AUIBTIN. TIEXA% 78711 The Honorable H. Q. Sibley, D. V. hf. Opinion No. H- 305 Executive Director, Texae Animel Health Commirrion Re: Murt the Commierion 1020 Sam Houston State Office Bldg. furnish copier of official Auetin, Texas 78701 document8 to lttorneyr in law ruit e not involving the Commirrion? Dear Dr. Sibley: The facte involved in thie file indicate that one Jamee Hazelwood purchased a herd of cattle rometime prior to March 31, 1971, with the eale conditioned, in part, upon Mr. Hawelwood having the cattle inrrpected for bruoellorir. Mr. Haselwood requested your Commirrion to perform the tnrpection and in fact such an inrppction wae performed on March 31, 1971. Many of the cattle were found to be infected and there factr were made known to Mr. Hazelwood. Mr. Hazelwood ie now in litigation with the perron who rold the cattle to ‘him and has. requeeted that you furnirh him with copier of documente in your office, and, more epecifically: (1) a copy of the brucelloair quarantine (2) the date of the teetn (3) the report of the laboratory or chemical analyrir run on the herd and the number of reactore found (4) a copy of the quarantine release p. 1414 . - . The Honorable H. Q. Sibley page 2 (H-305) (5) any prior tests. communications or other documentr you may have received prior to the quarantine in question regarding the brucellorris condition in the subject herd. He hae particularly asked that the documents be chfied am,to their authenticity so that he might present them into evidence in the lawsuit without the necessity of taking depositions, etc. He specifically cited to ,you Article 373la of the Texan Revised Civil Statutem which provides in applicable part: “Section 1. Any written instrument. certificate, record, part of record, return, report, or part of report, made by an officer of this State or of ” any governmental subdivision thereof, or by him deputy, or person or employee’under hia wper- vision, in the performance of the function8 of Wir office and employment, shall be, 10 far as relevant, admitted in the court8 of this State am evidence of . the matter stated therein, rubjsct to the provirionr in Section 3. I’ Section 3 requirer advance notice to the adverre party. Section 4 provides in part: ‘Yguch writings may be evidenced by an official publication thereof or by a copy attested by the officer having.& legal curtody of the record, or by hiB deputy. Except in the case of a copy of an official writing from a public office of thin State or a rubdivision thereof, the attestation &all be accompanied with a certificate that the atterting officer har the legal custody of ouch writing. . , . All such attested and certified inrtrumentr and the contents of the certificate and the title of the person making same, #hall be evidence of the p. 1415 The Honorable H. Q. Sibley page 3 (H-305) mattern, atatements, reprerentatione and title contained therein. ‘I The quertion you have eubmitted to u6 ir: “Does the Commission have to ftirnish copies of official documentr (eg., teet rhartr, quarantines) to attorneye when there ir i lawruit involved.which doee not involve the Commieeion? ‘I We have not treated thir a@ a requert, for 6 decieion under Section 7, Article 6252-17a, V. T. C. S., the Open Recordr,Act. It ir our opinion that, whether or not the information which .Mr. Hatrelwwaod reeks would be available ae public information under that Act, clearly he in entitled to it. There are circumetancrr under which a record, though public in the renee that it ie maintained by a public agency, ie not public in the renre that. it ir to b,e made available to any perron wki wilhee to eee it. Nevertheless, such recordm may be reviewed mnd bra accermtble to a particular perron tnvol*ed, Morrim v. Hoerrter,
377 S.W.2d 841(Tex. Civ. App., Aurtin, 1964, &writ); Gpen Record@ Decirio,n No. 24 (1974). The prerence of brucellorir in a herd of cattle IB a reriour mrtter and our rtatuter, particularly Article 7014f-1, V. T. C. S. , give your Commimrion broad powerr to determine the diepoeition to be made of ruch animal& See Attorney General Opinion H-148 (1973). It is our opinion that Mr. Hazelwood lhould have accemm to your filea by +ich it wae dete,rmined that his cattle were infected. Gpen Record0 Decision No. 24 (1974). Attorney General Opinion No. 249 (1974). While you ma;y do no, we know of no rtatute, however, that would require you to furnish him an authenticated copy of your recordm l e pro- vided in Article 37310, V. T. C. S., or certified copy under Article 3731, V. T. C. S. Nor do the provisions of Section 24 of Article 7014f-1, V. T. C. S., that any written instrument issued by the Commission shall be admirrible as evidence when certified, require that either you or the Commtmmion certify. Of course, Mr. Haeelwood’r attorney can proceed under the p. 1416 . -.’ .’ The Honorable H. Q. Sibley page 4 W3Q5) various discovery ruler of the Texae Ruler of CivU Procrdure to develop thin evidence for trial purporee under rubpoena, SUMMARY Records of the Texam Animbl Health Gommiarioq concerning an examination made of a herd of cattle for brucellorie are subject to inrpection by tho moper of the herd. It is not mandatory, however, that the Commission authenticate or certify the recordr.eo that they maT.bs ldmieeible upcn & trial of a lawruit growin out of the purchred..of the herd. Very truly yourr, Attorney Geaeral of Texam AEPRPVED: . Opinion Committee p. 1417
Document Info
Docket Number: H-305
Judges: John Hill
Filed Date: 7/2/1974
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017