Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1962 )

  • Hon. Dorman H. Winf'rey Opinion No. WW-1456 Director and Librarian Texas State Library Re: Whether Article 5441a, Sec. Austin 11, Texas 3, Vernon's Civil Statutes, authorizes the destruction of newspapers in print, pur- chased pursuant to Article 5441, Vernon's Civil Statutes, if a microfilm copy of the newspapers be preserved and the State Auditor consents to the destruction of the Dear Mr. Winfrey: same. You have requested the opinion of the Attorney General with regard to the following questions: "1. Does Article 5441a, Section 3 author- ize the destruction of newspa ers in print, pur- chased pursuant to Article 54 E1, Section 3, If a microfilm copy of the newspapers be preserved and if the consent of the State Auditor to the destruction of the newspapers be obtained. "2. If not, does Artfcle 5&41b R.C.S. 0 , authorize the destruction of the newspapers which are over 10 years old, if the procedures of the statute are complied with?" In your letter you also state that the Library is faced with a "critical problem in housing the newspapers" and that the cost for binding newspapers now on hand would be ap- proximately $20,000.00. Following are the pertinent sections of Title 89, Articles 5441 and 5441r, Vernon's Civil Statutes: "Art, 5441. Duties of Librarian 11. . . "3. He shall endeavor to collect all manu- script records reiating to the history of Texas Hon. Dorman H. Winfrey, page 2 (W-1456) In the hands of private Individuals, and where the originals cannot be obtained he shall endeavor to procure authenticated copies. He shall be au- thorized to expend the money appropriated for the purchase of books relating to Texas, and he shall seek diligently to procure a copy of every book,, pamphlet, map or other printed matter giving valu- able Information concerning this State. He shall collect portraits of photographs of as many of the prominent men of Texas as poesible. He shall en- deavor to complete the files of the early Texas newspapers in the State Library; and he,shall cause to be bound the current files of not less than ten of th leading newspapers of the State and th e cur- rent Files of not 1 ess than four leading newspapers of other states, and of as many county papers, pro- fessional journals, denominational papers, agricul- tural papers, trade journals and other publications of this State as seem necessary to preserve In the. State Library an accurate record of the history of Texas. ” (Emphasis ours) “Art. $&la. Records Administration Division II. . . “‘Public records’ shall mean originals or copies of written or printed books, newspapers, magazines, documents, correspondence, papers, maps, drawings, charts, Indexes, plans, memoranda, sound recordings, motion-picture or other photo- graphic records, which are the property of any State department or lnatltution. 8, . . . “3 . With the consent and cooperation of the heads of the various departments and lnstltutlotjs the public records of such departments and lnati- tutiona shall be surveyed, Indexed and clareified under the direction of the records administration division. Furthermore, with the approval of the State Librarian the head of any d epartment or in- EEtution may d eatroy any p blic records in his custody which, in his opinlin, have no further legal, administrative or historical value, provided, . . Hon. Dorman H. Wlnfrey, page 3 (WW-1456) however, that he shall first file application to do so with the State Librarian, describing in such ap- plication the original purposes and contents of such public and provided further, that the approval of the State Auditor shall also be required with regard to the destruction of public records of a fiscal or financial nature." In 1946 this office issued Opinion No. O-7132 which stated that "the words 'cause to be bound' mean 'binding1 In the conventional sense, and will not permit the substitution of mlcrofllmi.ng." Following this opinion, in 1947 the Legislature en- acted Article 5441a, and in 1959 Article 5441b was adopted. Section 2, Article 5441a. specifically includes news- papers acquired by any State department or institution within the term "public records" for the purposes of this Article. Section 3 of Article 544la provides that such rec- ords may be destroyed when, In the opinion of the department head and the State Librarian, these records "have no further legal, administrative, or historical value." This section of the article does not change in any way the dut of the Librar- ian to "cause to be bound the newspapers, w ich duty is ex- -9 plicitlv set out in Section 3 of Article 5441, but merely au- thorizes a procedure for destruction of previously collected records when they are properly adjudged to be valueless. Of course, when a public record has been properly held to be valueless, its destruction may take place, but without such a findin~g that the records are valueless Section 3, Article 5441a does not authorize destruction merely because a microfilm copy of the record exists. Likewise this office cannot hold that an alternative method for preservation of records constitutes com- pliance with the statute where then Legislature has clearly de- fined the procedure to be followed; and this would be true even where such an alternative method might be technically superior to the procedure authorized by the Legislature. For this reason, this office sees no reason to overrule Opinion No. O-7132 issued in 1946. In answer to your first question we are of the opinion that Section 3, Article 5441a, does not authorize the destruction of newspapers In print, purchased pursuant to Section 3, Article 5441, even though a microfilm copy of the newspaper is to be preserved, and even if the consent of the State Auditor to the destruction of the newspapers be obtained unless such newspapers are adjudged to be valueless. Hon. Dorman H. Winfrey, page 3 (w-w-1&56) With regard to your seconl fnqu5ry, Article 5441b provides: "Art. 5441b. Disposition of valueless records "Secticn 1. The State Librarian of the State of Texas is hereby authorkeX3 to transfer, destroy or otherwise dispose of any records of the State of Texas consi. ned by law to his custody that are more than ten $ 10) years ?1 an,3 wh:ch the State Librarian shall deternIne to be vakeless, or of no further use., to the Staz of %xas as official records. Provide 3, however p none of m-h records shall be disposed of in any manner unless the State Comptroller, the State Auditor an'5 th& Attorney Gen- eral of the State of Texas shall first have agreed with the State Librarian that the preservation of any such records are no longer necessary as evidence and will serve no useful 2urpoae in the future ef- ficient operation 0 f -the State Gsverrment. All such records d!ispose,d of, ,a5 agreed .upon, shall be generally listed and referred to and such list shall be subscribed to by all of saf Cfffcials showing their consent to su:h dfs~os%tfoc. "Sec. 2. Any such records which the Attorney General, State Comptroller, State Auditor and State Librarian, or any one or more of them deem necessary tom preserve, may be so preser.ved by microfilming such records and such microfilm copies shall there- upbn constitute original records for all legal pur- poses. Thereafter the orfginals of such records may be disposed of in such manner as such Officials may agree on; provided, however, that such microfilming shall be done only if funds are available for that purpose or are appropriated by the Legislature of the State of Texas for that purpose to cover the cost of such microfilming for the State of Texas. "Sec. 3. Any such records held to be no longer needed for the operation of the State Government or those replaced by microfilm copies may nevertheless be transferred to the Archfves Division of the Texas State Library if the State Librarian deems them to be of historical value." . . Hon. Dorman H. Wlnfrey, page 5 (WW-1456) This article merely sets forth a method by which destruction of valueless records may be accomplished or, in the alternative, such records may be toreserved in microfilm and the original records may be destroyed after being kept for '10 years. Under this article destruction may be accom- plished when approval Is secured from the Attorney General, State Comptroller, State Auditor, and State Librarian. Therefore, the answer to your second question is in the affirmative. Thus, such destruction or preservation through the use of microfilming that you inquire about may be accom- plished under this statute by compliance therewith. SUMMARY Section 3, Article 5441a, does not authorize the destruction of newspapers in print, purchased pursuant to Section 3, Article 5441, even though a microfilm copy of the newspaper is to be preserved and even if the consent of the State Auditor to the destruction of the newspapers is obtained, unless such newspapers are adjudged to be valueless. Article 544113 authorizes the destruction of the newspapers which are over 10 years old, if the pro- cedures of the statute are complied with. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON neral of Texas By: SS:wb:mkh Assistant APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Robert Lewis Frank Booth Fred D. Ward REVIEWEDFOR THE ATTORNEYGENERAL BY: Leonard Passmore

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-1456

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1962

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017