Mirth 1, 1974 The Honorable Raymond W. Vowel1 Opinion No. H- 249 Commiaaioner State Department of Public Welfare Rc: Whether inquirer in John H. Reagan Building entitled to hie own recorde Austin, Tcue 78701 with State Department of Public Welfare under Article 6252-17,x, V. T. Ci S. Dear Commisrjoner Vowell: You have requested the opinion of our office on the question: ‘Kkn the State Department of Public Welfare, without violating Houre Bill 6, Acte of the 63rd Legielature, Regular Session. 1973, refuse the requert of a client’thrt he receive a copy of hir complete cane records? If not, are there rtrndardr by which the Department may determine what informrtion muet be rupplied to the client, ., . and/or is there information which the Departmant may or murt excluda from the client’e 4``44~7” Various fader81 and etate welfare statutae generally rertrict the availability of welfare files to perronr having a direct connection with the ldminirtration of tha plan, 42 USC $ 5 302 (-a)(7), 1202(e)(9), 1306(a), 1352 (a)(9), 1396(a)(7) and 602(a)(9); 38 USC 6 3301; Articles 695c, 5 33(l), (2); 695j-L 5 10, Vernon’s Tax44 Civil Statutes. Under theaa, variou type. of informationire’ m&de “information deemcd confidential by law,“*ti.@r’e hcsptad’froh mmidtitory diekloiui’c wder :13(r)(t) of t% -OpSln:Rd,cords kw. Section 7 of the Act aete out the procedure to ba followcd by your Department when you are requeated to make information public. 1) If there ir l previous dcterminat&n by a court or by our office tbt the inform Y.‘: p. 1159 ,,.‘, . . . .* .I. The Honorable Raymond W. Vowell, page 2 (H-249) mation falls within one of the exceptions, disclosure of the information normally should be refused. 2) If there is a previous determination that information is public or if the Department entertaina no doubt 8~ to the stbtul of informbtion as public it should dirclose it. 3) Where there ir no previous determination.and the Department considers the information to be excepted from the Act or reasonably concludes that the informbtion probably is except, it “must” request a decision from our office specifying the exception which the department believes may apply. The answer to the first part of your question than is that the Stats Department of Public Welfare may refuse the request of a client that he receive a copy of his complete ca.se record without violating the Open Records Act to the extent that it ~has been or is detsrmined that the information refused is within one of the exceptions of 5 3 of the Open Racords Act. The complete record may not be refused, however. just because portionr of it may be excepted. and any portions which are madc public information by the Act rhould be disclosed Your letter requesting our opinion,advises that current departmental policy authorize* the. return to a client of such docurrients as he may have given to the department and wishes returned. (e.. g. birth certificatca) In our opinion the special interest of the recipient jusrifias returning these personal records to him without making them public under the Open Records Act. Furthermore,. the claimant may have a constitutional right, @side from, the Open Records Act; to review his opprt file when it has bean employed as the basin for a determination of his entitlement to benefits. In Greene v. McELroy.
360 U.S. 474(1959), involving the loas of security cleabnce, Green had been denied access to “confidential” information upon which the decision was, in part, made. Speaking for the court, Chief Justice Wbrren raid: ‘Xertiin principles have remained relatively immutable in our jurisprudence. One of these is that whare governmental action seriously injures an individual, and the reasonablenaBs of the action depends on fact findings, the avidence used to prove p. 1160 The Honorable Raymond W. Vowell, page 3 (H-249) the Government’s case must be discloeed to the individual so that he has an opportunity to .ahow that it is untrue. ‘I (360 U. S. at 496)( emphasis added) This language was quoted and mada applicable to 8 determination of entitlement of welfare benefits in Goldberg v:. Kelly.
397 U.S. 254, 270 (1970), where it was held that “Wslfare recipients must therefore be given an opportunity to confront and crons-examine the witnessen relied on by the department. ” We therefore answer the remainder of your question that, to the extent 8 decision denying or awarding benefits or other rights to 8 welfar,e clicnt is based on information in his file, he is cntitled to review all information entering into the decision, whether it ir purely factual or not. This right is not dependent upon the Open Records Act, Article 6252-178, V. T. C. S. and its exccptionr do not apply. SUMMARY The Department of Public Welfare may refuse a client’s request for a copy bf his complete file only to the extant (1) t’he information har~not been ustd concurrently in the determination of ariy right of the client’s and (2) the information is excepted from the Open Rccordr Lrw. Aour very truly. u Attorney Gensral of Talus DAVID M. KENDALL, Chairman Opinion Committea p, 1161
Document Info
Docket Number: H-249
Judges: John Hill
Filed Date: 7/2/1974
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017