Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1965 )

  •                           November 23, 1965
    Honorable W. W. Heath,         Opinion No. C-550
    Board of Regents.             Re: Whether service on a %tate
    The University of Texas           or Federal board or com-
    Austin, Texas                     mission by a'member of the
    faculty or administration
    of The University of Texas
    Is in violation of the common
    law rule of "lncompatIbIllty"
    or in vl6latlon of either
    Section 12, 33 or 40 of
    Article 16 of the Texas Con-
    stitution, where the Board
    ~of Regents of the University,
    acting pursuant to certain
    powers delegated to it by the
    Legislature, hae.mqulred the
    member to serve on the board
    or comgibslon as an addltlotil
    duty of his +nplojwnt by the
    University and has found as a
    fact that the member's service
    on the board or commission 1s
    compatible wlth his employme&
    by the University and Is a
    benefit and advantage to the
    University and to the State
    Dear Mr. Heath: '                 of Texas.
    You have requested our opinion on the above captioned
    We have very recently had occasion to re-examine ihe
    .appllcable Texas Constitutional provisions and case authorities
    generally appllcable.to the facttil situation presented by your
    request in Attorney General's O&nlon No. C-527. dated October
    15, 1965, a copy of which we attach-hereto.
    You advise that the boards or commlssltinsupon which the
    service Is to be performed "vary widely a&to characteristics,"
    that some Involve the taking of oaths, some having definite
    Honorable W. W. Heath, Page 2          Opinion No. C-550
    tenure, etc., but none possess and perform sovereign power8 of
    government. We do not regard any one or even several of such
    characteristicsor conditions of an office or position of honor,
    trust, or profit as being determinatlve..~F!utgenerally such
    service as you have described would not appear to be prohibited
    under the facts presented. It Is our conclusion that,,as
    shown by the authorities set out In our Opinion No. C-527,
    members of the faculty or administrationof the Unlverslty of
    Texas may perform the service on the board or canmlas~on,
    provided that.neitherthe board, commIssIon nor the members
    thereof exercise sovereign powers of either the Federal or
    State government.
    The Texas statutes (Articles2584, et seq., V,A.C.S.)
    provide In pertinent part that:
    "The government of the University of
    Texas shall be vested In a Board of Regents
    composed of nine persons. . . . (Art. 2584)             .
    They shall . . . appoint a president; . . ,
    appoint the professors; . . . fix their .,
    respective salaries; and they shall enact
    such by-laws, rules and regulations as may
    be necessary for the successful management
    and government of the University. . . .
    (Art. 2585) The Regents shall have,power
    to remove any profei3sor,  .or, tutor . . .
    connected with the lnstl6J  u Ion when, in
    their judgment, the interest    of.the
    University shall require it. ('Art.2586)."
    Prom the foregoing statutory  provisions It Is clear that
    under the law, the Board of Regents has full power and
    authority to employ and discharge members of the faculty and'
    administrationand to prescribe the duties which each of them
    shall be required to perform.
    It Is also clear that since the Board of Regents exercises
    delegated powers, Its rules are of the same force as would be a
    like enactment of the Legislature, and Its official interpre-
    tation placed upon the rule so enacted becomes a part -of the
    19%):   -To   th=
    There f a*~, 'de have :rs.ltt~allon
    I:.wnlch ti:eenip?oyeeof
    a state agency 1~ directed bj*zne agency$s governing board,.
    acting   pursumc     tc tertaln powers deiegatcd to 1; by the
    Legislature, to serve 01:such a bcsrd or co8mnlsslon.cxerclslng
    no sovereign powers of gwernwent,       as sn addItIona duty of his
    position of emplojmcnt.
    Under such case authorltiec as now exist In Texas, the.
    Constitutionalprohlbltlonsagainst dual office holding (Art.
    16, Sets. 12 and 40) were held not applicable where under the
    law additional dutles were merel~yImposed on an existing
    For example, In Flrot.Eaptlst Church v. City of Ft. Worth,
    $E:    the &au .creatingthe Fort Worth Independent School Dla-
    ';    r c provided that the assessment and.collectIon of the taxes
    of the district.would be made by the assessor and.collector of
    the taxes of the Clty.of Fort Worth. It was contended that
    this violated the constitutionalprohlbltlon against one person
    holding more than one civil office of emolument. in holding
    that there was no violation of tileconsrltutlonr-1provision,
    the Court said:
    Honorable W: W. Heath, Page 4               OpltilonNo. C-550
    "The Imposition of additionalduties,'
    says Corpus Jurls, vol. 46     934 II29
    'upon an existing office, io*be pei-fonuei
    under a different title, does not constitute
    the creation of a new office.' The same
    authority further says: 'An office to which
    the dutlks of another are annexed remains
    technicallya single office; It Is not an
    office under Its own name and title and
    another under the name of the one whose
    duties are annexed to It.' See, also,
    Allen v. Fldelltv Co.. 
    269 Ill. 234
    109 N.E. 1035
    ; Hat&id v: &go Count``Court,
    80 W.Va. 165, 
    92 S.E. 245
    ; State'v.
    Powell,.109Ohio St. 383, 
    143 N.E. 401
    This office has followed the same rationale as that :
    adopted by the cotits'ln the cited cases In at~least~three'
    Opinions Nos. S-94
    Since the primary purpose of Section 33 of Art. 16 of the
    Texas Constitutionwas to prevent dual office or position
    holding, we can ljerceive of no reason why the same lnterpre-,
    tatlon gfven to Art. lb,,Sets. 12 and 40 should not be .',``
    aiidequally apIjllcableto Section 33 of Art. 16.
    Thls office, In Attorney General Opinion No. 0-2607 (1940),
    said that the object sought td be accomplishedby Section 33
    was as follows:
    . . . that no person should receive
    compensation from the State for services to
    be rendered It, when during the time such
    compensationIs to be earned such person,
    by accepting and holding another position
    under the State or the United States, has
    obligated himself to render services In
    connectlon.wlththe latter posltla, so
    that he may not render full.value In the
    first capacity for the compensationwhich
    the State has agreed to ay. . '.. So con-
    strued, this Section (33P seeks to avoid
    even the possibility that the State may
    not receive a full quid pro quo for
    expenditures by way of compensationfor
    services to be rendered in one capacity,
    -2645   -
    Honorable W: W. Heath, Page 5          Opinion No. C-550
    by reason of the person serving In that
    capacity placing hlmself In such a position
    that he may be tempted to neglect the
    duties of the one place for the respon-
    slbi.lltlesof the other.'
    If, therefore, the service on the board or commission Is
    made an addlt(ona1 duty, and Is not such as would tend to cause
    the University employee to neglect his other duties and reapon-
    slblllties to the University,and the Board of Regents has
    entered an administrativefinding that such service on the
    board or commlsslon 'Is a benefit and advantage to the Unlver-
    slty and to the State of Texas, and further that such position
    does not exercise any sovereign functions of government' then
    our above stated conclusion with regard to the non-appllcablllty
    of Section 33 in this Instance Is entirely consistent and com-
    patible with the object sought to be accomplishedby that section
    of the Constltutlon.
    Since two offices or posltlons of honor, trust, or profit
    are not being simultaneouslyheld, and the member's service on
    the board or commlsslon ls related and.compatlblewith his
    employment, the common iaw rule prohibiting dual office holding
    on the ground of lncompatlbllltyla not violated. 47 Tex.Jur.2d
    42, Public Officers, Sec. 28.
    Texas cases Pollow the general rule.as to added duties and
    which rule 1s succinctly stated In Ashmore v. Grbater Greenville
    Sewer Dlst., 211 S.C.~n. 44 S.E.26 tQ5,173 A.L.R. ,397:
    "The rule here enforced wlth'respect
    to double or dual officeholdingIn vlo-
    'latlonofithe constitution is not applicable
    to those officers upon whcdnother duties _
    relating to their respective offices are
    placed by law: A common example la ex
    offlclo membership upon a board or colmalSSlon
    of the unlt of government which the officer
    serves   In his official capacity, and the
    functions of the board or commission are
    In accord, see Eluitt v. State, 56 Tex.Crlm. 525, 
    121 S.W. 168
    (1909); Zasb:.andCountyv. REG'.b,288 S.W. 518 (Tex.Clv.App.
    1926, error ref-). See the excellent discussion in lkCu11ers
    y. Board of Com'rs. of Wake County, (N.C. 1912), 73 3.E. 61b,
    Honorable W. W. Heath, Page 6          Opinion No. C-550
    which cites the Texas case of Powell v. Wilson, 16 Texi 59
    Judges who sit on juvenile boards perform related
    ~%%nal     duties. Jones v. Alexander.59 S.W.2d 1083 (Corn.
    Jordan v. Crudglnuton,149 Tex. 237. 231 S.W.2d
    However, In order that we be not misunderstoodas to the
    effect of this Opinion, it appears necessary further to point
    out that we do not Interpret the above cited cases Involving
    the "added duty" theory as permitting the simultaneoushold-
    ing of two positions of honor, trust, or profit under the state
    or federal government.
    Our conclusion 1s that a position with the state or federal
    :   government which exercises no sovereign functions of government
    and Is found to be ComDatible by the Board of ReRents Is not a
    position of honor, tr&t or prokt as set out lri-Article  16,
    Sec. ,33of the Texas Constitution.
    Service by-a member of the faculty
    -  administration  of the Unlvetisltyof
    Texas on a state or feder'alboard or
    commission, not,exercislngsovereign
    powers of either the federal or stati
    government violates neither the common
    law rule of incompatlbllltynor Sections
    12, 33 or 43 of Section 16 of the Con-
    stitution of Texas. Where the University
    Board.of Regents- acting pursuant to
    certain powers delegated to It by the
    Legislature,has promulgated rules and
    regulations requiring such service, and
    correctly finds that the service is
    compatible with the employment and a
    benefit to the University of Texas and
    .to the state, and that such position does not
    exercise any sovereign functions of government,
    Honorable W. W.   Heath, Page 7            Opinion No. c-550
    the member may so serve without
    violating such sections of the Con-
    stitutlon and may be validly paid out
    of the State Treasury his salary or
    compensationas an employee of the.
    Yours very truly,
    Attorney General.of Texas
    .  W. V. Geppert, Chairman
    . H. Grady Chandler
    Roger l$ler
    Arthur Sandlin
    Marietta .Payne.
    BY: T. B. Wright

Document Info

Docket Number: C-550

Judges: Waggoner Carr

Filed Date: 7/2/1965

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017