-. The Honorable CL8yton T. Garrison Opinion No. H- 303 Executive Director Texrs Parks & Wildlife Department Re: Are sale8 of gravel, etc., John H. Reagan Building by Parka and Wildlife Dept. Auatin, Tcx8r 78701 subject to s8lee taxes under Article 20.01, T8x8tion-Gener81, Dcrr Mr. Glrrieon: 8nd Article 1066~. V. T. C.S. ? Article 4053d, V. T. C. S., give0 to the P8rks rnd Wildlife Department ruthority to rell 8t8te owned marl, grrvel, nand rnd ehell. And 8ee 8100 Article 4053, V. T. C. S. Your question is whether sales made under Article 4053d 8re subject to taxation under the Limited Saleo, Exci8e and Uae T8x Act provided by Chrpter 20 of Tax8tiOn-General, V. T. C. S. The brsic provision impoaing the tax is found in Ar title 20.02 which provides: “There is hereby imposed a limited sales t8x at the rate of four per cent (4%) on the receipts from the sale at ret8il of all taxable itema within this State.” The terms employed in this Article are defined in Article 20.01. From those definitions there c8n be little doubt but that the S8le of state ownedmarl, gr8ve1, sand and ahell by the Texan Parka rnd Wildlife Dep8rtment pursusnt to ‘Article 4053d is a sale at retail and the question then is whether the marl, gravel, sand rnd shell ccnstitute tax8ble items. Article 20.01(W) defines tax8ble item8 to mean “tangible perron prop- erty. If Tangible person81 property, on the other hand, is defined in Article 20.01(P) 8a “perronrl property which m8y be seen, weighed, me8eured. felt or touched. or which ia in any other runner perceptible to the rrenaea. ” The Act does not define “perron property. ” In Sutton v. Wright & S8ndere. 280 p. 1407 .. . The Honor8ble Clayton T. Glrrison, p8ge 2 (H-303) S. W. 908 (Tex. Civ. App. , S8.n Antonio, 1926, no writ), 8 suit for bre8ch of m or81 contr8ct to purchrse,and sell gr8vel in pl8Ce, the court held that the a8le of gravel to be removed from the soil w8a 8 sale of 8 chrttel and not 8 sale of real property. In Cooper v. Cocke.
145 S.W.2d 275(Tex. Civ.App., Anurillo, 1940, no writ), the court held th8t on rgreement for the a8le of crliche from 8 homeste8d to the St8te Highway Dep8rtment at 8 price per cubic yrrd did not constitute 8 sale of homestead or of any portion thereof in such manner as to be exempt from garnishment under this st8tute. These two cases lead ua to conclude thrt marl, grrvel, rrnd 8nd shell, when the subject of a contr8ct of eale separate from the real prop- erty, are person81 property within the meaning of Article 20.01(P) and constitute tangible property, the equivrlent of t8x8ble itema, so 8s to make their s8le subject to the t8X imposed by the Limited Slles, Excise 8nd Use Tw Act. Your second question. asked in the event of an affirmative 8nlWer to the first,is whether such aales sre subject to the LOC81 S8Le8 md Uoe Tax Act, Article 1066~. V. T. C.S. Section 2B of Article 1066~ provides th8t the a8lea t8x portion of my 10~81 a8ler 8nd use t8x adopted under th8t Article is imposed within rny city 8dopting such tu upon items which 8re subject to t8x8tion by the St8te under the provisions of the Limited S8les, Excise and Use Tax Act. For that reason we conclude th8t the s8leof marl. gravel. s8nd and shell by the Texas Parka and Wildlife Deportment conaummrted “within any city adopting such t8x” in subject to tbe 10~81 ssles 8nd use t8x if one hrs been adopted by th8.t city. Your second question, therefore, is rnswered in the affirmrtive. The third question asks where such s8leS 8re consummrted for the purpose of the lOC81 s8Ies t8x. Sutton v. Wright & Sanders, suprr, rnd Cooper v. Cocke, supr8, would seem to compel the conclusion th8t the aale of tangible person81 property, including mrrl. gravel, sand Andyshell, is consumm8ted 8t the pI8ce where the personal property is severed from the real est8te. p. 1408 The Honorable Cl8ytOn’ T. G8rrison, page 3 (H-303) SUMMARY s8ies of marl, gravel, rrnd and shell by the Texas Parks 8nd Wildlife Department, pursuant to Article 4053d, V. T. C.S., 8re subject to t8x8tion by the Shte under the Limited Sales, Excise 8nd Use Tu Act rnd by 8ppropri8te cities under the Locrl S8le6 rnd Uoe Tax Act. For the purpose Of 10~81 s8leS t8xes, the arle is conaumm8ted 8nd the tmx ir p8yable to 8ny city in which the msrl, grrvel, s8nd 8nd shell 8re nevered frcanre81 est8te. Very truly youra, ~c/ Attorney Generrl of Texas f&w DAVID M. KENDALL, Chrirmsn Opinion Committee p. 1409
Document Info
Docket Number: H-303
Judges: John Hill
Filed Date: 7/2/1974
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017