Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1963 )

  •               E            OWNEY           GENERAL
    AUSTIN     ``.TExas
    July 10, 1963
    Jerry Sadler                        Opinion No. C- 106
    General Land Office                           Re:   Construction   of Senate
    Austin, Texas                                       ~111 318, Acts of the
    58th Legislature,   Regu-
    lar Session, relating
    to the removal of the
    ex officio   membership
    of the Attorney General
    on various State boards
    Dear Mr. Sadler:                                    and commissions.
    You have requested our opinion on the construction
    of Senate Bill 318, Acts of the 58th Legislature,       Regular
    Session,   wherein the Attorney General Is removed from the
    School Land Board as an ex officio    member. Your specific
    questions concern the language of Section 5 of the Act where-
    in it states that paragraph 5 of Section 5 of page 465, Acts
    of the 46th Legislature,    Regular Session,  1939 (codified    as
    Article   5421c-3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)     Is amended,
    in view of the fact that paragraph 5 refers to the meetings
    of the School Land Board, whereas paragraph 3 refers to the
    membership of the School Land Board.      Your specific   ques-
    tions are as follows:
    "(1)    Can either School Land Board
    officially      act after the effective date of
    Senate Bill 318?
    "(2)   If so,   which Board has the
    authority      to act?
    "(3) When should the Board meet and
    how should it select a secretary  that is
    authorized to certify  as to the official
    minutes of the Board?"
    The School Land Board was created by the provisions    of
    Section 5 of House Bill 9, Acts of the 46th Legislature,    Regu-
    lar Session,  1939, Chapter 3, page 465, at page 475, which
    was an Act amending House Bill 358, Acts of the &2nd Leglsla-
    ture, Regular Session,  1931, Chapter 271, page 452. Section 5
    of the 1939 Act was codified  in Vernon's as Article  5421c-3,
    Honorable   Jerry    Sadler,    page 2       (c- 106   )
    Vernon’s Civil      Statutes.     Paragraphs     3, 5 and 6 thereof   read
    as follows :
    ”3. There Is hereby created a board
    to be known as the School Land Board, and
    to be composed of three (3) members, name-
    ly:    the Commissioner of the General Land
    Offic’e, who shall be chairman, the Governor
    and the Attorney General.”
    “5.  The School Land Board shall meet
    on the first    and third Tuesday of each
    month In the General Land Office,       where
    its sessions shall be held and continued
    until its docket Is cleared,      subject to
    recesses at the discretion     of the Board.
    The Board shall select a secretary       who
    shall be nominated by the Commissioner of
    the General Land Office and approved by a
    majority of the Board.      The Commissioner of
    the General Land Office Is authorized to em-
    ploy other employees which may be necessary
    for the discharge of the duties of the Board,
    and particularly    is authorized to employ a
    geologist   and mineralogist,   who shall keep
    Informed with reference     to the minerals on
    public school lands and all activities        under
    pending applications     and previous leases and
    sales, and shall report to the Board all in-
    formation obtained with reference       thereto.
    The employees of the Board shall be deemed
    to be employees of the General Land Office,
    and all civil    and criminal laws regulating
    the conduct and relations     of the employees
    of the General Land Office shall apply In
    all things to the employees of the Board.
    “6.   The School Land Board shall keep
    a record of Its proceedings      to be called Its
    minutes which shall include a docket onvhlch
    the secretary    shall enter all matters to be
    considered by the Board, the minutes and
    docket to be subject to Inspection      by any
    citizen    of Texas desiring   to make an examl-
    nation thereof on payment of such fees as
    may be prescribed     by law for the examina-
    tion of other Land Office records,      the
    examination to be In all cases In the pres-
    ence of the secretary     of the Board or some
    Honorable   Jerry   Sadler,   page 3       (C- 106 )
    clerk designated for that purpose as pre-
    scribed by law.   All records _ and _proceedings
    . .
    of the Board shall be recorcls an5 arcnlves
    of the General Land Office."
    It is noted by the above quoted provisions   that
    paragraph 3 of Article    5421c-3, V.C.S. (paragraph 3 of
    Section 5 of House Bill 9, Acts of the 46th Legislature,
    Regular Session,   1939, Chapter 3) creates the School Land
    Board and provides for its membership; whereas, paragraph
    5 of Article  5421c-3 provides for the meeting of the School
    Land Board, the selection    of a secretary and the employ-
    ment of other employees.
    The title   or caption of Senate Bill 318, Acts of
    the 58th Legislature,   Regular Session, reads as follows:
    "AN ACT removing the Attorney General from the
    Board f      L       f Eleemosynary and State
    Memoria?La%iT      ihe Boards for Lease of
    Lands owned by-state     agencies,  Boards or
    agencies of the State of Texas, the Board
    for Lease of Texas Prison Lands, the Board
    for Lease of State Parks Lands, the School
    Land Board, 'the Board to sell judgments
    hi h cannot be collected,    the State De-
    zository   Board the State Tax Board, the
    Executive Committee of the Texas Traffic
    Safety Council, the State Board of Trustees
    for the Employee's Retirement System of
    Texas, the State,Banking Board, the State
    Board of Canvassers, the Council to expend
    certain license   fees and hunting-boat     regls-
    tration fees and certain fines,     the Study
    Committee to study the development of cer-
    tain Texas beaches; providing for member-
    ship on said Boards or other agencies In
    lieu of the Attorney General; providing
    for the expenses of citizen       members re-
    placing the Attorney General on said
    Boards or agencies;     amending Article   120
    of Subchapter 8 of Chapter 492, Acts of
    the 52nd Legislature,    Regular Session,    1951,
    relating    to the opening and counting of cer-
    tain election   returns by the Secretary of
    State in the presence of the Governor or
    Attorney General, by substituting       in the
    place of the Attorney General, a citizen
    of the state to be appointed by the Gover-
    nor with the advice and consent of the
    Honorable   Jerry   Sadler,   page 4   (C-106 )
    Senate who shall serve for a term of
    two (2j years; amending Article     4412 of
    the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925,
    by requiring  designated assistant    attorneys
    general to attend meetings of these Boards
    or Commissions upon which the Attorney Gene-
    ral formerly served as an ex officio'member
    as of the effective    date of this Act; pro-
    viding for severability;    and declaring   an
    emergency."   (Emphasis added)
    The emergency clause of Senate Bill 318, Acts of
    the 58th Legislature,  Regular Session, the same being
    Section 20, reads as follows:
    "Sec. 20.     The fact that the primary
    function of the Attorney General is to rep-
    resent the state in all matters where legal
    advice or judicial       proceedings may be re-
    quired, and the fact that his ex officio
    duties curtail      his availablllty   to act as
    counsel to these Boards and in many Instances
    place him in the position        of making a par-
    ticular    decision   as an ex officio    member and
    then subsequently having to defend such action
    in court create an emergency and an imperative
    public necessity       that the Constitutional   Rule
    requiring    bills   to be read on three several
    days in each House be suspended, and said Rule
    Is hereby suspended; and that this Act shall
    take effect     and be in force from and after
    its passage, and it is so enacted."
    A study of the title  and emergency clause discloses
    that It was the Intent of the Legislature      to remove the ex
    officio   membership of the Attorney General from various State
    boards and commissions, including     the ex officio    membership
    on the School Land Board.     Furthermore, the title     limits the
    provisions   of Senate Bill 318 to the removal of the ex officio
    membership of the Attorney General on various State boards
    and commissions, and provisions    necessarily    germane thereto.
    Section 35 of Article   III of the Constitution      of Texas; Board
    of Water Engineers v. City of San Antonio, 155 Tex. lll,T
    . .     722 (1955).
    Honorable    Jerry    Sadler,   page 5     (C-106   )
    Thus, while the title     authorizes  an amendment to
    paragraph 3 of Article     5421c-3, it does not authorize an
    amendment to paragraph 5 of Article       5421c-3, V.C.S.,  nor
    does it authorize the creation of an additional       School
    Land Board.     Furthermore, a reading of all the provisions
    of Senate Bill 318 reveals that it was the intention        of
    the Legislature    to amend paragraph 3 rather than paragraph
    Section 5 of Senate Bill 318, Acts of the 58th Legls-
    lature,    Regular Session, reads as follows:
    "Sec. 5. Para a h 5 of Section 5 of
    page 465, Acts ?-#&kth
    o           Legislature
    lar Session,  1939 (codified  as Article'5%%3
    of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)     is amended
    to read as follows:
    11t5    There Is hereby created a Board to
    be know?i'as the School LandsBoard, and to be
    composed of three (3) members, namely: the
    Commissioner of the General Land Office,   who
    shall be chairman, the Governor and one (1)
    citizen  of the state, appointed by the Attor-
    ney General with the advice and consent of
    the Senate, who shall serve for a term of two
    (2) years.'"    (Emphasis added)
    In Second Injury Fund v. Keaton,                 
    162 Tex. 250
    345 S.W.2d 711
    (lpbl),  it is stated:
    "The intention     of the legislature   In
    enacting the statute      must be ascertained
    from the language of      the statute itself.
    When that intention      has been ascertained
    by the court, It is      our duty to enforce
    such Intent.    . . ."
    In Patterson v. City of Dallas     
    355 S.W.2d 838
    , 844
    (Tex.Clv.App.   lpb2 , error ref. n.r.e. I the Court stated:
    It is a fundamental rule of statu-
    tory c&it&ti    .on that words or phrases In a
    statute may be supplied,      omitted or transpos-
    ed In order to arrive at legislative        Intent
    and an Interpretation     should not be adopted
    that would thwart the legislative       intent or
    lead to absurdity,    injustice,    or uncertainty
    if such construction     can reasonably be avold-
    ed.   Rogers v. Dallas Ry. & Terminal Co., Tex.
    -523-   ,
    Honorable    Jerry Sadler,   page 6       (C-106   )
    214 S.W.2d 160
    , affm. 
    147 Tex. 617
    218 S.W.2d 456
    ; Hargrave v. Texas & P.Ry.Co.~
    12 S.W.2d 1009
    ; Tone v. City
    of Denison (Tex.Civ.App.),   
    140 S.W. 11
    v. Hawthorne (Tex.Clv.App.),   
    84 S.W.2d 1108
    Likewise,  in Wood v. State,          
    133 Tex. 110
    126 S.W. 2d
    4, 7 (1939), it is stated:
    "It is the settled     law that statutes
    should be construed so as to carry out
    the legislative     intent,   and when such intent
    Is once ascertained,      it should be given ef-
    fect,    even though the literal    meaning of
    the words used therein is not followed.
    Also, statutes should never be given a con-
    struction    that leads to uncertainty,     in-
    justice,    or confusion,   if it Is possible
    to construe them otherwise.        39 Tex.Jur.,
    p. 176,,et seq., and authorities      there cited.
    . . .
    In 39 Tex. Jur.,   186, Statutes,        Sec.   98, it   is
    I,. . . obvious errors or mistakes of a
    clerical,    grammatical or typographical   nature
    may be disregarded.      Thus an Incorrect  reference
    in an amendatory statute,       to the act or section
    amended, may be disregarded where the clear ln-
    tent of the Legislature      was to amend another
    act or section."      See also the cases there cited:
    Cernock v. Colorado County, 
    48 S.W.2d 470
    civ.App.    1932) quoting 25 Ruling Case Law, Sec.
    157, p. 705; &ass v. Darrouzett Ind.School        Dlst.,
    277 S.W. 751
    (Tex.Civ.App.      1 25, error dism.);
    State v. Gunter, 
    81 S.W. 102
    2 (Tex.Civ.App.      1904
    error ref.)
    In view of the foregoing,  you are advised that It Is
    our opi .nion that the phrase "Paragraph 5” contained in Sec-
    tlon 5 of Senate Bill 318, Acts of the 58th Legislature,
    Regular Session, refers to paragraph 3 of Article    5421c-3,
    Vernon's Civil Statutes,    rather than paragraph 5 thereof.
    It follows that paragraph 5 of Section 5 of House Bill 9,
    Honorable   Jerry   Sadler,   page 7. (C-106 )
    Acts of the 46th Legislature    Regular Session,  1939,
    Chapter 3, page 465 at page 475, remains unchanged and
    is not affected by the provisions   of Senate Bill 318.
    Answering your questions categorically,       the School
    Land Board, created by the provisions       of House Bill 9, Acts
    of the 46th Legislature,     Regular Session,    Chapter 3, page 465,
    as amended by Senate Bill 318, Acts of the 58th Legislature,
    has the authority   to officially    act after the effective     date
    of Senate Bill 318. Such Board should meet as provided In
    paragraph 5 of Section 5 of House Bill 9, Acts of the 46th
    Legislature,   Regular Session,    codified   In Vernon's as para-
    graph 5 of Article    5421c-3, and the School Land Board Is
    authorized to select a secretary       as provided for therein.
    The secretary   of the School Land Board shall keep a record
    of the proceedings    to be called its minutes, which shall
    Include a docket onvhich the secretary        shall enter all
    matters to be considered bv the Board.         Article  5421c-3, para-
    graph 6, V.C.S.
    Senate Bill 318, Acts of the 58th Legislature,
    Regular Session, removes the ex officio      member-
    ship of the Attorney General from the School
    Land Board.    Section 5 of Senate Bill 318
    amends paragraph 3 of Section 5 of House Bill
    9, Acts of the 46th Legislature,     Regular Ses-
    sion, Chapter 3, codified     In Vernon's as para-
    graph 3 of Article    5421c-3, Vernon's Civil
    Statutes,  rather than paragraph 5 of Article
    5421c-1 of Vernon's Civil Statutes,       Paragraphs
    5 and 6 of Article 5421c-3 remain unchanged.
    Yours very truly,
    Attorney General
    Honorable   Jerry   Sadler,   page 8     (c-106   )
    W. V. Geppert, Chairman
    Pat Bailey
    W. 0. Shultz
    V. F. Taylor
    Mary K. Wall
    BY: Stanton Stone