Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1984 )

  •        .   .
    The Attorney General of Texas
    JIM MAlTOX                                             August      13, 1984
    Attorney General
    Sucmme Cowl Bulldlno           Eonorable Hike.Drim:oll                            Opiniw   No.   m-190
    P. 0. Box 12545      -         Eerrie County Atto::uey
    AUS!h TX. 75711. ?%a           1001 Preston,  Suit! 634                           Re: Venue of criminal   proceedings
    5121475-2501                   Houston, Texas     7’1002                          in Justice Courts
    Telex SWS74~1367
    Telecopier 51214750266
    Dear Mr. Driscoll:
    714 Jwkson. Suits 700                You have asked the folloving   questions               relating to the venue of
    Dallar. TX. 752024506
    certain  criminal prxeedings   in the justice               courts in Earris County:
    1. Dues article    4.12 or article        45.22 of the
    4S24 Albsfi. Ave.. suite 180                 Code of *:riminal    Procedure    control     the venue of
    El P880, TX. 7SSG52793                       criminal  charges filed    pursuant     to section    32.41
    s1m34s4                                      of the I’mal Code ‘ia the justice        courts of Harris
    County,  tmd is    the applicable      article,    if any.
    ml fexss. sulle 700                          mandatory or directory?
    HPUS~D~.TX. 77002.3111
    713mMSe6                                         2.    Is it      proper for a:justice   of the peace     in
    Eartie   Ccunty       to do any of the following:
    W5 Broadwsy. Suile 312                 ,       ~.‘!-il)“‘A.ccept   a-bad check charge/complaint    fdi an
    Lubbock. TX. 7S401.347’2
    aow-747~5239                               :, -offense      wh%chth:occurred within ‘Barris   County but
    not withim      his precinct?   ’
    43C4 N. Tenth. Suit0 B
    MeAllen. TX. 7SYmlSa5
    ‘.:.       ‘.~-    (2) :&wept      a’bad recheck charge/complaint for ‘an
    r      ,offense~%hich       occnrred ‘with%% his precinct     when
    5wS524547         ,-
    defendautresides        in, Barris  County but not within
    his prec:!.nctP      ’
    200 Mm Plu*. suite 400
    Ssn Anmnlo. TX. 782052797
    (3) rLccept a bad check charge/complaint            for an
    offense    which occurred      within    his    precinct    but
    .defandarr: resides    in another county?
    An Equal OpporWW/                             .t
    *fflrm*tlvo ActIon Employ*r   Your request    for an opinion      is accompanied       by a brief      which     also
    dfacuases  the eonatitutionality      of .artlcles   4.12 and 45.22.
    Article  45622 of. the Code of Criminal       Procedure determines   the
    venue of criminal     charge8 filed    in the justice   courts of Darris County
    for ~the offense     of issuing    a bad check under sectlon      32.41 of the
    Penal Code, and its provisions       are mandatory.     Except as provided if a
    justice     of the pcwce ie disqualified.     it is not proper for a justice
    D.   830
    Honorable ,Mike Drincoll         - :?age 2      (JH-190)
    of the peace in Harris Cowty to accept such a bad check case when the
    offense    does not occur rdthin    his  precinct,   but it  is   proper,
    regardless    of the residema, of the defendaut.   vhm the offense   does
    occur within his preclact.
    Section     32.41   of the    Penal     Code lists     the    elements    that
    constitute      the offowe of issuance        of a bad check and provides         that
    such an offense        is a Class C Msdewanor.         A Class C Misdemeanor is
    punishable       only by a fins      not    to exceed     $200, vhich      punishment
    conforms      to the constitutional       and ltatutory      jurisdiction      of  the
    justice     court    in this   stwe.    Article    0, rection     19, of the Texan
    Constitution      provides   in ptrt that
    Justices  of the :Peace shall    have jurisdiction in
    criminal  matters   >f all cases where the penalty or
    fine to be woei       by law may not be more than for
    two hundred dollarr    . . . .
    Article  4.11 of the Code of Criminal Procedure specifies     that justices
    of the peace have jurisdiction    in criminal   cases where the fine to be
    imposed by law may not exceed $200.           Accordingly, the offense      of
    issuance   of a bad check under eection 32.41 is vithin         the subject
    matter jurisdiction  of the justice   courts.
    Venue does        not    lisdt      or affect        the   jurisdiction       that     is
    prescribed      by the constitwion            and by statute       for the justice       court.
    “Venue ,” as applied           to ,criminal         cases.    means the place        in which
    prosecutions       are to begin, uhile “jurisdiction”               means the power of the
    court to hear and determiuo              the case.        The terms are not syoonymotiS~
    See Martin v. State, 385 8.U.2d 260 (Tax. Grim. App. 1964); Bradley v.
    saringen.         525 S.W.Zd 28Cm(Tex. Civ. App. - Eastland                   1975. no writ);
    Attorney      General Opinion D-1026 (1977).                The Texas Constitution         gives
    the legielaturc        pouer~to       fir.venue       and the courts       pouer to change
    venue in the manner providedby                  law.    Article   III, section     45. of the
    constitution      atates    that ,~:he “power to change the venue in civil                   and
    criminal     cases shall be vwted            in the courts,      to be exercised       in such
    manner as shall         be proviclcd by law; and the Legislature                   shall    pass
    laws for that puipose.”
    We believe      that   articles    4.12    and 45.22        are merely       venue
    requirements     for criminal    cases within    the jurisdiction        of the justice
    courts , including       the off,mse    of immuing bad checks under section
    32.41 of the Penal Code. Article          4.12 establishes       justice     court venue
    for misdemeanor       cases   ucrpt    to the extent        that,     in each of the
    several   counties     in the state     which have a population            of at least
    225,000.    article     45.22 fires    venue in the justice             courts.     Hence
    article   45.22,     rather   ttun article      4.12.   is applicable           in Earris
    County.    See Bradley v. lpearingen,          B;       Attorney       General opinion
    E-1026.    Article    45.22 prcvides    as follows:
    0. 831
    Ilonorable   Mike Driscoll       - Page 3        (Jn-190)
    Sec. 1. No p’crson shall              ever be tried in any
    justice      precinct        court    unless    the    offense      with
    which      he was        ‘::larged     was colPlnitted        in     such
    prscinct . Provided,             however,     should there be no
    duly     qualified        justice      precinct       court     in    the
    precinct      where llulcb offense           was emitted,            then
    the     defendant       ohall      be tried       in    the justice
    precinct      next      adjacent       which ry        have a duly
    qualified       justice       court.      And provided        further,
    that if the justice             of the peace of the precinct
    in which the offense vaa~comitted                   is disqualified
    for    any reason         for    trying     the case,       then such
    defendant        may t,r, tried         in some other           justice
    precinct     within      r:he county.
    Sec. 2. No constable    shall be alloved  a fee in
    any misdemeanor t:rise arjsing in any precinct    other
    than the one for which he has been elected             or
    appointed,  exccrt   through an order duly entered
    upon the mlnut’es     of the     county  commissioners
    Sec. 3. Any justice    of the peace. constable or
    deputy   constsblc  violating    this   Act shall  be
    punished by a floe of not less than $100 nor more
    than $500.
    Sec. 4. The provisions    of this Article    shall
    apply only    to counties  having   a population     of
    225,000 or over’according     to the last   preceding
    federal  census.
    The language of article      45.22 indicates   that its venue’provisions
    are mdatory     rather than l@zalssive , and requires        that a suit on the
    issuance   of a bad check bll filed     in the urecinct   in which the offense
    vas colpitted.     See Allietl Artists    Pictuies  Corp. v. Transcontinental
    Theatres,   Texas.-&.-      57.1 S.U.2d 871, 872 (Tu.     Civ. App. - Sastland
    1978, writ diam’d);    Attorcay    General Opinion E-1026.
    A change of venue us~lly           means changing the place of trial    from
    one county to another.          Chapter 31 of the Code ~of Criminal     Procedure
    provides    for the change          of venue to another    county  to secure     an
    impartial    trial    on motion of the court or on motion of the defendant
    in   either     a    felony    caee    or a misdemeanor     case  punishable     by
    confinement.       See V.T.C.S, arta. 31.01; 31.03(a).        The Texas statutes
    do not provide%r          change of venue in cases within the jurisdiction       of
    the justice        courts.    nalu!ly,    cases  which  are not   punishable     by
    confinement.       However, the United States Supreme Court has held that
    an individual      has en inhe::unt right to a chsnge of venue if he demands
    D. 832
    Honorable    Hike    Drlscoll   - ?‘lgc 4        (JM-190)
    e jury   trial cod if      it spp~ars that an impartial     jury and a fair trial
    csnnot   be obtained       In the county.     See Irvin v. Dowd. 
    81 S. Ct. 1639
    (1961).      At a time     when the! Texas statute8   providing     for a change of
    venue were limited           to felony   caees vith    one exception.     a federal
    district      court held      that, under the due process      clause   of the 14th
    Amendment, It was the dut:r of the Texas judiciary            to provide    a fair
    trial     by an impartial     jur:f to a person charged with a misdemeanor
    punlsbable      by confinement , even if to do so the court must grant a
    change of venue         that   wntravenes   state   statutes.     See Hisson V.
    ;a$~,        232 P.Supp. 539 0.D.     Tex. 1964). aff’d.   364 F.2dl     (5th Clr.
    We believe      that.   if presented   with the issue.       the courts would
    find     that    every     person   accused    of  a criminal         offense      has     a
    constitutional      right to a t.rlal by an impartial        jury regardless       of the
    punishment which may be ac:N,rded or the serious             or petty nature of the
    offense.       See also Tex. Coast. art.       I, (10.     It i# our opinloa         that,
    in the counties       where it d.s applicable,     article    b5.22    fixes mandatory
    venue for trial       in the jmtice      court in the precinct       in which a Class
    C Misdemeanor is comitted.             We believe    tbat the courts         vould     find
    that a defendant who demands a jury trial              has a constitutional          right
    to an impartial        jury and 1:~ a change of venue if it is necessary                 for
    that purpose.
    In answer to the first         part of your second question,             it is not
    proper for a justice        of the peace in Harris County to accept a bad
    check case when the offense          did not occur within           his precinct.      Tbe
    mandatory provisions       of article     45.22,    require     that the complaint      be
    filed    in the precinct     where the offense          occurred unless,      of coarse,
    the justice    of the peace j.r. that precinct           is disqualified.       We answer
    the last two parts of your second question                in the affirmative.        It is
    proper     for   8 justice                                   

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-190

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1984

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017