29i j!t E OF EXAS HonorableOwen F. Watkins opinionBO. VW-596 CountyAttorney Limestonecounty Authorityof (ICounty Groesbeck,Texas Caannisslousrs ' Court to enter into a Gontxact with the soil Conservation Serviaeof the IJ.9, De- partmentof Agriculture for maintenanceof t&e oounty'eportionof a water conservationproject,and its authorityto appropriate money for this maintenance under SeuateBill270, Aote 50th Legislature,1947, Dear Sir: Chapter 53, Page 72. You have requestedan opinionon the followingqueatlons: (1). Can SenatesBill 270, Acts 50th Iaglelature,1947, CPapter 53, Page 72 -- A Speoia~lRoadLaw for Limeatone County,Texas, be construed80 that the Comiesioners'Court of LimestoneCountyhas tie authorityto enter into a con- tractwith Soil ConservationServiceend the U. 9. De- partmentof Agriculturefor msintenanoeof LimestoneCounty portionof the upper TrinityRiver waterehedafter con- structionand completl& In LimestoneCounty,Texas, of water oonservationprojecta? - (2). Can Senate Bill27C, Got6 50th Legielature, 1947,Chapter 53, Page 72 be construedeo that the Commissioners'Court of LtiestoneCounty,Texas hae the authoritywithin Section 17 of the esid Bill to enter Into a contractwith Soil ConservationService to appro- priatemoneys necessaryfor the maintenanceof such water conservationoonstruotlonafter their completion? The answer to both of your questionsis in tie negative. HonorableOwen F. Watkins,page 2 NW-596) Senate Bill 270, Aots 50th Legislature,1947,Chapter 53, Page 72 is a limitedAct speoificallylimitingits languageand intent to "a more efficientroad system for LimestoneCounty". The Cmmlssloners' authorityto sot in every sectionis coMect8d with "publicroads". Section 14 limitsspendingof all moneys of the Road and BridgeFund to public roads. Section 15 states that the purposeof the Act is to authorizeConmissioners'Courts to act for "betterpublicroads". Section 17 restrictsthe authorityof the ConmissIoners' Court to act excepton a cash basis and as a result no obligation shall be createdunless funds are certifiedavailable. Section18 which authorizesthe ConmIssIoners' Court to contractwith the State and FederalAgencies is again limitedto public roads. The Commlesioners' Court is a Court of limitedjuris- dictionand has only such powers as are conferredupon it by express terns or by necessaryimplication.ChildressCounty v. State, I27 Tex. 343, 92 S.W.2d, 1011 (1936);El Paso County v. Elom, 106 S.W.2d, 393; Howard v. HendersonCounty,
116 S.W.2d 479Hill v. Sterrett,252 S.W.2d~766(Tex.Clv.App~ 1952, error ref., n. r. e.). The power of such Courts to make appropriations or to expend county funds is controlledby the above rule of law. It is apparentthat the Soil ConservationServiceand the Districtwith which you will be concernedwas organizedunder the provisionsof Article 165a-4, Vernon'sAnnotatedCivil Statutes. After carefulsearch and examinationof the Statutes,includingthe provisionsof Article 165a-4,we are unable to find any authority for the Commissioners'Court of LimestoneCounty to expend county funds for the purposeset forth In this inquiryunder SenateBill 270, Acts ,5othLegislature,1947,,Chapter 53, Page 72. Your attentionis called to Articles7048a and 7048b,Vernon's AnnotatedCivil Statutes,which providemethods for raisingfunds and authorizethe county to enter into contractswith the Soil C$;;Ttlon District. (9ee also AttorneyCeneral'eOpinionRo. The Comnissioners' Court is withoutauthorization under SenateBill270, Acts 50th Legislature,1947 HonorableOwen F. Watkins,page 3 (``-596) Chapter 53, page 72, to oontraotwlth the Soil ConservationServiceor to pay out county funds for the maintenanceof projectsconetructedby the Soil ConeervationService. While you mi&t contractunder Article 7048b with the Soil Con- servatlonService,it willbe~neoeaeerythat you complywith Artlole 7Ok& beforefuude will be availablefor the meintenenoeof Soil Conserva- tion projeate. * Yours very truly, WIU WILSOR AttorneyGeneralof Texas GCR:glrme APPROVES OPIIUODICOMMITrEE Geo. P. Blackburn,Chairman Jot Rodges,Jr. Plcm~Bwrue Houghton Rrownlee,Jr. Larry Jones RE~FORlXEA!f9.UME~ BY; W. V. Geppert
Document Info
Docket Number: WW-596
Judges: Will Wilson
Filed Date: 7/2/1959
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017