Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1967 )

  • Hon. Thomas 5. Bishop
    _-.-a            Opinion Ho. M-103
    MaJor    General,   Tex   Amu
    Ad jutant Generals                   Re:   Constitutionality   of
    Adjutant Geneyal's        Dept,            Rours Bill 406, Acts
    Austin, Texas,                             of Ch6 60th Legia1ature,
    SW lar Seseion, and .:z.
    Dear Generel ,lBishop:                     lY3Y&ted questions.
    IlOU haVe P8C4WbSbied~ &I'J.@$htllionfPi383this Off%@ a8
    to the conetitutianalit``      of Hau-ee ali, 406, Acts of the 60th
    Leglalature,     Regular Session I ,and in partSaul,ar to the dura-
    tion of the t%Pm of offior       of the National Guard Armory
    Board membere.
    In the event we holo      such bill to be constitutional,
    then you present the following      questions?
    "1 o Oti June I~, 1967, the Assistant Adjutant
    General,, Army, will become,Commandlng General of
    the 49th Armored Mvision.      In view of Article
    XVI, Section 40 of the &ate Constltutlon,     may he
    not concurrently   hold membernkip cm the Texas
    National Guard Armory Roard as well as ssrving
    as Assistant Adjutant Genera3, Army, Texas National
    Guard? Should it be held that he cannot serve on
    the Armory Board because of his status as Aaaistant
    Adjutant General, Army, then* in that event, under
    H.8, 406, who,would be eU.$Sblc to serve on the
    Board from the 49th Armor%4 Division?
    "2.   a, Under the.law (Rev.' Civ. St., Art.
    5767, Set, 1) exietlng    at the time of the pesaage
    of H.B. 406, the Air National Guard representative
    on'the National Ward Armory 3oard, wae the Senior
    Officer    of the Texaa Air National Guard. R.B. 406
    states that Ythe Chief of Staff for Air, Texas Air
    National Guards shatl regreaent the Air National
    Guar&on the Board.      The present Senior Officer   of
    the Texas Air National Guard, who ha8 been serving
    on the Armory Roard# is Deputy ChBef of Staff for
    the Air, National Guar,d, by assignment, but is per-
    formI& the duties of Chief of Staff for Air.        In
    lione Thomas S. Bishop,   page 2,   (M-103)
    light of this fact,  can the present Air National
    Guard representative  continue to serve on the new
    Board created by H.B. 4064,
    “bv The present Air National Guard represent-
    ative on the Armory Board is a Civil Service employee
    of the United ,States,    He works with the Small Bus-
    iness Administrationi     Doe8 thie fact prohibit   him
    from serving on the Armory Board in light df Article
    XVI, Section:12    of the Texas Constitution?    Should
    he be ruled Ineligible,    is the Aaeistant Ad utant
    General’for   Air (next in point ,of seniority 3 eli-
    Ible to 8erve on the Board? If not, under H.B.
    06, who 18 eligible   to repreeent the Air National
    Guard on the Texarr l?at%onal Quarb Armory Board?
    “3.  The prov:slone  of H-P). 406 further etate
    the new Board shall bp:
    ”     .composed of the Commanding General, 36th
    Inf~&yyDivJ.slon.    * 0
    "In compliant  with   Department of Defense direc-
    tives,   the Texas Army ‘~tlonal    Guard was reorganized
    on 1 November 1965,    On this date, the Texas Army
    National Guard loat the 36th Infantry Division,        as
    8uch, beCaU8e the 36th Infantry Division was reorga-
    nized into the 36th Infafitry    Divfaion (less detach-
    ments) to obtain unit equipment and personnel to
    form a Separate Infantry Brigade.
    "In'vlew of the above, if H.B. 406 correctly
    fdentifiea     the only Officer eligible    to Berve on
    the Armory Board, which officer       ehould be certified
    as the member bf the Board -- the Commandlng General,
    36th Infantry Dlviefon (which no,longer        exists   , or
    the Commanding Qeneral, 36th Infantry Brigade t which
    doe8 exist) 7”
    Rouse Bill 406 of the 60th Legisl&ture,  Regular
    Session,   which Is codified as Article 5931-1, reads as
    “There 18 hereby created the Texas Nationals
    Guard Armory Board to be composed of the Commanding
    General of the 36th Infantry Division,  Texas Na-
    tional Guard, the Commanding General of the 49th
    Armored Divkafon, Texas National Guard, and the
    Hon. Thomas S. Bishop,     page 3,   (M-103)
    Chief of Staff ,for ~,Alr, Texas Air National Guard.
    The board shall be composed of three members and
    the term of office      for members of the Texas Na-
    tional Guard Armory Board shall be of six years’
    duration except that in the event of a vacancy,
    the person qualifying       for the position    shall
    complate the unexpired term of his predecessor.
    Each officer    of the Texas National Quard or the
    Texas Air National Guard who may thereafter            fill
    the position    qualifying     him for membership on
    the Texas National Guard Armory Board, a8 pro-
    vided ln,thle    Act, shall be certified       by the
    Adjutant General of Texas to the secretary            of
    state, and to, the officer       concerned within 30
    day8 after the occurrence        of a vacancy.    Each
    member of the Texas National Guard Armory Board
    shall, ‘within 15 day6 from the date of his receipt             ;
    of notice of his eligibility         to serve to fill      a    ,.’
    vacancy, qualify     by taking and fifing      with the         ..
    secretary    of state the constitutional       oath of
    office I)
    “The senior and junior in military  rank, of             -’
    the members of said board shall be, respectively,
    chairman and treasurer thereof,  and the persons
    holding such offices  shall change as military
    rank may determine when changes in membership
    of said board occur.
    “In the event any member of the board Is un-
    able to serve because of his Induction into federal
    service or the induction of his military unit Into
    federal servfce,    the Governor of Texas shall designate
    a member from among the state military     forces as suc-
    cessor in function,    who shall thereupon be and become
    a member of the board only for the duration of
    such term of lnductlon into federal service,      there-
    after the military    successor in function of the
    Texas National Guard shall qualify as a member of
    the board.
    “It 1s further provided that none of the
    members of this board shelf. at the same time hold
    any other office     or position   of honor, trust, or
    profit    under the state or federal government,
    except as a member of the Texas National Guard or
    as a member of the Texas State Ward operating as
    successor    in military  function.
    Hon. Thomas S. Bishop,    page 4,   (M-103)
    “Should any officer   fall to qualify as a
    member of the board under the provisions       of the
    State Constitution     or the provisions   of this Act,
    the next senior officer      in military rank of the
    respective    military  units to qualify shall be
    certified    by the Adjutant General of Texas to the
    secretary    of. state as provided In this Act.'
    We will first   consider the constitutionality      of
    H.B. 406, 60th Legislature,    Regular Session, as It relates
    to the provision  therein which states that the board shall
    be composed of three members from the military      organlsa-
    tlons as stated therein,    and the term of office   for members
    of the Texas National Guard Armory Board shall be ~of six
    years duration.
    The Supreme Court of Texas in the case of Texas
    National Guard A-mory Board v. t&Craw, 132 Tex,m613,xS.W.2d
    527 (19191,
    . ---,-   wherein the court was con:itriiing the constitutionality
    of’provlsions     of the civil statutes ptrtainlng   to the appolnt-
    ment of persons acting as members of the Texas National Guard
    Armory Board, held at page 632 as follows:
    "'Article   16, Section 3oa, of the Constltu-.
    tlon deals with civil     officers   and boards, and
    Article    16, Section 46 of the Constltutlon      deals
    with dlstlnctly,military      matters.   This seems
    to have been recognized without question in
    commiasionlng officers      of the National Guard,
    and we conclude that the statute creating         the
    Armory Hoard deals distinctly      with the military
    and Is not limited by the provisions        Of the
    Constitution     applying to the civil   officers   of
    the government.
    lsVThe Constitution   seems to give to the
    Legislature    unlimited power to pass laws for
    the organization     and dlsclpllning    of the Militia
    in so far as the said Constitution        Is concerned,
    and not otherwise limited,       except by the require-
    ment that the laws passed must not be “lncom-
    patible with the constitutional        laws of the
    United States 0”
    ” s It Is, therefore,    submitted that the
    tenure of office,      asprescribed     In the Armory
    Hoard Act, Is not in conflict        with the pro-
    visions     of our State Constitutlon.s”
    .   .
    Hon. Thomas S. Bishop,    page 5,   (M-103)
    ‘The court has held that the members of the National
    Guard Armory Board do not fall within the same category as
    other civil   offices and can be appointed for any tenure desig-
    nated by the legislature.    We, therefore,  are of the opinion
    that H.B. 406, Acts of the 60th Legislature,    Is constitutional,
    and that such persons constituting    said board can be appointed
    for any duration of time designated by the legislature.
    As H.B. 406, 60th Legislature,  Regular Session,
    created the Texas National Guard Armory Board, It is our opin-
    ion that such members as designated should be appointed for
    a term of SIX (6) years as set out in said Act.
    Your second question poaes the problem as to whether
    the Assistant Adjutant General, who will on June 1, 1967, be-
    come Commanding General of the 49th Armored Dlvlsion,    is because
    of his serving as Ase%mtant Adjutant General, ineligible    to
    serve on the Armory Board, and who would be otherwise eligible
    to serve on the board from the 49th Armored Division.     Your
    attention  Is directed to the fourth paragraph of Article   5931-l
    which provides:
    “It ie further provided that none oE the
    members of this board shall at the same time hold
    any other office     or position   of honor, trust, or
    profit    under the state or federal uovernment,
    except as a member of the Texas National Guard or
    as a member of the Texas State Guard operating as
    successor    in military  function.”    (Emphasis added.)
    It &I our opinion that the Assistant Adjutant General,
    a statutory   office under Article    5796, who will be the Commanding
    General of the 49th Armored Division,      could not be appointed
    as member of the Texas National Guard Armorv Board because of
    the fact that he holds a position      of honor, trust and profit  under
    the state government.     Page III-l-Appropriation    Act, 60th Leglsla-,
    ture, providee a salary of $15,000,00 per year> for Assistants
    Adjutant General n
    In answer to YOUPquestion as.to who would be eligible
    to serve on the board from the 49th Armored Division, Article
    5931-l further provides as follows:
    “Should any officer    sell to qualify as a
    member of the board under the,‘Drovisions     of the
    State Constitution   or the Provisions    of this Act,
    the next senior oSf&er in mllitarjr rank of the
    respective  military   units to qualify shall be
    Hon. ‘l’homaa S. Bishop,   page 6,   (M-103)
    certified  by the Adjutant General of Texas ,~.to the
    secretary  of .state as provided in this Act.”
    (35mphasis added. )
    It therefore   follows that the next aen1or officer
    in rflitary   rank, OS the, 49th Armored Division, if not like-
    rigs disqualified,    should be certftieti to the secretary of
    state,   for appointment to the Armory Board.
    In view OS our answer as to who would be eligible
    to serve on the board from the 49th drmcrred Division and our
    answer to your next questlon,  it is not necessary to answer
    your question number 2a.
    Question 3b states th8t the present Air Natianal
    Guard representative     on the Armory 3oard 1s a Civil Service
    employee ,of the Untted States , and that he is employed by
    the Small Business AdmlnistratZon and aonointed bv the head
    0P this agency.      Under the authorfty af-U.S.,-?.     Smith, 8 Sup.
    Ct. 595, 597, 
    124 U.S. 525
    (18883, h,e is a federal off”lcor.
    In vL#?wof the pravfaion of H.B. 405, 60th Legislature,          which
    states that non& of the members of ,thia board shall at the
    aame the     hold any other oSf%.ce or position     of honor, trust
    or prolit,    with the state or federal government, it is our
    apinion that he would be ineligible        to represent the Air
    Uattional Guard on the Texas National Guard Armory Board.          You
    should be guided In your appointment of a representative          from
    the Air Netional Guard by the provision         that states that should
    any officer     fall to qualiSy as a member of the board under the
    provisions    of the State Constitution      or the provl~sions of that
    Actr the next seniox officer       in military rank of the respective
    military    units, if not likewise disqualified,      shall be certified
    gr~      to the secretary    of state for appointment to the Armory
    Pour next question deal% with wfutther the Command%ng
    General OS the 36th InSantry Mvlsion,       wh%?h dlvSsion wa8 re-
    c?rgen.tEei¶ on November 1, l965p or the Caaaaandil~@ General OS
    the 36th InSantry Br&gade should be certified      as the member
    OS the board from such mllltary     organization.
    Inaemuch as the legislature  had before it the f&ct
    that the Texas Army National Guard was reorganized   on November
    ,I, 3965, and did not change the wording in W.B- Aa6 whereby
    it would show that the Commend&g General OS the 36th Infantry
    Brigada ua~ to be appoltrted,  it is our opinion thet the Legls-
    .     - .
    Hon. Thomas S. Bishopi      page 7,    (M-103)
    lature intended for the Commanding General of,the 36th Infantry
    Divisign to be appointed as a member of the National Guard
    Armory Board, as set out in said H.B. 406, 60th Legislature.
    1. H.B. 406, 60th Legislature,   Regular
    Session,  Is constitutional and under its pro-
    visions  the members of the Texas National Guard
    Armory Board are to be appointed for a term of
    six (6) yearn.
    2.   The Assistant    Adjutant General, who
    will be the Commanding General of the 49th Armored
    Division,    is not eligible     to be appointed to the
    Armory Board, aa he holds an office or position
    of honor, trust or profit       under the state govern-
    ;:niie    (Page III-l,    Appropriation  Act, 60th Legis-
    ,  and H.B.    
    406, supra
    3. The next senior officer    in military    rank
    in the 49th Armored Division,    If not disqualified
    under the provisions  of H.B. 406, 60th Legislature,
    should be appointed to serve bn the Armoxy Board.
    4. The present Air National Guard representa-
    tive on the Armory Board is not eligible     for appoint-
    ment to the Board, since he is employed by the Small
    Business Administration,   uhich is a position   of honor,
    trust, or profit  with the federal government, and such
    apporntment would be in violation   of the provisions
    of H,B. 406, 60th Legislature.
    5.  The Commanding General of the 36th Infantry
    Division,  should be certified   for appointment as a
    member of the Texas National Guard Armory Board,
    H.B. 4G6, 60th Legislature.
    Prepared by Sohn H. Banks
    Assistant Attorney General
    Hon. Thomas $3. Biffhopt Page 8,   (&f-103)
    Hawthorne Phillips, Chairman
    Kerns Taylor, Co-Chairman
    Roger Tyler
    P0t Bailey
    Arthur Sandlin
    Robert Flowers
    A. J. Carubbi,,Jr.
    Staff Legal Assletanfi
    ..   .,   ,,

Document Info

Docket Number: M-103

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1967

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017