Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1959 )

  • .     .
    OF   TEXAS
    October 8, 1959
    Honorable Robert S. Calvert       Opinion No. WW-714
    Comptroller of Public Accounts
    Capitol Station                   Re:   Whether credits provided
    Austin, Texas                           for in H.B. 120. 55th
    Leg. R.S. 1937,'reiating
    to recovery of Gas Gather-
    ing Taxes, may be claimed
    against the additional
    Franchise Tax and Severance
    Beneficiary Tax provided
    for by H.B. 11, 3rd C'.S.
    Dear Mr. Calvert:                       of 56th Leg.
    You have requested an opinion on several questions
    relating to Section 3 of House Bill No. 320 of the 55th
    Legislature, (1957), which reads as follows:
    "Sec. 3. Final and valid judgments having
    been obtained against the State of Texas by
    the following named corporations in the follow-
    ing causes for the recovery of Gas Gathering
    Taxes paid,%0 the State of Texas under the
    provisions of Section XXIII of House Bill No.
    285, Chapter 402, Acts of the Fifty-second
    "El Paso Natural Gas Company, Judgment No.
    101,822, 53rd Judicial District Court of Travis
    County, Texas. $2,658,935.51
    "Tennessee Gas Transmission Company No. 100,870,
    126th Judicial District Court of Travis County,
    Texas $1,140,906.00
    "United Gas Pipe Line Company No. 104,489,
    126th Judicial District Court of Travis County,
    Texas $1,101,000.34 in lieu of an appropriation
    to pay said judgments, there is granted to each
    of said corporations a credit in the full amount
    of said judgments, according to their tenor,
    effect and reading, exclusive of any interest
    on the principal sum of such judgments either
    prior or subsequent to the respective dates of
    such judgments to be applied against any and all
    Honorable Robertl,S.Calvert, Page 2   (Opinion No.   Wii-714)
    franchise, gross receipts aniloccupation taxes
    which may become due and payable tp the State
    of Texas on and after September 1,'1959, by each
    said corporation, its successors or assigns,
    provided, h,owever,that no credit shall be
    applied against that portion of any tax the
    revenues from which are dedicated by the Con-
    stitution of the State or Texas to a specific
    fund. Such credit may be freely assigned, in
    whole or in part, by each said corporation,               I
    its successors or assigns, and any such
    successor or assignee may apply such credit
    against any such taxes which may be due and
    payable by such successor or assignee to the
    State of Texas. No such assignment of credit
    shall be effective until the State Comptroller
    shall have been furnished a true copy of such
    assignment certified to be correct by the assignor
    or the assignor's duly authorized officer, agent
    or attorney in fact. The credit granted to each
    corporation may be applied against the taxes
    specified above over a period not to exceed ten
    (10) years from and after September 1, 1959,
    and no more than twenty-five per cent (25s) of
    the tax credit provided herein owned by any
    single person, firm or corporation shall,be , '
    applied against taxes by such person,firm or
    corporation in any one (1) calendar year. In '
    order to apply against taxes the credit granted
    hereunder, the owner thereof, contemporaneously
    with each tax payment, shall submit to the State
    Comptroller a statement sworn to by such owner
    or his or its duly authorized officer, agent or
    attorney in fact, stating the amount of credit
    being applied, the tax against which it is
    applied, and that not more than twenty-five per
    cent (25%) of the total credit originally owned or
    acquired by such owner has been applied against
    taxes for the applicable calendar year. The appli-.
    cation of a credit against the taxes hereunder
    shall constitute a full accord and satisfaction,
    to the extent of the sum.of the credit, of the
    judgment for which the credit is granted, and
    the,application of such credit agaqnst taxes
    shall constitute a full accord and'satisfaction
    of such taxes to the extent of the sum of the
    credit applied. However, in the event that the
    manner of accreditation as provided herein is
    declared unconstitutional, such companies shall
    not be assessed any penalty or interest for taxes
    on which credit has been applied, if paid with
    Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page   3   (Opinion No. WW-714)
    reasonable promptness after any such declaration
    of unconstitutlonal1t.y."
    Your first question concerns whether or not the
    credit specified above may properly be claimed against the
    additional Franchise Tax and Severance Beneficiary Tax1 enacted
    by House Bill 11, 3rdCalled Session of the 56th Legislature.
    The portion of the above quoted act relevant to this question
    . .there is granted.   .a credit. .
    : ' to be applied against w   and all franchise,     '
    mross receiots and occuoation %es   which
    Had the Legislature intended to limit the credit to
    taxes in existence at the time of passage of House Bill 320,
    it would have used language appropriate to such purpose; since
    it used language clearly to the contrary, your first question
    must be answered in the affirmative.
    Your next question is worded as follows:                 '.
    "Where the Constitution provides that one-
    fourth (1/4th) of the tax collected be deposited     '
    to the Available School Fund, please advise
    whether the total tax due for a particular
    period can be claimed as a credit or can only
    seventy-five (75s) per cent of the tax due be
    claimed as a credit."
    The portion of Section 3 of House Bill No. 320, 55th
    Leg., relevant to this query, provides:
    .no credit shall be applied against
    that portion of w   tax the revenues from which
    are dedicated by the Constitution of the State .
    of Texas to's specific fund." (Emphasis added.)
    The.f'oregoingproviso In no way limits the amount of
    the credit that may be taken in any one year. It merely pro-
    vides that no credit may be taken against that portion of any
    tax specifically dedicated by the Texas Constitution. Con-
    The severance beneficiary tax is an occupation tax; con-
    sequently there is no question about its being the type of
    tax against which credit may be claimed.
    Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 4   (Opinion No. WW-714)
    sequently, you are advised that where the Constitution
    dictates that one-fourth (l/4),of a particular tax be deposited
    to the Available School Fund, credit can only be taken against
    the remaining 75%of such tax.
    Your third inquiry Is as follows:
    "The Gas Production Tax Law, provided,for
    by Article 70&7b, V.C.S. provides that the
    first purchaser of gas shall withhold the tax
    from his remittance 'to the producer and the
    purchaser in turn remit the tax to the State.
    Please advise me whether or not a purchaser of
    gas, who'is entitled to credit, can claim credit
    against the tax which he has withheld from pro-
    ducers of gas provided that he has assigned the
    proportionate amount of the credit to the indivi-
    dual producers."   .
    Article 7047b, Section Za, V.A.C.S, (recodified by'
    H.B. 11, 3rd C.S. 56th Leg., as Art. 3.05of Title 1,22a,R.C.S.)
    "(1) The tax herein Imposed on the producing
    of gas shall be the primary liability of the
    producer as hereinbefore defined, and every
    person purchasing gas from producer thereof and
    taking delivery thereof at or near the premises
    where produced shall collect said tax imposed
    by this Article from the producer. Every pur-
    chaser including the first purchaser and the
    subsequent purchaser, required to collect any
    tax under this Article, shall make ouch col-
    lection by deducting and withholding the amount
    of such tax from any payments made by such pur-
    chaser to the producer, and remit same as herein
    provided. This Section shall not affect any
    pending lawsuit in the State of Texas or any lease
    agreement or contract now or that hereafter may
    be in effect between the State of Texas or any
    political subdivision thereof and/or the University
    of Texas and any gas producer.
    1,               . .
    . . . .
    "(3)The tax hereby levied shall be a liability
    upon the producer, the first purchaser, and/or
    subsequent purchaser or purchasers as herein
    Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 5   (Oi?inionNO. Wd-714)
    Since the gas production tax is a liability of the
    producer and the purchaser, either, or both, of them may, within
    the specim    limits, take credit against such tax by following
    the procedure prescribed in H.B. 320. .:,Thecredit may be
    assigned from the purchaser .to the producer, or vice-versa,
    provided,.however, that the assignee may not claim credit
    pursuant to the assignment until a copy thereof, certified
    to by the assignor, is on file with the Comptroller.
    The purchaser may take credit against taxes withheld
    from payments to the producer by filing the sworn statement
    required by H.B. 320 with the monthly report required by
    Art. 7047b;'V.A.C.S. Likewise, the producer may take credit
    by filing the sworn statement with its monthly report. In
    instances where the producer has properly taken credit against
    gas production taxes, the purchaser is relieved of the re-
    sponsibility of remitting such taxes (up to the amount of the
    credit taken) to the State.2
    In connection with the foregoing question you also
    "It is quite common for a ,purchaserof gas
    to contract with the producer to reimburse
    him for any Increased taxes on the gas produced.
    Please advise me whether or not the taxpayer,
    entitled to credit, can make an assignment to
    the producer for the amount of the reimburse-
    ment and the producer in turn claim credit for
    the amount of the assignment against his gas
    .production tax."
    This ,+ue:;tion
    is answered in the preceding discussion;
    the producer makes claim for the credit by following the above
    specified procedure.
    In your letter dated August 24, 1959, which supplements,
    your original opinion request, you state that the question has
    arisen as to whether or not the'credit may be claimed against
    the Railroad Commission Gross Receipts Utility Tax provided
    for by Article 6060, V.A.C.S. The provisons of this tax are
    as follows:
    "Every gas utility subject to the provisions
    of this subdivision on or before the first day of
    The facts justifying the failure to remit should be set forth
    with the purchasers monthly report; however, this is an
    administrative detail to be handled by your department.
    I       .
    Honorable.Robert     S. Calvert,   Page   6    (Opinion   No.   WW-714)
    January and quarterly      thereafter,    shall flld
    with the Commlaelon a statement,        duly verified
    aB true and correct     by the president,      treasurer
    ar -general manager If a oompany or ogrporatlcfn,
    or by the owner or one o$ them if an’indlvldual
    or oo-partnership,     showing the groan reoelpts
    of suoh utlllty     for the quarter    next prnoedlng
    or for Buoh portion     of said quarterly      perlod a0
    euoh utility    may have been oonduotlng any bualnerl,
    and at such time shall pay Into the State Treasury
    at Austin a sum equal to one-fourth         of one per
    cent of the gross inoome reoelved        from all
    bualnese    done by It within thle State during
    eald quarter, ”
    In ocinneotian     with this tax, Acts 1931, 42nd Leg.,
    Reg. Seaa., page ill,     Ch. 73, fl 10, provides:                  ,
    “That article   6060 of the Revleed’Clvll
    Statute8   of 1925, except In so far aa It
    lmposee a license    fee or tax of one-fourth                  ’
    of one per oent againnt persons owning,
    operating,    or managing plpe;lnes,      as pro-
    vided In section    2 of artiole     6050, la here-            I
    by repealed    and Bald fund shall be used for
    enforolng   the provlslons    of artlolee    6050 to
    6066,’ lnoluelye.  ”
    Artloles    6050 through 6066, lnoluslve,     provide oertaln
    regulatlotis     governing gas utliltleq.      All money oolleoted    pur-
    suant to Art, 6060 ie held in:the          ‘gas utility   enforoement
    fund” to be used for enforolni         suoh regulatlone..
    It ia olear that’;.the.:fee   bxaoted by ktlole 6060,
    V.A.C.9     la a re ulator    (as oppoeed to a revenue) meanure,
    AB sta&     by ChMe            Hlokman in Hurt v. Coorfer, 110 S.W,2d
    896 (Tex.Sup,Ct.   1937):             8
    “It Is eometlmer dlffloult      to determine
    whether a given statute      should be dlassed aa
    i a regulatory    measure or a8.a tax meanure.         The
    prinolple    of the distinction     gemrally     reoognlerd
    1s that when, from a oonsfderation        of the statute               ,
    aB a whole, the primary purpose of the fees pro-
    vided thereln    ie the ralaing    of the revenue,
    then suoh fees are in faot ooouDation         taxes and
    thie regardless    of the namp by ihi.oh they are
    .   ,
    Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 7    (Opinion No. WW-714)
    To the same effect see H. Rouw Company v. Texas
    Citrus Commission, 
    247 S.W.2d 231
    (T   s   ct 1952)    Ii
    County of Harris v. Shepperd, 291 S.?2d"$l   iTex.Sup%t. 1956).
    After citing the foregoing principle, the latter case states: .
    "So-called licen'setaxes are of two
    kinds. The one is a tax for the purpose of
    revenue. The other, which is strictly
    speaking, not a tax --
    at all but merely an
    exercise onthe -ice     power, is ,a fee
    ‘(                             ---,I
    imposed for the purpose of regulation.
    Emphasis adm.
    It has been held that certain fees exacted by cities,
    for the purpose of regulation, were not occupation taxes wlth-
    In the meaning'of Article VIII; Section 1 of the Texas Con-
    stitution,-'whichprohibits a city from levying an occupation
    tax unless a comparable tax is levied by the State.
    Fort Worth v. Gulf Refining Company, et al., 83 S.W.2d%5F 1
    ‘(Tex.Sup.Ct.1935). Ex Parte Denny, 
    129 S.W. 1115
    App. 1910 . See also Ex Parte Cramer, 
    136 S.W. 61
    App. 1311 1 which held that a regulatory fee exacted from an
    electrician was not an occupation tax within the constitutional
    prohibition .against levying occupation taxes on agricultural
    or mechanical pursuits.
    In view of the foregoing authorities, you are advised
    that the utilities regulation fee imposed by Article 6060,
    V.A.C.S., is not a franchise, gross receipts,3 or occupation
    tax within the meaning of H.B. 320; consequently, no credit
    may be taken against the payment thereof.
    Credits provided for In H.B. 320, 55th
    Leg., R.S., 1957, may be taken against the
    additional Franchise Tax and Severance Bene-
    ficiary Tax provided for by H.B. 11, 3rd C.S.
    of the 56th Leg., but may not be taken against
    Gross receipts taxes have been held to be occupation taxes.
    Ex Parte Walker, 
    52 S.W.2d 266
    121 Tex. Crim. 145
    1932).         ,
    The case of Reed v. City of Waco, 
    223 S.W.2d 247
    , tTex.Clv.
    APP. 1949, error refused) held that the measure there in
    question was a regulatory device, not an occupation tax, even
    though levied on gross receipts.
    Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 8.    (Opinion No. WW-714)
    the gas utility regulation fee exacted by
    Art. 6060, V.A.C.S.
    Elthe~rthe producer or the purchaser
    may, within the limits prescribed by H.B. 320,
    take.credit against the payment of gas pro-
    duc.tiontaxes by following the procedure set
    forth therein.
    Yours very truly,
    Attorney General of Texas
    APPROVED:    :
    Geo. P. Blackburn, Chairman
    William E. Allen
    John Reeves
    Fred B. Werkenthin
    By:   W:V.   GEPPERT

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-714

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1959

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017