- n -.. - . -i * .. The Attorney General of Texas Dcccmbrr 14. 1984 JIM MAlTOX wxlIoy GoIlwal Bonorable Joe Uancit: Bell C~inioo No. 311-253 Trinity county Attorwy P. 0. mox an Be: Mbether . chief deputy uy be Groveton. fewa Y!i845 appointed tu lsstsoor-collector by l comieeionerr court of which her cousin ia 8 nember Deer Mr. Bell: You otaca that e recency bes been cruted In tbe office of tax r dutb of the incwbcnt who bed lerved linee lueuo r -c o llec:bytothe Jenuery 1. 1961. 1Im chief deputy bes been continuously employed io the office in var%uo poaitiono for twenty-tuo ycarr and bar been chief deputy for :pGcera. She ia a first coud`` of l c o u nty comb- sioner vho bea served continuously in office liucc Jenuery 1. 1961. A lexu, sune 702 noue1m. Et. 7mo2-3111 You wk vhet’her the colpireioners court my lppoint the chief 7lw22ssM2 deputy to fill the vecency without violetlag the nepotism ltetute. Article 5996e. V.T.C.S..on nepotin. provideo: No oi'ficer of thie State . . . nor my officer or .merbmr of eny State di&ict. county. city, school district or other upicipal boud . . . dull rppoint. or vota for, or confim the appointlent to any office, pomitioa, clerbhip. emp1OJY.t or duty, of eny parson dated within . r the MCOI$ degree .by ,affinity or within the third degree 'by conunyinity to the perwn w lppointdmaor lo voting, or to any ocher member of amy lxh board . . . vhen the ulery, fem. or compenu~tion of aufh eppointee IS to be paid for. directly or i.ndlrectly, out of or from public funds o:c feeo of office of lny kind or cberecter utut*oever; provided, tlut nothIn herein coateinotl . . . rbell prevent the l ppolntmeat. voting for, or confirmation of my, pereoo who shell hmc been contiououely employed in lny such office. PO61 tiOIL. clcrkehip, lnployment or duty for a period of two (2) years prior to the election or eppoincment of the officer or member eppoint Lug. VOCiIQ for, or confirming the eppointwnt. or to the election or l ppointment of D. 1128 Honorable Joa Warner Bell - :?trge 2 *(m-253) the officer or ember related to such employee la rhe prohibited degree. First cousioa are related within rhe second degrea by conaenguinity. See - Attorney General Opinions O-6221 (1944); O-4670 (1942). The county ta xlaaesaor-collector holds an elective office. Tex. Conat. art. VIII. M14. 16. 16a; Tax Code r6.21. Thus. ordinarily the tax laeaaoor-collector would be ~alactad by the people end not appointed by the comlmi,c~oers court. The court, hovaver. is statutorily auth&ited to fill a vacancy ia this office until the next general election. V.T.C.S. mrt. 2355. Article S996e. V.T.C.S.. bars the comisalonera court from appointing the firac cousin, of a comiaaionar to any office or leploymaat . Attorney Gencrrd. Opinions O-5452 (1943); 04987 (1942); uee also Attorney General Opinion 04670 (1942). The acetu~a pravantm any member of the comissionera court from voting for any pereon ralettd wlthin the second degree by affinity . . . co t:ha person ao appointing or so voting. or to any other member of any such board. . . . (Fmp~asia added). V.T.C.S. art. S996a. Thus, nooe of the coamiaaionara may vote to appoint the first cousin of a coamlasloucr to the vacant office of tex aaaaaaor-collactor. See - Attorney Ganeral Opioioa O-3016 (1941). You raise the l xceptiou to article 5996a. V.T.C.S.. for a person employad by a governlog boa::d for two yaara contiauously prior to the alaction of hia ralaciva to that board and suggest it may apply in this eaea. It 18 irrelevmt to the problem before us. The tax aaeaaeor-collactor lppoiata hfa deputlaa; the cowiaalooer6 court cannot control or ioflueoce his aclectloa of individuals for tbat post. V.T.C.S. art. 3902; Attorney General Opioiona S-993 (1977); H-697 (1975); O-6221 (194A:). The deputy ta x lasesaor wae oavar appointed by the commiuiontrr~ court. She therefore does ooc come within the two-year proviso elfarticle 5996a. V.T.C.S. SUMMARY . The cowisaioncra court m6y not appoint the firet cowin of u commissioner to the office of county tax eaaasacw-collector vacated by the death of the incumbent. Ilowrable Joe Uitmer Bell - Pq;c 3 (JM-253) . TOM CREW I:icst Aralstanc Accorney General DAVlD R. RICHARDS Executive Aaaiscanr Attorney Oc!ncral RICK CILPIN ChaIrman, Opinion Committee Preparad by Suean L. Garrison Assistant Attorney General APPROVKD: OPINTON COMMITTEE Hick Gilpin. Chairman Susan Garriaoo Tony Cuillory Jim Hoellinger Jenni~fcr Riggs Nancy Sutton
Document Info
Docket Number: JM-253
Judges: Jim Mattox
Filed Date: 7/2/1984
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017