    have    the   authority     under    article    5142a-1,
    1001 Texas, Suit9 700                      V.T.C.S. I to limit     the services     of the Tarrant
    Hourton. TX. 77002.3111                    County Domestic Relations Office to those citizens
    71Y223.5880                                having am Income which does not exceed a dollar
    figure    to be determined      by the commissioners
    800Brosdwsy, SuIL312
    Lubbock. TX. 79401-3479
    8081747.5239                                   2.   III   the   alternative,    may a     graduated
    applicat:lon     fee be implemented which would be
    based on the income of those persons seeking to
    4309 N. Tenth. Suib B
    McAllen. TX. 78501.199S
    utilize     the services    of the Domestic Relations
    512lSS2.4547                               Office,    as is the practice     of the Tarrant County
    Eospital District?
    200 Msin Plaza. SUlb 400      We answer both of your questions         in the negative.
    San Antonlo, TX. 782052797
    Article    5142a,-1. V.T.C.S..     provides      for the establishment       by
    commissioners court of a Domestic Relations Office administered                  either
    An Equal Opponunltyl          by the juvenile     beard of a county or multicounty area or otherwise
    Alflrmatlva Actlon Employer   provided by the ~:ommissloners court.                V.T.C.S.     art.   5142``1, Ill,
    2(a).    The statute further provides for the continued operation of
    already existing      domestic relations      offices.       Sections 3 and 4 of
    act   set forth      t!vs duties   imposed upon, and additional                services
    provided    by.   such domestic      relations      offices.       Section   5 permits
    certain courts to order that court ordered payment for child support
    be made to the doalclstic relations        office.       Section 6 governs the fees
    and costs      which clay be charged.           Section      6 of article      5142a-1,
    V.T.C.S.,    provides the following:
    Ronorable   Tim Curry   - Page 2     (JM-249)
    Sec. 6.     (a)   If a domestic relations  office  is
    in existence     prior to or is established    pursuant
    to this     article,    the comissioners     court   may
    authorize one or more of the following:
    (1)   A fee not to exceed $5 on the filing     in
    the county of each suit for the dissolution    of a
    marriage and each suit affecting  the parent-child
    relationship.    Su:h fee shall be paid as other
    costs in the suit and collected   by the clerk of
    the court.
    (2)   The assescmlent of attorney fees and court
    costs incurred by the domestic relations     office   in
    enforcing   an order, for child support or visitation
    against the party !iound. to be in violation     of the
    (3)   An application      fee    to be charged   to
    persons    seeking    services      from  the domestic
    relations   office.
    (4)   A monthly charge of up to $1 per month to
    be    paid   by    each   managing   and   possessory
    conseNator    for wlwm services  are provided by the
    domestic relationri office.
    (b)   Fees authD.rlred under this article         shall
    be sent to the county treasurer        or other officer
    performing the duties of the county treasurer            for
    deposit   In a spec:i.al fund entitled      the ‘domestic
    relations     office    fund.’   This    fund shall        be
    administered     by th:e domestic relations    office    and
    shall be used to provide services        by the domestic
    relations    office    as provided    In this     article.
    County general funds may also be used to provide
    these services.
    We must~interpret     a stiitute   in a way which expresses
    only the will of l:be makers of the law, not forced
    nor strained,   but simply such as the words of the
    law in their plain sense fairly   sanction and will
    clearly  sustain.
    Railroad  Commission of Texas v. Miller,       
    434 S.W.2d 670
    , 672 (Tex.
    1968) (quoting     Texas High*; y Ccmueission v. El Paso Bldg. h Const.
    Trades Council, 234 S.W.Zd ;Fi7 (Tex. 1950)).     Indeed in this instance,
    the statute    itself   is not ambiguous.    See Col-Tex. Refining  Co. v.
    Railroad  Commission of Texas, 240 S.W.Zn47,         750 (Tex. 1951).    No
    authority   is conferred upor;a commissioners court to limit the class
    p. 1114        I
    Honorable   Tim Curry - Page 3      (JM-249)
    of persons   receiving   services from a domestic relations office  to
    persons whose income does not exceed a dollar figure to be determined
    by the comlssloners    court.
    Nor do we accept         the argument that        a commissioners        court
    possesses    the inherent powar to limit        in such fashion      the class     of
    persons who may avsil themselves of the services           offered by a domestic
    relations    office.     A countv has onlv those nowers which are conferred
    either    expressly    or by nelessary   implication    by the constitution       and
    statutes    of this state.       Canales v. Laughlin,       214 S.W.Zd 451, 453
    (Tex. 1948).        Such autho&      has neither    expressly    nor by necessary
    Implication     been conferred upon commissioners-courts.          Accordingly,    we
    answer your question in the negative.
    In your second question.     you ask whether the commissioners court
    may adopt a graduated application        fee schedule based upon the income
    of those persons seeking the services.         You refer us to such a scheme
    permitted   county hospital   c.istricts    by section    14 of article  4494n,
    V.T.C.S.    For the same r’zasons discussed         in answer to your first
    question,  we answer your second question in the negative.          The statute
    simply does not authorize     the implementation of such a graduated fee
    schedule,   and the conferring     of such authority     cannot be necessarily
    implied from those powers which are explicitly         conferred.
    1. A commiss:loners court is not authorized by
    article  5142a-1,  V.T.C.S..  to limit the class of
    persons who rece::vc services  offered by a Domestic
    Relations Office ‘to persons whose income does not
    exceed   a   doll P:C figure    determined  by   the
    commissioners court.
    2.   A cormnfss:Loners court is not authorized  by
    article    5142a-1.   V.T.C.S.,  to adopt a graduated
    fee    schedule   based on the income of persons
    seeking    to utilize     the services  of a Domestic
    Relations Office,
    JIM     MATTOX           -
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant    Attorney   Gcmtleral
    p. 1115
    Honorable Tim Curry - Page 4     (JM-249)
    Executive Assistant Attorne:r   General
    Chairman. Opinion   Committee
    Prepared by Jim Moellinger
    Assistant Attorney General
    Rick Gilph,    Chairman
    Colin Carl
    Susan Garrison
    Tony Guillory
    Jim Moellinger
    Jennifer Riggs
    Nancy Sutton
    Bruce Youngblood
    p. 11'16

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-249

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1984

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017