Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1974 )

  • The Honorable      Ben F. McDonald,  Jr.              Opinion   No.   H-   289
    Executive    Director,
    Texas    Department    of Community Affairs           Re:   Whether   Parks  & Wildlife
    P. 0. Box 13166, Capitol Station                            Dept. may furnish food
    Austin,   Texas 78711                                       and housing as part of com-
    pensation  paid to employees
    under federally   funded pro-
    Dear   Mr.   McDonald:                                      gram   for   youths.
    You have submitted      twio questions   to u’s concerning     a proposed   program
    to operate   a State Youth Conservation        Corps this summer.         The program
    authorized    by the United States Congress,        October    27, 1972, under the
    provisions    of Public Law 92-597. will provide         federal   funds to employ
    .youths aged fifteen through eighteen to work in Texas state parks for a
    period   of eight weeks.      The youths will work approximately          thirty hours
    a week to perform      various    maintenance    tasks in the parks.
    The Texas Department        of Community    Affairs   (hereafter,    Community
    Affairs)  entered   a cooperative     agreement   with the United States Depart-
    ment of Agriculture     and the United State Department         of the Interior     on
    December     13, 1973, to serve as the “prime        grantee”   responsible     for
    arranging   the State Youth Conservation        Corps Program,
    Community      Affairs  and the Texas Parks and Wildlife         Department
    (hereafter,    Parks and Wildlife)      propose   to implement    the program    under
    an interagency     cooperation    contract whereby      Parks and Wildlife    would
    be responsible      for actual operation     of the program    this summer.      Under
    such a contract,+ Community         Affairs   would reimburse      Parks and Wildlife
    for a portion    of the operating    costs incurred    in the program,
    One of the federal   requirements     governing    the operation   of the program
    is that some arrangement       must be made for the youths to secure adequate
    food and housing for the duration of their employment           at the state park,
    The most expedient     and surest method to provide        food and housing to the
    youths is for Parks and Wildlife      t.o protide   it, either directly   or through
    an independent   contractor,
    p,   1348
    The Honorable       Ben F,       McDonald,   page 2   (H-289)
    Your      questions   are:
    1. Under the circumstances   set forth above, is Parks           and Wildlife
    legally  empowered   to expend funds for feeding and housing           the youths
    it employs ?
    2. If the above question        is answered    in the affirmative,  do
    Community      Affairs    and Parks and Wildlife      have the legal authority
    to enter an interagency        cooperation    contract whereby      Community
    Affairs   reimburses      a portion    of the costs incurred    by Parks and Wild-
    life in providing      such food and housing?
    The answer        to your first question would depend upon (1) the existence
    of general   legislation     authorizing   the Parks and Wildlife    to engage in the
    described    activities    (Article   3, Sec. 44, Constitution    of Texas)  and (2) a
    specific   appropriation      for those purposes    (Article  8, Sec. 6. Constitution
    of Texas).
    Bearing    in mind that all powers,   duties and authority        of the State
    Parks Board have been transferred       to Parks and Wildlife          (Article  978f-3a.
    Vernon’s    Texas Penal Auxiliary   Laws, See, 4), we are of           the opinion
    that there is ample pre-existing    general law to authorize          the expenditure
    you describe,
    Article      6070b,   V. T, C, S, ,
    “Sec. 1. The Texas State Parks Board is hereby
    authorized  and empowered  to acquire State park sites
    by purchase,    gift or otherwise,    and to improve,
    beautify and equip,    and to contract with any person,
    firm or corporation     for the improvement,     beautification
    or awipment    of the State parks of this State to such
    an extent as to said Board mightbe        deemed advisable.,
    The authority   herein   given to purchase is limited      to
    two years from the effective      date of this Act a . , . ”
    (Emphasis    added)
    The Parks and Wildlife    Department   has ample authority   to contract
    for the maintenance   of srate parks by virtue of Set; 1 of Article   bOYlr,
    V>T.C.S.,    which provides.   13 part:
    The Honorable          Ben F.   McDonald,       Jr.,    page   3   (H-289)
    I! . . , The Parks and Wildlife           Department      is hereby
    authorized     and directed     to cooperate     . . . with all other
    departments      of the state and local governments              . . . .
    It is the intent of the Legislature         to add to the purposes,
    functions    and duties of.      . . counties,     to acquire      lands
    for public recreation        purposes,    to construct      thereon
    facilities   for public use, to provide        for the operation,
    maintenance      and supervision       of such public recreation
    areas,     and to enter into agreements         with other local,
    state or Federal       Agencies     for planning,     construction,
    maintenance,       and operation      of such facilities,      together
    with necessary       access    roads thereto,     and to maintain
    adequate. sanitary       gitsndards. on the.lan&and        water. areas
    as a. patt of and adjacent        to such recreation        areas. ”
    (Emphasis     added)
    And    see Attorney       General    Opinion   H-170     (1973).
    We think that clearly    if Parks and Wildlife   finds it necessary or
    convenient  to furnish to its employees    both lodging and meals as part
    of their compensation,    it has the authority   to do so.
    It has been suggested        that Sets,   50 and 51 of Article   3 of the Texas
    Constitution    would prohibit      the use of these funds.    We have had numerous
    occasions    to write    concerning    the requirements    of these sections    and
    have concluded,       with ample judicial     support,  that they require    only that
    the expenditure     of funds be made for a proper public purpose.            State v.
    City of Austin,     331 S ~ W, 2d 737 (Tex.      1960); Attorney   General   Opinions
    C-584 (1966); H-143 (1973); O-4140 (1941).
    Whether  there is such a purpose is a decision   for the Department
    which will be overturned  by the courts only if it is clearly arbitrary.
    Appropriations         for the proposed      purposes  may be found in the General
    Appropriations      Act      for 1974 - 1975 [Acts 1973. 63rd Leg.,     ch. 659, p.1786)
    in items 7‘1 l2xuid’23        of the. appropriation   to the Parks and Wildlife Depart-
    ment at pages ,2005          and 2007, as follows:
    “7,   Seasonal     and Part-time      help                   667.      754       52b.   972
    p:     1350
    The Honorable     Ben   F. McDonald,       Jr.,    page 4   (H-289)
    “12. Park Improvements
    l’A.State    Comprehensive       Outdoor
    Recreation     Plan - - for up-
    dating Texas’ comprehensive
    outdoor    recreational    plan,
    including    personal    services,
    classified    personnel,    travel
    and other expenses                                 327,     295         335,606
    “B.Maintenance,     repairs   and equip-
    ment; including   wages and other
    expenses,   whether by contract
    or direct payments,     in exist-
    ing State Parks                                      459,750        ,l,   142,   700
    , & U. B.
    “23. There is hereby appropriated            from
    the Texas Park Fund, pursuant to
    Article   4 of House Bill 730, Acts
    of the Sixty-Second        Legislature,
    Regular    Session,     1971, for the pur-
    pose of planning,        acquisition    and
    development      of State parks and
    State historic     sites.    Such expend-
    itures include,      but are not limited
    to, salaries    and wages,       professional
    services   and fees, travel,        capital
    outlay,  including     land and improve-
    ments thereto,      and all other neces-
    sary costs and expenses whether by
    contract   or direct payments. ‘I               12,000,000         12,000,000
    & U. B.
    The receipt  and use of federal         funds for these purposes     is expressly
    authorized  by Section 19 of Article          V of the Appropriations    Act (supra.  at
    p. 2208) and by rider to the Parks           and Wildlife  appropriation    at page 2012,
    We therefore    answer your first question           that, in our opinion, Parks
    and Wildlife  is legally  empowered  to expend           funds for feeding and housing
    the youths it employs,
    p.    1351
    The Honorable     Ben F.    McDonald,     Jr.,    page   5   (H-289)
    The program    in question was authorized     by Public Law 92-597,
    86 Stat. 1319
     amending the Youth Conservation         Corps Act of 1970
    (Public   Law 91-378, 
    84 Stat. 794
    ).     The original act provided   a youth
    conservation   corps as a pilot program    within the Departments     of
    IntCrior and Agriculture.      The amendment     extended the program    to
    pilot programs    on state lands financed   by federal grants.
    Reciting  the high unemployment     rate among young people      16- 19
    years   of age, the report   of the House of Representatives    recommending
    Public   Law 92-597 (House Report No. 92-1460, 1972 U.S.          Cong. and
    Ad. News,     p. 4943) states its purpose    to be “to provide additional
    employment     for young people ages 15 through 18 . . . ”
    The Community        Affairs   was created     by Acts 1971, 62nd Leg.,      ch. 879,
    p. 2697 [now found as Article          4413 (2011, V, T. C. S. ]. One of the powers
    expressly      conferred   upon the Department        by that Act is found in its
    Sec. 4(12) requiring       the Department       to “administer,   as appropriate,     State
    responsibilities      for programs      created   under . . . federal   acts creating
    economic      opportunity    programs.     ‘I
    In our opinion,   the program     of the Youth Conservation   Corps Act is
    an economic     opportunity   program    and is one the Department   of Community
    Affairs   is expressly   directed   to administer  on behalf of the State.
    The Interagency     Cooperation    Act, Art. 4413 (32), V. T, C. S. authorizes
    and encourages     contractual    arrangements    between various arms of the
    State government     to carry out its functions.     Section 3 provides:
    “Any state agency may enter into and
    perform   a written    agreement      or contract
    with other agencies       of the state for furni-
    shing necessary      and authorized     special or
    technical  services,     including   the services
    of employees,     the services     of materials,
    or the services     of equipment     = . . . ”
    It is our opinion that the two statutes,   Article 4413 (201) and Article
    4413 (32). V. 1. C.S.,     acting in concert,  give to Community   Affairs  the
    general    authority to act on behalf of the State under the Youth Conser-
    vation Corps Act and to contract       with Parks and Wildlife  to acrually
    p.    1352
    The   Honorable    Ben F.     McDonald,    page   6    (H-289)
    implement    the program   by putting young people to work.   We are
    further  of the opinion that these acts would authorize expenditures
    to feed   and house   those    youths   so employed.
    Among the appropriations     to Community     Affairs   (Appropriation    Act
    for fiscal  1974-1975. supra, at p.1929) is item 9 “Grants        to State
    Agencies    and local Governments”.      As in the case of Parks and Wildlife,
    the use of federal    funds is expressly  authorized     by the Appropriations
    Act,   supra at p. 2208.    And see Sec. 25 of Article      V of the Approp-
    riations   Act, supra,   at p. 2209.
    In summation,      it is our opinion that there is both        pre-existing
    general   law and specific     appropriations     authorizing    the Department
    of Co-unity      Affairs    and the Parks and Wildlife        Department    to enter
    into an interagency      cooperation   contract    to carry out the program       of
    the Youth Conser~vation       Corps Act, including      the expense of feeding
    and housing    young people employed        by it.
    The Parks and Wildlife     Department   is authorized
    to expend funds to feed and house young people employed
    by it in maintaining    state parks and is authorized    to con -
    t-act with the Department     of Community    Affairs  for the
    reimbursement      of those expenses,   or a part of them, with
    federal   funds,
    Very      truly     yours,
    Attorney          General    of Texas
    The Honorable   Ben F.   McDonald,   Jr.,   page   7   (H-289)
    DAVID M. KENDALL,        Chairman
    Opinion Committee
    p.    1354

Document Info

Docket Number: H-289

Judges: John Hill

Filed Date: 7/2/1974

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017