Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1974 )

  •                                   April   1, 1974
    The Honorable    J. W. Edgar              Opinion      No.   H-   266
    Commissioner     of Education
    Texas Education     Agency                Re:          Whether    ISD once having pro-
    201 E.” Eleventh   Street                              vided for a runoff election,
    Austin,  Texas 78701                                   must do so in each election
    Dear   Dr.   Edgar:
    In 1955 the Texas Legislature        adopted Article     2775s-1, Vernon’s
    Texas Civil Statutea,      authorizing     the trustees    of independent    school
    districts    to order that all candidatea      for school trurtee     be voted on by
    position    and be designated    on the ballot according        to the number of the
    position    which they sought.      It further   provided:
    “Once the Board of Truateen        of an independent   school
    district   shall have adopted the foregoing     procedure
    for electiopr,    said Board of Trusteesbi      their auccee-
    #ors may not rescind      the action which adopted the
    foregoing    procedure.  ”
    Pursuant   to this legislation,     the Board of Trustees      of the Abilene
    Independent    School District     resolved    that its trustees   would be 80 elected.
    Election   wao on the basis of the winning candidate           having a plurality   of
    the votes.    There were no runoff elections.
    In 1969, with the adoption   of the Education   Code, V. T. C. S., Article
    2775a-1 became    $23. I1 of the Code.   The language   of Article 27758-l
    which we have quoted became Subsection       (0 of 5 23.11:
    ‘l(f) Once the board of trustees   of an independent     school
    district  has adopted the provisions    of this section,
    neither the board of truatees    nor their Buccee#or#      may
    rescind   the action. ”
    p.    1248
    The Honorable     ‘i. W.   Edgar,    page   2     (H-266)
    In 1971 by Acts 1971, 62nd Leg.,          ch. 760,   p. 2410, effective
    August     30, 1971, $23.11 ~8s amended           by adding   to it Subsection   (h):
    “(h) The board msy also provide           by resolution,
    at least 60 days prior to the election,          th8t if no c8n-
    did8te for 8 position   receives    8 majority   of the votes
    cast for that position   the bo8rd will order 8 runoff
    election  ,to be held not more th8n 30 d8ya 8fter the
    date of the first election.     At that runoff~election,    the
    n8mea of the two persons       receiving   the higheot num-
    ber, of votes for that position    in the first election~sh811
    be pl8ced on the bbllot. ”
    Pursubnt  to this authority,  the Borrd of Trustees            of the Abilene
    District,    in 1972 sdopted the following  resolution:
    “BE IT FURTHER          RESOLVED,       that if in the election
    herein   cslled,for  April. 1, 1972, no: cbndidate      for :8
    position   on the. ballot ah811 receive     8 mrjor,ity   of the
    votes cart’for’.auch     position,  the Bosrd of Educ8tio,n
    will   order 8 runoff election     to be held not more thrn
    thirty days after the dste of the first election,          and th8t
    the names of the two perrons         receiving   the highest
    number of votes for that position         in the first election
    shall be plrced on the brllot for the runoff election.”
    There     has been no rimilbr  resolution adopted with reference                   to
    the election    to be held April 6, 1974. ,Youhsve   asked:
    “Under    the submitted     facts.  leg8lly   must   8 runoff
    election   be called in the April      1974 trustee      election      *
    of the Abilene     school district,     should 8 candidrte       not
    receive    8 majority    vote in 8 numbered       position    up
    for election.
    “St8ted 8nother way.         where the district h8s once
    provided  for 8 runoff       election - even though limited
    p.   1249
    The Honorbble      J. W.    Edgar,    p8ge   3      (H-266)
    by ite resolution        to 8 p8rticul.r    year - must it
    there8fter   hold      runoff elections    in plur8lity vote
    oituationr.  ”
    Our   function ib to attempt        to determine   the intent   of the Legirlrture.
    53 Tex.   Jur. Zd, StatUtee,   $125;       p. 180 et seq.
    Subsection    (f) refere   to “the provisions     of thin section.”       “This
    aection”   is § 23. Il.    The 1971 Act rdopting       Subsection   (h) epecificrlly    m8de
    it 8 part of 3 23.11.      Therefore,‘re     of the 1972 adoption      of the resolution
    providing    for 8 runoff by the Abilene        Dietrict.   Subsection     (h) w8e one of
    the “proviaione     of this section”     which,   once bdopted,      there8fter    could not
    be rescinded     by action of the trueteer.
    It is our opinion,   therefore,    thrt, once h8ving adopted the provirionr
    of Subrection     (h), even though itr reeolution       referred    epecificrlly    to the
    1972 election,     the Borrd of Trurteee       of the Abilene    Independent     School
    District     w8e withdut 8uthority     to ch8ngc the rule 8nd that, in the 8brence
    of 8 court decision      or rhtutory     chmge,    the elections    of trueteen    for’th8t
    dirtrict    murt  be determined     in runoff eleciione     if there is no m8jority       on
    the firae b8llot.
    Once 8 echool district,,   rubjstt   to the provisionr
    of Article   27758-1, V. T. C.S.,    or 0 23.11, Educrtion
    Code,    V. T. C. S. , h8e 8dopted 8 runoff 8e 8 merne of
    determining     the election of itr trusteea.    all ouch elec-
    tions there8fter    will be dttermined     in that manner.      ’
    DAVID KENDALL,             Ch8irm8n
    Opinion Committee
    p.   1250

Document Info

Docket Number: H-266

Judges: John Hill

Filed Date: 7/2/1974

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017