Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1959 )

  • _:: ‘.‘. ., Janwb~ 15, 1959 :, :. ~‘,,Z :Mr &or&~P.~Killim,Jr, .~ .,:... Couuf@-Attorney scufiy coutlty ~_ Snyder,Texas Re: Whetheror hbt,.uuder '. :' Article802e,V,P.C.;minors“.' " ~_. can be incarcerhea panabig : .’ .' ~trlaluponfa.wre or:t!le i :. minor~$omakebox& .. ..::" . . Artirl6~ 8028 of,vernonls PenalCo(lc'of TexasprovSdee'in put BE follcjws: :. "Anymaleminorvho has passedhis 14thbirthday'but hai not reached.~is 17thbirthday,‘andany femaleminor. who b&s passedher 14thb&hairs;but has not reachedher. 18thbirthday, and who drivesor operates.anautcnsobile or cin;v othermotor.irehi&on any public.roaa.or highwayInn:.. this stateor uponany itreetqr alleyvfthlnthelllm+~ :' ... .~ i. bf any.cityi toun orivillage,Or:Fponaiy.beaehas,deftid In chapter 430, Acts of the.5lst.Leglslattie,1949;while- : __. under'the'lnfluence 0f.intoxicatingliq)ldr,.&who drives or operate?an automobile or any othermotorvehiclein mch‘vay as to riolate'any trafficlav of this state, ; :- .I’ hall be guiltyof a misdemeanor and~still'bi.``shed by a flne,ofnot more than One ~HundreclDol.+3 ($109.00). . '.* : . . “. : . . . ..’ Wection 2. No suchminor,after convic$&nor.plea . ._ . of guiltyand imposition of fine,shallbe committed to any : jail in defaultof paymentof the fine Imposed,but,the courtimposingsuchfine shallhavepover.tostispind and $tike'poasession of euchminor'sdrivinglicenseand retain -. ,++a6ameuntilsuchfinehas been paid:" "Section4. The offensea.created underthisAct, &all be underthe jurisdictionof the.cqurtsreguly4 ., ~caqpoVaredtotrynUsdemeauore car.&ug the pena?ty heawn affixed,aud shallnot be underthe jurladi&+o& : ,... ., . ‘. .~ ._ Mr. OeorgeP. Klll.am,~.Jr., Page 2~(W@+i’) of the JuvenileCourts;but nothingcontad ia ihis.. ,~ ,. : :. Act &all.be construedto otherviserepealor affectthe .; ._ . itatutqs&ulating.the povsrs,and dutieeof J’uvenlle CQU&S; lw.pmvlei~ne``r thls.Act shall be.cumuJatiti. . * .. of allother lawson thissribject.”. .. : ~ . . The questionyou presented concern6the &ar&‘at& of a minorpeudlngtrial. The,clvll etatute authoritygovernliw j\ivenilcs . . ‘is.fouud in Vernon’sCivilStatutesof T-8, Article23’338-1. ‘Article 2338-l:``a comprehenai~‘+atuti vhlchsubstitutes ,Iuvenile‘~urts ‘. for tddnai court8to4ealwith any chXl.d 0f.adealgnate~aga who vi04 ::. : ,lates8nYlmrorq rdlnanceoi is otherwise vlthinthe proVialo2l8 07 the .. : statute..~W; it is'pertlnent to observeat thie+oi.pt that' (. j &ij~-&a, pAC;; createaan antIrelynev offense.Priorto iti ":' .’ ,-par@ga;ml~ juvenl.len.undar aevmiteen~sofage fmdiclpahJwenUes w +gkteen -0% age yare qot.mibjectto.punishWnt far cr3sea. .. but n``‘.mb$ecfwly to the:protieiq,or Article2338~l,..V.C.S., which oourt8 snd provides the omcsdurs for tri8le ,for ._.. ., . .: ,:.,. atabllshea~$fw8nlU . .: -~.j``dqUiique$``..~ pxtidn Ii?of~thatt:titute speclflo+y -6’ . . . .. .. :_ :’ that: : . :-. . .~ . ‘. .’ ,.“. :../ . . : . . . :.’ :, _. : ;. I: ‘~ .’ .: .. : .’ . . : ‘. : ._ : . ‘.. : 3. (WU-547) Mr. GeorgeP. KIlla& Jr.,,Page ‘. ,., a&ii&&l pr&dtie.ln the.&tureoi a'dr&&&adl~n i@~tistsucli" .minor. .:: : ..; : Therefore,.it'li thi oplnios~Ofthis o&ce~%A&t &nce .~tiicle 8020,Vernon's&``lCode,,cr&at& an.eut$re&n&i offehseand 'f-her provldcsthatthe juvenilecourt.shal& not have jurisdiction .~. " over.theminor,then suchminor who fallsto.makebond pendingtrial. tillbe traatedas adultsand may be couflnedln jail. SuNudRY Juvenilesbeingchargedunder Article*2e, Verrmn'aPenalCode,are anbonds as subjectto the ssme3.a`` adultsaud qy be .lncarcMtad~ upon '. ‘. faibreto~mahebond. .,.. . : : g+&yolire*‘. ‘( :~ . 1.’ ., :’ .,. 7~ i’, ;... ,:.’ i .“_. ..>” ._ ~APPRgaDz . .oPINmi’cQNuIlTB;E: ., ,~ ‘. . ._. . . GeocP~.Bla&m~,Chairmau ' ; HarlettrK&rigor-Payne Netmy&Bpmrell Jack Goodman ByronFullerton L..P.,Low l7~tiPoRTHEmoRNEY~ BY:. UC V. *@pert

Document Info

Docket Number: WW-547

Judges: Will Wilson

Filed Date: 7/2/1959

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017