ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable Penn 9. Jackson Opinion Nc. WW-494 Chairman State Board of Insurance Re: Compensation of members Austin 14, Texas of the State Board of Insurance for the fiscal year ending August 31, Dear Mr. Jackson: 1959 0 You have requested an opinion wneerning Item 1 of the appropriation under the heading 'pBoardof Insurance Com- missioners" eontafned fn House Bill 133, Acts of the 55th Legislature, Regular Session, 1957, Chapter 385, page 870, at page 1006. Your qaestfons are as follows: "1. Is the Comptroller IawPully authorized to pay the members of the State Boar1 of Insurance their compensation beginning September 1, 1958, from such appropriations for salaries and wages enumerated In House Bill 133? "2 ~ Commencing September 1, 1958, when the members of the State Board of Insurance devote full time to the duties of their of"fioes,and so certify, may ~--~n?f~tions~ they be paid out of au& ap&c,_, at the ?2xte of 1/12th 5P the annual appr~;Xiation each month? “3. If Question No, 2 is answered in the negatfve, then please inform us what ~pmwi~ k!dwwf?ng er cer- tiffcate will be required on the per ,s,Yern account of the members for this c~mpenaat'ron." Item 1 reaes as follows: "For the years Fndfng August 31, August 31, 1958 1959 "FOP Salaries and Wages: "1. Commissioners, at $15,000 0 D . D . * $ 45,000 $ 45,000” Honorable Penn J".Jackson, Page 2, (WW-494). Senate Bill 222 Acts of the 55th Legislature, Regular Session, Chapter 499, page 1454, amended the Texas Insurance Code by oreating the State Board of Insuranae and the new official position of Commissioner of Insurance. Subdivision (b) of Article 1,02 of the Insurance Code as amended by Senate Bill 222 provides as follows: "(b) All of the powers, functions, authorl- ties, prerogatives, duties, obligations and responsfbflftfes, heretofeTe vested In and devolv- ing upon the Board of Insurance Commissioners as heretofore constftuted under prior statutes; the Chairman of said Board; the Life Insurance Commis- sioner; the Fire Insurance Commfssioner; and the Casualty Insurance Commissioner, shall hereafter * be vested in the State Board of Insurance as a body, and except as provided herein, they shall be exercised, performed, carried out, and adminis- tered by the Commisslone~ of Insurance as the chfef executfve ad admir.iat:?ativeofficer of the Board in aceordanoe with the pertinent laws of this state awd the rules and regulations for uni- form application made by the Board and subject to eupervfsfon of the Roard. The duties of the State Board of Insurance shall be primarily in a super- visory eapacfty and the carrying out and admlnis- tering the details of the Insurance Code shall be prfmarfly the duty an& reapoasfbilfty of the Commissfoner of Insurar-nee acting under the super- vfsion of the E!oa~d.~ Subdfvfsion (bj of Article 1.05 of the Insurance Code is amen,dedby Senate Bill 222 provides as follows: '"(bjThe members of the Board shall receive compensation until August 1, 1958 at the rate of Fifteen Thousand Dollars (215,OOO.OO) per year and thereafter shall receive a per diem of Fifty Dol- lars ($50,09) per day for each claydevoted to their duties but the total amount of per diem for each Commissioner fn any year shall not exceed that amount set forth in the General Appropriation Bill. In addition to the per diem the members shall be entitled to thefr actual expenses but in no event more than allowed fn the General Appropriation Eill.'Y Honorable Penn J, Jackson, Page 3 (WW-494). On the very wording of subdivision (b) of Article 1.05 it was contemplated by the Leglslaturo that the compen- sation provided for therein would be provided In the General Appropriation Bill, and in passing the General Appropriation Bill the Legislature reaagnized the provisions of Senate Bill 222, since it appropriated money for the compensation of the Commissioner of Insurance, which position was ereated by the provisions of Senate Bill 222. Attorney Ganeral*s Opinion WW-166 (1957). Therefore, you are advised in answer to Question No. 1 that the compensation for the members of the Stat? Board of Insuranas may be paid by the Comptroller of Public Accounts out of moneys appropriated in Item 1 of the appro- priation above quoted, After August 31, 1958, the provisions of subdivi- sion (b) of Article 1.05, Texas Insuranoe Co,de,limits the amount of compensation that may be paid each member of the Board to $50.00 per day for each day devoted to their duties, not to exce@d the amount set out in the General Appropriation Bill. The General Appropriation 'Billsets this amount at $15,000 each for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1959. Therefore, the members of the State Board of Insurance are limited to a per diem of $50.00 per day, not to exceed 300 days during the fiscal year ending August 31, 1959. Sinae the provisions of Article
l.C5 supraspeeifieally pravfded for an annual salary for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1958, and a per diem thereafter, you are advised in answer to youp secmmd question that the members of the State Board of Insurance cannot be paid at the rate of 1/12th of the annual appropriation fop thcfr compensation, but are entitled to be paid their per diem provided in A~tfcle 1.05. In holding that the provisions of Article l,e5 limit the amount of compensation that may be paid the members of the State Boar,3of InaEranoe, we ape not unmindful of the pro- visions of Senate Bill 58, Acts of the 55th Legislature, 1957, Regular Session, Chapter 4, page 5, which suspends the salary laws for State officers and State employees for the period beginning September 1, 1957, and ending August 31, 1959. Senate Bill 58 was passed by the Legislature on February 13, 1957, while Senate Bill 222 was passed May 23, 1957. Senate Bill 222 being the later enactment of the Legislature. must control over the provisions of Senate Bill 58. Jesus de la 0,
227 S.W.2d 212(Tex. Grim. 1950); Broeter,
145 Tex. 142,
196 S.W.2d 82(1946); Town Terrell,
118 Tex. 463, 16 S,W.2d 1063 (1929); Stevenson'v. Honorable Penn J. Jackson, Page 4 (WW-494). State,
159 S.W. 505(Tex. Grim. 1913); Parshall v, State, m.W. 7.59 (Tex. Crlm. 1911). Article 4359, Vernon's Civil Statutes, provides in part: "It is hereby provided that a department, court, school, or other state agency may prepare and present payroll claims to the Comptroller prior to the end of the payroll period, which said payroll claims shall be verified by affidavit as to services theretofore actually performed within such payroll period prior to the date of such payroll claims; and such payroll claims need not be verified by affidavit as to any services to be performed during such payroll period subsequent to the date of such payroll claims. Such claims when so presented shall be prepared and approved as otherwise provided below. The Comptroller shall accept such payroll claim when presented and pre- pare warrants in payment thereof prior to date such claims become due and payable, and hold such war- rants for delivery until the claims become due and payable. Such warrants shall be dated as of the due date of the claim and shall not be delivered to the claimant until the end of the pay period. The Treasurer Is hereby authorized to countersign such warrants and to make such entry as to properly take them into account. In order that such war- rants may be ready for delivery at the end of the pay period the Comptroller Is authorized to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary for filing payroll claims in advance of the pay period, and for the preparation and writing of warrants in payment thereof to adequately and properly achieve such purpose." We know of no provision which would prohibit the members of the State Board of Insurance from being carried on the payroll of your Department. Therefore, the provisions of Article 4359 would authorize you to have prepared and pre- sent payroll claims of your Department to the Comptroller, inoluding the claim for the compensation of each member of the State Board of Insurance. The only additional fact that must be shown on the payroll is the number of days claimed by each member for the particular payroll period. As stated above, the only limitation in the amount of compensation is $50.00 a day, not to exceed 300 days for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1959. Honorable Penn J, Jackson, Page 5 ('N-494). Each member of the State Board of Insurance after August 31, 1958, may be paid $50.00 per day xxnperxation for each day &voted to h%a &ties not to exceed 300 days for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1959, and such wm~ensation may be paid out of the appr6priat,foncontained Jn Item 1 OP the appro;:r:a,tfcc? ,underthe heading "Beard 'CC Inzw~ame Commisslonere" in House Bill 133, Acztsof the 55th LegiCature, Regular Ses- 385, pase 870, at page You-c ver-ytrul,y, WILL WILSON Attorney aineral of Texas /$a- d7@+ 0’ BY John Reeves Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: WW-494
Judges: Will Wilson
Filed Date: 7/2/1958
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017