Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1974 )

  •          1
    THE         ATTORNEY     GENERAJ~
    OF !lYJcxAs
    AURTIN.     T-s           78711
    January    10, 1974
    The Honorable     Clayton T. Garrison                   Opinion   No.   H-   206
    Executive   Director
    Texas Parks & Wildlife     Department                   Re:   Authority   of the Parks and
    John H. Reagan Building                                       Wildlife  Commission    to
    Austin,   Texas 78701                                         prohibit  seining in the Gulf
    of Mexico   more than one
    Dear   Mr.   Garrison:                                        mile from a pass
    You have’advised     us:
    “Due to the recent flood conditions        in the San Jacinto
    and Trinity  River    Basins,    an unusually   large amount of
    fresh water is entering      the greater   Galveston    Bay complex.
    This has resulted    in zero salinity   in much of the Bay area.
    Many of the principal      salt water game fish species are not
    able to adapt to this condition      and have migrated     into the
    Gulf through Bolivar      Pass separating     Bolivar   Peninsula
    from Galveston     Island.     These fish tend to congregate      in
    large numbers     in a pocket eastward     from the North Jetty.
    This permits    an abnormal    harvest   of these fish through
    the use of seines and nets.       By authority   of Article    4045
    Vernon’s   Civil Statutes and Article     941 Vernon!s     Penal
    Code, an area one mile either       side of and extending      into
    the Gulf of Mexico    adjacent  to and including    Bolivar    Pass
    has been closed to seines and nets except for minnow seines
    . . . . (I
    You then ask:
    “Does the Parks and Wildlife   Department    have
    authority   to close a portion of the Gulf of Mexico   adjacent
    to Bolivar   Pass in Galveston   County to seines and nets in
    addition to that portion now closed by Departmental       Order?       ”
    p.   966
    The Honorable       Clayton   T.   Garrison,         page     2   (H-206)
    Article     4045,    Vernon’s    Texas        Civil    Statutes,      provides      in part:
    “It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to
    place,    to set or drag any seine or net, or to carry on,
    over or into the waters hereinafter            referred     to, or to
    have in his possession        or to carry such seine or net by
    vehicle    or in any other way to any point or place within
    one mile of such waters,          or to use any other device or
    method for taking fish,        other than the ordinary         pole and
    line or cast-net      or minnow-seine        of not more than twenty
    feet in length for catching        bait, within the waters described
    in Article    941 of the Penal Code. . . . The Commissioner,
    when he has reason         to believe   it is best for the protection
    and increase      of fish life, or to prevent       their destruction    in
    the bays or parts thereof,          or such tidal water,       is hereby
    authorized     to close such waters against fishing with any
    seine,   net, spear,     gig, light or other devices,         except
    with ahook and line or cast-net            or minnow-seine        of not
    more than twenty feet in length.            Before    so closing any
    such waters,      the Commissioner        shall give notice of his
    intention    to do so at least two weeks prior to such closing,
    giving the reason why action is deemed necessary,                  and
    which notice shall contain a designation             of the area which
    it is proposed     to close,   a statement      that after the date indi-
    cated in such notice it shall be unlawful to drag a seine or
    set a net or use a gig or spear and light in taking fish from
    such waters for the period which the Commissioner                   in said
    notice shall declare       same to be closed.        . . . ” (emphasis
    Article      941, Vernon’s   Penal Code               - Auxiliary     Laws       (formerly     Vernon’s
    Texas Penal       Code),  provides   in part:
    “It shallbe unlawful for any person to place,    set, use
    or drag any seine,    net or other device for catching fish
    and shrimp other than the ordinary      pole and line, casting
    rod and reel, artificial   bait, trot line, set line, or cast net
    p. 967
    The Honorable      Clayton      T.   Garrison,        page   3    (H-206)
    or minnow seine of not more than twenty feet in length
    for catching bait, or have in his possession        any seine,
    net or trawl without a permit issued by the Game,           Fish
    and Oyster   Commissioners      or by his authorized     deputy
    in or on any of the waters    of any of the bays, streams,
    bayous or canals of . . . Galveston       Count[y],    . . . or
    in or on the waters within one mile of the passes herein
    mentioned,    connecting  the bays and tidal waters      of this
    State with the Gulf of Mexico     or in or on or within a mile
    of any other such passes,    or within the waters     of any
    pass, stream    or canal leading from one body of Texas
    bay or coastal waters into another body of such waters:
    . . . . ” (emphasis  added)
    In the absence        of conflicting      federal     legislation,   it is within   the police
    power of the State to promulgate          regulations   to protect    its marine     life re-
    sources    within its territorial    waters,    Askew v. American          Waterways       Opera-
    tors,  Inc.,   
    411 U.S. 325
    (1973), which in the case of Texas extend three
    marine    leagues seaward,        Submerged     Lands Act, 
    43 U.S. C
    . $1301 et.                 ;
    U.S.   v. Louisiana,      
    363 U.S. 1
    (1960); Employers      Mutual Casualty       Co. v.
    407 S.W.2d 839
    (Tex. Civ.App.,          San Antonio,      writ ref’d.     n. r. e.);
    Attorney    Gene ml Opinion M-87 (1967).           Nonetheless,     the Parks and Wildlife
    Department      possesses    only such powers       as are delegated      to it expressly
    and impliedly     by the Legislature.       State v. Jackson,      
    376 S.W.2d 341
    The authority     given
    the Commission    to regulate  seining and netting
    under Article   4045, V. T. C. S., is limited  to those areas described    in Article
    941 of the Penal Code - Auxiliary    Laws.    Thus, Article   4045 confers   no
    authority  to regulate seining more than a mile seaward       of a pass.
    The Uniform    Wildlife   Regulatory    Act, Article    978j-1, Vernon’s    Texas
    Penal Code - Auxiliary        Laws,   gives the Parks and Wildlife       Commission
    broad regulatory     powers;    however,    the Act does not apply to Galveston       County.
    (Acts1973,    63rd Leg.,   ch. 220, p. 515). As the boundary of Galveston            County
    extends    three marine leagues      seaward,    [Article   1592a, Vernon’s    Texas Civil
    Statutes;   Attorney  General    Opinion M-87(1967)       1, the Uniform   Wildlife  Regu-
    1atoryAct provides     no autho,rity to close an area more than one mile seaward
    of Bolivar    Pass.
    p.   968
    The Honorable     Clayton   T.   Garrison,   page 4     (H-206)
    The Commission      is given general   jurisdiction   over the marine     life of
    the State by Article   4026, Vernon’s    Texas Civil Statutes,      but that jurisdiction
    may be exercised     only under the authority     vested in the Commission       by law.
    As we have found no statute permitting       the prohibition    of seining or netting
    in the.GuLf of Mexico    except within one mile of a pass, it is our opinion that
    the Commission     may not close an area more than one mile gulfward             of Bolivar
    The Parks and Wildlife  Commission    may prohibit   the
    use of seines and nets in the Gulf of Mexico  only in those
    areas which are within one mile of a pass connecting     bays
    and tidal waters with the Gulf of Mexico.
    Very      truly   yours,
    Attorney      General      of Texas
    DAVID M. KENDALL,           Chairman
    Opinion Committee
    P.   969

Document Info

Docket Number: H-206

Judges: John Hill

Filed Date: 7/2/1974

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017