Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1974 )

  •               THEATI'ORNEY        GENERAL
    Ausrr``. T-s W3nl
    June 18,      1974
    The Honorable Harry P. Burleigh                         Opinion No. H-   328
    Executive Director
    Texas Water Development Board                            Re: Authority of the Texas
    P. 0. Box 13087, Capitol Station                         Water Development Board
    Austin, Texas 78711                                      regarding approval of plans
    ‘for the construction of levees
    The Honorable Joe Resweber                               or other similar improvements.
    Harris County Attorney
    Harris  County Courthouse
    Houston, Texas 77002
    Each of you has asked our opinion as to the authority of the Texas
    Water Development Board to approve plans for the construction of levees
    or other similar improvements.
    Mr.   Burleigh’s   first   question is:
    Does the Texas Water Development Board have the
    duty and authority to approve or disapprove the plans.
    for proposed levees to be constructed by anyone other
    than a levee improvement    district?
    Mr.   Resweber     asks:
    Is the Harris County Flood Control District
    required to submit its plans for the rectification
    or partial realignment of titural streams to the
    Texas Water Development Board?
    p. 1519
    The Hon. Harry P. Burlcigh
    The Hon. Joe Resweber    page 2      (H-328)
    If the Harris County Flood Control District
    is required to submit natural stream plans to the
    Texas Water Development Board, does the requir‘e-
    ment extend to the construction or improvement
    of man-made lateral drainage facilities  as well?
    The Water Development Board (hereafter,        the Board) is charged with
    the responsibility    of preparing and developing “a comprehensive      state water
    plan” and instructed to “direct its efforts toward the orderly development
    and management of water resources         in order that sufficient water will be
    availabletireasonable       cost to further the economic development of the entire
    state. ” Sec. 11.101, Water Code, V. T. C. S.
    It is the chief purpose of Subchapter K of the Water Code to provide
    plansfor improvements     to reclaim land not suitable for use because of water
    accumulation.     Section 11.451, Water Code, V. T. C. S. The Board is given
    broad powers within certain standards set by the Code. Sets. 11.452,11.453
    11.454, Water Code, V. T. C. S. The Subchapter concludes with Sec. 11.458,
    which provides:
    (a) No person, corporation   or levee improvement
    district may construct, attempt to construct,      cause to
    be honstructed, maintain, or cause to be maintained, any
    levee or other such improvement      on, along, or near any
    stream of this state that is subject to floods, freshets,   or
    overflows,   so as to control, regulate,   or otherwise change
    the floodwater of the atream, without firrt obtaining approval
    of the plans by the board.
    (b) Any person, corporation,  or levee improvement
    district who violates any provision of this section is
    guilty of a misdemeanor   and upon conviction is punish-
    able by a fine of not more than $100.
    (c) At the request of the board, the attorney general
    shall file suit in a district court of Travis County to enjoin
    p. 1520
    The Hon Harry P. Burleigh
    The Hon. Joe Resweber   page 3        (H-328)
    any violation   or threatened   violation   of this
    (d) This section does not apply to structures
    authorized by the Texas Water Rights Commission.
    Furthermore,     Sec. 57.102, Water Code, V. T. C. S., in the chapter
    dealing with levee improvement      districts, expressly prohibits any “person,
    corporation,or   district ” from constructing a levee or other improvement      on
    or near any stream which is subject to floods, freshets,     or overflows,
    except for irrigation    or “water improvement”    purposes, without first
    obtaining approval of the plans from the Water Development Board           This
    provision replaced Article 136. 3, Vernon’s Texas Penal Code, which
    called for approval by the State Reclamation     Engineer.
    Therefore,    we would answer Mr. Burleigh’s first question in the
    affirmative,   that the Texas Water Development Board does have the duty
    and authority to approve or disapprove plans for proposed levees to be
    constructed by any person, corporation      or levee improvement district.
    The answer to Mr. Resweber’s       first question, aw to whether the Harris
    County Flood Control District is one required to submit plans to the Board,
    will depend primarily     upon whether it is a “person, corporation,  or levee
    improvement     district. ”
    The Harris County Flood Control District is not a general law “levee
    improvement    district”, Sets. 57,001 et seq. Water Code, V. T. C.S.     It is,
    on the other hand, a special law district created in 1937 by Article 8280-120,
    V. T. C. S. Section 1 of Article 8280-120 provides that’-the District “shall be
    a governmental    agency and body politic and corporate . . . ” The District
    was created pursuant to Sec. 59 of Article 16 of the Texas Constitution,
    which provides that such ~districts “shall be governmental agencies and
    bodies politic and corporate . . . ”
    Nothing in the Act creating the District,    nor in subsequent amendments,
    demonstrates    a legislative intent that it should not be required to comply with
    statutes (Article   8028, R. C. S., 1925, repealed, 1967, and Article 1363, Texas
    Penal Code of 1925, now Section 57-102 of the Water Code), which requires
    p. 1521
    The Hon. Harry P. Burleigh
    The Hon. Joe Rerweber     page 4        (H-328)
    the approval   of su,ch plan6 by the Board or its predecernor.
    No cane has decided whether a Sec. 59 flood control district is a
    person or a corporation within Sec. 11.458 or Sec. 57.102 of the Water
    Code.   But it has been held that it ir a corporation      within the prohibition
    of Sec.  52 of Article 3 of the Conlrtitution  prohibiting    the lending of a county’s
    credit to “any individual, a66ociation or corporation. ” Harrir County Flood
    Control District v. Mann, 
    140 S.W.2d 1098
    (Tex. 1940). Compare San
    Antonio River Authority v. Sheppard,        
    299 S.W.2d 920
    (Tax. 1957) and
    Bexar County Holrpifal Di6t. v. Crorby,       
    327 S.W.2d 445
    (Tex. 1959).
    In addition, part Attorney General opinion6 have cla66ified many
    6imilar governmental     entitie6 as “person6 ” for the purpores of taxation
    and admini6trative    control over their actions.   The6e entitie6 include the
    State Board of Control, Opinion No. WW-721 (1959); the State Park6
    Board,     Opinion No. WW-821 (1960) ; and the Tao6 Department of Correc-
    tions, Opinion No. M-651, M-651-A (1970).         Such a construction ir required
    in thi6 ca6e by Section 1.04 (2) of Article   5429b-2, V. T. C.S., which states
    the following:
    (2) “person” includes corporation,   organization,
    government or governmental     6ubdivi6ion or agency,
    . . . , and any other legal entity;
    It i6 our opinion that Harri6 County Flood Control District ir a person
    or a corporation,      within the coverage of Sets. 11.458 and 57.102, Water Code,
    V.T.C.S.,       and i6 required to obtain the approval of the Texas Water Develop-
    ment Board, 60 long as not otherwise excepted, and we anrwer Mr. Resweber’s
    fir6t question in the affirmative.
    Not every activity in or about a rtream rubjectr the actor to the
    regulation of the Water Development Board.      Section ll. 458 (d) itself,
    excepts structures authorized by the Texas Water Rights Commission.
    Only those levee6 or improvement6      need be approved which are constructed,
    or maintained on, along or near one of the described streams “so as to
    p. 1522
    The Hon. Harry P. Burleigh
    The Hon. Joe Resweber    page 5             (H-328)
    control, regulate, or otherwise change the flood water of the stream.”
    Whether, as asked by Mr. Resweber’6        second question. this requirement
    extends to the construction or improvement       of a man-made lateral drainage
    facilities depends on the facts in a given situation, and resolution of this
    question should at least initially be made by the Board subject to judicial
    review.    Security State Bank of San Juan v. State, 
    169 S.W.2d 554
    Civ. App., Austin, 1943, err. ref’d.,      w. o-m.)     Consequently,  the plans
    for both lateral drainage facilities  and rectification   or partial realignment
    of natural stream6 should be submitted to the Board for its determination
    as to whether such structures     would control, regulate, or otherwise change
    the flood waters of the stream involved.
    Finally,    Mr.    Btirfeigh   a6ki~: ‘.       :‘. (’
    If such a duty exists,  should the criteria and procedure
    which have heretofore    been employed be followed,   or
    must the Texas Water Development Board consider effects
    of a propoeed levee upon the rights of third parties who
    may assert that their interests are adversely affected
    rather than consider only the technical aspects of whether
    a proposed levee will safely perform the function for
    which it is intended?   If third party rights are to be
    considered,   what procedures    should be followed?
    The “criteria and procedures               which have heretofore   been employed”
    are described as follows:
    For as long as we have been able to determine,
    the State Reclamation   Engineer as well as his various
    successors,   including the Texas Water Development
    Board, have passed upon the plans of proposed levees
    according to two criteria  only. These are:
    1.     The construction of the levee must be
    based upon sound engineering principle6
    so that its structural integrity will safely
    p. 1523
    The Hon. Harry P. Burleigh.
    The Hon. Joe Rerweber    page 6      (H-328)
    withstand the water6 which it ir designed
    to redrain,   con6idering all topographic
    feature8 including exirting leveer.
    2.   The plan of the propored levee muat be
    compatible with exirting hydrological
    condition6.  In thin connection, con-
    6ideration mu6t be given a6 to any
    po66ible deleteriou6 effecta, 6uch a6
    overtopping or undermining,     upon any
    exirting 6y6tem of leveer.
    At no time in the part did the State Reclamation
    Engineer or any of hi6 6ucces6or6,      including the
    Texan Water Development Board, act ae’an adminiatra-,
    tive tribunal in determining   or adjudicating the right6
    of third partie6.    Levee plan6 have alway been approved
    if the two criteria 6tated above have been met and
    dirapproved btherwire. without adminirtrative       hearing6
    or the procedural requirement6      which accompany them.
    Thi6 has been the con6i6tent adminicltrative     conrtruction
    of the rtatuter, relating to the approval or dilrapproval of
    propolled levee construction by the State Reclamation
    Engineer and hia 6ucce66or6.
    We find it difficult to underrtand how the Board can determine the
    proprieq   of a levee in a vacuum without giving consideration to the right6
    of third partier.
    Indeed, Sec. 11.452, Vernon’6 Texar Water Code, which i6 a part
    of the rame chapter as Sec. 11,458,6pecifically       require6 the Board to be
    governed by equitable COn6ideratiOn6.        We believe a con6ideration of the
    rights of third parties is essential to any determination of whether a
    particular    project is equitable.   We feel that, at the very least, third
    parties whose propertie       and right6 are to be affected by activitieo over
    p. 1524
    The Hon. Harry P. Burleigh
    The Hon. Joe Rerweber    page 7     (H-328)
    which the Water Development Board has jurirdiction,    should be given
    notice of the proposal and a rea6onable opportunity to be heard.
    The fact that the Water Code in Sec. 57.094, provides a procedure
    for suit to be brought by any interested person to set aside a reclamation
    plan approved by the Board, or that an injured party would have recourse
    to a suit for damage,    [Henderson County Levee Improvement Dist. No. 3
    v. Williams,   
    19 S.W.2d 197
    (Tex. Civ. App., Austin 1929, rev’d on
    other grounds, 
    36 S.W.2d 204
    (Tex. Comm. App. 1931)], would not, in
    our opinion, satisfy the statutory   responsibility exprerrsed in Sec. 11.452.
    Other than to say, a6 we have, that intere6ted third parties should
    be given notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard, we cannot prescribe
    more specifically  the procedure to be followed in each case.
    The Water Development Board ha6 the duty to
    approve or diclapprove plans for proposed levee6 to
    be constructed by any person, corporation or levee
    improvement    district on, along or near any stream
    that is subject to floods, freshet8 or overflows.
    The Harris County Flood Control District is a
    corporation within the 6tatute.
    In passing upon such plans the rights of third
    parties should be considered and such persons
    should be given notice and a reasonable opportunity
    to be heard.
    ry truly yours,
    Attorney   General   of Texas
    p. 1525
    The Hon. Harry P. Burleigh
    The Hon. Joe Rerweber   page 8      (H-328)
    LAqRY   Fi YORK,   F   6tA66i6hlt       '
    DAVID M. KENDALL,       Chairman
    Opinion Committee
    p. 1526

Document Info

Docket Number: H-328

Judges: John Hill

Filed Date: 7/2/1974

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017