Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1984 )

  •                                     The Attorney        General of Texas
    Aul:ust30, 1984
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court Building         Honorable Gibson D. (Gib) Lewis        Opinion No. JM-195
    P. 0. Box 12548
    Speaker of the House!
    Austin, TX. 78711. 2546
    Texas House of Reprc!$entatives        Re:   Whether article 5996a.
    Telex 9101874-1367             P. 0. Box 2910                         V.T.C.S., the nepotism law,
    Telecopier   5121475.0266      Austin, Texas   78?('5                 is applicable to appointments
    to the interim State Board of
    714 Jackson, Suite 700
    Dallas, TX. 75202.4506
    2141742.6944                   Dear Speaker Lewis:
    You request our opinion as to whether article 5996a, V.T.C.S..
    4824 Alberta Ave., Suite 160
    the nepotism statute, is applicable to appointments to the interim
    El Paso, TX. 79905.2793
    9151533.3464                   State Board of Edwzltion created by House Bill No. 72. Acts 1983,
    68th Leg., 2d C.S.: ch.         , 94. at        (not yet published).
    That bill creates :I transitional State Board of Education, whose
    ‘701        Texas. Suite 700      members are to be ;llBpointedby the governor. upon recommendation of
    .ousto”. TX. 77002~3111
    the Legislative Edwation Board. The bill enacts section 11.22(k) of
    the Education Code t:cprovide that members
    606 Broadway. Suite 312                 shall receive no salary but shall be reimbursed
    Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479                 for all e,:pensesincurred in attending meetings of
    the board csrincident to any judicial action taken
    because oi'appeal from a board order.
    4309 N. Tenth, Suite S
    McAllen. TX. 78501.1685             You ask whethw: article 5996a applies to appointments to the
    512,662.4547                   board. That statute provides, in pertinent part:
    200 Main Plaza, Suite 400                  No off<.c:erof this State nor any officer of any
    San Antonio, TX. 78205.2797             district, county, city, precinct, school district,
    5121225.4191                            or other municipal subdivision of this State, nor
    w    officer or member of any State district,
    county, ciry, school district or other    municipal
    An Equal Opportunity/
    Affirmative Action Employer
    board, or ijudgeof any court, created by or under
    authority >f any General or Special Law of this
    State, nor any member of the Legislature, shall
    appoint, '+: vote for, or confirm the appointment
    to any ofFLce, position, clerkship, employment or
    duty, of sny person related within the second
    degree by affinity or within the third degree by
    consanguin:.tyto the person so appointing or so
    vlxing, o:: to any other member of any such board,
    p. 857
    Honorable Gibscr!D. (Gib) Lwis   - Page 2   (JM-395)
    the Legislature, or court of which such person so
    appointing or votl.rg may be a member, when the
    salary, fees, or wn!pensation of such appofntee j-6
    to be paid for, dirxtly or indirectly, out of or
    from public funds (IIfees of office of any kind or
    character whatsoewz . . . .
    Specifically, you inquire whether the reimbursement of expenses to
    board members constitutes "salary, fees, or compensation" for purposes
    of article 5996a.
    No Texas case has direcl::yaddressed this  question.
    Although one
    court has said that the word "'compensation' is broad enough to
    include recompense of expen!;I!s,"Tierney v. Van Arsdale, 
    332 S.W.2d 546
    , 549 (KY. 1960), the majority of cases from other !urisdictions
    which have considered the q;estibn have held that reimbursement for
    expenses is not embraced within the meaning of the term. In Manning
    v. Sims, 
    213 S.W.2d 577
    (Ky. :948). for example; the court said that
    the allowance of :xasonable expenses'incurred in
    the discharge of the official duties of an office
    is neither salary, compensation nor an emolument
    of the office . .   
    . 213 S.W.2d at 580
    . In *x,rman v. Williams,,
    415 P.2d 597
    1966), the Supreme Court of Oklahoma declared: ‘
    office and traveling expenses iuctirredby rcembers
    of the Legislative Council are expenses of the
    performance of clifjcial duties and are not
    compensation, salnr:ror emoluments . . . 
    . 415 P.2d at 602
    . And in Happe v. State, 
    469 P.2d 909
    (Wash. 1970),
    the court said that
    the word 'compensation' . . . does not embrace nor
    include appropriats reimbursement for expenses
    incurred . . . 
    . 469 P.2d at 912
    . ---
    See Whitehc'adv. Julian, 
    476 S.W.2d 844
    (Tex. 1972)
    (expense allowance paid tcs city mayor does not make position a
    "lucrative" office within meaning of art. III, P19, Tex. Const.,
    making the holder of a l.ucrative office ineligible for state
    In our opinion, the telal"compensation" as used in article 5996a
    should not be construed to include statutory reimbursement for
    expenses incurred in attendj,r,g
    meetings of the interin:State Board of
    Education. Thus, since no "salary, fees or compensation" wjll be paid
    p. 858
    Honorable Gibson D. (Gib) Lew:.s- Page 3    (JM-195)
    to members of the board, article 5996a has no application to appoint-
    ments thcl-eto.
    Article 5996a, V.T.C.S., the nepotism law, is
    not applicable tc appointments to the interim
    State Board of Edw;~tion created by House Bill No.
    72,   Acts 1983, Sj.xty-eighthLegislature, Second
    Called Session, chapter             , section 4, St
    , since the rlembers thereof do not receive
    "compensation," I!lli only       reimbursement  for
    expenses incurred.
    Attorney General of Texas
    First AssistaritP.ttorneyGem.:al
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Prepared by Rick Gilpin
    Assistant Attorney General
    Rick Gilpin, Chairman
    David Brooks
    Colin Carl
    Susan Garrison
    Jim Moell.inger
    Nancy Sutton
    p. 859

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-195

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1984

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017