Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1982 )

  •                                           The Attorney          General of Texas
    December 22, 1982
    Attorney General
    Mr. Charlie Chapman                    Opinion No. MW-525
    Supreme      Court Building              Executive Director
    P.O.BOU       12546
    Austin.    TX. 76711-2546
    Structural Pest Control Board          Re:    Whether     real estate
    of Texas                            inspector may make termite
    Telex    9101674.1367                    5555 North Lamar, Building H           inspection without licensing
    Telecopier      51214750266              suite 123                              by   Texas   Structural    Pest
    Austin, Texas   78751                  Control Board
    1607 Main St., Suite 1400
    Dallas.   TX. 75201-4709                 Dear Mr. Chapman:
    You have asked whether individuals who have not complied with the
    provisions of the Texas Structural Pest Control Act, article 135b-6,
    4624 Alberta        Ave.,Suite     160
    El Paso. TX.        799052793
    may make Inspections of real property for termite infestation.
    Article 135b-6, section 2(a), subsections (1) and (2) provide:
    1220 Dallas Ave.. Suite           202
    sec. 2. (a) For purposes of this Act a person
    Houston.   TX. 77002.6966
    shall be deemed to be engaged in the business of
    structural pest control if he engages in, offers
    to engage in, advertises for, solicits, or
    806 Broadway,         Suite 312                   performs any of the following services for
    Lubbock,     TX.     79401-3479
    (1) identifying     infestations   or making
    4309 N. Tenth. Suite B                             inspections for the purpose of identifying or
    McAllen,     TX. 76501-1685                        attempting to identify infestations of:
    (A) arthropods    (insects, spiders, mites,
    200 Main Plaza. Suite 400                          ticks,   and   related    pasts),   wood-infesting
    San Antonio,  TX. 76205-2797                       organisms, rodents, weeds, nuisance birds, and any
    5121225-4191                                       other obnoxious or undesirable animals which may
    infest households, railroad cars, ships, docks,
    An Equal OpportunityI                             trucks, airplanes, or other structures, or the
    Affirmative       Action   Employer               contents thereof, or
    (B) pests or diseases of trees, shrubs, or
    other plantings in a park or adjacent to a
    residence, business establishment, industrial
    plant, institutional building, or street;
    p. 1902
    Mr. Charlie Chapman - Page 2 (MS-525)
    (2)  making         inspection         reports,
    recommendations, estimates, or bids, whether oral
    or written, with respect to such infestations....
    Section 5(a) of the act provides:
    No parson, except an individual under the
    direct supervision of a certified applicator, may
    engage in the business of structural pest control
    after the effective date of this Act unless he
    meets the standards set by the board and possesses
    a valid Structural Pest Control Business License
    issued by the board.
    The clear meaning of these statutes is that no person may make
    structural pest inspections and reports unless the inspector has been
    licensed by the Structural Pest Control Board.
    Your question arises as the result of the passage of article
    6573.a. section 18C, effective August 31, 1981. Section 18C provides
    for the registration (not licensing) of the following:
    Any person or persons who hold themselves out to
    the public as being trained and qualified to
    inspect improvements to real property, including
    structural items and/or equipment and systems, and
    who   accept employment for the purpose of
    performing such an inspection for a buyer or
    seller of real property pursuant to the provisions
    of any earnest money contract form adopted by the
    commission shall:
    (1) register his or her current name, type of
    legal entity, mailing address, place of business
    or businesses, and business telephone number or
    numbers with the commission....
    Section lBC(e) states:
    It is the intent of the legislature that the
    provisions of this section shall not apply to any
    electrician, plumber, carpenter. any       person
    engaging in the business of structural pest
    control in compliance with the Texas Structural
    Pest Control Act, as amended (Article 135b-6,
    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), or any other
    parson who    repairs, maintains, or inspects
    improvements to real property and who does not
    hold himself or herself out to the public via
    p. 1903
    .   .
    Mr. Charlie Chapman - Page 3   (MW-525)
    personal solicitation or public advertising as
    being   in  the business of    inspecting such
    improvements pursuant to the provisions of any
    earnest money contract form adopted by the
    The meaning of section lBC(e) is clear and is reinforced by
    legislative history. Persons engaged in the various building trades,
    those licensed by the Structural Pest Control Board, and persons who
    repair, maintain or inspect improvements or persons who do not solicit
    inspection business are exempted from the requirements of this
    statute. All others who hold themselves out as trained or expert to
    inspect, and who inspect improvements to real property for a buyer or
    seller pursuant to an earnest money contract must register. Section
    18C does not create a new agency or provide standards. It merely
    requires registration of persons who advertise themselves as
    inspectors and who do inspect improvements to real property in
    connection with the sale of that real property.
    Your question is, essentially, whether section 18C of article
    6573a creates an exemption from the Structural Pest Control Act, that
    is, whether section 18C permits persons not licensed by the Structural
    Pest Control Board to inspect structures for pest infestation. In our
    opinion, article 6573a, section 18C does not create an exemption from
    the Structural Pest Control Act. The statutes have entirely different
    functions. The Structural Pest Control Act is designed to establish
    standards for persons licensed under the statute. As a result of
    licensing, the board has access to the names and addresses of the
    licensees, article 135b-6, section 4(b).        Consequently, it is
    reasonable that persons licensed are exempt from registration under
    article 6573a, section 18C. as duplicative. However, article 6573a,
    section 18C is not duplicative of theStrucura1 Pest Control Act. The
    statute only requires that certain persons register and post a bond.
    Persons who register do not fulfill the requirements of the Structural
    Pest Control Act; the act of registration serves only to identify
    persons who inspect real property and are not licensed under other
    statutes. Article 6573a, section 18C, therefore, is designed to begin
    at the point that licensing statutes end. See transcript of Senate
    Committee on Economic Development, Senate Bili??o. 478, March 2, 1981.
    The public policies and legislative purposes of the statutes are
    also different, and should be examined to determine whether a conflict
    exists. -See Brown v. Patterson, 
    609 S.W.2d 287
    , 290 (Tex. Civ. App. -
    Dallas 1980, no writ). The policy for the Structural Pest Control Act
    is obvious; it is to protect the public by regulating and requiring
    certain standards of those engaged in the business of structural pest
    treatment and inspection. The purpose of article 6573a, section 18C
    is also clear: registration is an aid to buyers who have been injured
    by false or inaccurate reports, so that buyers may locate the real
    p. 1904
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    Mr.   Charlie Chapman - Page 4    (MN-525)
    estate inspector for restitution. Examined in this light, it is
    unlikely that the legislature intended to create an exception to
    article 135b-6, and thereby encourage unlicensed persons to register
    and avoid the provisions of article 135b-6.
    It   is our opinion that the two statutes can be read in harmony.
    Article    135b-6 is unaffected by article 6573a. section IBC, which
    applies   to inspections for which a structural pest control business
    license   is not required.
    Pursuant to article 135b-6, only persons who
    possess a valid Structural Pest Control Business
    License may inspect and make reports with respect
    to structural pest infestations. Section 18C of
    article 6573a does not create an exemption to that
    MARK      WHITE
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney General
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Prepared by Patricia Hinojosa
    Assistant Attorney General
    Susan L. Garrison, Chairman
    Jon Bible
    Rick Gilpln
    Patricia Hinojosa
    Eva Loutzenhiser
    Jim Moellinger
    p. 1905

Document Info

Docket Number: MW-525

Judges: Mark White

Filed Date: 7/2/1982

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017