August 20, 1971 Hon. Everett L. Anachutz Opinion NO. M-941 Executive Secretary Employeea Retirement Syatem Re: Conatltutlonallty of of Texae S. B. 216 and H. B. Capitol Station 862, Acta 62nd Leg., Austin, Texaa 78711 R. S., 1971, wherein they encompass typea of service not pre- vloualy creditable under the State E& ployees Retirement Dear Mr. Anschutz: Syatem. We quote from your letter requesting an opinion from this office as follows: “Thla office hae reviewed the provlalona of S.B. 216 and H.B. 862, Acts of the 62nd Leglela- ture, Regular Seaelon, 1971. Each of theee Act@ authorizes credit for service not prevloualy re- cognized aa creditable service In the Employees Retirement System of Texas. “We have carefully reviewed your prevloua Opinions M-95 dated July 16, 1967, and ~-830 dated April 7, 1971. In each of these oplnlone you have dlacuaeed the conatltutlonal llmltatlona upon crediting aervlce In the various public re- tirement ayetema. 'In view of your previous oplnlona, we re- spectfully request your offlclal opinion ae to the conatltutlonality of thoae provlalona of S.B. 216 and H.B. 862 which encompaaa type@ of service not previously creditable under the State mployeee Retirement System. Additionally, we request your opinion ae to whether or not a conflict exleta between these bllle ae they relate to emgloyeea and elective official.9paid by countlee. -4589- . . Hon. Everett L. Anschutz, Page 2 (M-941) Section 1 of Senate Bill 216 (Acts 62nd Le 1971, ch. 355, p. 1331) amends Sec. 4, Article 622 Civil Statutes (Employees Retirement System of Texas lng Subsection H providing that any contributing member of the S atem, upon completing the requSred number of month@ con rl utlng service necessary to eetablleh previous aer- L5z-3-5 vice, as provided for In the Act establishing such Em lo ees Retirement Syetem, shall be eligible to claim credl* f llowlng eervlce: 1. Service In the State ofrexae a8 a C~lmlnal Dm Attorney or as a County Attorney perform- -l th dtl f Dletrlct Attorney, upon the payment of c%alz c&t~?b~tlke, penalties and fees required. 2. Ser- vice as a Board Member of a statutory Texas State DepartmK agency or commlselon having statewide jurisdiction, the em- ployees of which under requirement.8of law, are members of the Employees Retirement System, (with certain provisos not pertlnent~to thie inquiry), and 3; Judicial service a@ a commlssloner i7rlmlnalDl``r``u``.~o~f``v````````l``u``~rt of Criminal Appeals, or Supreme Court of this'Stat&. Section 2 of eald Senate Bill 216 further amend@ Section 3. Subsection E of Article 6228a. to orovlde that any person who waa an Elective State Official-and who hae served In the Lenlslature of the State of Texas and who haa not less thai eight yeare creditable service may be- come a member of the Employees Retirement Syetem by paying certain 8ums of money Into euch system, provided that at the time the pereon electe to become a member, that per- eon le employed by the State of Texaa. Section 1 of House Bill 862 (Acts 62nd Leg. R.S. 1971), aleo amends Section 4, Article 6228a, V.C.S., (Em- oloseee Retirement System of Texas) bs addlnn a new Sub- Hectlon J allowing a-member of the'Sy&em (1T to claim creditable service of employment by the State In any position In which hle duties, reeponslbllltlee and ter:rs of emoloyment were eatabllehed by the State or anv a~ncv or department of the State but hle compensation wae .-.,p,i.cl ``...- by the county unleae such service was elmultaneous;y credited to a;other retirement esstem or oroEram of this State, and, (2), that a member may claim 'au& services during which he waa a countyattorney unless such eervlce is or wae almultaneouely credited by another Retirement System of the State. The provisions of the Constitution and statutes -4590- Hon. Everett L. Anechutz, Page 3 (M-941) applicable to the foregoing Acts are listed as follows: In 1936 an amendment designated as Section 48a was added to Article III of the Constitution, which I@ now commonly called the Teachers Retirement Amendment. The Legislature gave effect to this amendment by enacting legle- latlon now reflected In Article 2922-1, Vernon's Civil Statutes, which defines those who are entitled to the bene- fits of the Teachers Retirement System. Ten yeare later, In 1946, an Amendment was adopted which la Section 62 of Article XVI of the Texas Constitution, authorizing the legislature, In Subsection (a) thereof, to provide a Retirement Disability and Death Compensation Fund for the appolntlve Officers and employees of the State, and, In Subeectlon (b) thereof, giving counties the right t provlde for and administer a Retirement, Dleablllty an: Death Compensation Fund for the appolntlve officers and employees of the County. This Amendment provided for matching contributions by the State to the State tiployees Fund, and matching contributions by each participating county to the Fund for Its appolntlve officers and employees, with the proviso that the recipient of benefits from each such Fund should not be eligible for any other pension retirement funds unless the Fund so provided In the Amend- ment Is released to the State of Texas as a condition to receiving such other pension aid. This Amendment was made effective by a legislative act which as amended, now appears as Article 6228a. This statute defines an employee as "any regularly appointed officer or employee In a depart- ment of the State," and excludes "any person who Is covered by the Teacher Retirement System of the State of Texas or any retirement system supported with State Funds other than the Texas Employees Retirement System." In 1949, Article 622&, Vernon's Civil Statutes, was enacted providing for joint creditable service between the Teachers Retirement System and the State Employee@ Retlre- ment Syatem. This statute gave rise to the laweult culmlnat- lng In the decision of the Supreme Court of Texas in Farrar v. Board of Trustees, of Emp. Retirement System of Texas, ‘150 Tex. 3'(2 243 S W 2d bt)tl [lgbl holding, In part, that the provlslo~s In &Ii Article 622 c for tranefer of funds from the Teachers Retirement Fund to the State Employees Retirement Fund, and vice versa, for eventual dlebureement to the members of such Funds concerned, wae unconstitutional, aa It was the Intent of both the Legislature and the adopters -4591- Hon. Everett L. Anschutz, Page 4 (M-941) of the Amendment that the retirement ayatema were created to keep teacher6 In their field and atate employees on the job In their field. The Court reiterated the principle that the controlling guide In giving effect to the conetl- tutlonal amendment was the Intention of the makers and adoptera to prevent encroachment or the merging or blend- ing of one retirement system upon another. The Court thue held the ayateme should be kept separate In thle reaper %... until the Conetltutlon la amended to permit It .” In 1954 Article XVI of the Constitution waa amended by the aadltlon of Section 63,whlch provided mutual credit ?or prior service In either of such Syeteme, the very thing the Farrar decision had abrogated In 1951 . This office rendered lta Opinion No. M-95 (1967), and No. M-830 (1971), denying previous legislative service and service a8 a county judge, or service aa a judge of a Court of Domestic Relations or a Juvenile Court as creditable service under the Judicial Retirement Act. This Involved conatructlon of judicial retirement under Section la of Article V of the Constitution of Texan, which le not here Involved. Consequently, these opinion8 are dlstlngulahable from the question now poeed regardlng the conatructlon of Article XVI, Section 62 of the Texas Constitution, which Again, Article XVI, Section 62, wan further amended In 1958, 1966 and 1968, and now appear6 an follows, lnaofar ae the parts thereof material to thlr Inquiry are concerned: “Sec. 62. (a) The Legislature #hall have the authority to levy taxer to provide a State Retirement, M~ablllty and Death Compenratlon Fund for the offloera and employeea of the state, and may make ruch rearonable‘ln~lualonr, exclu- rionr, or olarrlilcatlonr 0T ofrlcero and employees oi thle rtate al, It deem6 advlrable. me Isglnlature may aleo Include oirlcers an6 employeea of Judicial dl8trlcte of the state who are or have been compensated In whole or In part directly or Indirectly by the state, -4592- Hon. Everett L. Anschutz, Page 5 (M-941) and may make such other reasonable lnclu- slons, exclusions, or classlflcatlon of officers and employees of judicial dletrlcte of this state as It deems advisable. Person@ participating In a retirement system created pursuant to Section l-a of Article V f this Constitution shall not be eligible to'partl- cl ate In the Fund authorized In this sub- zz%mzEf persons partlclpati In a retlre- ment &tern crea,tedoursuant to izctlon 48-a of Article III of this Conetltutlon @hall not be eiigl'oleto participate In the Fund authorized In this eubsection except as permitted by Section 63 of Article XYT of ~thls'Constltutlon. Provided, however, any officer or employee of a county as provided for In Article XKS, Section 62, Sub- section (b) of this Constitution shall not be eligible to participate In the Fund authorized In this subsection, except a6 otherwise pro- vided herein. The amount contributed by the state to such Fund shall equal the amount paid for the same purpose from the Income of each such person, and shali not exceed at any time six per centum (6%) of the compensation paid to each such person by the state. Y&r first Inquiry concerns the Conetltutlonallty of the provisions of Senate Bill 216 and Houee Bill 862 which encompass types of service not prevlouely creditable under the State Rmployeea Retirement System. We find no constitutional prohibition against permitting the employees to be granted such credit In the Employees Ret'rement System, and we note that the Constitution above quoted authorizes the Leglelature to enact laws pertaining to privileges and benefits of the System. In lnterpretlng the Constitution, we are required to give a liberal construction to carry out -4593- Hon. Everett L. Anschutz, Page 6 (M-941) the beneficent purpoees of retirement and to avoid a narrow or technical construction In favor of an equitable and fair lS;Eer;Ftatlon. 12 Tex. Jur.2d 364, Constitutional Law, . . We will consider each type of service In sequence in the order they appear in the questioned Bills, beginning with Senate Bill 216. SERVICES AS A CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY OR COUNTY A&RNEY PERFORMINC DUTIES OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Both of these named officers may be said to be indirectly compensated by the State even though they are paid a salary by the county, because of the provisions of Section 6(a) of Article 3912e, Vernon’s Civil Statutea, relating to apportionment of State funds appropriated for counties wherein the officials are paid on a salary basis. The services rendered by such officers to the State are Identical to those performed by District Attorneys paid entirely by the State from the Oeneral Revenue Fund and who are classified as members of the State Employee8 Retirement System by Section 3.B l., Vernon’s Civil Statutes. In no sense are the llmitatlonr Imposed by the Farrar declelon violated by the giving of such rrl IIt for EFlTe. It la in no way antagonistic to the :i,,,nant purpose of the System expressed as being to encourage seasoned and experienced officers to remain fittheir posta, I.e., to continue In the service of the State doing the same general type of work. No questlon of a transfer of funds from one of such systems to the other 1s raised by the two Bills now before us. Both Bills speclflcally provide for the credltlng of such prior service only in cases where such service Is not being credited to another retirement 8yatem. In view of the foregoing, we believe the Legislature, acting within thr rcope of the reasonable discretionary pow-r given It by Section 62(a) of Article XVI of our Constitution to make such reasonable Inclusiona, exclualons or classlflca- tlons of officers and employees of this State aa It deems advisable, wan fully empowered to authorlae such previous aervloe to the State to be aooredlted to the retlrement time of contributing member6 of the State tiployees Retirement System. -4594- Hon. Everett L. Anschutz, Page 7 (M-941) 2. SERVICE AS A STATE HOARD MEMBER, ETC. Attorney Qeneral's Opinion M-470 (1969) construed the word 'officers" as used in Article 6228a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, to be deemed a word connoting duration, tenure and exercise by the Individual of a part of the sovereignty of the State of Texas. On the basis of this definition, ,lt1s our opinion that those Individuals who have served as State Board members are officers as that term Is used in Section AA of Article 6228a and are consequently entitled to receive credit under the provisions of Subsection "H2", Section 4, Article 6228a for such service to the length of service required for re- tirement under the provisions of the Employees Retirement System of Texas. JUDICIAL SERVICE AS COMMISSIONER JUDGE OR JUSTICE ?F A DISTRICT COURT WUUNAL DISTRICT COW&C COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS, COURT OF i%YINAL APPEALS, OR SUPR&F COURT OF THIS STATE. ArticleV, Section l-a of the Constitution of Texas, as last amended In 1965, provides, In part, as follows: "Subject to the further provisions of this Section, the Legislature shall provide for the retirement and compensation of Justices and judges of the Appellate Courts and District and Criminal District Courts on account of length of service, age and disability, and for their reassignment to active duty where and when needed." Pursuant to this constitutional amendment, Article 622813, Vernon's Civil Statutes (Judicial Retirement System) was enacted which In Section 1 (b) of the Act deflnee "Judge" and "Judges" to 'Include all Commissioners, Judges and Justices of the Appellate Courts, Judges of District Courts, and Criminal District Court@, and none others." The addition of Subsection "H3" to Section 4 of Article 6228a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, has the effect of allowing service as a com- mlssloner, jud-;eor justice of a district court, criminal district court, court of civil appeals, court of criminal appeals or supreme court of this State to be credited for retirement purposes to the length @f service of a person participating In the State Employees Retirement System -4595- Hon. Everett L. Anschutz, Page 8 (M-941) operating by authority of Article XVI, Section 62(a) of the Constitution of Texas, and Article 6228a, (Employees Retlre- ment System of Texas) provided that.'auchperson la not almultaneoualy receiving credit In another retirement system. Any present participant or member of the retlre- ment system created pursuant to Section l-a of Article V of the Constitution Is not eligible to participate In the State Employees Retirement Fund. This constitutional and statutory prohibition, however, la directed against one who la still partlolpatln~ In or who la a present member of the Judxcial Retirement System, and does not prevent one who la now a member of the State hployeea Retirement Fund from utlllzlng his previous service as a judge, justice or com- mlaaloner as a credit for retirement purposes under the State B``plogeeaRetirement System, provided that he has resigned and withdrawn from the Judicial Retirement System and is a non-participant therein, as a member retiree, or oraaentlu related to it. The Constitutional prohibition reaches only participants; it does not extend-to a member of the State hployeea Retirement fund who becomes a non- participant In any other state retirement fund. It must be assumed that the makers and adopters of the constitutional amendment had a valid purpose In amending the existing Article. The language used must be given Its ordinary meaning. To hold that Subsection “H3” la unconatl- tutlonal, It would be necessary to find that neither the makers or adopters of Article XVI, Section 62, Intended that words used were to have their normal and ordinary meaning. Such an Interpretation would strain the credlblllty as the amendment only prohibits present and not past participation In the Judicial Retirement System. 4. A PERSON HAVINO BEEN AN ELECTIVE STATE OFFICIAL ANDHAVINGSERVEDINTHE UWISLATUREANDHAVINQ NOT LESS THAN 8 YEARS CREDITABLE SERVICE MAYBECOMEA MEMBER OF EMPLOYEES RtiIRF%ENT SYSTEM PROVIDED HE IS THEN EMPLOYED BY THE STATE AND MAKE3 REQUIRED PAYMWTS INTO THE PVND FOR EACH YEAR OF CREDITABLE SERVICE. This la an amendment of Section 3.E of Article 6228a, with very l.lttleohange. We see nothing Conatltutlonally objeotlonable In this enaotment. The above reasoning Is applloable to House Bill 862 and we find It to be oonatltutlonal. This Bill la not In conflict with the terms of Senate Bill 216. The paramount -4596- Hon. Everett L. Anachutz, Page 9 (M-941) purpose appearing In each bill Is to carry out the Intent of Article XVI, Section 62 of the Texas Constitution, as amended and provide the State with more experienced per- sonnel and to Induce the continued service of experienced personnel to the State. This office, In Attorney General Opinion No. M-450 (1969) upheld the constitutionality of Article 6228a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, as amended, In allowing to state employees under the State Retirement System credit time for their military service. In that opinion this office observed that It served a beneficent and useful governmental function In stimulating or inducing continued public service. We see no difference In principle In permitting state employees such credit for prior service with the state In other capac- ities, which Is really all the bills under consideration seek to accomplish. There Is no blending of retirement systems or transfer of funds Involved. Nor are such state employees allowed to participate In two different retirement systems simultaneously, which la forbidden. The Farrar
case, supra, Is not applicable here for the reason thamLegislature was there attempting under Article 6228~ to provide for a transfer of funds from the teachers retirement fund and vice-versa. This Is distinguishable from the provisions for permitting prior state service as a measure of benefits In the Rnployees Retirement System. The Constitution, Section 2(a), Article XVI, now expressly authorizes the Legislature to enact laws pertaining to rights, prlvllegea, benefits, lnclualons, exclusions, or classifications of the members of the Employees Retirement System. Consequently we do not believe that the Farrar decl- slon, la a controlling factor In the determinationthe questions presented here. The underlying rationale of that decision Is merely a condemnation of the transfer of funas from one system to another and the basing of retirement benefits under a system In part on services rendered in another and unrelated capacity. As previously demonstrated, neither of these objectionable features appear in the Bills under dlacusslon. No enforcement, blending or encroachment of one system upon another Is allowable, as each Bill expressly forbids the granting of such credit for any eer- vice that la credited by another retirement system. P further coaent factor dispelling the Influence of the Farrar decisionupon the question? under consideration 1s fhatslnce Farrar, Article XVI, Section 62 of the Constl- tutlon of T-as now been amended so as to allow -459?- Hon. Everett L. Anschutz, Page 10 (M-941) ml-ffey t of the criglnal dominant purposes. Any resulting o the retirement fund ma] be made up by apprOpriate legislative measures, Including the levy of taxes. The Legislature has been granted this power likewise by the Consti- tution, as shown. We have concluded that, following the well settled Canons of statutcry construction, we must resolve any doubt In favor of constitutionality and presume a constitutional Intent in the legislative act. Watts v. Mann,
187 S.W.2d 917(Tex.Civ.App. 1945, error re?.); State v. Shoppers 380 S W 2d 107 (Tex.Sup. 1964); 53 Tex.Jur.2d %$$%E%&s, sec;i& 126. SUMMARY Senate Bill 216, Acts 62nd Leg., R.S. 1971, Ch. 355, p. 1331, amending Section 4, Article 6228a, Vernon's Civil Statutes (Employees Retirement System of Texas) Is constitutional. House Bill 862, Acts 62nd Leg,, R.S. 1971, amending Section 4, Article 6228a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, by adding a new subsection J Is constitutional. The 1968 Amendment of Article XVI, Section 62, Texas Constitution, allows cer- tain prior services as creditable service under the Employees Retirement System when the Legislature so provides. No conflict appears to exist between these Bills as they relate to employees and elective officials pa$j by Counties. Yp’ursvery jiruly, Prepared by Kerns Taylor Aaalatant Attorney Oeneral -4598- . . * Hon. Everett L. Anechutz, Page 11 (M-941) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. E. Allen, Acting Chairman Robert C. Flowers Arthur Sandlln Roger Tyler Jay Floyd Wardlow Lane MFADP F. GRIFFIN Staff Legal Assistant ALFRED WALKFR Executive Assistant NOLA WHITE First Assistant -4599-
Document Info
Docket Number: M-941
Judges: Crawford Martin
Filed Date: 7/2/1971
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017