Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1971 )

  •                          OP   TEXAS
    Supersedes C-510
    .*UnTIS.   TEXAR     78711            In part
    December   1, 1971
    Representative Tommy Shannon                    Opinion No. M- 1006
    Chairman, Committee on House
    AdmlnlstratIon                                Re:   Authority of House Rem-
    Texas House of Representatives                        bera to travel at State
    P. 0. Box 2910                                        expense In privately
    Austin, Texas 78767                                   owned airplanes on of-
    ficial business within
    Dear Representative Shannon:                          and out of Texas.
    You have requested our opinion on the question of the
    authority of House Hembers to travel at State expense In privately
    owned airplanes on official business from points within Texas tc
    points outside Texas, and return, and the rate of reimbursement
    Our answer Is that members of the Legislature who serve
    on any bo’ard,council, committee or.commlaslon connected with the
    leglalature are entitled to relmburaement at the rate of 164 per
    highway mile, when traveling in their privately owned airplane on
    such official business from polnte within the State to points out.
    aide the State and return.
    In Attorney General’G Opinion C-510 (1965), we stated:
    “The provisions of House Bill 12, Section
    14(a), Article V, do not allow reimbursements
    to ‘executiveheads’ traveling in their personally
    owned airplanes outside the boundarles of the State
    of Texas. ”
    Additional language, entitled “Exceptions to the per
    diem and travel allowances”, was made a part of House Bill 2,
    Article V, Section 16d for the 1970-71 blenn urn,and carried over
    Into the current general appropriation act, 1 In Article V, Sec.
    15~ (p. V-42) which was not a part of the appropriation bill when
    ’ E.;. 11, Act8 62nd Leg., R.S., 1971, as amended by S.B. 71 1st
    . ., 62nd Leg., 1971.
    ~e~esentatlve Tommy Shannon, page 2      (M-1006)
    Attorney Qeneral 's OPinlOn C-510 (1965) was published. This
    ,dditlonal language reads'as follows:
    %hen traveling on official business ln-
    aide the state. such Members of the Lealslature
    shall be relmb&sed for mileage on the-same
    basis as 18 provided In this Act for other State
    officials and employees; and It Is further pro-
    vided that the same mileage rates shall apply to
    necessary travel to points within the State other
    than the seat of government. For necessary travel
    on official business outside the State, such
    Members of the Legislature shall be reimbursed
    for the actual cost of commercial transportation
    -_~. _   that such cost shall not Include Federal
    taxes from which such officials are exempt, or
    at the same mileage rate as Is prescribed above
    in tnis paragraph wnere a personally ownea auto-
    mobile or alrnlane Is used for such travel."
    The rate of reimbursement for members of the Leglsla-
    ture for travel In their personally-ownedairplanes within the
    boundaries of the State and between points of necessary official
    business Is set at 16# per highway mile In Article V, Sec. 12a of
    ;;;12wrent general appropriation act, which reads, In part, as
    "The rate of reimbursement to executive
    heads and key officials, Including members of
    the Legislature, for travel In their personally
    owned airplanes within the boundaries of the
    State of Texas and between
    e ;opt&t3f tll”~,“~;p
    fflclal business shall b
    ier highway mile. The rate of reimbursement for
    other State employees for travel In their per-
    sonally owned airplanes within the boundaries
    of the State of Texas and between points of
    necessary official business shall be ten (10)
    cents per highway mile." (at p. V-39-40).
    The above covers both out-of-state and In-state travel on official
    We believe that the Legislature's clear Intent to allow
    reimbursementat the rates stated In Sec. 
    12a supra
    , covering both
    RepresentativeTommy Shannon, page 3          (M-1006)
    In-state and out-of-state air travel Is Indicated by the above
    quoted language and lttihetdlng as an “Exemption to the per
    diem and traxel allowance. The wording In Sec. 15c specifically
    states that        such Members of the Legislature shall be re-
    imbursed . . In* (Emphasis added.)
    The legislative Intent must control In statutory con-
    struction and when found no further attempt to construe or in-
    terpret the law will be made. 53 Tex.Jur.2d 182, Statutes, Sec.
    In 53 Tex.Jur.2d 172, Statutes, Section 121, It Is
    further stated:
    ‘Accordingly,no particular ruie will be
    followed If It leads to an lllOglCal conclusion
    or a result at variance with the Intention of
    the legislature. In other words, the leglsla-
    tlve Intent Is not to be defeated by resort to
    technical rules or subletlea.”
    Attorney Qeneral’s Opinion No. C-510 (1965), In part,
    Is no longer applicable In view of subsequent statutory changes
    and Is thus superseded.
    House Bill 2, Article V, Section 13a, the
    general appropriation act for the 1970-71
    biennium and the current general a proprlatlon
    act for the fiscal year 1971-1972 BS.B. 11, Acts
    62nd Leg., R.S., 1971 as amended by S.B. 7, 1st
    C.S., 62nd Le    197lj allow reimbursement, at
    the rate of 18s’per highway mile, for use of
    personally owned airplanes by legislators who
    serve on any board, council, committee or com-
    mission for both In-state and out-of-state
    travel on official business.
    Attorney General’s Opinion No. C-510
    (1965) has been superaeded In part and Is
    ;;;;;:Fable In part due to subsequent statutory
    Verc *tNly   yours,
    da    G?z
    neral of Texas
    Representative Tommy Shannon, page 4    (M-1006)
    Prepared by Melvin E. Corley
    Assl8tant Attorney General
    Kerns Taylor, Chairman
    W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman
    John Reeves
    Houghton Brownlee
    Max Hamilton
    John Banks
    Staff Legal Assistant
    Executive Assistant
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: M-1006

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1971

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017