AUSTIN. TEXAS 7S)7111 December 28, 1966 Honorable J. W. Edgar Opinion MO. C-791 Commissioner of Education 201 East 11th Street Re: Application of Section 19 Austin, Texas of Article 3271a, Vernon's Clvll Statutes, to public school plant plannlng and construction and related Dear Mr. Edgar: questions. Your request for an opinion on the above subject matter asks the following questions: "1. What does a proper compliance by a school dlstrlct with Section 19 require or en- tall? "2. As and if applicable to public school plant planning and construction, what is a 'pub- lic work Involving profeaslonal engineering, where public, . . .health . . .or safety is Involved', as used In Section lg? “3. What Is the meaning and llmltatlon to be given the phrase: 'and the engineering cons- truction Is to be executed under the direct super- vlsiQn,of a registered professional engineer'?" Section 19 of Article 3271a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, provides as follows: Vet. 19. After the first day of January, 1938, It shall be unlawful for this State, or for any of Its polltlcal subdivisions, for any county, city, or town, to engage In the construction of any public work Involving professional engineering, where public health, public welfare or public safety Is Involved, unless the engineering plans and speclfl- cations and estimates have been prepared by, and the -3795- (. ,- Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 2 (C-791) engineering construction Is to be executed under the direct supervision of a registered professional engineer; provided, that nothing in this iBet shall be held to avvly to an.vvubllc work wherein the contemplated-expenditure-for the completed project does not exceed Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars. Provided, that this Act shall not apply to any road maintenance or betterment wof;kundertaken by the County Commissioners' Court. (Emphasis added) The term "practice of engineering" Is defined In Sec- tion 4 of Article 3271a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, as follows: "(4) 'Practice of engineering,' or 'practice of professional engineering' shall mean any service or creative work, either public or private, the per- formance of which requires englneerlng education, training and experience In the application of special knowledge of the mathematical, physical, or engineer- ing sciences to such services or creative work. Professional engineer Is defined as a person who has been duly licensed and registered by the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers. Section 10 of Article 249a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, provides as follows: y person, or firm, who for a fee or otZZ)dlr%. compensation therefor, shall engage ‘inthe planning, or designing, or supervising the construction of buildings to be erected or altered ‘inthis State, by or for other persons than them-- selves, as a vrofesslon or business, and shall rev- resent-or advertise themselves as architects, - architectural designers, or other title of profession or business using some form of the word 'architect' shall be considered as practicing the profession of architecture In this State, and shall be required to comply with the provisions of thl A t' d verson or firm shall enezageIn or co~du~t't% v%tlce of architecture as aforesaid In this State unless a registration certificate or certificates therefor have been duly issued to such person or the members of such firm as provided for by this Act, and no firm or partnership shall engage in, or conduct, the practice of architecture as aforesaid within this State except by and through persons to whom registration certificates have been duly Issued, -3796- Hon. J. W. Edgar, Page 3 (C-791) and which certificates are In full etfect; but nothing In this Act shall prevent draftsmen, students, clerks of works, superintendents, or other employees or assistants of those legally practicing architecture under registration certlf'i- cates as herein provided for from acting under ,the instructions, control, or supervision of such registered architects. uall~l``. Nothing In this Act shall prevent q professional engineers from planning and 'supervisingwork, such as railroads, hYdro- Zleatric work, lnoustrlal plants, or other cons- truction primarily Intended for engineering use or structures Incidental thereto, nor Prevent said englneers from planning, designing, or supervising the structural features of any build1 g b t such engqneers shall not employ the title Ifaichitect'. In any way, nor represent themselves as suoh, 'nor shall any engineer practice the profession of architecture as defined herein, unless he or she be registered as an architect under the ,proviSions of this Act." (hphasls added), Pursuant to the provisions of Article 2654-3, Vernon's Civil Statutes, the Texas Education Agency established certain pol$cles concerning plant planning and made the following recom- mendation concerning Plans and specifications for public school bulldings: *. "It Is recommended by the Texas Education Agency that the plans and specifications for cons- truction of, adding to; 'or structural changes In zany Public school building be prepared by a registered arahitect. Experience has Indicated that this ex- pense Is more than justified by better planning and aonstruct10n." Texas Education Agency Bulletin 543 (RevUed 1962) p. 5. In 1965 the 39th Legislature amended the Texas Englneer- lng Practice Act (Article 3271a, Vernon's Civil Statutes) leaving uncha ed the provisions of Section 19, above quoted. Senate "& , Acts of the 59th Legislature, Regular Sesslon, ch. 85, Bill 7 p. 207. Furthermore, the 59th Legislature enacted the State Bulldlng Construction AdmInistrationAct (Article 678f, Vernon's Civil Statutes) applying to all building construction projects undertaken by the State Building Commission with certain exceptions. -3797- Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 4 (c-791) Subdivision (I) of Section 2 of Article 678f, Vernon's Civil Statutes, provides: "(1) 'Architect/engineer'means a person registered as an architect pursuant to Acts of the 45th Legislature, Re ular Session, 1937, Chapter 478, as amended 7compiled as Article 249a of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and/or a person registered as a professional engineer pursuant to Acts of the 45th Legislature, Regular Session, 1937, Chapter 404, as amended (compiled as Article 3271a of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) 'employed to provide professional architectural or engineering services and having overall responsibility for the design of a project. The term 'Architect/en- gineer f standing by Itself may, unless the dontext clearly Indicates otherwise, mean either an architect/ engineer employed by the Commission on a salary basis or an archltect/englneer.ln private practice retained for a specific project under a contractual agreement with the Commission. The term 'private architect/ engineer, shall specifically and exclusively'refer to a reglstered architect or a registered engineer in private practice retained for a specific project under a contractual agreement with the Commission." We construe your recommendation contained In the Bulletin 543 to be In addition to the requirement of Section 19 of Article 3271a. Thus, while the services of a registered architect, In addition to the services of a registered engineer, Is deemed advisable, Section 19 of Article 327la does not require the services of a registered architect but only the services of a registered engineer. The services performed by an architect and the services performed by an engineer frequently overlap.
82 A.L.R. 2d 1026. It Is generally held, however, that designing a building for another or the furnishing of plans and speclflca- tlons for such building constitutes architectural services while engineering services require the application of structural, electrical or mechanical engineering principles and data. 82 A.L.R.W 1014-1029. In view of the foregoing, your questions are answered as follows: (1) Proper compliance of Section 19 of Article 3271a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, requires that the engineering plans and specifications (which Includes the application of structural, electrical or mechanical engineering principles) must be prepared by, and executed under, the directions of a professional engineer. -3798- Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 5 N-791) The overall plans and specifications for a building should, in accordance with the recommendation of the Texas Education Agency, be prepared by a registered architect. (2) 'Public work Involving professional engineering, where public health, public welfare or public safety Is involved" includes any school plant construction. It is Inconceivable that any SChOQl plant could be constructed that did not Involve either structural, electrical or mechanical englneering principles. All school plants affect public health, public welfare or public safety. In response to your third question, we are unable to enumerate In detail and with certainty all duties to be performed by a registered professional engineer In the direct supervision of engineering construction under Section 19 of Article 3271a. In the absence of a speolflc factual situation, we can only state that he must be in a posltlon to Inspect and control, as each progresses, the various phases of the construction project which involve the "practice of engineering" as defined In SectLon 2 (4) of Article 3271a of Vernon's Civil Statutes. SUMMARY Section 19 of Article 3271a 1s applicable to all structural8 electrical and mechanical englneerlng phases of all.school plant construction by the various school districts of this State. Yours very truly, WAGGONER CARR Attorney General JR:mh:mk.h APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. 0. Shulte, Chairman Malcolm Quick Kerns Taylor Paul Martin APPROVED FOR TIiRATTORNEY GENERAL By: T. B. Wright -3799-
Document Info
Docket Number: C-791
Judges: Waggoner Carr
Filed Date: 7/2/1966
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017